The Princess' Bedroom Doll

Chapter 18: 18

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“A banquet?”

While Raha was confined to the inner palace for a week, the time at the Imperial Palace was uneventful. And yet, it was said that there would be a banquet at the Imperial Palace.


What kind of banquet will be held right now?

Raha, who was about to ask what kind of banquet, slightly frowned.

There was only one thing she could think of.

“His Majesty is looking for a betrothed?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

‘I knew it.’

Now was not the time for New Year’s parties, but the winter social season, when numerous noble families held glamorous parties every day.

It was not a time of war, nor was it the birthday of the royal family.

And yet, Karzen was going to hold a banquet, there was nothing else to be held but a banquet to find a fiancée.

Raha handed over the papers and spoke softly.

“I see. I’ll have to get ready.”


At the same time, the chamberlain handed out something he had.

“Your Highness. His Majesty gave you a gift that he thought you might like to wear to the banquet.”

Raha smiled as she saw the pure gold necklace with a large ruby. Yes. Karzen liked to hang pure gold trinkets around the necks of his horses and hawks.

“Say thank you to His Majesty.”

“He will be more than pleased if the Princess tells him in person.”

Raha, who was insincerely handing over the papers, raised her head. The chamberlain bowed his head and said in a flawless voice.

“I’m telling you in case His Majesty misunderstands me for being insincere after delivering it with my humble mouth.”

Raha chuckled.

“Your loyalty really runs deep. I must tell His Majesty to praise you.”

“That’s too much, Your Highness.”

Raha closed the book and insincerely handed the seedlings collection to the maid. She hadn’t decided what tree to plant yet.

There was still a season left. There was no hurry.

* * * *

Karzen, who had been watching the swords being presented, raised his head only when he heard the familiar sound of footsteps.



The twin approached, smiling. Karzen ordered as he stood up.

“Take it all away.”

Immediately, the obedient attendants began quietly clearing away the gifts that had been laid out. Karzen approached Raha and held out his arm.

He seemed to be escorting her impeccably. Raha put her hand on Karzen’s arm.

“Are you busy?”

“The meeting just ended. I’m tired.”

Karzen’s forehead furrowed. Of course his head hurt. Every country had sent protest envoys.

Raha followed Karzen to the upper seat. Unlike the banquet hall, there was only one high chair here, reserved for the emperor.

A witty chamberlain was already following Raha with a chair without a backrest. Raha tried to sit down, but she was pulled by the arm gingerly to Karzen.


Karzen sat down holding Raha in his arms. Karzen’s hard thighs could be felt under her skirt. The chamberlain froze for a moment, and then quickly backed away with the chair as if nothing had happened.

Karzen hugged Raha like a boy hugging a doll and asked in a mischievous tone,

“Why are you so nervous?”

Raha said with his eyes wide open.

“I thought I was going to fall when you pulled me so suddenly.”

“How can I hurt my beloved twin, who looks much like me? If you’re hurt, I’ll feel hurt.”


Karzen said in a whispered voice.

“You need to relax, Raha.”


Karzen’s arms were still wrapped around Raha’s waist. She relaxed her back. She felt Karzen’s thighs tighten, but she just smiled as if she didn’t know.

It wasn’t difficult.

It was tolerable when she repeatedly told herself that she was on Shed’s thighs. She also noticed it again. The hardness of the two men’s thighs were very similar. Perhaps because they both practiced swords.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to get him a proper sword instead of decorating the garden? Raha still didn’t know much about Shed. They had been sleeping together for a week. Shed had never refused Raha’s kiss. Maybe it was a natural reaction since he was a slave. It was Raha who was always tired first.


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Sometimes Shed would suddenly stroke her cheek with his fingertips, like when he was petting a child, and it made Raha feel wired.

“The kingdoms are so arrogant.”

Raha was flushing slightly thinking about Shed and came to her senses when Karzen opened his mouth.

“It’s so noisy like thousands of birds have been locked up.”

“Why is that?”

Raha asked with an innocent voice.

“The laboratory was in the Holy Land, and it was natural for Karzen to execute it.”

“Yes. But they said they didn’t know about any experiments.”

Raha couldn’t help but laugh at that. There was no way they did not know.

However, in any political struggle, the cause takes precedence. No matter how overwhelming the force, if the cause is short, they will eventually be attacked from everywhere.

Karzen slowly swiped his thumb across Raha’s brow.

“I feel terrible.”

Raha did not say anything. She could tell from the moment she sat down on his thighs that Karzen’s mood had hit bottom. Her twin was always like that. If something didn’t go the way he wanted it to, he would keep Raha close.

Je would grab the parts of her that could be caught first. For example, it could be her hand, or her finger, or her arm. And the hand that was slowly coming up was sweeping Raha’s shoulder before she knew it.

If Karzen’s bad mood continued, how far would his hand go?

Her collarbone?

Her breasts?

Or somewhere worse than that?

He might break her skull and pull out her eyes.

Raha tried to think of something else, because she didn’t want goose bumps to appear on her skin while she was attached like this. Shed immediately came to her mind. That arrogant slave. Shed was not obsessed with her hands or shoulders like this crazy twin. It was natural. Because he could legally have her body.

He would touch any part of her.

Even though it was so………. Shed held Raha’s hands quite often. Thinking of Shed’s callused hands made Raha feel a little better.

Thinking of Shed made Karzen’s body heat a little more bearable.

Even as the emperor sat the twin Princess on his thighs and touched her shoulders, the attendants just looked down and politely organized things.

Raha stared at the treasures they were busy putting away. Raha didn’t pay much attention to other things, but only to the treasure sword. Even though Raha didn’t know much about swords, it looked like a good sword.

‘Can I have one?’

As she did so, Karzen grabbed her by the chin and turned her face to look at him.

“What are you looking at?”

Karzen’s voice was strange.

“Are you watching the servants? Or the …… sword?”


Raha put her hand on Karzen’s arm, which was wrapping around her waist. His gaze lowered to her hand then came up again.

“Can I say something?”

“Of course.”

“I want to cut meat with a knife.”


Finally, Karzen’s expression relaxed. His hand lightly swept Raha’s flat belly. Instantly, she couldn’t help but feel goosebumps on her neck.

“I see I kept you waiting too long.”

The chamberlain, who had been listening nearby, quickly bowed his head.

“I will take you to the formal dining room. Your Majesty, Princess.”

* * *

At the same time.

Oliver blinked as he entered Raha’s inner palace.

“Did you take care of your health? I came here under the order of Princess Raha. You can call me Oliver.”

He bowed slightly.

Oliver had been in the inner palace several times before. This was because Karzen, apart from his obsession with Raha, did not mind at all that the palace doctor entered the inner palace.

He knew the brand engraving was painful, but it wasn’t as if there weren’t slaves who would live for a week, and he knew that Raha would call her doctor to diagnose them. It would have been very disappointing and painful for that agitated Karzen.

Karzen wasn’t free enough to investigate something that had been repeated so many times. In any case, wasn’t he the emperor of this huge Delo empire?

So no one was suspicious or paying attention to the fact that Oliver had entered the inner palace today.

Oliver also came in without any major nervousness. Because when that blue-eyed Princess had asked him to enter the inner palace and take care of her slaves, there hadn’t been the slightest bit of hesitation.

Breaking a very rare probability, a slave with a better condition came in. The inference was true.


And ……Shed and Oliver looked at each other with curious eyes.

Oliver was used to that kind of gaze.

Shed had heard from the Princess that the doctor was young, but he did not think Oliver was this young. Usually, doctors at this position would be at least in their thirties. And with only one imperial doctor on the continent, Shed thought he would be in his forties.

However, Oliver was more curious about Shed than Shed was about him.

If he was a slave, he should not be able to use his powers fully due to the pain of the brand engraving, but looking at Shed, Oliver had a general idea why the Imperial Princess was physically exhausted so often. Shed had a face that would make many women happy if he was sent to a social gathering.

“First, I’ll start with an examination as the Princess ordered. If you don’t mind, roll up your sleeves. Actually, can you just take off your clothes?”

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