The pledge of my God

Chapter 6: 5 – Choices

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After the story was told, Bure recoiled.

-I haven't seen them since that night. The next day, with a clear mind, I reflected on what happened, I found my behavior very strange but I don't understand much about what happened...I only know that woman...beautiful woman...-

For a moment he stood motionless as if remembering something, then he shook his head violently.

-When I learned that one of the men on the hill had the same robe as that woman I assumed that they belonged to the same group or were somehow associated anyway. I want to avoid running into other situations that I do not understand. -

So saying he looked at Babylon waiting for his opinion.

-I have known you for a long time and know that you are not a reckless type, yet I did not understand why you rushed so forcefully against the rioters. At first I thought it was out of fear of the Marquis, but even then organizing three thousand soldiers is a huge effort. -

Babilon looked at his friend for a few moments, he understood Bure's fears, he was unsure of his actions, and he did not understand whether he had been tricked or his fears were ultimately realized.

-Bure, whatever the outcome tomorrow the revolt will be put down. Whether there is a trap or not the tactics you have adopted are well thought out so do not be afraid of your actions. Your officers have known you for a long time and if they thought the arrangements you made were wrong they would have made remarks to you about them. So do not worry, rather think of your son's baptismal celebration, tomorrow he will become a man and you can make him official as an heir. -

Babilon smiled and patted the big worried man in front of him on the back. Bure smiled back and, after a long sigh, began to giggle.

The two continued to talk and smile before retreating to their tents, Bure would review tactics for tomorrow while Babilon prepared the purple robe and harvest materials for the end of the battle.


In the camp to the east the situation was opposite, chaos was rampant among the leaders of the revolt, and tempers were in turmoil. Although the commanders were in turmoil, the insurgents, or rather the "liberators" as they identified themselves, were in jubilation.

After continuous victories and seeing their numbers growing larger and larger, they had hope that they would be able to win yet another battle. They knew that Count Cattern had brought all available soldiers to face them, but this did not frighten them.

In tomorrow's battle after victory the whole Kalis plain and the city of Cortoga itself would be freed from oppression, nearly two hundred thousand people would be enticed and persuaded to join their crusade, and they would soon spread to other regions.

The basis of their confidence? In addition to the tactics taught to them by their liberator's men, added to weapons and supplies, a small caravan with two elderly men had arrived that morning; they were black tower mages. The news was spread quickly, they were told not to get too excited to avoid suspecting enemy soldiers, but the frenzy that came from this event left everyone elated.

Magicians! They had the help of Magicians!

Magic was a rare and valuable tool in the kingdoms, very few people could sense it and even fewer were able to manipulate it.

Magic was the ability to harness the elements and manipulate them by intensifying their effects.

A fire mage could, with the help of special tools, intensify flames, could direct their path and thus create walls of fire as well as columns. Of course, he could not create fire out of thin air, so he carried the necessary materials to create fires, such as firebombs or small lighters and flashlights. But this does not detract from the fact that on the battlefield his actions could be overwhelming. Creating sudden walls of fire that split the enemy ranks or swirls of flame that were thrown toward them.

The very idea electrified allies and struck fear into enemies.

But wizards were not omnipotent. They were still human, so a well-aimed arrow or a sharp sword could injure or kill them, and the effort to manipulate magic was immense, and they could, at best, stay in the field for at most half an hour before collapsing.

But half an hour was enough time to wreak havoc in the enemy ranks, and if they calculated their time of operation well, victory would be certain tomorrow.

While excitement and frenzy were rampant in the camp, a cloak of anxiety and worry had descended in the tent where the commanders were discussing. Despite the victories and supplies, and especially despite the intervention of the two wizards, tomorrow's battle was very dangerous.

They had been organizing the confrontation for days and had planned their moves well, but unexpectedly Count Cattern showed up with all his might as if he wanted a final confrontation. It was too soon! They expected a few more weeks of small clashes with which they could wear down the nobles' forces and enlarge their ranks and then seek a safe confrontation in a better place.

But they were forced into this valley, the right place for the enemy cavalry. There were no ways to create ambushes and they had no reinforcements to wait for. Tomorrow would be all or nothing. They knew that at the end of the fight the loser would die, no grace could be expected on either side.

-He had been watching us all morning until just now from the hill. But he did not mention wanting to talk to us or even give us advice. -

The first to speak was an elderly gray-haired man. His thin, wispy body showed an advanced age, but he was actually only 40 years old. Domini was a former winemaker famous for his productions throughout Norsia, but due to a severe drought his vineyards dried up and in the summer heat most of the vines caught fire. He lost everything and unable to cope with the rampant debts sold every possession he had and to avoid the worst to his wife and daughter sold himself as a slave. He was bought by a Cortagano farmer and sent to work on the Kalis plain. For five years he plowed, sowed and reaped his master's land in the small village of Agata, north of Cortoga. The work in addition to draining his strength was taking everything away from him, and the more time passed, the more the sweat dripping down his body seemed to take away his life. It all ended six months ago.

At that time he as well as his fellow slaves were busy in the fields under the sun when suddenly in the distance a man reached the village. He was on horseback followed by 11 other men. All of them were wearing, despite the autumn day being very hot, black tunics and black hoods. Only the man at the front of the group stood out, not only for his bearing but also for a red and gold embroidery along his right arm.

Keeping their horses in a trot they passed the fields and the slaves working in them and then entered the village. Domini watched the figures for a few moments, then went back to work. Time passed, then suddenly someone from the village ran toward the fields calling to the workers.

-Hurry. Get moving. They have freed us! Run immediately to the village. -

So saying, the boy continued running through the fields calling loudly to all those who worked there.

Domini there and then stood still on the spot not understanding exactly what those words meant. Freedom? What freedom? Who had freed them? He looked around puzzled, expecting the nobleman's guards to arrive to force them to work again but time passed and no one came. After a few moments, Domini's first companions in slavery moved puzzled and went toward the center of the village. Domini stood still for a few moments but seeing that nothing was happening he abandoned his tools and set off as well.

Upon reaching the square a lake of blood awaited them. The soldiers of the nobleman he worked for had been killed and piled along the edges of the square, large and small patches of blood indicated the spots where they had been killed, and in the center of the square, surrounded by an astonished crowd, the 12 figures Domini had seen in the morning had their black tunics stained with blood.

In the center of them stood out one figure in particular, the one who had embroidery on his right arm. He was the only one whose body was not stained with blood perhaps because he had not participated in the clash.

Domini approached the center of the crowd and listened to the subtle voices of people recounting what had happened.

Apparently when those people arrived they were stopped by the guards to identify themselves, even before the guard finished speaking one of those people stabbed her throat killing her on the spot, the other shocked guards did not have time to react they were surrounded and killed. When the people's cries attracted the attention of the soldiers a massacre began. With high speed the men in robes quickly killed the soldiers without giving them time to prepare and react properly. All this while the man who seemed to be leading them remained stationary on the spot with bowed head. When silence fell and the last soldier was killed, the man looked up and in a strong, vigorous voice spoke.


After those words, as those hooded men lifted the bodies of the soldiers and moved them to the edge of the square, the man settled in the still center and waited.

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At first people were confused but after a few moments some younger boys began to run in all directions excitedly.

And there it was, the crowd from a few dozen grew to hundreds, men and women, old and young gathered in the square waiting to see what would happen to them. A mixture of fear and expectation mingled in their minds. Domini was among those people and like the others did not understand what was about to happen.

After a few minutes in which the hubbub of people began to grow the hooded man looked up at the crowd and slowly lowered his hood.

He had short black hair, a square face, and dull gray eyes. A long, thin scar ran from his right cheek along his jaw over his unkempt beard. He began to observe the people around him but those who met that gaze began to shiver. There was no life in those eyes, they were completely dull.

<That's the same look as a dead person. >

Domini shuddered when the man's gaze turned toward him, if before he was curious and anxious in his expectations, now he was afraid to find out what that person would say and do.


He paused and looked at the crowd, scanning the bewildered and worried faces. Then he continued to speak.


So saying, he sat crossing his legs in the center of the square on a chair that one of his men had brought him. As he, with eyes closed and head bowed, ignored the surrounding people, whispers and arguments began to arise among the people.

Initially the wailing was limited, but the moment the man's words were clear, but especially as soon as people understood the consequences of that day's actions, despair began to make everyone rant.

Some more belligerent people began to get pissed off and swear, accused him of condemning them and forcing them to death in both cases. One of them began to advance in the man's direction with a hoe in his hand shouting all his anguish and anger at him, he did not even take a few steps when the man looked up and met his eyes.

-Are you afraid of dying? Why? Do you have a decent life to defend? Does the life you are so afraid of losing belong to you? You are slaves, servants, people whose existence has no value to the people you serve. Do you think your lives have any weight for those people? How many of your friends and loved ones have died of hardship? How many of you think you will survive for a long time by continuing like this? -

As he spoke to the man he began to turn his gaze toward the crowd, and his words, though not shouted, in the silence that descended were well heard by all.

-Now you have for the first time in a long time the chance to choose for yourselves. You can stand still at the mercy of others and wait for a death that would have come anyway by their choice, or you can take up arms and regain your lives. Of course you will die, many of you will die. I do not promise you salvation, you are weak compared to those we will fight against, but I can promise you that eventually freedom will come for your families and children. I am not asking you to stand up and fight for yourselves, but for the future of the people you love. Decide, will you stand still and wait for a fate chosen by others or will you fight to give your children the chance to choose their own lives? -

When he stopped speaking, for a brief moment a faint blue-white light came alive in his eyes. It was such a quick flash that no one could catch, but after this event the people around him as in trans accepted his words as truth. Suddenly fears and worries lightened and feelings of revenge began to flourish in each of them.

Before long they all began to shout that they would follow the man and fight with him for their freedom. Like children led by the hand by an adult, the feelings of the people in the square were carried in the direction decided by the man.

Domini frowned, even though he sensed everyone's mood and wanted to get involved in it, he did not understand how this situation could happen so suddenly. He looked around disturbed until he noticed that someone was watching him. The man in the center of the square was peering at him, Domini froze with fear. He began to think about what might happen to him and tried to look away and blend into the crowd. He pushed people away making space for himself toward the outside of the circle of bodies, but when he had now come out a hand resting on his shoulder stopped him.

-My lord wants to speak to you. Follow me. -

Domini plunged into utter despair; would they kill him? Perhaps his behavior made the man suspicious and he wanted to eliminate him? He could not fail to obey him but perhaps if he pretended to be happy and ready to fight like everyone else they would let him go. Yes, pretending was the right answer, there was no alternative.

He was escorted to a dwelling near the square; there was no one in the house. The hooded man who had guided him let him in then turned and walked out. Domini began to break into a cold sweat, did not understand what was happening and did not know what he should do. Not even when he was sold as a slave did he have such great worries about his future.

Some time passed before he heard footsteps, the door opened, and that person with a dull look entered. After looking at him for a moment, the man walked toward the table and sat down in a chair. He stood still and watched Domini squirm in his misgivings, and before he could rattle off his thought-out and rethought farce, the man spoke.

-Apparently unlike everyone else out there you have a stronger soul. This is useful. I am going to give you one more chance than your comrades. If you want you can follow me and engage in something that is far greater than you can imagine, what you witnessed today is nothing more than a drop of water compared to the sea my master is emptying. If you want, I can show you reasons and dreams that a mere human being can neither imagine nor realize. Make up your mind, will you follow me? -

Domini listened to the man's words not understanding what he was talking about; Dreams? Reasons? What master? lord...I don't understand. I do not understand what you are talking about. I am a slave, a little man, I don't know how to fight, and my body is worn out now. I don't know how I can be useful to you. Perhaps you have sensed something...wrong? I don't want to offend you my lord, but I don't think I am someone worthy enough to follow you. -

<Yes, humility and submission, I don't want to die so I must try not to anger him>

The man drummed his fingers on the table looking at Domini.

-I know you don't understand what I'm talking about. You others cannot perceive the color of souls so you cannot know anything. -

So saying, he got up from his chair and began to walk around the table, approached the small window on the left side of the room and began to look out absorbedly.

After a few moments, as Domini thought perhaps he might leave since the man had lost interest in him, he saw him turn toward him, his eyes flashing in a blue-white light as he spoke.

-I drag the souls of men into a melancholy oblivion depriving them of all will to live. I am Accidia. -

Domini stood frozen like a statue, his head buzzed and his breathing became labored. He did not understand what was happening but the look that was hitting him now crushed him more and more, it was impossible to resist and soon a torpor he had never felt before was overwhelming him. Everything began to seem vain to him, his family, his wife and daughter, his companions and his own life. Everything became superficial and insulting. He felt detached from the world and his surroundings, he became almost a blank canvas again, the previously painted life had been completely erased. In his mind now only silence.

Accidia watched him change, the person's gaze lost its vitality and soon became gray and dull.

-Now you will work for me. You will be trained and become one of the hands with which we will accomplish my master's project. Congratulations, you are yet another pawn in the hands of Tristezza and will be able to help him in our great project. -

He turned to look out the window again lingering on the still buzzing crowd, then for the first time a slight smile furrowed his face.

-Destroying God's creation. -

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