The Pokemon System

Chapter 81: Chapter 77

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Chapter 77


Adrian sent the Zubat back into the system space and contemplated on how to test his newfound moves.

(...I can try hunting outside, but that would take too much of my time. Isn't there a faster alternative?...)

Adrian thought about the issue for a while more, as he gazed into the Camp from his window.

And that was when his gaze zeroed-in on a certain place. A place that he had refrained himself from visiting before.

[The new prison area.. right. Mother told me that a few war prisoners were turning rowdy and were very adamant about letting out some sort of secrets. I can help mom while 'helping' them in a certain way as well. I think they all may be in the need of a counselling session, right?]

A mischievous smirk came upon Adrian's face as he stared at the distant new prison area.

Finalizing his plan, Adrian changed his clothes into something more authoritative. The new uniform prepared by Dana had been stored away by him before, since he thought that it looked rather needlessly intimidating.

Now though, that factor would become somewhat helpful, and so, Adrian took out the uniform from his storage cabinet and changed into it quickly. After checking his appearance int he mirror, Adrian left his room, making sure that nobody was following him or recognized him along the way.

He was afraid that some new stupid rumors would start flying about it, if some gossip-loving fellow saw him sneaking way towards 'that' area.


It took some extra time for Adrian to reach the new Prison area, as he was trying to avoid meeting anyone familiar. It was the second sector (7-9 AM) by the time he arrived at the place. Adrian decided to quickly change his demeanor into a much more regal and stoic character.

He then walked out and went towards the guards stationed at the Prison gates, who after recognizing their savior, the hero of the Camp, quickly saluted him as they all looked at him with eyes full of wonder and respect.

Adrian honestly felt a bit embarrassed using their goodwill like this, but still tried to stay in character and spoke to them in a refined manner,

[Good day to you Gentlemen. At ease now. I came here to check up on our prisoners, as I felt the need to confirm their current status. Wouldn't want them dying under my watch, right?]

The guards were all very innocent and immediately bought Adrian's bullshit, as they spoke to him,

[Yes Sir! You can go inside immediately.]

The guards then proceeded to open the prison gate. The smaller gate to the Prison Facility was opened up and Adrian wasted no more time before he walked straight into it.

Although there was a much bigger gate there as well, but that one was reserved for special circumstances. The smaller gate easily let a person inside and the guards felt no need to open up the bigger one.

Leaving the excited guards behind, Adrian walked inside the premises. A guard was stationed at a few distances and they were all armed to their teeth to prevent any lucky prisoner to escape the confinement.

Adrian shuddered in his boots as he imagined what it would be like to be trapped in a place like this. Even if he had been restricted to stay sitting inside the Guild headquarters during his pre-adult life, it was for his own sake and the members of the Guild had always been very kind and good to hear.

He couldn't remember an instance where he had ever been treated badly or humiliated by the guild members. It used to be hard for him to admit this before, but by now he knew that the love and care that they showered him with weren't something to casually forget about.

As he continued to walk in and look at everything inside, he also reminisced about his meeting with the dark elf princess Nihara. Although they had met each other in the old Prison area, her fate might have turned out to be very different if he didn't stumble his way inside so casually that night.

Although the events that followed their meeting turned into a vey major affair, it was still his first ever interaction with girl from any other race.

(...I hope that she safely reached her home by now. It's tough for a malnourished and confined girl to escape her way towards another nation...)

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As Adrian kept on mulling about these things, he finally reached a desolate corner of the new prison area.

This area was specifically reserved by the new Camp leader for interrogation purposes. The most staunchest and hard to deal with prisoners were kept here. Those who refused to give out any details that they were hiding, even if they were offered a lighter sentence or better living conditions, these fellows refused to let a single word slip out of their jaws.

Their adamant nature had impressed eve the toughest interrogators in the Camp. Even the new Camp leader was no exception to this, as she in fact was very much tantalized about how to deal with them.

Some of the upper members of the Camp even considered feeding them to the monsters. However, the Camp leader couldn't force herself to do this. She also considered about the chance that the prisoners change their mind in the future.

And Adrian was here today to give them a superb opportunity. An opportunity of a lifetime in-fact.

As he looked into a particular prison, the prisoner inside was lying down lazily on the bed as he scratched his exposed belly. The lack of care regarding his appearance had led to him having long hair along with big a stubby moustache.

He was yawning sleepily after having had light meal given to him by the prison guards.

Although he was often beaten up in the first few days of coming here, the guards were much more lenient with him now as they had decided to switch over to a more softer approach, in the hopes of cracking the tough shell around his heart.

As he herd the cluttering of the gates tough, he turned over to look at the new arrival, hoping to have a bit more food for his large appetite.

He let out a snort in dissatisfaction on noticing no food with the new guy. Hell, the person wasn't even a prison guard, but looked much more like a kid that ended up wandering his way to his cell.

The man turned back to sleep as he swatted the flies away from his face.

[What a nice place you have here, dear friend. I heard that the guards were making your life a bit too tough. Don't worry, I am here to help you out. To enlighten you.]

[You have been treated very kindly over the past few days. You haven't even spoken a word out yet. That's a lot of loyalty for a run-away.]

[I won't be like the other interrogators. You will tell me everything that you know. Tell me anything you think is worth telling.]

The prisoner couldn't help but become angry upon the preposterous nature of the youngster's ramblings.

[And, why would I do that?]

The prisoner heard the man giggle as he replied,

[Right right. Well... have you ever felt your life being drained out fast? It certainly is a great feeling. Let me help you appreciate the gift of life too.]

Adrian's footsteps echoed on the empty cell, as he approached the half-asleep man.

[Let's try to decipher the meaning of life together, my friend. I have a feeling that this will be an amazing session, you know~?]

The prisoner didn't know why, but a certain feeling crept up to him. A feeling that he didn't encounter even with the toughest of the guards before.

A feeling of dread.


Chapter 77 END

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