The Pokemon System

Chapter 21: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


It was already night time when Adrian returned to the Daisy's Bar & as soon as he sat down, he ordered a mug of Wine for himself.

But when he tried drinking it, the burning flavor of the Wine shocked Adrian & he quickly spat out all that the drank.

[Fuck.. Is Wine here really this bad? Why were others so obsessed it at the Guild! And they said that it gets exported.. those fuckin liars!]

Adrian quickly paid for the Wine & walked away from the bar huffing in anger. He was feeling super pissed off & felt like killing someone.

Without much options, he decided to head back to the Inn. Upon entering the 2nd floor for his room, he encountered a weird scene.

Three men had cornered his maid Ella & were talking to her.

For now, Adrian decided to hear them before taking any action.

All three men were wearing expensive looking gear & had malicious looking faces.

The one talking to Ella had a mohawk style grey hair and was beardless.

[Hey girl. You look too lonely here all alone. Come with us. Our Captain wants a different woman tonight...]

He looked at Ella from every corner and spoke,

[You look very good! Hey, how about serving us a little bit before him, eh?]

Ella, however looked disgusted and tried to get away from these men, but it was to no avail.

[Let me go, please. I am a married woman! Find someone else!]

The man tried touching Ella's face, but it was swatted away by Ella.

This action angered the man severely and he clutched Ella's face as he spoke,

[Bitch, you better get your act together. I have decided. We would fuck you right here! Let's see how you can stop us...]

The other men immediately became excited and yelled,

[Yes, Yes. Get undressed quickly!]

[Girl, if you don't do as we say, then you will become a bloody corpse soon!]

Ella however had a determined expression on her face & she looked at their eyes fearlessly as she spoke,

[Then kill me. I would rather be dead than betray my heart and my husband!]

The men became furious and the one in lead started to pull her dress away, while the others held her hands & legs.

[HELP! Someone save me! MMmmmph!]

Her mouth was soon stuffed with some dirty cloth as the men started to become impatient.

Adrian knew he couldn't ignore the situation anymore & walked out of his place of hiding.

He stood near the one undressing Ella & kicked him fiercely in the gut.


The man curled up into a ball as he vomited all that he ate that night.

The two other men stood up and looked at Adrian cautiously.

[FUCK! Who the hell do you think you are?!]

[How dare you get in our way!]

Adrian meanwhile had an unreadable expression on his face. He was very agitated at this moment.

After having failed so many times in fulfilling his wishes, he was just looking to beat someone up.

As for saving Ella, it was just completely incomprehensible to him.

(...This world is too unsafe for women. Even ugly ones can be raped? Glad that I wasn't born a woman...)

He balled up his fists and moved towards the one leading them.

Adrian didn't look much impressive with his average physique & the men were just too riled up. They didn't consider him a threat at all.

The mohawk man tried to grab Adrian to hold him down, but he slipped on the vomit from earlier and stumbled straight towards the floor.

Before he fell, Adrian quickly used POUND and hit him behind his neck, when a horrific noise resounded.


The man became stunned and his head lay asymmetrically to his body. His body quivered as couldn't do anything else.

The other two men became horrified & quickly checked up on their companion. Looking at his broken neck, they knew that they needed help & quickly dragged him away while cursing,

[YOU IDIOT! You don't know who you messed with!]

[You better count your days! Soon you will know the true meaning of the word DEATH!]

Looking at them fleeing Adrian laughed to himself,

(...Such chessy villain lines, why don't you guys start your own Team Rocket instead?...)

But, when he looked down, he found an item along with a notification sign.

<You defeated the guard Kurtis. You receive 318 exp points.>

<You have levelled up. You have reached level 6. The user's stats have been raised accordingly.>

Picking up the item, he found a X SPEED. His mood became jubilant immediately, since he could use the item during battles.

Although the enhancement would be temporary, he would be able to display abilities beyond his level.

Finally reaching level 6 also made him happy. He had been waiting for it for so long.

When he glanced at Ella however, his mood came crashing down.

You are reading story The Pokemon System at

(...hah.. I guess protecting the underling's women also counts as duty of the boss... it still sucks though...)

He looked around, but found no one else on the floor & had to approach Ella himself.


Ella looked frightened & terrified. Never in her life had she been treated this way.

Her father had protected her from everything, but she was far away from her home & now, she realized how cruel the world can be.

She looked towards her Master Adrian.

(...although he looks aloof, but he is the one willing to protect me...)

Ella became ashamed of herself. She didn't really respect Adrian that much. She tagged along just to be with her husband Drone.

At this moment, however, the feeling of loyalty rose within her, as she quickly tidied her clothes & bowed towards Adrian,

[S-Sorry to disturb you, Master. Thank you for saving me..]

Even as she spoke, tears fell from her eyes as she recalled how horrific everything could have turned out.

Adrian became exasperated and just stood there while talking,

[Return back to your room, before anyone else attacks you too.]

Hearing that, Ella became terrified and quickly dashed towards her room as she stumbled along the way.

Adrian didn't help her though.

( hell I would touch that ugly mess. It's better that I didn't have to do much...)

Feeling happy with himself, he unlocked his room and soon drifted off to sleep.


That night, when the Session menu appeared, Adrian decided to train his Clefairy a bit, while trying to catch new Pokemon.

Soon the Session started & he returned back to the forest.

Adrian called out the Clefairy,

[Clefairy! Come out! It's time to work!]

Soon bright lights appeared in front of him & the Clefairy walked out towards him, as she bowed towards Adrian respectfully.

<Clefairy is here, Master.>

Adrian nodded to himself before saying,

[We are going to fight other Pokemon today! We don't have much time, so follow me quickly!]

Adrian tried to be attentive this time & moved around, before he discovered a Raticate nibbling on some nuts.

The countdown timer read <0:41>

Adrian quickly commanded the Clefairy,

[Clefairy, use POUND on that Raticate!]

The Clefairy, upon receiving the command, moved towards the Raticate & tried to execute her move.

But as soon as she came close to the Raticate, She became Paralyzed with it's intimidating glare.

The Raticate identified the two as enemies & quickly jumped towards the Clefairy.

The Clefairy was unable to move & Raticate used Hyper Fang move on her, which hurt her badly.

Bright lights soon enveloped her as she disappeared from the venue.

<The Pokemon has fainted. Would you like to summon the next Pokemon?>

Adrian became flabbergasted at how weak the Clefairy was. The timer read <0:22> and he had not much time to think, hence he summoned the Grimer,

[Grimer, Appear...]

The space surrounding Adrian distorted as the Grimer walked out. It turned it's attention towards the Raticate, preparing itself for the battle.

[Grimer, use DISABLE when it attacks, while I will use POUND on it while it is distracted.]

The Grimer dutifully nodded & moved towards the Raticate.

It's stench infuriated the Raticate as it tried to escape instead.

Adrian became startled, before he chased after the Raticate,

[Grimer! Capture it quickly!]

The Grimer tried to keep up, but the Raticate was too fast, as it disappeared from their scope of vision.

Soon the notification rang,

<Session time is over. Logging out user.>

Adrian's vision faded to black as he regretted not bringing out the Grimer earlier.

(...I must level up the Clefairy soon...)


Chapter 19 End




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