The Pokemon System

Chapter 31: Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


Zendra woke up a bit later than everyone else.

She was a heavy sleeper & couldn't wake up early in the morning.

After doing some light stretches, she went outside her tent & headed towards Adrian's tent.

She was very confused about him. Her feelings had become a complicated mess.

(...I wonder if he has some mental issues... Why would he not call his maid a beauty, but calls me one?...)

Zendra herself knew the reality. Her Mercenary group consisted of a very unique & complicated structure.

She was one of the most loyal members of the Camp Leader & had stayed with the leader for 8 years now. Many of her companions were just like her, downright ugly.

Her dark blonde hair, thin face, short height, symmetrical breasts, thin waist & curvy hips... all of them turned her into a very ugly woman.

The worst thing about being a ugly woman was that they would not even receive the favor of  similarly ugly men.

Those guys were too obsessed with beautiful girls & tried to ignore the reality.

This led to the forsaken girls to seek comfort among each other.

Not everyone was interested in similar gender & some decided to stay abstain than doing it, but Zendra already had 3 wives.

Zendra was very satisfied with them & loved them dearly, however, when she found out that Adrian actually felt some desire for her, her conviction started to fall apart.

She steeled her heart & tried to ignore him. But her curious self couldn't help but seek him out & know more about him.

As soon as Zendra reached Adrian's tent, she tried to peek inside.

She only found the little girl sleeping alone. Adrian was nowhere to be found.

Zendra became disappointed immediately & her mood turned edgy.

She then went over to Drone, who happened to have finished the chores & was having a chat with Ella.

As soon as Zendra saw Ella, her grumpy mood turned worse. She had met a lot of beautiful women, but not one as beautiful as her.

God had given Ella everything that she herself could never have & this drove the jealousy in her heart to the max.

For her, girls like Ella were the prime reason of all of their sufferings, & they hated them with fervor.

She tried to ignore the maid Ella & spoke to Drone instead.

[Did you guys have a good rest? We need to leave early today.]

Drone looked up at the masked lady & nodded silently. He then stood up while carrying Adrina's breakfast & searched around for him.

However, he couldn't find him nearby.

Drone became panicked & tried to call him by screaming,

[Young Master! Where are you?!]

Drone searched every nook and cranny & finally found Adrian sleeping in an area a bit further.

He was stunned on discovering him like this & quickly checked him for any serious injuries.

Upon finding no such thing, he carried the unconscious Adrian & put him on his bed.

As he walked out, Drone smiled to himself in satisfaction. He had seen the corpses of the goblins in that place & knew that Adrian was working hard & would surely becoming stronger.


Zendra felt relieved and her heartache settled down a bit after checking up on Adrian.

Her heart felt a tinge of pain, when she saw Adrian being carried like that.

(...what is wrong with me? I am no innocent virgin girl.. I already have 3 wives! Then why am I becoming so moody for him?...)

Zendra became occupied within her own thoughts, as she returned to her tent & started to pack up her belongings.


When Rose opened her eyes again, she found her Big Brother Adrian sleeping peacefully beside her.

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A big smile blossomed on her little face, as she stuck her head on his chest and tried to stick as close as possible.

[Big Brother... hehehehe, you smell funny!~ Smelly Brother~ hehehe...]

Rose was lost within her own mumblings as she tried to nestle even closer to him.

Being near him reminded her of being with her brother Leaf.

This sense of fulfillment & satisfaction was irreplaceable to her.

She looked up at his sleeping face, as her eyes tuned to have a dreamy look.

She approached closer to his face & pecked his cheeks, before shyly going back to his chest area.

[Hehehe.. I wuv you, Big Brother..]

She didn't knew when she felt asleep in his arms.


By the afternoon, everyone packed up & quickly left the area.

Zendra even felt jealous, when she looked at how well Adrian was treating Rose.

The little girl kept giggling & talking with him. Sometimes, she even blushed & hid behind his back.

These actions angered her further as she felt as if she was being wronged.

She didn't even feel anything, when her ex-wife asked to marry someone else. She had too easily agreed & was even mocked by others for how shallow her affection was.

It was not wrong to say, that Zendra was undergoing her hormonal issues too, as she kept fuming and panting.

Her breathing was erratic & her eyes kept turning towards Adrian from time to time.

Whenever she saw his smiling face, her mind started to become fuzzy & a certain region became messily wet.

Zendra tried to be attentive to their path. They were only a little distance away from their Main Camp.


Soon, a small encirclement of wooden barricades appeared. There were only 3 gates for this camp.

Other than the secret escape gate, & troops deployment gate, this gate was the only one for common members.

The other two gates required the Camp Leader's permission.

A number of guards stood at the gate, as they warily looked at Adrian & the others.

Zendra went forward & explained the situation to them, after which they were allowed entry into the Camp.

Adrian looked at the guards & sighed in relief.

(...thank god. These seem like common people. I was afraid we were dealing with a bunch of rebels instead...)

The Mercenary Camp was recognized by the kingdom, among many other such camps & had few autonomous powers for it's area.

In return, they could be asked to help in the times of kingdom's emergencies.

As they went further inside, Adrian felt like they had reached some village instead.

All kinds of shops & houses were visible. There were even some elderly people walking  & some children playing among themselves.

(...they seem to be economically well off. What kind of missions do these mercenaries take that they are provided such concessions? After all, there is no free lunch anywhere...)

Adrian wondered about such things as they kept moving towards the Northern area of the Camp.

The Southern area seemed to comprise of common people only.


Chapter 29 End


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