The Pokemon System

Chapter 52: Chapter 48

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A/N: The first chapter of my PATREON EXCLUSIVE series is available now on my Patreon Channel~


Chapter 48


While the business was picking up for Adrian, Drone & co. ran through the forest route, as Drone led them on a different path.

Aymara was growing terrified by the minute, because of the monsters she had seen so far.

Unlike her other friends, she was not that great at fighting and was horrified by the amount of dangerous monsters that resided here.

(...I have never heard of such a place before...these monsters...none of them are below C Rank...)

She looked at Drone leading them through such a dangerous place & her admiration for him grew slightly,

(...he is a very capable be able to content against such terrible monsters...)

Of course, the one most proud of Drone's strength was none other than his wife Ella herself.

She even wanted to gloat about it, but couldn't due to the somber mood of the party.

Drone in particular, was being very antsy and was often overdoing it when it came to fighting the monsters.

They hadn't even slept yet at all, as they had to continue running around.

Drone scanned the surroundings for any hiding monster, before he judged the area to be safe.

[Ahh...where am I?.. big brother?...]

Drone became stunned upon hearing this. He turned around as he found little Rose rubbing her sleepy eyes, as she looked around for Adrian.

[Where is big brother?! Why are we here?!]

Ella tried to calm Rose down, but was met with neglect, as the little child looked at Drone for answers.

Drone could hear the distraught voice of Rose as he knew of how both Adrian & Rose cherished each other.

He walked towards her as he spoke to her,

[Little Master, we have been ordered by Young Master to take you to safety & to bring back help as soon as possible.]

Rose became quiet all of a sudden, as she lowered her head & clenched her little fists.

Drone couldn't tell what she was thinking, as she mumbled to herself quietly.

Drone knew that the time was running out, so he let the matter go and started to proceed further towards his destination.


Duke Evans laid on his bed comfortably. He had finally achieved what he had been planning for all those years.

[Hahaha! The look on that runt Emma's face was so hilarious! That bastard child! Thinking that she's the one running things.]

[Hah! The entire control had been in my hands all along, you stupid child of a slut. I just waited to find a good enough reason to justify my takeover.]

[After all, she is the one who brought in rebels and planned a rebellion against the throne! She planned on using the Camp for her own personal agenda.. phhh, even I can't convince myself with this bullshit. Wonder how idiotic those stupid commoners are to believe such a blatant lie...]

The Duke was too overjoyed by his sudden growth of power. He had laid the foundation for this many years ago, as he manipulated everyone behind the scenes.

And finally, nobody could stand on the same level as him. His dream finally came true after so many years.

While the Duke was gloating, a subordinate quickly rushed towards the Duke, as he saluted and relayed his information,

[Long Live the Duke! Sire, the rebels have not gone too far, but they may be heading towards the third village.]

The Duke scratched his beard as he  pondered for a while, before he spoke,

[Hmm.. they may hinder my path afterwards... Alright, send the Black Battalion after them. I want no words of this event leaking outside though, understood?]

The subordinate saluted the Duke quietly and ran back to relay the orders.

The Duke relaxed back on his bed, as he imagined how the future would play out for him.


Arachne had been waiting patiently for a very long time.

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Although she did prey upon a few beasts from time to time, but she couldn't hunt a human anymore, as she often found herself letting the humans get away.

And the reason for this, well it couldn't understand that itself either.

It just roamed around the forest, hoping to encounter the same human again.

When it became too lonely at nights, it would often touch it's own breasts and try to move it's hands just like that human once did.

But, in the end, it only resulted in her dissatisfaction.

The Arachne fought and fought until it finally became so strong that her past self paled in comparison.

It hoped to see the human again someday.

It didn't want to give up however, since now it's life had a meaning.

A reason to live.

It often fantasized about meeting the same human again while sleeping. Needless to say, those fantasies were becoming more wilder with time.

One such day, suddenly it sensed some disturbance again in the forest.

Deciding to go to check it, it moved away from it's lair, before a human came to her attention.

She recognized this human.

Yes, this was the same human that had injured her all those weeks ago.

Rage started to build up inside her, as she prepared her claws to behead the human in one go.

It was at that moment, a familiar smell drifted out from one of the human along side her target.

Arachne immediately rushed forward and secured the human with the familiar scent & held the human within her arms.

The Arachne quickly bound the other humans with her web strings, as they struggled to get out of it.

They screamed & cursed at it, but Arachne was too busy with something else to bother with those weak humans.

It however was disappointed to realize that it was not the same human.

The smell however intrigued her curiosity, as it kept sniffing the human.

Unable to hold back it's curiosity, it spoke,

[Smell.. familiar... where..come from..human?...]

The little human stared at the monster fearlessly, as it presented her a cloth.

Arachne immediately recognized the strong smell from the cloth and kept sniffing it.

It even decided to keep the cloth with itself forever, as it stared at the little human with intrigue,

[You human... cloth.. where find?..]

The little human seemed intelligent & quickly spoke to it,

[It's my big brother's! He is in danger! We need to help him, otherwise he will die!!]

Although the Arachne was not very intelligent, but it could understand the content of the dialogue very well.

Her favorite human was in trouble.

The desire of wanting to protect him soon overtake all other thoughts.

It grabbed the little human along, as the Arachne followed the trail of smell left by these humans.

It ran at insane speed, as the other monsters quickly scurried away upon sensing her aura.

No beast wanted to mess with this A-Rank monster after all.


Chapter 48 End



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