The Prettiest Girl In Our School Was My Neighbour

Chapter 46: After Story: In the Future… (Part 1: Father’s Day) [Announcement too]

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After Story: In the Future… (Part 1: Father’s Day)


It was rather early in the morning when I felt something heavy jumping onto my chest…

“Papa! Happy Father’s day!!”


A kid, around 6 years old, tackled me on the bed

“Ouch… that hurt…” I said, rubbing my eyes as I lifted myself up the bed and sat.

“Oh… Yuriko-chan, isn’t it a bit early to be doing this? I was sleeping, you know?”

“Ehhhh, but mama told me you’d like it?”

“Hoh… Mama, huh?”

I looked to my right, which is where my wife should be sleeping, but I couldn’t find her.

“A-Ara~ It seems like she really did it…”

The voice came from the door of our bedroom. I looked towards that direction and saw my wife, acting like a certain mom stereotype from anime… it really didn’t fit her though. She looked embarrassed, with her cheeks being flushed bright red, while her pose looked very unnatural.

She had her right hand’s palm by her cheek, but she also looked like she wanted to cry a little…

“Fumiko… You already know that character doesnt’' fit you.”

“Ahahaha… I apologise.”

“Why so formal? We are husband and wife now, you know?”

“Well, it was just quite embarrassing… I guess I won’t be able to pull off such a character anytime soon if I’m like this...”

I stood up from the bed and approached her, cradling her soft cheeks with my palms. I whispered.

“It’s okay. I love you just the way you are now.”

‘Uwaa… I sounded so cringy there.’

but it seems like Fumiko didn’t care about that, as she reddened even more until she couldn’t hold it anymore.

“I-I’m going back down to the living room now! I made some sandwiches!”

“Are you sure what you’ve made isn’t a disaster this time?”

“Mou! That was years ago! I can make basic things now!” she shouted, rushing down the stairs after closing the door with a heavy bang.

“…Mama and Papa forgot about me being here again.”

“Ahaha… sorry about that. Come here Yuriko-chan.”

“Yeyy! Papa wants to pick me up!”

I know it’s quite odd saying this, but this is my life now.

I’ve been married to Sakurai for almost 7 years now. Right after we turned 18, we’d gotten married and since then, we’ve lived in the same house we’ve first eaten dinner in.

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Due to a certain incident… our sexual life started closely after that, and after a while, we got our very cute together Yuriko!

Fumiko-san’s university education was quite difficult while pregnant… we made it through with hard work and, well, money. Actually, it was mainly money.

Lots have changed with both me and Fumiko, both looks and personality wise, we still had the same feelings for each other back then.

Actually, even though Fumiko’s a mother now, she still looks as young as her early university days, and I… I guess I look good too nowadays? Tons of people praise me about my looks, but my favourite part about it is seeing Fumiko’s reaction. Her pouting is very cute, after all.

“Papa, why are you staring at the walls again?”

“Eh? Ah, sorry about that. I was just remembering your mom and I during our younger days.”

“Hmmm. I guess it’s fine then! But please don’t forget about Yuriko!”

“Of course I won’t.”

Yuriko then jumped off my lap and started walking towards the door.

After opening the door, she suddenly stopped as if remembering something.

“Also, Papa, Mama told me that Uncle Itsuki, Aunt Sayuri and Aunt Hina are coming later. Aunt Sayuri is bringing someone with her though…”

“Oh? It must be her then.”

“Papa, who’s “Her”?”

“Ahh, I think it’s probably our childhood friend.”


“Anyway, let’s go downstairs now, shall we?”


While my business life has been very successful, after succeeding my father’s company, I’ve found having a more relax life like this more enjoyable. So, I can say, I’m very satisfied with my current life.

“Come on dad! Hurry up, let’s go eat!”

“Yes yes…”


[On TV]

“Recently, a certain social media account has been blowing up. A person with the name of Hikari Yuki, who claims to be a princess from another world, became famous by posting images and videos of what looks like another world with magic and monsters. Professionals have analysed these and verified that none of them are edited. Recently, she even started a live stream while walking around a town and beating monsters which gathered hundreds of million of views. With this much evidence to it possibly being real, what will be the reactions from the governments all around the world? Only time will tell.”






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