The Pokemon System

Chapter 33: Chapter 31

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A/N: early chapter today guys......


Chapter 31


Adrian was lost in his thoughts, until little Rose pinched his neck.

As he noticed the Camp Leader looking his way, Adrian tried to be on his best behavior & addressed her.

[Nice to meet you, Camp Leader.]

[I am called Adrian. For now, I am the leader of my little group.]

[Besides me, my guard Drone & maid Ella are also part of my group.]

The woman sat in her chair, looking very comfortable.

She seemed to be pondering upon something, after which she spoke,

[My name is Emmaneula. I am generally addressed as the Camp Leader by the Camp members. My close friends call me Emma too.]

[What I want to know is.. why does your group have a child in it?]

Adrian suddenly realized something.

(...Is Rose a part of my group? NO! She is my family! But.. how can I bring her along in bloody battles?... Leaf already died due to my stupidity. I cannot let Rose be endangered! Neither by my enemies, nor by my allies. But, what if something happened to her behind my back?.. No! She must stay beside me! No matter what...)

This trail of thought calmed Adrian down & he composed himself, before he spoke,

[She is my little sister. She will stay by my side... forever.]

Rose smiled to herself behind Adrian's back & snuggled into his back even more.

She glanced at the woman & smirked as she thought,

(...hahahaha, see that you VIXEN! My brother likes only me! Make someone else your brother, you brother stealer!!...)

Emmaneula wasn't much fazed by his answer. She was desperate for fresh blood & these guys arrived right on time.

However, to prevent them from becoming too confident, she decided to test their strength instead.

She threw her hair behind & looked at Adrian as she spoke,

[I can accept you guys, but even recruits need to have enough strength. Our Camp would soon be involved in a conflict. I need people that can fight. Do you accept?]

Adrian turned to look at Drone for his suggestion & found him nodding heavily.

He turned to look straight at Emmaneula's eyes as he spoke,

[Alright. We accept your terms. However, Ella cannot fight. She is a pharmacist. I hope you don't mind her staying with us. Otherwise... we could just leave.]

Adrian spoke the last part with a heavy heart. He wanted to bang this wild & tough woman, but he couldn't put his own interests ahead of everything. He had to be responsible for his own followers.

Ella looked at Adrian & thanked him inside her heart. She was afraid of being abandoned & to suffer alone again.

Meanwhile, Zendra was getting nervous. She wanted Adrian to join the Camp at all costs.

Emmaneula smirked as she turned to a kicking sack & spoke,

[You see that sack over there? I want you both to hit it as hard as you can. That would let me appraise you guys.]

Drone stared at the sack for a moment before he walked forward and stood in front of it.

He pulled his punch back and swiftly attacked it with his full power.

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The sack flew some distance away and struck at the walls, before collapsing on the floor.

Emmaneula stood up, as she stared in the direction of the fallen sack, while also turning to observe Drone.

The sack weighed a full 250 Kilograms. It was crazy for it to fly like that! Humans couldn't use Magic anymore, hence such strength was absolutely a trump card in the battlefield.

Emmaneula nodded at Drone approvingly, while Ella stared at Drone in a daze. Her eyes turning into heart shapes.

Her mind was filled with awe towards her husband's strength & her admiration towards him intensified.

Adrian became nervous. He didn't want to look like an ass in front of the Camp Leader. But, he couldn't back down now.

He let Rose down for a while and patted her head, as he tried to reassure her.

Little Rose looked at Adrian's back & pouted as if she was being wronged. She had already designated his back as her place & hated being away from him.

Adrian went forward and stood in front of another similar sack & gulped in nervousness. This one was much smaller in size though.

Cold sweat drenched his back as he tried to ball his fist.

After contemplating for a moment, he too pulled his punch back & invoked his move.



The sack didn't move much further, but it had a fist sized hole throughout it, from one end to the other. Dust flew out from it's insides & the room became dusty very quickly.

Emmaneula mouth opened up, as it formed a big O.

She had never seen something like this!

(...What kind of explosive strength did his frail arms contain to be able to do that?...)

She could attribute Drone's results to his unique physique, but Adrian's strength was completely illogical!

She imagined this pair of fighters to create havoc on her enemies, as the element of surprise was worth a lot.

Zendra looked on as her inner garments had been flooded already. If she stayed there for any while longer, a puddle would start to form near her feet.

Her eyes looking at Adrian were now full of desire & lust. Her reasoning had been blown away & the thoughts of conquering this man ravaged her mind.

Emmaneula tried to calm down her excitement and turned to look outside the window as she spoke,

[Good. You guys can stay. Zendra, open up the empty rooms beside yours. Take care of them for now. You would be their Acting In charge.]

[Yes Leader!]

Zendra saluted excitedly & moved towards the door.

Adrian & his group followed behind Zendra.

Adrian looked back at the wild woman as he wondered when he could meet her again.


Chapter 31 End



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