The Pokemon System

Chapter 45: Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


Leaf tried to approach Mariana with a smile on his face, but his terrified self couldn't pull that out perfectly and his face turned into a very comedic one.

Mariana however, was in no mood to entertain any jokes. She just kept on staring at Leaf, as he fidgeted nervously under her gaze.

Mustering the little courage he was left with, Leaf cleared his throat as he spoke,

[U-Ummm, the w-weather is pretty nice today, i-isn't it?]

Leaf looked on nervously as the fox spirit didn't reply at all. Though Leaf could sense the maniac look drifting in her eyes.

Finally, Leaf couldn't take it anymore as he broke down in tears and bowed down towards Mariana as he spoke,

[Goddess! Please show mercy. I-I cannot bear your mood any longer. P-Please, calm down..]

Leaf knew better than to expect any reply, as he continued to speak,

[I-I know.. you are being troubled by something, right? Let's discuss it together! After all... t-two minds are better than... than one, r-right?]

Leaf kept his head down as he couldn't bear her gaze at all. He could feel Mariana staring daggers at him.

Finally, as if the first dew after a drought, the words fell on his ears,

[My darling... he...he was being... sampled already..]

Quickly catching the clue, Leaf tried to match the points & deciphered that the reason for his torment was none other than the man sleeping peacefully in front of him.

Leaf swore that if he was still alive, he would have suggested Adrian to get treated by a Priest. The evil spirit possessing him was just too damn scary!

Trying to escape the predicament, Leaf replied,

[Ummm, that.. was he with some...w-women?..]

Instantly, the temperature of the room fell below several degrees. Even being a spirit, Leaf felt a chill down his spine.

Knowing his impending doom, Leaf quickly tried to diffuse the situation,

[I-If it's about that, c-couldn't... you have.. stopped them?]

After some time of silence, Mariana replied,

[I can only use my powers at night... I am weakest in the afternoon... That was when.. they...]

No further words came out of Mariana, as she turned back to gaze at Adrian.

Leaf sweated bullets. He now knew what had transpired, and it wasn't good news at all.

(... the wife caught her husband cheating, huh? Then, what could we do in this situation? Her powers won't work in the day time. So...)

Leaf did his best in trying to cook up something, when he realized a very basic fact.

He opened his mouth, as he tried to proceed further in diffusing this explosive.

[Ahh, I r-remember that you can possess others right? What if you possessed that women? Would your dream of being one with him.. come t-true?]

At that moment, the droopy ears became erect instantly. Leaf looked on as they twitched from time to time & soon her tail started to wave a little as well.

Leaf could hear her mumbling something under her breath, after which Mariana disappeared from Adrian's side and the threatening atmosphere ceded immediately.

Leaf sat down, as he sighed in relief. Now his sister should be safe. Though, the same couldn't be said about Adrian's future at all.

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Leaf clasped his hands in front of Adrian as he spoke,

[I am really sorry!! I had to save my skin.. I couldn't live like that. Please, forgive me!]

Leaf kept backing away as he spoke. He was too ashamed to be able to face the man whose life might be wrecked due to him.

Adrian slept peacefully, unknowing of the storm that was coming his way.


Later that morning, Adrian woke up as he felt the sun rays hitting his face.

As he felt around, he found little Rose to be missing. Adrian felt very puzzled as it was the first time such a thing had happened.

(... she should be okay, right?... I mean, she is smarter than other kids her age...)

(...but, what if something bad happened?! NO! I must search for her!...)

(...but, I kind of wanted to pay the doctor another visit too... OH! FUCK IT! Rose is more important than that!...sorry junior, today won't be all fun & games for you...)

Adrian dealt with his inner thoughts, as he quickly jumped out of his bed & started to dress up.

Drone & Ella were helping out with the Camp, and as such didn't attend Adrian all day anymore.

(...that stupid couple... I'll surely punish them after this...)

Adrian mumbled to himself, before he darted out of his room, trying to search for his missing sibling.

[ROSE! Where are you?! Eh... ah, sorry... my bad.. y-you guys, keep going..]

He did unknowingly disturb many couples in the morning though.


At the same time, Rose was tempering her spirits, as she had escaped out of the Camp & was practicing feint attacks on the surrounding beasts.

The beasts looked like a crossover breed between a wolf and a bull as they glared menacingly over Rose, while desperately trying to injure her.

Their attempts, however, were being foiled by Rose evading their attacks using TELEPORT continuously as she sneak attacked them from time to time.

Looking at such a small child fighting with such intimidating beasts, seemed like a punishment to anyone watching. But, to Rose it was all very much entertaining.

[AHAHAHAHA!! Here! Pokey in the eyes! What now Bad Wolfy?! Come! Come! Fight me!]

Rose kept on taunting the beasts, as they kept their meaningless war waging.

Meanwhile, the duo of Abra and Poliwag were chilling out while sitting atop a tree branch nearby.

<See that. I told you that our Master is a battle freak! It's a pity that she doesn't know anything about us Pokemon, but it's not a big deal. After all. she has me! The Great Abra by her side! And now, with your muscle and my brains, our team would rise to the top of the world!! Wuhahahah!!>

Poliwag stared at Abra dumbfounded, as it nodded in silence and turned it's attention back to it's Master.

It's little tail wagged from left to right, as it's fighting intent soared within.


Chapter 41 End

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