The Pokemon System

Chapter 36: Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


Zendra led the group around some more and introduced some important areas for them to remember.

After visiting the Kitchen. the Training grounds, the Guest Houses as well as the Bathing area, she then led them towards her room.

Zendra opened up the two rooms beside her and spoke to Adrian,

[These two rooms have been vacant for a while now. You guys can take these & rest for now. They have been cleaned thoroughly recently, so there should not be much problems.]

Her eyes staring at Adrian turned to one of resignation, as she had to greet her wives waiting inside her room.

She instead wanted to take Adrian inside one of the rooms & to make love with him from day to night.

Sighing to herself, she shook her head and knocked on her room's door.

After a while, the door opened up and a slender looking woman appeared.

She looked at Zendra with joy in heart, but as soon as her eyes turned towards the others, her face fell instantly.

She started angrily glaring at Ella & tried to pull Zendra into the room quickly.

(...Hanging around a woman so beautiful.. and here we were comforting ourselves like that.. you must pay for this Zendra!...)


The door was shut on their faces as Drone looked at it as he gradually became puzzled. He couldn't fathom as to why Zendra's wife looked so pissed.

He turned to face Adrian and spoke,

[Young Master, you and little miss must be tired. Rest for now. When it is time for dinner, I will bring it to your room.]

Adrian sighed to himself as he nodded wordlessly. He carried little Rose inside the room & shut it behind himself.

After placing the sleepy Rose on the XL size bed, Adrian decided to take inventory of his items.

He found 1 THUNDERSTONE, 1 SUPER REPEL, 1 X SPEED & 1 POKEDOLL, besides the previous 1 X SPEED, 1 POTION & 2 ANTIDOTE.

(...Grimer must have collected these back then...)

He had a lot of gold coins alongside them, many of which had been securely hidden by Adrian beside Drone.

He knew that his henchmen would surely protect his wealth well.

Adrian pondered on his situation while sitting on the bed,

[I am already level 6. My level growth rate had slowed down considerably. Even if my body is 3 times stronger than an average human, but among warriors, it is just passable.]

[My only strong move is POUND. I must catch new Pokemon, otherwise I would just linger in mediocrity...]

It was at this moment, Adrian's ears caught notice of some weird sound.


Back inside her place, Zendra took off her outer garments, as she prepared to rest a little bit.

The only problem being, her wife happened to be pouting, as she kept on making an angry face & waited for her beside their bed.

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Her other two wives were on their own duties & would only return by the night time.

Zendra's wife, Aymara wore an extremely thin negligee, intending to tempt her wife Zendra into committing many sinful acts.

Her face, however was being overshadowed by her lack of self confidence.

Aymara saw the super beauty standing next to Zendra. She was ashamed of her own self since she had been born ugly.

Even her other two sisters, Chaya & Delma were similar looking to her. Even if they married Zendra, they all knew that Zendra was a thrill junkie, and would sooner than later commit adultery.

Her suspicions were confirmed, when she saw how drenched Zendra's panties were just now.

She felt like crying, since her one true love was being stolen by someone else.

(...NO! I must take the chance while I can! I must remind Zendra that only I can satisfy her!...)

Aymara stood up and dropped her negligee down, becoming completely naked.

Zendra was still lost in her own thoughts and was drinking water, trying to calm her lust down.

Aymara, however, saw the look of longing on Zendra's face, and her anger skyrocketed.

Without giving Aymara a chance, she grabbed the water pouch & threw it behind her.

Zendra looked at Aymara as she became puzzled.

(...what's wrong? She never looked so angry before?...)

Aymara quickly stood in front of Zendra & tilted her head, as she grabbed Zendra's cheeks & kissed her on the lips!

Zendra became shocked! Aymara had never been so aggressive before & she became stunned for a while.

She could sense Aymara's tongue invading her mouth, as she licked her gums & teeth, trying to entangle her tongue with Zendra's.

The fire of lust that had been simmering for a while, now exploded inside Zendra!

She quickly grabbed Aymara's waist and hugged her close, while her tongue battled Aymara's intensely.

Zendra's left hand grabbed Aymara's breast, as she took in Aymara's attractive body fragrance.

Aymara was gradually becoming very infatuated. She rubbed her thighs along Zendra's, stimulating her weak spots.

Aymara could feel her nether regions becoming wet quickly.

Zendra leaned her mouth away, as she kissed Aymara's neck while saying,

[I love how soft your body is. I really wanted this tonight, but since you are being so impatient... let me give you a nice memory!]


Chapter 32 End



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