The Quest of Words

Chapter 48: Chapter 48 – …And Into Hess

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Chapter 48 - ...And Into Hess

Jax looked at me in concern, “Should we go look for her?”

I frowned uncertainly for a moment before shaking my head, “No. If I can feel her, then she can feel me, and she’s probably on the move already.” In fact, I was sure of it given how her presence kept rapidly fluctuating in strength. “If we start searching for her, too, then we might miss each other in this maze.”

Nodding unhappily, Jax made to speak, but then she tilted her head, “I hear fighting.” Turning, she pointed ahead of us, “That way somewheres.”

I made a face. There were only three possibilities that I could think of for who or what might be involved in something like that, and only one of them was something I would want to stay away from.

Well, there went that idea.

Lead on,” I said firmly.

With a quick nod, she skipped into a jog, and began following the path around a dog-leg. Pausing at an intersection, she listened intently for a moment before turning right, and then after only a few paces, we went right again down a long corridor. And about halfway along that, even I began to hear it.

Whatever was happening, this was no simple one-on-one strategic match. This sounded like a full-on war. And as we came to the last corner, we found out why.

Hess was embroiled in a fight with no less than ten of the beetles. Webbing was everywhere. The floor, the walls, Hess. Some of the vermin had tracers of it stuck to their carapaces. One was even chewing its leg free from where an unlucky wad of the stuff had cemented it to a tree.

Meanwhile, Hess was bleeding heavily from wounds both new and old. With a shout, she spun in the air, taking the huge insect that had been gnawing at her ankle with her and accelerated it into a nearby tree trunk. It’s mandible came off, still attached to her foot.

But then another grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her back. Turning she began to pulverize the thing’s head into the dirt, shouting, “Stop. Fucking. Biting me. You ‘Stoe-sucking. Fuckers!”

Staggering back, she worked her shoulder in circles. For all her prowess and Poison Resistance, she was beginning to look decidedly stiff.

As quickly as I could, I spread a Sap Varnish over Jax’s axe and jerked my head in the direction of the fight, “Go. Help where you can. And fight with the shadows.”

Without hesitating, she pulled me to her, and kissed me soundly, moaning a pair of clones into existence. Coming away with a fearful look, she murmured, “Stay safe.” And then she turned and the trio arrowed into the fray.

Taking a breath, I followed her around the corner and put my back against a trunk, concentrating on being still and innocuous. With Jax and her clones in the mix, the battle quickly transformed from a battle of ants versus a giant into a battle of ants versus a giant… and also a lot of other ants. In other words, chaos.

But if we were going to win this, chaos was not going to be enough. I needed to get said giant back to fighting form. The question was, what should I do first? Heal her or try to deal with some of the poison? Both would have consequences, of course, but the latter might be more than she could handle, even if some of her abilities were fueled by lust. If I accidentally made her crazy with the stuff, then I might end up killing us faster than the beetles.

Right then. Heal, it is!

Hurriedly, I went into the familiar cadence of Renewal of Consumption, burning through a little of my now much more plentiful Life pool, and sent it her way. Then, without so much as stopping to take a breath, I popped off my accuracy buff and watched.

As the spell took hold, Hess gasped and stumbled slightly. Looking around wildly, she finally took notice of the fact that Jax was fighting right beside her, and running forward, she double hammer-fisted a beetle that was about to bite my lilim’s neck into a tree.

Jax!” she shouted, her head swiveling about, “Where is he?! Is he here?”

Of c—. Ah, ye tadger!” she yelled, dodging out of the way of a wad of webbing and then rapidly amputating the antenna off of the nearest insect. “Of course, he be! Ye think I’d leave him alone?”

Where then? We need to run!” she yelled back. “I’m getting too stiff from all the poison!”

Ha! Just ye… Ack!” Suddenly, one of the vermin charged her from the side and bowled her ass over teakettle. Before she could recover, another bit into her thigh. “Donum!

Well… that was fast. Silently casting a prayer to whichever of the Goddesses might be paying attention at the moment, I nervously clenched my fists. Here’s to whatever the fuck this is going to do…

And I switched on the conversion aura.

Jax, having experienced it a few times by that point, reacted with at least a little decorum, and though her clone summoning went a bit out of control, it was at least effective enough to give the two of them some breathing room. Hess, on the other hand…

She had been running up to kick the s.o.b. that had just bit Jax away, but as soon as the aura hit her, her leg suddenly accelerated and exploded its way through the beetle. When she landed again, she was in shock. Amongst other things.

As miscellaneous beetle parts rained around her, she stood trembling with a thousand-yard stare. Struggling to even breathe properly, she abruptly started laughing, “Donum, you mad bastard!” Then, throwing her head back, she crowed, “Libidinous Fury!”

At those words, her body language changed entirely. Looking for all the world like she was in a dazed high, she swayed and then abruptly flickered. A moment later, four of the beetles went flying, and when they landed, they did not move again. Staggering, Hess fell to her knees, that one move having sapped her stamina entirely.

Hess?!” Jax shouted, rolling to her feet again, still favoring her injured leg despite the regeneration I had sent her. “What happened?”

Instead of answering, she yelled back, “Cover me for a second.” Quickly reaching out for one of the various beetle parts lying around, Hess called out for it to be converted, and slowly, the pieces began to coalesce into Gem form.

Seeing what she was going for, Jax swiveled around, gripping her axe with adrenaline fueled nerves. Hess’ little maneuver had instantly halved the number of combatants on the field, but it was still four to one odds. Fortunately, she had an answer for that.

Taking only a scant second to refresh her clone count, she covered herself with the shadow of one and charged the nearest giant insect. As it reared up to spit at her, she rolled under the oncoming fire, allowing her clone to take the shot instead and chopped its legs out from under it. Moments after it crashed to the ground, Jax ended its life.

Spinning, she caught sight of another going for the easy target that Hess was presenting and made to sprint for it. However, before she had taken two steps, a spat wad slapped against her calf and unfurled itself there, effectively cementing her to the spot. Cursing, she hurled her axe at the distracted vermin. Flashing end over end, it struck true, sinking deeply into the huge bug’s carapace.

That threat effectively ended, she quickly pulled the axe back to hand, and gave her leg a jerk. Seeing that she was not going anywhere, she took a breath and yelled, “Master!”

I was already on it. The second her axe had done its job, I dropped everything to begin the process of refreshing the Sap Varnish. It was the only thing the two of us had at the moment that could effectively penetrate the beetles’ armor. Without it, she was effectively helpless, and it was going to take me days before I could reliably cast the thing. But there was no helping that now. On my fourth attempt, I finally got the spell out, and just in case, I immediately started on it again, this time for her claws.

By that point, Jax had been rushed by the insect that had trapped her, and was in the middle of a wrestling match in which she had jammed her axe handle into the thing’s mandibles to keep it at bay. Of course, that meant that she could not bring her weapon to bear. For that matter, it was all she could do to keep the thing from jerking her axe out of her hands again.

But then, out of nowhere, Hess crashed into the side of the insect, shoulder checking it away and onto its back. Stumbling dizzily for a moment, she glanced at Jax, one of her cheeks bulging with the Gem she was sucking on for endurance. Pointing, she mumbled, “Myou finish that’n. I’ll tak da udder.”

Taking a panting few breaths, she nodded and burned her bindings off. As Hess leapt away again, Jax stalked forward. Seeing her coming, the beetle quickly righted itself, though part of its exoskeleton had caved in from the blow that Hess had just delivered. Wanting to press her advantage, Jax summoned up another pair of clones and rushed it.

Panicking at the sudden numbers coming for it, the beetle tried to fly away, but thanks to its injury, only one of its wing casings actually opened. Somersaulting in a wildly out-of-control flight path, the thing quickly gave up on that plan and crashed to the ground again, and before it could get its feet back under it, Jax attacked.

Chopping down for all she was worth, her axe whistled through the air straight for the insect’s head. However, she did not then have the benefit of my magically boosted accuracy, and her axe was tilted just a hair too much to strike true. Glancing off of the hard carapace, it skipped to the side, taking one of the beast’s antennae with it.

Jerking back, the beetle quickly lunged forward again and bit down on her arm, dragging her down. Her axe now pinned beneath the creature, she screamed and began ineffectually punching the thing’s head to try to get it to release her.

And about that time, I finished my second spell.

Jax! Your claws!”

Pausing mid-swing, she took in her now glistening nails, and forming her hand into a knife, she jabbed it straight into the creature’s compound eye-cluster. The hideous acid now injected directly into its brain casing, the beetle tensed, shuddering for a moment before it went still.


The creature dead, it was a simple matter to sever its mandible and pull her arm away, and scarcely acknowledging the Lust she was burning off, she stood. Hess had already finished off the final beetle, and was now collapsed against a tree truck, panting for air. But Jax did not care over much for that. Instead, she simply turned and watched me approach.

Well done, Jax,” I said, smiling as I expended a bit of Life to mend her arm. “You’re really getting the hang of…”

Whatever else I might have said was lost as Jax covered my mouth with her own. Having been bitten and healed twice during the fight, she might have looked fine, but she was in no mood to patiently wait for banter. Quickly pushing me against a tree, I could almost feel her desperate moans vibrating my chest. And as she ground against me, her mewling rose in pitch and fervor as I, in turn, rose between her legs.

Coughing loudly, Hess called out, “Not that I don’t appreciate the show, but a hello would be nice.”

Jax pulled away just long enough to snarl, “Wait!” before turning back, but I hastily inserted a hand between us.

I enjoy the enthusiasm as usual, Jax,” I laughed shakily, “but do try to show some consideration?”

Growling even louder, she slammed her claws into the trunk beside me, “Want!”

I know,” I said sympathetically, wincing a bit as wood chips sprinkled my face. Quickly ducking underneath her arm, I went on, “And you shall. Have patience.”

As I turned to walk over to Hess, Jax hastily jerked her hand out of the tree and followed me closely. I could tell that it was all she could do not to tackle me to the ground right then and there, but there was something else, too. A certain jitteriness that arousal alone could not account for. Shaking my head at her, I stopped at Hess’ feet, but before I could speak, Jax quickly grasped my hand and pressed herself to my back. Very lightly, she bit at my shoulder blade. I could feel her breath blowing hotly against my skin, amongst other even more distracting things.

However, Hess was not really paying any attention to all of that.

You’re alive,” she said, smiling tearfully before adding, “And naked?”

I cleared my throat, “I’m… wearing boots.”

As reunions went, it was a little lame… if fitting.

Deciding to start over, I squatted down, and Hess’ eyes brazenly followed my dangly bits all the way. Thanks to Jax, my flag was not exactly flying low right then, so I chose to ignore her indiscretion and instead asked, “Are you alright?”

Mmm…” she hummed, apparently in affirmation. “Have you gotten bigger?”

Jax hissed loudly at that, “Mine!”

Oh no, girlie,” Hess grinned through her sniffles, “You’ve had your turn. I saw it!”

Mine again!” she retorted, childishly.

I sighed, and though I was blushing heavily, I held my hands up placatingly, “Can we just have a moment to not debate who’s turn it is?” Looking up at Jax, I went on, “I’ve been… quite worried that Hess was…” I stopped, unwilling to say the word.

You were?” Hess smiled, her tears now flowing freely down her face.

Smiling back sheepishly, I asked again, “Are you sure you’re alright?”

Waving my concern away, her lips compressed as her emotions started getting the better of her. “I-I’m…” starting to choke, she began again, “You disappeared, and then… then Jax died and her body vanished, and I… I…” Surging forward, she pulled me into a crushing embrace, “Oh, Donum! I’ve been looking for you! All this time, I was looking and… and I was starting to…”

She never finished what she was going to say. She only sobbed.

Gently patting and rubbing her back, I made consoling noises as she cried herself out. For all the things I had been through, at least I had Jax. Meanwhile, the entire time, Hess had been alone. And given our relative strength, it was no wonder that she had been so afraid for me. Had our situations been reversed… Well, maybe I would leave that thought alone.

Catching movement out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Jax was wringing her hands nervously. She seemed almost… terrified?

Fearful that something might be coming, I shot her a concerned look, but as our eyes met, she quickly spun around.

Hmm… That would bear probing into.

Are you alright?” Hess asked, cutting into my thoughts. “What happened to you, anyway?”

Pulling away from her embrace, I nodded, smiling. Briefly, I recounted my time encased in the cocoon, the choices I made, and finished with our escape, relishing a little in Jax’s steadily improving combat abilities. I was not above bragging about her.

As I spoke, Jax seemed to calm down somewhat and came to stand primly by my side again. Apparently, my praise had mollified her in some way.

Coming to the end, Hess stared at me for a moment before asking, “Did you just say, ‘That Only Makes Us Horny’?” I nodded, a little confused as to why, out of everything, she had decided to start with that, and she muttered, “How fantastically appropriate.”

I chuckled ruefully, “Yes, well… that’s the Lady for you. Anyway, it’s a niche choice, but it seems to work for us.”

Aye,” Jax cut in, calm enough now to be at least a little articulate, “And what were… shite ye did? M-master’s skill be… difficult. I know. When it came, I felt ye. Powerful. But then ye shouted uh… libby donut furry? And then…”

Libidinous fury,” she corrected. “It’s kind of a shitty skill, if I’m honest. It only works if my Arousal pool is more than half full, and then it takes all of it and a big chunk of my endurance besides in exchange for a short but extreme boost to strength and speed. I almost never get to use it,” pausing, she glanced at me and grinned. “Coincidentally, it also happens to get rid of the extremely rare Lust Ailment. Imagine my surprise when that skill of yours hit. I had all but forgotten it did that, honestly.”

Wryly returning it, I admitted, “And I’m glad you had it. I was kind of afraid of what would happen with you under that kind of influence.”

Would you like to find out?” she returned, her grin growing.

Me. First,” Jax growled, emphatically pronouncing her need. As if it were not obvious.

Sighing, Hess rolled her eyes, “You’ve had all day alone with him. Why haven’t you taken care of it already?”

Both of us broke eye contact at the question. I might have left that part of the story out.

So, instead of answering it, I gently patted her on the ankle, and stood, “Give us a moment, Hess. We need to talk for a bit, so you just rest here for a while.”

Frowning unhappily, Hess said quietly, “Don’t go far.”

With a reassuring half-smile, I pulled Jax away, but before we had gone half a dozen paces, her hands were already all over me. “Wait… wait a second, Jax!” I said, grabbing her wrists. “I did actually want to talk to you!”

Frustrated, she did not attempt to break my grip. Instead, she merely pushed against me until I was again trapped against the nearest tree trunk, and then she pressed herself to me firmly, “Master… please.”

Jax…” I began, but she had started gently kissing and nipping at my chest. Trying my best to ignore the sensations, I took a deep breath. “How can you possibly still be hungry? With all that poison I converted?”

Not hungry,” she said, smiling playfully. Then, casually ignoring my hold on her wrist, she reached down and took me in hand, “Want.”

What?” I asked, furrowing my brow, “You mean just for the sake of it?”

Right as I was beginning to think I had figured out the decidedly odd social dynamic between us, here I was seemingly at square one again. Jax enjoyed sex with me because she enjoyed my lust. Of the various flavors of emotion I gave off, that was her favorite by far. And while I appreciated it for what it was, I hated to admit it, but there was a bit of a transactional quality to the whole affair.

And I could deal with that, even if it left me feeling a little emotionally unfulfilled. However, if she was beginning to want me for more than just feeding, that was something else again. If anything, that meant that I needed to talk with her all the more urgently.

How long have you felt this way?” I asked.

Momentarily pausing in her ministrations, she cast a furtive glance up at me, “Want… since taste…” Giving her head a shake, she tried again, “Since I had ye… in… in m-me… Hah~” Shivering for a moment, she licked her lips, “Want now, Master…”

By the Three… It was incredibly difficult not to just cave and give her exactly what she wanted, but I needed to resolve this first. Quickly glancing over at Hess, I briefly met her gaze. She was watching us. Not that I had expected otherwise, but even as she was indulgently rubbing her thighs together, I still felt that there was a hint of worry behind her eyes. Closing my own for a moment, I sighed.

I did not want to do this.

Jax…” I whispered softly, “do you want me to yourself?”

She froze. Instantly.


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Just say the word, Jax,” I said. “Say it, and I will be yours alone. I won’t touch Hess.”

Beginning to tremble, she had to force the air out of her lungs again, “I-I… Why? I n-nay understand. Ye gave oath. She be…”

I nodded, “I promised her that I would bind her, yes. But I never said that she could have me.” Although, it had been heavily implied. In fact, I was certain that she would take the news… less than well. No less than myself. However, I owed Jax this choice. I owed her everything. “I would even break that oath, and leave her unbound. If you wanted me to.”

Yer saying… ye’d take no other?” she asked, “None others but me?”

Yes. If that’s what you want.”

Slowly, her eyes went distant. And I waited.

I knew that she had not expected this and would need some time to consider it. But honestly, I should have made the offer a long time ago. Things had progressed in a lot of different and unexpected directions over the last few days, so I had not really been able to process it all. However, left unchecked, this was rapidly galloping in the direction of some kind of polygamous… thing. Inexorably. Which was insane, of course, but here I was.

The weird thing, though, was that Jax had never given me any push back on the matter. Quite the opposite, in fact. Ever since she had starting going off about her being some… harem’s mistress or the first wife or whatever, it was clear that was what she was expecting. However, I had never actually asked if that was what she truly wanted. I was not even sure that I wanted it, to be honest.

Why do ye offer me this?” she asked finally. “Do ye test me now?”

I blinked at her, confused and more than a little incensed, “Is that what you’re feeling off of me? Am I being duplicitous?” But at her vacant look, I growled a bit, frustrated at having to explain myself, “Lying. Trying to trick you.”

Slowly, she shook her head, “Then I nay understand. Why do ye offer me this?”

Staring uncomprehendingly, I said, “Look, I may not be some empathic savant like you, but it’s exceedingly obvious, from the way that you growl and snap at even the thought of anyone coming close to me, that you would prefer to keep me to yourself. So I’m giving you the choice. I will be your man. Yours alone. If that’s what you want.”

She was silent again for a few moments before shaking her head, “This don’t make no sense. Would ye stab out an eye because the other’n prefers ye look out of it?”

I… what?” This conversation… never mind being derailed. It was like Jax was not even on a train, much less on a different track. “You’ve lost me.”

And from the way she was looking at me, she was having much the same problem, “I nay… this… Why would ye think to offer me this?”

I just explained!” Closing my eyes for a moment, I rubbed at my temples in frustration. Maybe… maybe this was a culture thing? “Look, uh… Where I’m from, when a man and a… well… when two people come together, it’s expected that they will be monogamous. Only with one another. To do otherwise is considered a betrayal. Do you… Is that not a thing here?”

Some do,” she nodded. “But it ain’t expected. But that… We…” Slowly, her lips pressed together, and she growled, “Master, ye… I ain’t…” Pausing again, she bit at her knuckle for a second before pronouncing, “No! I won’t take ye for me ownself. That’d be like asking ye to cripple yerself for… for me. And I’d rather die than see ye hurt. Die forever! Ye ken?”

I narrowed my eyes at her, vexedly. That had been an impassioned response, but I was no less disheartened that she had not taken me up on my offer and more than a little frustrated at her reasoning. It was like getting rejected over a person’s career, even if that was not at all the case.

However, I could understand her point. A lot of the conflict now was a direct result of the way that my class seemed to function, and at least in terms of power, I had effectively just offered to neuter myself for her. And while I had certainly felt that it was quite the gesture, she was less than keen on the idea. Which was understandable. I would not want her to do that for me, either.

Jax watched me closely as I slowly processed all of that. Finally, sighing, she reached up and took my head into her hands, “Master, I be a part of ye. And nothing will e’er change that. None will come between. Ye ken? Nay cast yer worries over thoughts of… of betrayal. There be naught ye could do what would be such.”

Really?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow. “What if I were to… I dunno. Bed some waitress at a pub? What would you do then? How would that make you feel?”

Ye’d never do that,” she said with absolute confidence. “Nor would I let such get so far. But since we’re playing games… I’d kill her dead for seducing ye.”

I winced. I had expected as much. “What if I didn’t let you? What if I protected her?”

If ye found her worthy of yer bed,” she responded quickly, “then I’d see her bound.”

Okay, then what if…”

If ye’d not see her bound nor dead,” she interrupted, anticipating the question, “then ye’d not find her worthy of yer bed. Now would ye?”

Jax…” I sighed. There was some truth to her reasoning, even if it was very black and white. But she was right. After what I had just offered her, it was obvious that this was always going to remain a hypothetical. Still, “It’s… it’s like you’re saying that I can do no wrong! And that… that’s crazy! I’m not some perfect man who can… who can…”

Know yer desires? Anticipate yer wishes?” Jax finished for me, pointedly.

I blinked at her, finally understanding. It was the other way around. Sort of.

You’re not actually all that good at…”

Abruptly, she flicked my nose, “Hush ye. I be young yet.”

Rubbing at it, ruefully, I frowned at her, “Alright, fine. I’ll take that for what it is.” I was glad that we were getting a clearer understanding of one another. Still, there was one other thing I needed to know, “But, what was that before? Back there. When Hess was hugging me and crying, you looked so afraid.”

Eyes widening for a moment, she cast her eyes to the ground, “That ain’t for me to say, but… she… It’s to do with the order of things. I were afraid she’d… do aught before I, be all.”

And that… is it related to this?” I asked.

Glancing up at me out of the corner of her eye, she did not reply save to very slightly tilt up the corner of her mouth.

Uh huh… then… perhaps you should hurry up and do… whatever it is?” I suggested.

Also be against the order of things,” she replied, enigmatically.

Hmm… Well, there were not many other possibilities. “I have to do it first, you’re saying?”

A nod.

And you’re not going to tell me what it is?”

Nay.” There was a certain teasing quality to the way she had said that, but I did not have a clue as to why that might be.

Sighing, I ventured, “Okay, well, whatever it is, these things don’t just happen by magic, and I am clearly no mind reader. If you’re so afraid that Hess will spoil it, then aren’t you taking a risk? Shouldn’t you take measures?”

She stared at me for a moment, almost shocked by my suggestion. However, after a moment of consideration, she frowned and nodded to herself, “Aye. Ye talk sense. Wait here.” Without another word, she turned and started walking toward Hess.

Wh… Jax! That wasn’t…”

Just wait, Master,” she repeated.

I groaned. I had been implying that she should give me a hint, but apparently, she had interpreted things a little differently. I should not have been surprised. Crossing my arms, I resigned myself to wait as she and Hess began to have a conversation of their own.

Naturally, I paid close attention. Or I tried to.

Jax squatted down, settling on her haunches before she began, and without really realizing that I was doing it, I took a moment to appreciate the view. The incremental filling out she had been experiencing was gradually pushing her backside into noticeably womanly proportions, and it caused me to miss the first part of their talk.

Damn fool…

Glancing up quickly, I could see that whatever Jax had just said had caused Hess something of a shock, and she was shaking her head in denial. Jax was having none of that, though, and there followed an awful lot of gesturing and pointing. Finally, Hess met my eyes for a few seconds and rolled her eyes. Sighing, she nodded.

Master,” Jax called.

Heaving my weight off of the tree, I casually strolled over to them, my arms still crossed. “I don’t suppose either of you feel like filling me in on whatever this is?”

It’s a bunch of foolery, that’s what,” Hess replied. But at Jax’s hard look, she added, “I said I agreed… as long as you’re certain?”

Jax nodded confidently.

Fine then,” she crossed her arms. Glancing up at me, she smiled uncertainly.

Ugh… Hand of Mercy… Have mercy!

Well,” I sighed, “If you’re not going to talk, then I guess we should move on. I’ll get these corpses settled and then…”

Abruptly, Jax’s hand clasped around my ankle, “Master… do ye forget?” Slowly, she began to roll her backside against her heel and sucked in the corner of her lower lip.

Seriously?” I asked, flabbergasted. “After all of that, you’re still in the mood?”

Told ye, did I nay?” she replied. “It don’t go away. But I can ignore it… if needs be.”

And what about me?” Hess asked. “Now that we’re in agreement and all? Are you going to keep standing in the way?”

Jax glanced at her almost dismissively, but after a moment, she reconsidered and explained, “Yer want be less than mine right now, Oathbound. But… ye did say that yer Arousal needs filling. Won’t do to leave it. Master?”

My eyebrow quirked up irritably, less than pleased at being treated like some kind of sex toy, “Yes?”

Come,” she patted the compacted dirt by her side, “sit.”

Sighing, I plopped down. I may as well get this over with.

Smiling at me in amusement, Jax leaned close to my ear and whispered, “I wish ye could feel me as I you. So that ye might know how much I… ache for ye. Always.”

At those words, my irritation vanished in a puff of smoke.

Okay… Now I’m ready.


As she pulled away, it was clear that she had played me like a fiddle, but that was fine. I was perfectly willing to sing whatever melody she wanted, so long as she tuned me up a bit first — a skill she was becoming ever more adept at.

Taking my hand in her own, she murmured, “But maybe ye can feel it this way…”

Slowly, she brought my fingers to her sex and then began to rub me against the soft, smoothness there. Her breath soon increased its tempo, and then finally, out of patience, she bit her lip and sucked me inside of herself. There was no other word for it. My finger was abruptly met by a warm and lusciously moist… pulling sensation that incrementally drew it inside of her. And it kept pulling. Pulse by pulse, with no effort on my part, my digit was led into that warm cavern between her legs until it could go no further.

Fairly writhing now, she looked at me through half-lidded eyes, “S-see? Do… feel it? Feel m-me?”

I swallowed. If it felt like that on my finger… “Chebs,” I breathed.

Gasping out a short laugh, she leaned forward and murmured, “Aye…” Relaxing onto my arm, she consequently nestled it between her still smallish breasts and using her shoulders, she wrapped them as much as she could around me. Then, continuing to grind against my hand, she rested against my shoulder, panting and moaning as she rubbed her cheek and the sides of her elongated canines against my flesh.

“’Stits…” Hess breathed. “Look at you go. It’s hard to believe that you were a guy just a few days ago.”

Jax furrowed her brow for a moment before shaking her head, “W-wh~ hah~ Mmmm… What are ye…” She closed her eyes and moistened her lips before starting again, “What ye waiting for? Ye can have the rest.”

Hess and I shared a glance. That had been a bit of an odd response, but I really did not have enough brain power to think about it right then. And Hess’ gaze had already dipped to my now very ready erection.

Staring at it indecisively for a moment, she shrugged lightly to herself, “Oh, why not?” Getting to her knees, she began to crawl forward, seductively rolling her hips as she came. Stopping only when her face was inches from mine, she murmured softly, “You’ve wanted this ever since you first beheld me, haven’t you?”

I swallowed. Actually, for quite some time, I had been terrified of her, but I had come around to her merits. Once you got to know her, and you kept her sober long enough, she was a lovely woman. Smiling a bit, and not trusting myself not to say something stupid, I just nodded.

Chuckling a bit, she leaned down and flicked the head of my member with her tongue.

Ahh~” Jax gasped loudly.

The both of us looked at her.

Really?” Hess asked, surprised.

Jax nodded, “A-aye… Do it again. Please?”

Oh, I’ll do more than that…”

So saying, she dipped back down and sucked the head into her mouth. Working slowly, she alternated between running her tongue over the top and then sucking strongly for just a few seconds before starting over.

Nnna~ N-now cup him below,” Jax whispered, still writhing against my arm, “And tickle the spot just behind…”

With a loud popping sound, Hess came away from me and quirked an eyebrow at Jax, “You think I’ve never done this before?”

Making a sound of protest, Jax whimpered, “Don’t stop! Why did ye stop?”

Hess made a face at her and shook her head before leaning down and starting again, this time more vigorously.

Grunting now with the effort of keeping my shit together, I glanced over at Jax. She was fervently watching what Hess was doing and still making little sounds, trying to guide her in her efforts. I honestly could not believe it. She was backseat driving my blow job! Amused, I flexed my hand a bit, pressing my digit strongly against the front of her inside wall.

Jax immediately clamped down hard against me, shivering and quaking as her first orgasm rolled over her, and the pulling sensation on my finger almost tripled in strength, pulsing in time with her inner waves. Finally able to take a breath, she gasped, “Gyaha! Master! Do that again!” Pressing down against my hand almost as hard as she could, she started moaning plaintively, almost begging, “Again! Again! Please!”

And as her calls rang ever higher, Hess abruptly stopped, “’Snails… I can’t listen to this anymore.” Shoving me back, she quickly stood and almost ripped my old underwear away in her haste.

Pulled out of her fugue of pleasure, Jax looked at her, startled, “H-Hess? What are ye…”

What does it look like I’m doing?” Hess asked. Stepping over me, she turned around and slowly squatted down.

No!” Jax said, reaching out, yet unwilling to come away from my finger, “I ain’t done it that way yet!”

Too bad, girlie,” she said playfully, before aiming me for her now extremely moist target. “You’ll just have to try this later.” And then she hilted herself.

The both of us gasped as her weight settled onto my hips and those warm, delicate folds engulfed me. It was an entirely different sensation to what I was getting from Jax. There was no suction or pulsing or any of the rest. It was just a warm, tight, and slick hole. But it still felt great.

And as she began to move, Jax soon forgot why she should be upset, too enraptured by the sensations coming from us..

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