The Queen and the Medic

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Development of friends

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“Hell has no fury like a woman’s scorn,”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know, one of the bigger boys used to say it when he got into a fight with his girlfriend,”

“What is a girlfriend?”

“A girl who is your friend, I guess. I don’t know,”

“What is a friend?”

“You don’t know much, do you?” Jasion lay back against the tree behind him.


The small wolf boy sat to his side, watching nervously. Despite Jasion keeping a calm demeanour, he was also nervous as he watched the three girls battle. The snake girl whipped around her tail, while the wolf jumped and bit at the tip of the tail. Now and then, Pelana would also leap to bite and scratch either of the two girls.


“Should we stop them?” the wolf asked sheepishly. They had been going for about an hour now, and all were starting to slow in movement and become more exhausted.

“Give it a bit and I think this will resolve itself,” Placing his hands behind his head, he decided to simply stare at them and hope none hurt each other. Several thuds filled the air. Sitting up, he stared at three girls. Each had collapsed onto the floor.

“Sister!” the boy yelled, leaping up and running to the side of the girl. Wagging his tail slowly, he began to prod and poke at the panting girl.

“Your fast… barbarian….” She said, rolling onto her back.

“Your slow… mutt….” Pelana responded, making a grabbing motion towards Jasion. Growling, the wolf girl tried to jump up, but simply fell as she realised, she did not have the energy to fight. The snake girl was panting on the floor. Her skin was a soft grey, it shimmered in the light.

“I…I am going to eat all of you,” the snake girl said, using her arms to crawl and what energy left in her tail to help sliver into some rays of sunlight that pierced the trees.

Flopping down, she sighed as she felt the trickles of warmth liberate her cold-blooded body. The ghostly, almost unnatural skin of the two wolves almost blinded him as the coat of sweat on the girl shone so brightly, that he thought it could have been used as a beacon in a lighthouse. With all three combatants finished, he inched himself over to Pelana.

Seeing him, she puffed out her cheeks and threw out her arms. With her small hands, she began to make grabbing motions toward him. Grunting, he rolled his eyes.

“You did this to yourself,” he criticized.

“No! If that snake just let me have the yummy wolf, then none of this would have happened,”

“What did you call me?” the wolf boy squeaked from the corner where he sat with his sister.

“Shut! You food!” Pelana yelled, trying to get up to go for a second round.

“Say that again about my brother and I will cut out those disgusting purple eyes!” the wolf girl said, also starting to get up for a second round.

“I will shove that tail right up your ass! Boring Brown eyes!” Pelana said, only being held back by a struggling Jasion who held down her back.

The wolf girl began to growl while a smug Pelana revelled in her retort. A splat created a silence. All watched as the muddy hand of the wolf girl returned to her side. The cackling of Pelana was replaced now by an ominous silence. Mud dripped down the face of Pelana. Parting her lips, she fixated expressionless eyes on the wolf girl.

“I will fucking kill you,” Grabbing a rock tightly in her hand, she threw herself forward.

Landing on the girl. A blankness took over her eyes as she lifted the rock. Without words, she went to bring it down on the head of the girl. The wind whistled around the rock as it came crashing down. But not onto the head of the girl. Pelana’s eyes widened as she saw the rock against the back of Jasion. Coughing, he looked down into the petrified eyes of the wolf girl.

Blood trickled down the side of his neck, before then dripping onto the face of the girl. Grabbing his shoulders, Pelana threw him back. Leaping to his side, she pinned him and glared into his eyes.

“What were you thinking!” she screamed. Parting his lips, he met her gaze.

“Please, don’t hurt anyone,” For a moment Pelana was silent. Growling, she leapt down and pushed him against the ground.

“Idiot!” she barked as she began to push back his head to examine his wound. Frowning, she leaned closer and began to lick the side of his head.

“Hey! Your saliva will only infect the wound!” the wolf girl barked at her, before sitting up proudly, “unlike you, my kind has a saliva that can be used to heal wounds!” she said triumphantly. As if winning some imaginary argument.

“Both of you a wrong!” the snake girl yelled, “You need to cut off the blood circulation, so he doesn’t bleed out!”

Moaning, Charlie dragged himself up as the three began to yell. The small wolf boy lay to the side, curled in a ball in his way to try and hide from this chaos.

“Shut up all of you!” Jasion yelled as he sat up. They fell silent, each nervously looking at each other as they watched him begin to remove his jacket.

“First, if Pelana was to lick me the wound would become infected. If…” he pointed to the two wolves, “If either of them did it would probably start a fight with you,” he pointed back to Pelana. Turning he pointed to the snake girl, “and lastly if you cut off my blood supply to my brain I would die.”

Muttering to himself he removed his shirt and began to tie it firmly around the top of his head. Placing his hand onto the cloth, he closed his eyes and began to mutter. A small golden light moved around the shirt, before then sinking into the fabric. Each sat fascinated by the strange light. Once the light faded, a silence hung over the group.

“I place some magic into my shirt. Slowly it will seep into my head and heal it. Applying it directly could mean I pass out, so this was the best option,”

“How did you do that?” The girl with the snake tail said, her tail excitedly thumping against the floor.

“Oh, I learnt it from a friend a while ago,” Jasion said, turning to the excited snake girl. Seeing the tension had dropped, he gave out a small cough.

“Ok, well it looks like no one plans to kill each other, so can we all just sit and maybe talk about why certain people,” he said looking to Pelana, “tried to and I quote ‘eat’ that boy?”

“Like hell, I am trusting those things!” Pelana said, leaping up and wrapping her arms around Jasion. Sighing, he looked at the wolf girl.

“Her teeth are sharp, so sharp in fact that if she wanted to hurt anyone just now, she would have. And that snake,”

“Lamia,” the girl added.

“Lamia, well I read in a book that their kind has venom, thus if she wanted to kill anyone she easily could have. So, let’s be honest. No one here really wants to hurt anyone else,” Jasion said before the snake girl spoke next.

“Well…. I just don’t want to get a messenger from the wolf village saying they are declaring war due to a Lamia killing two of their own,”

Now she wanted to calm the situation, Jasion smiled and placed his hands on his hips. She was more bark than bite and, in the chaos, the three were always distracted, so no one got any chance to do any serious damage.

“Well, you no eat brother, but what about her?” the wolf girl said, her English not being as good as that of the Lamia. Pelana sneered before sitting back.

“Well…” she looked to Jasion. Smiling, he placed a hand on her head.

“Well, we are all out here since we are hungry right?” As if on que, the stomachs of four demi-humans growled.

“Well how about we call a true, we gather some food then share it out and we can all go our separate ways,” Jasion added. The Lamia nodded.

“Well, I think it could work,” she said, seeing an opportunity to get free food.

“I no get eaten then?” the wolf boy squeaked.

“Only if I get hungry,” Pelana said, crossing her arms and staring at him. Sighing, Jasion rubbed the brim of his nose.

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“Ok then, we all leave then meet back here in an hour. We can then split up the food…”

“How will we know it has been an hour?” the Lamia asked. For a moment Jasion stopped. He looked down, before then looking up to the nearly set sun.

“How about this, when it is just about to get dark, we all meet here,” Jasion offered. Again there was silence.

“How about we all leave and find our food?” the wolf girl said.

“Well, then what will stop us all from fighting?” Again, there was another silence. Getting fed up with this, Jasion placed his hands on his hips.

“Ok, so shall we start?” Charlie clapped his hands together and the group dispersed Turning with Pelana, he began to walk off with her.

“So how many do it?” she whispered to him. Shrugging Charlie continued to walk.

“No clue, I plan to go back regardless, but it will make sure that we all separate without any more fighting,” Pelana growled slightly as he said this.

“Fine, you weird,” she said as they walked deeper into the woods.

“Weird?” he responded, placing his hands behind his head as he walked.

“Yeah, why so nice to strangers?” Pelana said, walking just ahead of him and turning to face him.

“Well, why not?”

“Because they may try and eat you,” she said in a very matter-of-fact manner.

“Well… I just like people, I guess. Like maybe if I help enough people, eventually they will help someone else, and they will help someone else. And by the end of it everyone else would be helping each other,” his mind lingered back to the boys at the house, the ones he once called his friends.

“You just need to have that kindness given to the right people. The people who will be able to make a difference,” He smiled dreamily at the sky.

“You have small brain,” Pelana said with a giggle.

“I wonder if you will ever be able to do that,” she said, looking to the sky.

“Yeah…” he muttered as they continued to walk.

For a while they went in silence, Jasion simply watching as Pelana leapt around. Diving her head into a bush here and there, before leaping away and climbing up a tree. Every few times birds would burst from the top and Pelana would leap out of the tree in an attempt to catch one. Jasion would have helped, but considering how much seemed to enjoy this, he decided to let her have some fun.

As she did this, he stopped now and then to pick fruits or plants he knew how to cook. Often when he was kicked out, he needed to make food out of what he could find. Taking off his vest, he crouched down and used it to make a rough bag to carry the food in. Now topless, he began to wonder after Pelana as she attempted to catch birds and other small animals.

Before long, it was near dark and Jasion was able to gather large amounts of fruit into his makeshift bag. Pelana limped on before him. All energy was depleted, and she now could no longer even lift her arms.

“J…A…S…. I…. O…. N!” Pelana moaned before falling onto the floor. Turning onto her back, she stared at him.

“What?” he said, also tired by this point.

“Carry me!” she yelled while putting out her arms and making a grabbing motion with her hands. Sighing, he walked over and placed his foot on her forehead.

“Eh?”  she said.

“I HAVE BEEN GATHERING FOOD THE ENTIRE TIME!” he said as he began to push her head back and forth with his foot.

“WAAA!” Pelana wined as she grabbed his foot and began to bite down on his ankle. Shaking his foot, he tried to force her off him. Mumbling to himself, he stared into her eyes as she began to cry and her bottom lip tremble.

“Sorry,” he said, putting a hand down on her. Leaping up, she bit his hand before sitting back down. Lifting her arms and making a grabbing motion, he knew the only path to forgiveness from her. Placing down the food, he moved over and turned around. Sitting down, he looked at her.

“Come on,” he said. Like a puppy, she punched up and leapt onto his back. Giggling, she wrapped her arms tightly around him. Picking up the food, he handed it to her.

“At least hold this while we go back,” he said as he began to walk. Slinging the bag over her shoulders, she tightened her grip around him while nuzzling her face against his back. Giggling, she leaned just enough so that she could stare at his face.

“Friend,” she muttered.

Again, she repeated with the word, but with a rumble and roll of a purr. He was nice. Far nicer than her mother back with the horde. For a while longer they walked. She clung to him and made sure the food didn’t fall from the bag, while he did his best to remember the route back to the clearing. Raising her head off his shoulder, she leaned around to look at his face.

“Think they be there?” she asked, doing her best to sound concerned. But really, she was more than happy to have him to herself.

“I don’t know. But it is still a nice area with shelter. So, if we want to spend the night there, we can. It also has some wood in the area that looks quite dry, so maybe I can also get a fire going,” Jasion said, only about half of his words making sense to her as she continued to cuddle him.

“Friends,” she muttered happily as she lifted the back of the shirt he had wrapped around his head. The wound looked to be alright. Smiling, she returned to her hugging.

“Hey, why am I carrying you, can’t you walk by yourself?” Jasion said, turning to look at her.

“Yes, but I tried. And you kick me, so…” she leapt up and placed a small bite onto his neck. Flinching, he turned.

“Hey, you better have not left a mark!” Jasion snapped as he turned to her. laughing she ran her fingers over the small bite mark.

“No, not at all,” she snickered. Rolling his eyes, he continued to walk.

Moving out into the open, Jasion stopped in his tracks. They were separated, but around the area where they had all ‘agreed’ to come back to the Lamia and two wolves had returned. Looking at Jasion and Pelana sprawled on his back, they seemed just as shocked as him that he would show up.

“Well then,” Jasion said, glancing back to Pelana. Sucking in her cheeks, she turned her head to the side while holding the food to her chest. Grumbling to himself, he reached back and tapped her on the head. Jumping slightly, she gave them a small growl before giving him the food.

Despite walking confidently toward each other, all groups made sure to take in every little detail of the others and their findings. Placing down their food, Jasion shrugged and knocked Pelana from his shoulders. Falling to the ground, she muttered angrily at him. Simply though he ignored her as he continued to talk to the others.

“So, as part of our truce we will divide this up,” Looking over the piles of food, he saw he had been the one to gather the most. Next was the wolves, and then the Lamia and well, as predicted Pelana got the very least.

Staring in surprise, the Lamia noticed the large amounts of purple fruit Jasion had collected. Seeing a small bit of saliva dripping down her chin, he leaned down and began to divide the food. As they divided the food, Jasion made sure to place the purple fruits to one side. Once all was divided, the groups again split. The wolves took their share over to the cover of a tree, while Pelana took hers to another.

Before he went to join her, Jasion picked up the purple fruits. Seeing this, the Lamia girl reluctantly turned with her share of food. Stopping, she turned to see the hand on her shoulder. Looking up to see Charlie smiling at her, she then looked down to see him offering out the purple fruits.

“Why?” she muttered.

“I saw you eyeing them up. Just do me a favour, and don’t yell Pelana,” he subtly pointed over to Pelana just to make his point clear.

“T…Thank you,” she muttered as she accepted the fruit. As he turned to leave, he felt cold scales wrap around his wrist. Jumping slightly and turning, he saw her tail wrapped around his wrist.

“Stay a moment, I would… I would like to ask you something,” she said, slowly taking away her tail and tapping the place next to her.




Lamia girl - Chapter 2

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