The Protagonist is Now My Disciple

Chapter 5: Chapter Five: Worldly Contemplations

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Chapter Five: Worldly Contemplations

The world can be a plethora of things, from outright beautiful to terrifying. Whereas humanity exists with a duality that is nothing short of astonishingly rotten.

Most of Yun Jianyi's earliest memories were melancholy dreamesque. The images and faces stay blurry, but sometimes the fog in his mind will clear up to reveal a happy family.

One particular scene distinct from the rest stands out. Heavenly retribution, screams of a doomed civilization, utter despair.

Hopelessness in being unable to do anything to the situation. It was akin to a watercolor painting with spilled paint, a mess.

The sky was a canvas of pure hues. Yet upon closer inspection, it was marred with a multitude of streaks of red.

Clouds scattered, and the air was berated with the sound of thunder. The ground trembled as the scene faded to black.

There's a lingering feeling of resentment and guilt. As the sole survivor of the desolation he's haunted by hazy events that he can't remember.

Without fail, the nightmare ended the very moment that Yun Jianyi woke up.

Beneath the covers a young teen stirred. His eyelids were heavy and his mind felt fuzzy. It was a struggle to find the motivation to leave bed.

He expected to wake up in the old wreck of a house that he used to call home. Whenever it rained water would leak and the floors would be soaked.

Instead once the drowsiness cleared, Yun Jianyi recalled what was going on and where he was. The Weeping Blossom Sect was his new residence, no more decrepit backwater village.

Although to call the building that housed the medical ward a hut would be inaccurate. Rather it was akin to a decent sized palace.

For cultivators the structure was an innocuous thing but for an orphan like Yun Jianyi it was an unimaginable symbol of wealth.

Nonetheless, what might seem like a trivial experience was actually a big deal for him. He finally had a warm bed and a regular source of food.

Also with each new day his health was improving. No longer was Yun Jianyi just skin and bones, his physique got better.

Life was beginning to look up for him. However, it was unclear what fortunes the future would hold.

Within a few moments he began to get ready to start his day. Soon enough he was dressed in proper robes. It took him a few tries to get the layers right.

Yun Jianyi gave a quick bow as a greeting. "This humble disciple greets Shizun."

"Ah yes... Good morning." Chen Mingyun was still at her desk, finalizing a document to send off to the sect's talismen specialist.

So far his master had been a distant but kind person. She was especially patient and understanding with him yet just as equally eccentric.

Definitely a woman of few words and a strong work ethic.

Still sometimes Chen Mingyun would complain in hushed tones about a lack of coffee or the internet.

Honestly Yun Jianyi had no idea what either of those things were. Maybe they were some sort of taoists concepts? Truly questions to ask about later.

There was also the fact that she was about a year older than him but her mentality didn't match. Then again all cultivators have an otherworldliness to them.

"Hmm, that won't do." Chen Mingyun fretted over his appearance. "Let me fix your hair, since its kinda messy."

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Initially Yun Jianyi was going to insist that it looked fine or he could do it himself. Yet he moved closer without thinking.

Thus she ran her fingers through his bedhead in preparation to gently brush it out. The tangled locks soon became flat thanks to a good comb.

"Up to your standards now Shizun?" Yun Jianyi rolled his eyes with a tiny smile. For a moment he stiffened due to the sudden contact but then he grew accustomed to it.

From a drawer Chen Mingyun took out a yellow ribbon. "Not quite. There's still one last thing left."

She tied his hair loosely back but a few bangs fell out which added to the look. Now he matched the signature color of her eyes perfectly.

On formal and important occasions Chen Mingyun would also dawn the same yellow. Yet her casual attire robes consisted of blues and blacks.

"That's everything. Now make haste or all the best food will be gone." She concluded.

Breakfast was a time for disciples to have free time before the long hours of lectures and training began.

Thus Yun Jianyi set out on a mission to the kitchens to snatch up some steamed pork buns. He enjoyed savoring all sorts of foods but he still was partial to the former.

Whereas the banquet hall that contained the cafeteria was probably his least favorite place to be. It was loud and filled with rowdy little lordlings and other twats.

A few outer disciples regarded Yun Jianyi's new high station with envy while most simply disregarded his existence.

Although if it weren't for him, his overworked master would probably skip out on important meals. Yet she always made sure he ate three times a day so he sought to return the favor.

Meanwhile the obligations which Chen Mingyun had to that morning were extensive; Take inventory of all the medical supplies, open back up the patient ward since renovations were done, etc.

Also if there were any walk in clients those people would have to be immediately dealt with. Some days were definitely busier than others.

Often she had her hands full, while other times the hours passed by slowly like frozen molasses.

Chen Mingyun had hoped for Yun Jianyi to make friends. Rather, at the very least some acquaintances because he could benefit from the socialization.

Nonetheless he was intent on following her around like a shadow. Still at least with his assistance she was able to get work done faster.

However, due to the fact that in her first life she had only ever been a student herself Chen Mingyun wasn't that great of a teacher.

Yet in exchange for the help she tried her best to pass down whatever knowledge she had. Having a twenty-first century perspective added to the surreal cultivation nonsense.

As expected the protagonist of the novel was somewhat of a prodigy. Yun Jianyi soaked up information like a sponge in that he already memorized every written character.

In a way their master disciple situation wasn't a one way mentorship. Chen Mingyun picked up new things from him as well.

For instance this one common weed which she initially didn't know about actually had the same healing properties as another rare herb.

"Back already? That was quick." Chen Mingyun acknowledged Yun Jianyi’s sudden appearance.

"Shizun, I've returned with food you like, so none of your excuses will work on me this time." He stated.

"Alright, alright I'll stop and take a break. Sit down if you want. I've got a pot of tea that's almost done."

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