The Pokemon System

Chapter 69: Chapter 65

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Chapter 65


The soldiers of the combined Army marched on, as they pushed the heavy siege weapons ahead of them.

[Ohhhhh! I can feel it! I'm gonna be rich!]

[Hah! I'd rather enjoy the men there while I'm at it.]

They were preparing to end the game early on, as they were soon about to be positioned for victory.

[Just a little more!]

[Victory will be ours!]

[Easy Victory!]

That was when the overexcited soldiers looked above at the rumbling clouds, as amongst the dark clouds overhead, the thunderclouds started to become even more chaotic, as a loud cry soon rang throughout the place.


[Eh? W-what was that?!]

[Something's pubes are acting up..]

As soon as the loud cry ended, many streaks of lightening started to descend upon the soldiers, as they began to be electrocuted and burned to their deaths.



[Save me.. I..]

As the thunder strikes fell rapidly, the lives amongst the ranks of the soldiers started to be harvested at an alarming pace.

[What did we do to deserve this?!]

[Look! It's coming this way!]


That was when, a stray lightening bolt fell near the Prince's Camp.

The Prince instantly ran out of his tent and quickly hugged his father's knees as his eyes danced around the destruction unseen by him before.

[F-Father?! A-Are we going to die here?!]

The Duke became instantly nervous, as he wondered what kind of sudden climatic disaster was this.

(...this is too violent to be a thunderstorm!...I was a fool to agree to this Martin's foolish plans!...)

The City Lord's son however, was not much affected, as he commanded his men to keep moving despite the thunder strikes and to kill and ravish everything inside the Camp.

[Come ON! The rewards are right in front of you! I didn't feed you guys to act like this. Act more maturely and fight!]


And at that point, the lightening strikes started to become more focused and planned, as the siege weapons started to be struck down by them, as they burned down to cinders.

[Ahh! The weapons! T-They are unusable anymore!]

[I don't wanna die here!]

The soldiers surrounding these weapons got caught in the inferno, as their bodies burned alongside them.

[S-Save MEEEE!!]

[I'm burning! Water!]

It was the first time that the soldiers were facing such a terrible situation, as they had not even began to fight and the casualties were piling up.

No one knew when these would stop and the hunger and morale within the soldiers fell instantly.

[Looks like some kind of curse to me..]

[Then run already, you BITCH!]

Soon, some soldiers retreated and broke away from their formations, as they started to run back instead.

[These assholes! How dare they?! Hear my commands! Execute the deserters without exception!!]

Instantly, the City Lord's commands were relayed, as the subordinates started to kill the deserters.

The commotion, however, became even more terrible, as the soldiers began their own infighting and the formations fell into chaos.

[Heh! It's better to die by a blade than being burned alive!]

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[Hey, attack their legs. We can get away like that!]


The guards on the Camp's Wall rejoiced and cheered, as the divine punishment seemed to be raining down upon the enemies.

[I-It's really a Miracle!]

[Thank you the heavens above! We will forever be in your debt..]

[Look at these fuckers! Hah! Evil deeds come at you at some point!]

The lightning strikes had not struck any one of them yet & they were convinced that some higher deity was punishing the Duke for his sins.

Emma and Zendra had a hard time believing what was happening, as they turned to look at Adrian instead.

[Did he... really do all this?]

As Zendra heard Emma, she smiled a little as she replied.

[I.. don't know. But, we will be saved if this continues for some time longer.]

Honestly, they had no idea about what he was going to do, but they never thought that he would end up summoning a deity for their aid.


After a while, a majority of the Army had fell & only about 2000 soldiers remained by the enemy side.

There were some casualties on the Camp's side too, as some soldiers had succeeded in climbing up the walls and killed some guards before being surrounded themselves.

The Duke and the Prince had been tied with ropes to prevent their escape, as Martin didn't want to end the battle prematurely. His pride was forcing him to keep sending the soldiers in vain.

[I don't believe that this guy can be so lucky.. there must be some way..]

The Duke wriggled around desperately, as majority of his own soldiers had been wiped out. He had no force remaining to command and could only hope to not be sent to battle the guards himself.

The Prince had already fallen unconscious as he couldn't take anything anymore. He was just good enough to cause mischief and the trauma from this battle was sure to devour his courage forever.


[Hehehehe! Nice Work, Zapdos! You really did well. From now on, let's see who can stop us two. Let them come and be burned to their deaths!]

As Adrian was rejoicing his luck and his power, a notification rang through his mind.

<Ah! Alert! User! The Overseer is scanning the System for bug detection!>

<All functions would be temporarily rescinded. Zapdos cannot remain in your world any longer, since it violates the System's arrangements. It would also have to be removed from your party permanently..>

<I'm really sorry.. maybe you can catch Zapdos later?>

<I will help you then! Ah!.. oh no..cannot talk anymore..>

Adrian became startled suddenly, as he never expected such a thing to happen.

(...the overseer?...wait! Zapdos will be gone?!... How in the hell would I trick that bird again?!...)

Adrian nervously looked up at the skies, as the dark clouds started to dissipate and the sunlight soon shone through them.

The soldiers around him turned to look at the sky as well, as they marveled upon the nature's fickleness.

[Eh? The clouds... they are going away?]

[The deity must have left somehow... right?]

And at last, the battle was down to the City Lord's son's remaining Army of 2000 against the remaining 200 capable guards of the Camp.

Majority of the Camp's guards were unable to battle anymore, as they had various injuries. Fortunately, the death count was low for the Camp.

Unlike them, the soldiers of the Camp had either died due to direct lightening strikes, burned to death alongside others, or killed by their own forces.

Although the guards on the Camp's Wall were just a bit confused, Adrian on the other hand knew what predicament they were in.

As Martin observed the skies above with his reddened eyes, he rejoiced to himself, as he started to motivate his soldiers to move and conquer the Camp.

[Now is the time! They are at their weakest! Charge! Capture the Camp! I want all of them dead!!]

Adrian found his own future in jeopardy, as he prepared to battle the Army alongside the guards to increase his chances of survival.

(...well whatever...I'll die trying than running away and escaping like a coward anymore...)


Chapter 65 END

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