The Pokemon System

Chapter 50: Chapter 46

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A/N: Thanks for being with me this far everyone! Your continued support is the highpoint of my little life.


Chapter 46


Within the Camp Hospital, the patients queue had become so long that it could be seen from even a distance away.

A girl who had hurt her ankle during her plays earlier came to join the queue, before she became too frustrated because of the unmoving queue.

She decided to ask the old lady standing ahead her about it,

[Umm, grandma? Why is everyone standing like this? How will we see the doctor, if nobody moves ahead?]

The old woman turned around and glanced at the girl behind her, before she smirked & rustled the girl's hair, before she spoke,

[Don't fret. It happens sometimes. Believe in the doctor. She will never abandon us.]

The girl became puzzled. She couldn't hold it within herself, and she ended up asking,

[But, what if she didn't come? Would someone else treat us?]

The old woman seemed unfazed as she replied,

[Don't worry. The doctor is very strict & punctual. She takes her duties very seriously. She will be here. Just wait here patiently.]


At the Doctor's residence, the usually quiet household was being very noisy today.

Sadly, it was not because of some happy occasion.

[Luisa! Open the door! You know we couldn't help it! We can't go against the Duke! Luisa?!]

Elvisa tried her best to get the door to her sister's room opened up, but at the end she had to back off in defeat.

She punched the door lightly once, before she spoke,

[Why do you torment yourself like that? H-He.. might be gone by now... You must..]

Elvisa couldn't ask her little sister to forget that man.

Since even she herself couldn't accept this circumstance.

It came like a shock to her when she received the news of the event.

Albeit, it was all too late.

The Duke had already overtaken the Camp. The Camp Leader & her trusted aides were missing.

The Lusty Prince had already become unbridled, as he picked up his targets off the streets in the daylight.

It was absolute mayhem & chaos in the Camp at that moment.

Elvisa wanted to hide away along with her sister too, but she had to be there for the common people.

She could not abandon her duties, even if it ultimately meant her death.

But, she couldn't let her sister suffer in such agony alone.

She never knew since when, but Luisa had become obsessed with that man. A bit too much.

When she returned to her residence, Luisa begged Elvisa to rescue Adrian. She tried all tricks & tactics to convince her sister.

But, she failed to do so.

Unable to help Adrian, Luisa locked herself up in her room. It had already been 10 hours since them, but Luisa even refused to communicate now.

Elvisa feared that her sister had probably fallen unconscious by now. She wanted to break the door down, but the staff from the hospital kept on pestering her.

[*Sigh* Luisa, please.. eat something, alright? And.. take care.]

Elvisa quickly dressed up and left for the hospital. She couldn't forsake those who relied on her after all.

A Doctor's duty is forever.


Adrian didn't wake up that day.

He lay there in his cell, unmoving. His body was still chained to the walls.

There were rats fighting to eat scraps out of his body.

He was not dead yet.

Though, it wasn't far before he would be.

His body had lost it's color, as it became unhealthily pale.

The body temperature was so low, that he would soon become as cold as the floor itself.

The signs of life seemed to be vanishing from his body.

It was only when it became midnight when,

<Initiating the User Transmission>

<User Transmission Failed>

<Catastrophic Damage Detected>

<Contacting Overseer>

<Unable to Establish Connection>

<Contacting Overseer Again>

<Unable to Establish Connection>

<Alert> <External Disturbance Detected>

<Attack on the System Core Detected>

<Unable to Prevent the Disturbance>

<External Entity Overtaking The System>





<New System Patch Successfully Added~>

<System New Upgrade Installed!>

You are reading story The Pokemon System at

<System Rebooting~>

<Reboot Successful!>

<Initiating User Transmission~>

<Transmission Initiating~>


Adrian felt like his body was on fire.

It was hot all over him & he could not seem to be able to stop it.

[Water... I need.. thirsty..]

Unfortunately, there was no source of water around him.

With each passing moment, Adrian could feel his body becoming much better though, as soon the insatiable thirst got quenched.

He opened his eyes as he struggled to get up.

[Where is this?]

Adrian found himself somewhere in the mountains.

He sat up as he wondered in confusion,

( the fuck did I get here?... where is this place?...)

As he stood up, Adrian tried to look around the place, trying to find some more clues.

[What kind of... shit! W-what's this?!]

He did find something.

To be exact, he found a nest.

An oversized nest to be accurate.

The nest was so huge, that it covered most areas of the mountain top.

Another detail noted by Adrian was that, the mountain seemed to be surrounded by thunderclouds from all directions.

From time to time, lightening discharge seemed to fall from the clouds, disappearing somewhere down.

[Holy Shit! These won't fall down on me, right? I am no cultivator! Why do I have to undergo heavenly tribulation?!]

As Adrian looked down the mountain, all the courage within him disappeared, as he returned back to his original position.

[S-so deep... It's impossible to climb down at all..]

He wondered how he even reached a place like that.

[Is this the system space? Nonsense! It was a forest! Not this mountain crapshit of a place?!]

At that time,

A cry pierced through the skies.


Suddenly, the clouds surrounding the mountain started to exude thunder mercilessly.

It was as if the clouds had suddenly become too overloaded with charge.

The skies darkened, as the loud sounds of thunder threatened to burst Adrian's eardrums.


Adrian shivered in fright, as this didn't seem to match any of his estimates.

[This is too weird for a system space! It shouldn't be this disastrous! Why do I feel that I can die for real here?!!]

It was not long before, a figure flew across the horizon.

It flew straight towards the mountain & rushed with extreme speed.


Very soon, the figure reached so near the mountain that Adrian could now begin to recognize that figure.

The yellow & black colored figure, which he could even recognize in his dreams.

It belonged to a tyrant from his memories.

Someone who forever refused to be tamed.

Someone who forever refused to behave.

Someone who forever chose to torment.

The one true badass, who even dared to fight other legendries by itself.

The Prideful. The Arrogant. The Dominating.

It was the legendary Pokemon.

It was Zapdos.



The Zapdos flew around the mountain, as it didn't directly land onto it.

The lightening strikes hitting it seemed to be benefitting it, as it cried out in pleasure.


It itself started to discharge lightening, as it covered around it's body and moved in unpredictable patterns.

Adrian could only pray that the Zapdos came with good intentions.

Otherwise, there is no saying what it could do next.

[Oh fuck! My luck today is as bad as horseshit! Who's face did I see when I woke up?! I almost died earlier & now have to die like this?!]


Chapter 46 END

A/N: Patreon~ Patreon~ Support me on PATREON!!

Please *wink* Please Please *wink* *wink*


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