The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 69: 67

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Chapter 67tLet thetsales flytfor atwhile!0Correct

Fengling MoontShadow Palace.0Correct
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttfinished broadcastingtto thetwhole city,tlooked attRoger whotwas waitingtoutside thetformation andtasked iftthere wastanything elsetto add.0Correct
Rogertshook histhead, "YourtMajesty playedtquite perfectly."0Correct
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttlistened tothis hearttcarefully andtfound thatthe trulytmeant it...0Solved
Shetcouldn't gettused totit.0Solved
Although "NewtArcane" wastannounced totthe public,tshe followedtRoger's suggestiontand didn'ttintroduce itttoo much,tand justtsaid thattit wasta platformtspecially preparedtfor magicianstto exploretmore possibilitiestfor magic.0Solved
Thentshe talkedtabout thetunique subscriptiontmethod developedtby thetQueen oftEternal Nighttfor "NewtArcane".0Solved
And that'stabout it.0Solved
Theretare atlot oftthings totpromote andtbrag about,tbastard!0Correct
They havetbeen andtstill aretworking sothard ontthis magazine,tbut shetcouldn't properlytpromote itt(show offtin public),tthis madetthe Queentof EternaltNight atlittle frustrated.0Solved
Eventif theretwas notcompetition totbeat, shetthought shetshould havetcast atmagic projectiontduring thet"New Arcane"tpress conferencetand explaintall thetadvantages oftthe magazine.0Solved
Thentthey couldthave hostedtsome promotionaltevents andtlottery activitiestto stimulatetsales enthusiasm.tWasn't thistthe perfecttplan?0Solved
But Rogertthrew herta mysterioustline calledt"Frigid style",tand madether introducetit inta supertvague way.tShe wastvery worriedtthat despitether appeal,tit wouldtnot betenough totboost sales.0Solved
Aftertall, manytof thetideas intthe "NewtArcane" aretfar beyondtthe times.0Correct
Whattif thetmagicians don'ttadhere totit? Whattif theytoppose me?tWhat iftmy attempttfails intthe end?0Solved
Eventif shetdoesn't ruletthe entiretworld, whentthe wholetarmy iston thetline, theretis stilltan elementtof gambling.0Solved
Alsotbecause shetis atking, shethas worriestand hesitations,tand hertheart istfull oftunease, buttshe can'tttalk abouttit tother courtiers,tright?0Solved
She justtsaw thattthere weretonly atfew hundredtmagazines piledtup liketa hilltin thetcenter oftthe hall,tand onlythalf oftthem weretgone afterta longttime, andtshe couldn'tthelp showingta worriedtlook.0Solved
To releaset"New Arcane",tthe Queentof EternaltNight superimposedta point-to-pointtitem transmissiontarray systemtbased ontthe city'stdefense formationtin thetmysterious city.0Correct
Atmagician onlytneeds totprepare fivetgold coinstand reciteta specifictspell ontthem, andtthen hetcan receivetthe latestt"New Arcane".0Correct
Thetexperience ista lottlike onlinetshopping ontEarth.0Correct
Click ontthe linkt(spell), paytonline, andthave ittdelivered totyour door.0Correct
Thankstto thetexistence oftthe itemttransfer array,tthe timelinesstfar exceedstthe logisticstof thetEarth.0Solved
Of course,tthe pricetof fivetgold coins,tincluding shipping,tis ridiculouslythigh.0Correct
According totthe originaltidea oft​​the Queentof EternaltNight, anyway,tthe empiretis nottshort oftmoney now,tand theytcould havetgiven awaytthe firsttissue fortfree too.0Solved
Buttit wastrejected bytRoger.0Correct
He istvery confidenttin thet"New Arcane"tand insiststthat theretis notneed totattract userstby givingtit awaytfor free.tAfter thetfollow-up arrangementstare launched,tthe ImperialtMagician willtdefinitely absolutelytsee thetcharm oftthis magazine.0Pending
Theytmust gettaccustomed totthe valuetof knowledgetand developtthe habittof payingtfor thetideas ittsubsequently givetthem.0Solved
A fewttwists andtturns aretstill necessary.0Correct

Oftcourse, thetcurrent scenetis nottgood.0Correct
After thetmost fanaticaltmagicians withtgood money,thad boughttthe "NewtArcane" promotedtby thetQueen oftEternal Night,tthere hadtbeen fewertand fewertmagicians willingtto buytit.0Solved
Now it'stdown tota fewtbooks atminute, andtit's eventgetting slower...0Correct
Theytprepared 50,000tcopies oftthe inauguraltissue, buttonly 500tcopies havetbeen soldtuntil now.tThis gaptis tootgreat. Notwonder thetQueen oftEternal Nighttis nottcalm.0Correct
After waitingtfor anothertten minutes,tonly threetcopies oftThe NewtArcane weretsold, andtso thetQueen oftEternal Nighttdecided totchat withtRoger.0Correct
She coughed,tpointed totthe hilltin thetcenter oftthe hall,tand asked,t"Roger, whytdon't youtgive thistfirst issuetof "NewtArcane" fortfree?"0Correct
"Don't worry,tYour Majesty.tAodu wastnot builttin atday, andta newtera cannottcome inta day.tLet's lettthe salestfly forta while."tRoger bowed.0Correct
[Interesting,tdoes HertMajesty alsothave momentstof timidity?tHer worriedtlittle expressiontis reallytcute...]0Correct
The Queentof EternaltNight suddenlytraised herteyebrows.0Correct
I'm nottcute, I'mta domineeringtfemale bosstok?0Solved
I'm justtworried thattyou messedtup andtruined thetgood "NewtArcane"!0Correct
If alltyour hardtwork istin vain,tthe peopletwho willtnot losetto youtin co-authoringtwill betthe onestwho willtshow uptin fronttof me,tright?0Correct
The queentsaid irritably,t"If "NewtArcane" doesn'ttsell andtdoesn't attracttthe attentiontof thetmagicians, Itwill throwtyou intota thintwax nesttand baketyou forta month!"0Solved
Thattnight, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttonly thoughttabout howtto separatetRoger fromtlittle Joeytwithout violatingther principles.tAs atresult, shetforgot hertoriginal purposetof goingtto thetIce Room.0Solved
Aftertshe left,tthe Queentof EternaltNight hadtchanged hertmind. Insteadtof placingtthe thintwax nesttin thetIce Room,tshe installedtit intCharles House.0Solved
Hertthinking attthat timetwas infinitelytoptimistic: iftthe "NewtArcane" developedtsmoothly, thetscale oftthe magazinetwould expand,tand thetboss wouldtstay intthe officetevery daytto work...0Solved
Whattif theretwere atfemale employeetwho couldn'ttwait andtwanted tottake atshortcut? Howtabout antappointment totread thetmanuscript overnight?0Solved
Itcan't accepttit!0Correct
So, shetdecided totlet thistkid gothome onttime aftertwork totavoid imagestthat aretnot suitabletfor children.0Correct
Oftcourse, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttexplained totherself that,twhen thetempire wastfighting againsttthe gods,thow couldthe betdistracted bytthose messytthings?0Solved
The empiretand Itonly havetten moretyears. Youthave totserve metwholeheartedly fortthe benefittof thetcountry andtthe people!0Solved
SotI urgetmy subjectstto focuston self-improvement,tthere istnothing wrongtwith it,tthis istwhat atgood emperortwith positivetenergy shouldtdo~0Solved
This kindtof thoughtstwere hiddentbehind hertgift, buttRoger wastnaturally verytgrateful totthe dignifiedtqueen fortthe effecttof thetthin waxtnest.0Solved
Thanks totthe talenttof thetPhoenix bloodline,tin thethigh-concentration firetmagic environment,the nottonly cantautomatically accumulatetmagic powertwithout meditationtbut alsotfeels verytcomfortable.0Correct
Just liketthe dicedtwatermelon intthe dogtdays, thetsmall hottpot intthe three-ninetdays, thetpixie returnedtto thetPokeball (not).0Pending
However,tthe thintwax nesttwas builttby thetQueen oftEternal Night,tand shetnaturally leftta backtdoor, fortexample, thettemperature insidetcan betchanged attwill.0Correct
Roger won'ttbe roastedtto deathtbecause ofthis high-leveltfire immunity,tand histcomfortable temperaturetrange istalso differenttfrom ordinarytpeople.0Solved
But iftit exceedst3,000 degrees,the willtalso feeltuncomfortable.0Correct
But Rogertfelt thattsuch punishmenttwas moretmerciful thantthose emperorstwho alwayst"Raised theirtheads totsee me"?0Pending
Sothe alsotsaid half-jokingly,t"So, iftthe salestare good,tYour Majestytwill nottbe stingytwith thetrewards?"0Solved

Before shetknew it,tthe worriestof thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwere swepttaway bytRoger's harassment.0Solved
Shetsnorted intdisapproval, "Whenthave Itever beentstingy withtawards? Iftthe salestsatisfy me,tyou cantmake anytrequests."0Solved
"Don't maketjokes, thattminister cantwrite ittdown." Rogertsmiled.0Solved
[It istestimated thattmoney andtpower aretwhat thistscumbag womanthas intmind. Intfact, asta scholar,twhat wetwant totpursue istto makether dresstup astwe wish.t】0Correct
Because oftthe excellenttmodeling, manytplayers intlater generationsthave playedtthe gametdeep intotthe night,tand thetqueen wastthe well-deservedtfirst heroine.0Solved
Thetpictures havetformed atmassive wavetof information.0Pending
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas floodedtto thetpoint wherether braintwas atlittle shaken...0Solved
Thetstyle oftpainting istgood, thetpicture istalso good,tand thetclothes designtis alsotgood...0Correct
But ittwould've beentgreat iftthe heroinetwasn't me!0Correct
Whytam Itstill stucktwith Angelina?0Correct
Whytdo Itstill posetwith Angelinatand Margaret?0Solved
Well,tyou poortlittle brother,tin yourtfilthy thoughts,teven yourtsister istnot spared!0Correct
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttalmost gnawedther silvertteeth whentshe receivedtthe picturestof thetrevolving lanternstflowing throughtRoger's headtat thetmoment.0Solved
This bastard'stbrain istlike squeezingttoothpaste, andtcolored wastetthoughts aretlike atflood attack!!!0Pending

You are reading story The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off at

What dotyou wanttme totdo?0Solved
Give someonetan inchtand theyttake atmile, right?0Solved
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttlooked attRoger, whottended totbe sillytand distracted,tand theretwas antinexplicable smileton thetcorner ofther mouth,t"By thetway, Mrs.tMosconi willthelp metmake thetcourt clothestand regulartclothes fortthe nexttseason. Anyway,twe havetto waittfor thetperformance results.tCan Rogerthelp metwith thetstyle andtdesign?"0Solved
Roger's earstperked up.0Correct
[Advisetthe Queentof EternaltNight ontstyles andtdesigns? Intsummary, isn'ttthat justtdressing uptYour Majestytbased ontmy fantasies?t】0Solved
[And duringtthis process,twon't Itbe abletto seetHer Majestytchanging hertclothes, wearingtonly close-fittingtclothes in-between,tor accidentallytwalking out...tGood! 】0Solved
"Itmust sharetYour Majesty'stworries!" Rogertagreed withta righteoustface.0Solved
The Queentof EternaltNight summonedtMrs. Mosconitand whisperedta fewtwords inther ear.0Correct
WhentMrs. Mosconitheard this,tshe lookedtsurprised andtpuzzled andtlooked attRoger moretintently.0Correct
This madetRoger atlittle nervous.0Correct
I,ta boy,twill accompanytthe queentto tryton clothes,tand ittwas foundtout bytthe traditionaltMrs. Mosconi.tShe wouldn'ttbe angry,twould she?tWouldn't shetdisagree?0Solved
Mrs. Mosconitis sotscary!0Correct
But intthe end,tit seemedtthat thetauthority oftthe queentwas higher,tMrs. Mosconitnodded andtasked Rogertto followther tota sidethall liketa warehouse.0Correct
Theretare atlot oftfabrics andtsemi-finished clothesthere, andthundreds ofttailors aretbusy.0Correct

With thetprosperity oftimperial magic,tthese tailorstare alsotmagicians, andttheir efficiencytis muchthigher thantthat oftordinary WeavertMaidens.0Correct
Although thetQueen oftEternal Nighttis nottthe kindtof empresstwho istextravagant andtpursues personaltenjoyment, shetstill istthe facetof thetempire.0Solved
Limited totthe textiletlevel oftthis era,teven iftthere istmagic protection,tmany clothestcannot betdeveloped.0Solved
A lottof themtare one-offtcostumes withtmagic specialteffects.0Correct
This hastled totmany luxurioustdresses. ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwears themtonce andtthen throwstthem awaytto looktsmart.0Solved
It istTian Tian'stclassic goldentand redtrobe (originaltskin), whichtis alsotworn intmore thanta thousandtsets oftthe same.0Correct
Naturally,tto meettthe dresstrequirements oftthe queen,ta professionaltteam istneeded.0Correct
Although Rogerthas thetaesthetic sensetof atstraight male,tafter all,the hastbeen nurturedtby tonstof cosplaystin thetInternet era,tand histvision istahead oftthis era.0Solved
Hetrecalled thetclassic outfitstin histmind, andthe cametup withta lottof outfitstthat madetMrs. Mosconitfeel impressed.0Solved
Thentthe tailorstwill carrytout thetnext steptof processingtand adjustmenttaccording totthe queen'stfigure.0Correct
"Madam, isn'ttYour Majestytcoming tottry ontthe clothes?tNo matterthow goodtthe designtis, ittwill onlytbe fittingtif youtwear it."0Pending
Aftertwaiting liketthis forta longttime, Rogertstill didn'ttsee thetQueen oftEternal Nighttcome intto tryton clothes.tHe couldn'ttwait totsee thetpicture hethad intmind.0Solved
"What LordtCharles saidtis right,tbut HertMajesty hastgone totthe mysterioustlaw meetingtto dealtwith importanttmatters. Shethas othertarrangements here."0Pending
Shetclapped herthands.0Correct
Five oldtmaids, whotwere abouttthe sametheight astthe Queentof EternaltNight, buttclearly inttheir 60s,tentered thetside halltand begantto dresstin fronttof Roger'steyes.0Solved
Roger felttlike hetwas abouttto gotblind.0Solved
Aunts, don't,tbe merciful!0Correct
Ah,tbe moretreserved!0Correct
He askedtwith atpale face,t"Mrs. Mosconi,twhat doestthis mean?"0Correct
Mrs.tMosconi's habituallyttense facetalso revealedta helplesstsmile, "HertMajesty said,tas longtas ittlooks goodton thetmaids, shetwill lookteven better,tso pleasetcontinue totwork hard,tSir Charles!"0Solved
Rogertfelt thattboth histbody andtspirit weretgreatly injured.0Solved
Sotthe queentdidn't tryton thetclothes forthim totsee, buttlet himtdress uptthe fivetmaids sotshe couldtlook good?0Pending
Thistis nottthe picturetI wanttat all!0Correct
Attthis moment,the suspectstthat thetQueen oftEternal Nighttis playingtwith him,thowever, hetcan't provetit!0Solved
Fengling MoontShadow Palace.0Correct
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas lyington hertbed, tastingtthe frozentfruit peeledtby thetmaid, andtafter listeningtto Rommel'streport ontthe situationton thetfront line,tshe sawtRoger's collapsedtexpression.0Solved
She snorted,t"That's it?tThat's it?tChildren alsotwant totshow offtin fronttof theirtsuperior. Whotgave youtthe courage?"0Solved
Rogertwas complainingtnonstop, andtshe unconsciouslytlearned thettone oftthe guy'stinner littlettheater.0Pending

Although ittdoesn't conformtto nobletetiquette, ittis verytinteresting.0Correct
Now Rogertis trappedtin thetside hall,tbeing supervisedtby Mrs.tMosconi, thetfive maidstare tryingtto matchtbeautiful clothes,tand thetsmile ontthe cornertof hertmouth istgetting biggertand bigger.0Correct
Ittwas sotmuch funtto seetRoger, whotwas reluctanttbut unabletto refuse!0Solved
Suddenly,ta lighttflashed intthe Queen'stmind.0Correct
She usedtmagic totproject severaltoutfits andtsent themtto Mrs.tMosconi.0Correct
She's goingtto maketsome newtclothes fortAngelina andtMargaret andtdress themtup, ha!0Correct
Nottonly LSPstlike totbuy clothestfor theirtwives.0Solved
Girls alsotlike totplay withtBarbie dolls!0Correct
Howtmuch moneytdoes thetNuan Nuantseries make?0Correct
Aren'ttthe twotprime ministerstof thetempire muchtbetter lookingtthan thosetdolls?0Correct
They're bothteye-catching andtgood-looking. Thanktyou, TreasuretBoy Roger,tfor thetpictures, I'lltjust happilytaccept it!0Solved
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttconsidered thistwave oftplunder successful,tand shetwas delighted!0Solved
Shetsuddenly loweredther headtand ranther fingerstacross hertlong legstfrom hertchest, proudtof hertcurves, andtwhispered:0Pending
"If "NewtArcane" cantachieve thetexpected effect,tit's nottimpossible fortme tottry ontone orttwo setstof thosetclothes youtlike... Italso liketsome oftthem!"0Pending
Everyone liketbeauty.0Solved
After all,tthere arettwo categories,tone istall crooked,tbut thetother hastmany workstthat aretnormal andtgirls willtlike.0Solved
The Queentof EternaltNight alsotyearned fortthe stylestand designstof thetclothes, thetworks createdtby thetGreat God.0Correct
Thetold ladiestwere sotbeautiful thattthis wavetis bubbling,tso beautifultthat ittsurpasses thettimes!0Pending
Her eyestflashed tremendously,trevealing athint oftanger whentshe sawthis demo.0Solved
Shetdidn't realizetthat thistis whatta womanthad totlook liketto pleasethim.0Solved
Someone hastmore andtmore weighttin hertheart, shetcares aboutthis feelingstvery much,tand wantstto attractthis attentiontall thettime.0Solved
Is thistnot whattis calledtliking?0Solved
The mysterioustcapital, thetImperial Academytof Magic.0Correct
Bytthe bluetlake, atyoung girltwith browntcurly hairtand atpale complexiontwho lookedta littletunhealthy andtthin wastsitting undertan applettree, eagerlyttaking outtfive goldtcoins andtlining themtup intfront ofther.0Solved
Immediately, shetshowed distresstand hesitation.0Correct
Thetpurchasing powertof imperialtgold coinstis verytstrong. Althoughtthe ImperialtAcademy oftMagic istfree, ittalso providestsubsidies andthigh scholarshipstto students,tbut learningtmagic iststill atbottomless pittfor whichtno amounttof moneytis enough——0Correct
Lookingtat hertwhite-washed magictrobe, thetgirl knewtthat, eventthough hertgrades weretperfect andtshe wastadnitted totTrinity College,tafter devotingtgrants, scholarships,tand eventmost ofther livingtexpenses totthose magicaltexperiments shetliked, lifetwould stilltbe prettyttight.0Solved
But AshleytNewton stilltdecided totbuy atcopy oft"New Arcane"tfor fivetgold coins.0

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