The Radland

Chapter 6: Chapter 6- A Small Favor

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If looks could kill, the one that Gia gave Lucas would have ended his life one hundred times over. Her mood was fouler than the stinky streets of the Charlotte Ghetto. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” she said. 

“Come on, it’s not that bad,” Lucas said, stifling a laugh.

Gia sighed and took her first steps outside of Irene’s Inn. She was wearing a faded white shirt with the sleeves cut off. The shirt was cropped very high up, exposing her belly button and toned abs. She had on cut-off denim shorts with rips in them that left very little to the imagination along with a pair of black boots. Her gun was tucked into the back of her pants. Instead of being tied in her usual tight bun, her hair hung loosely down to her shoulders. It was unlikely that anyone would see a Peace Officer when they looked at her.

“I look ridiculous,” Gia said. She pulled down the shorts which kept riding up her butt.

“I’m sure Candy and her crossbow will be thrilled when I tell her you said that,” Lucas grinned. 

Gia crossed her arms. “Seriously, I can’t walk around looking like this. Won’t I just attract more attention in this outfit?”

Lucas had to admit that she had a point. It was taking a lot of willpower for him to not start checking her out like a creep. “Alright, fine. Put this on and stop whining,” he said.

He removed the strap for his machete, took off his coat, and draped the coat over her shoulders. The tension in Gia’s body visibly loosened as she put it on. Her short body was swimming in the coat and she had to roll up the sleeves, but she seemed much more comfortable than she had been moments before. 

She buttoned up the coat and started walking away from the inn. “What are you waiting for? Let’s get going already,” she said.

Lucas shook his head with a slight smile and began walking alongside her. He used his admittedly spotty memory of a previous visit to The Charlotte Ghetto to lead the two of them through the winding pathways. Since the town had developed organically over time instead of being designed by a city planner, its roads twisted and turned in strange directions like a maze. The makeshift buildings and grubby scenery all blended together, which didn’t make it any easier for them to find their way around. 

After a while, Gia started to grow restless. “Is this Santiago guy worth all the effort that we’ve put into finding him?” she asked. “I’d hate to think that we almost got mauled by a wirewolf for nothing.”

“Santi is the most well-connected person I’ve ever met,” Lucas said. “Have you ever heard of that interweb thing that people used back before The Impact to look up info? Santi is like a human interweb. He’s got eyes everywhere and seems to know everything about everyone. If we get Santi onboard, there’s no way Isaac can hide from us. He’s pretty handy in a fight too.”

“He sounds like he might have his uses,” Gia admitted. “But are you sure he’ll go along with this?”

Lucas didn’t feel confident about their chances, but he tried not to let it show. “I’m sure that we’re screwed without him. Any intel you might’ve had about Isaac has got to be out of date by now. If we want to find him, we need Santi.”

The mountain of trash piled next to the border of Charlotte and The Ghetto drew closer as the duo continued their trek through the city. The average inhabitant of the Charlotte Ghetto wasn’t very well off, but the people in this part of the town were doing even more poorly. This area was notorious for all of the violence that broke out there regularly. Outsiders fought each other like wild animals to find the best new scraps in the trash heap. Only the most cunning and dangerous people could survive here. 

The duo walked briskly through the streets until Lucas stopped in front of a small store with peeling blue paint on its walls. It had the same “barely held together” feeling as the rest of the buildings in the neighborhood. The words “Torres Antique Shop” were written on the store’s front window in chipped red paint.

“This is the place,” Lucas said. “When we get inside, let me do most of the talking and just follow my lead. And try not to mention that you’re a Roach unless you absolutely need to.”

“Alright, let’s do this,” Gia said as she pushed the door open. 

Torres Antique Shop was a tiny store. Calling it a store was generous since it seemed like its business model was just collecting old junk from the trash mountain and trying to sell it back to people. It looked like a few of the items had received minor repairs, but the majority of them were still in a borderline unusable state. It was a wonder that anyone ever bought anything there instead of just trying their luck with the junk outside. The store’s inventory was scattered around haphazardly, giving the place a claustrophobic feeling.

A muscular man with tan skin and dark, wavy hair stood behind the counter. He chatted with an elderly customer as he tried to help her find the perfect rug for her house. 

“Trust me, ma’am. This is a rare rug that dates back to before The Impact,” the man said. “You see the stitching pattern here? It was the signature technique of the famous old-world designer Raphael Donatello. Surely you’ve heard of his work?”

The customer scratched her chin. “Yes, the name does sound familiar. I’m just not sure if I can afford the price.”

“You can’t put a price on happiness. With a rug like this, your home will look almost as beautiful as you do, ma’am,” Santi winked.

“Mr. Torres, I’m married,” the old woman blushed. “I don’t usually make impulsive purchases like this, but I know you would never steer me wrong. I’ll take it!”

Santi smiled warmly. “Excellent choice! Let me put that in a bag for you.”

The woman thanked him again as she carried her purchase out of the store. The moment she was out of the store, Santi’s smile was replaced with a grimace. “Lucas. It’s been a while. What are you doing here?”

“Santi! ¿Qué Pasa?  It’s great to see you!” Lucas with the forced enthusiasm of a sleazy car salesman. “Aren’t Raphael and Donatello characters from that old turtle comic you used to read all the time when we were kids? You played that geezer like a fiddle! Classic Santi. Bring it in, man!” He went in for a hug but Santi didn’t reciprocate.

“Quit trying to butter me up. It’s creeping me out.” Santi glanced over at Gia. “And who’s the broad?”

The Peace Officer waved at him. “Hi, I’m Gia Bellini. I’m a… friend of Lucas. Nice to meet you.”

Santi snorted. “Lucas doesn’t have any friends.”

“Dude, that hurts,” Lucas said, fighting back imaginary tears. “I’ve always thought of you as my best friend in the whole wide world. I thought we were tight.”

“Cut the crap and just tell me what you want already. I’m a busy man,” Santi said.

Lucas cleared his throat. “Right. My associate and I have an opportunity that we thought you might be interested in: We’re going after Second Impact.”

Santi stared at Lucas for a few seconds before erupting in laughter. Every time it seemed like he was about to calm down, he’d look at Lucas and burst into laughter all over again. Lucas tapped his foot impatiently.

“Isaac’s goons? Seriously?” Santi said in between laughs. “You two might as well dig your own graves right now if you plan on messing with them.”

“I know this might be a little nuts, but if you join us we’ll have a fighting chance of taking Isaac down,” Lucas said. “You’re one of the toughest & smartest guys I know and I can’t do this without you.”

Mock surprise danced across Santi’s face. “Lucas Spade is admitting that there’s something he can’t do? And asking someone else for help? The world must be ending again.”

“That just goes to show you how serious I am about this,” Lucas said. “Are you in?”

“Are you kidding me?” Santi chuckled.  “Hell no.”

“Why not? I thought you’d be all over the chance to get some revenge. You used to love seeking vengeance on people,” Lucas said.

Santi crossed his arms. “Not as much as I love staying alive. You might have a death wish, but I know better than to go after someone as crazy as your brother.”

“We need to do this because of what that crazy motherfucker did to us!” Lucas said. “ Do this for Abbott. He would want us to pay Isaac back for betraying him!”

A fire raged behind Santi’s eyes. “Using a dead guy to try and manipulate someone is low even for you,” he said.

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Lucas said softly. “I just really need this. Please.”

Santi’s icy demeanor softened somewhat. “Look, I miss Abbott too but killing Isaac isn’t going to bring him back. This idea of yours is stupid and there’s nothing you can say to change my mind.”

“Looks like we’ve got no choice but to use our secret weapon,” Lucas sighed. He turned to Gia and snapped his fingers. “Gia, strip off the jacket.”

She slapped him across the face with the force of a heavyweight boxer.

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Lucas nearly fell over but managed to stay upright by using a nearby stack of junk to steady himself.  “Damn, I was just kidding!” he said, rubbing his face. “You guys need to lighten up.”

“If your comedy routine is over, could you get out of here? I’ve got a business to run,” Santi said.

There’s only one card left to play. I hope he’s still as greedy as I remember, Lucas thought.

“Alright, I know better than to keep arguing with you once you’ve made up your mind about something,” Lucas said as he headed toward the door. “After all, it’s not like you need the reward money anyway.”

Santi’s ears perked up. “Money? You didn’t mention anything about money before.”

Lucas stopped with his hand inched away from the doorknob and turned around. “Really? Must’ve slipped my mind. Yeah, the Roaches are gonna make me filthy stinking’ rich once we get Isaac. We signed a contract and everything.”

Gia nodded. “I handed him the papers myself.”

Santi swore under his breath in Spanish. “She’s a Roach? You brought a fucking Roach here?”

Lucas glared at Gia for a second before turning back to Santi. “Relax, man. They said that they’d extend the same offer to anybody that I recruited to join my team,” Lucas lied. “Ain’t that right, Gia?” 

He’d never been religious, but he sent a heartfelt prayer to the big guy upstairs that Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes would go along with his heavily distorted version of the truth. She’d always given the impression that she believed in honesty and integrity, but the fate of their entire mission hinged on getting Santi to join them. If she refused to bend the truth here, it would all be over. Lucas waited with bated breath for her response.

If Gia was going through any emotional turmoil, she didn’t show it. “Of course you’ll be compensated, Mr.Torres,” she smiled. “We would never expect you to do something like this for free. The government has also extended the same offer of immunity for your past crimes that we’re giving Lucas.”

Lucas was impressed. She’d done such a good job of building on his lie that he almost started to believe her himself. Lucas put on a nonchalant expression and continued the gambit. “But it’s obvious that you’re doing great here, man,” he said. “I wouldn’t wanna drag you out of town over something silly like riches beyond your wildest dreams. It’s clear that running this little store is your true calling.”

Santi snickered.“You think you can get me to stick my neck out and mess with the craziest gang in the country for some fucking money?”

An awkward silence filled the air. Lucas exchanged a nervous glance with Gia. They both wondered if they’d pushed Santi too far. 

The businessman broke out in a toothy grin. “You thought right! Of course I’m going to help you out, Lucas. I’d do anything for my best friend!”

Lucas slapped him on the back and chuckled. “I knew you’d come around, bro! Good to have ya with us.”

Santi slapped him on the back harder and replied with an even more exaggerated chuckle. “Tell me, bestie. Exactly how much money will I be making from this gig? I’d love to hear a specific number.”

“I’ve uh, never been too good with numbers. Gia would know more about that than I would,” Lucas said, gesturing to the Peace Officer. “Answer the man’s question, Gia.”

He tuned the two of them out while they haggled over the details of the payment. Discussions like that always bored him to tears. Lucas was just glad that they appeared to be in the home stretch. It was pretty touch and go for a while there.

He started paying attention again just in time to hear Santi say “I’ll need to look at a copy of those documents, but I think I can make this work.”

“So you’re in?” Lucas asked.
“There’s just one more thing. I need you guys to do a small favor for me,” Santi said.

Lucas smiled. “Sounds good, fam. What’s the favor?”

“Hold on a second,” Santi said. He went into a back room for a few moments before returning with a small box and plopping it down on the counter.

“All you have to do is deliver this package to a guy for me,” he said. “He’ll hand you something in return and you just need to bring it back to me.”

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “That’s all?”

Santi nodded. “That’s all.”

“Why can’t you deliver it yourself? Why do you need us to do it for you?” Gia asked.
Santi laughed nervously. “I’ve had a few disagreements with people on that side of town and it’s probably best if I don’t show my face over there for a while.”

Worry lines formed on Gia’s forehead. “The package must be something valuable if this is enough to change your mind. What’s in it anywa-“

“We don’t need to know what’s in it,” Lucas said, cutting her off. “It’s a done deal. You can count on us, Santi.”

The store owner smiled. “That’s what I like to hear. Get it done.”

He carefully placed the package into a cloth satchel along with a hand-drawn map, handed it to Lucas, and sent the two of them on their way. Lucas let out a sigh of relief. He’d had no idea how things would turn out when he walked into the store, but this seemed like the best possible outcome. He could do a job like this in his sleep. 

“Thanks for backing me up there with that story about the money,” he said to Gia. “That part about offering him immunity was a nice touch.”

“I meant every word of it,” Gia said. “As soon as we take care of this errand for him, I’m heading over to the nearest Peace Officer Station to put in the request for him. It wouldn’t be right to ask him to help us without getting anything in return.”

“While you’re at it, you should put in a request to increase my reward money,” Lucas said. “After all, I deserve a finder’s fee for sweet talking him into it.”

Gia smirked. “I doubt the bosses will go for that, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks,” Lucas said. “Sometimes you can be pretty cool, Bellini.”

“I can die happy knowing that I have your approval,” Gia joked. Her smile faded quickly. “But I’m worried about this job. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to get involved in anything illegal.”

“You should’ve thought of that before you agree to help a smuggler,” Lucas said. He laughed at her shocked expression. “What, you thought that antique shop was legit? It’s just a front for the stuff he has stored in the back room. People from all over come to him when they need shit that they can’t get anywhere else.”

Annoyance and fear danced across Gia’s face before she finally settled on acceptance. “We don’t know for certain that there’s anything illegal in the package,” she rationalized. “And if you’re the one who makes the trade, then hopefully I won’t be implicated in whatever this is because I technically wasn’t involved.”

Part of Lucas wanted to tease her for starting to become more morally flexible, but he feared that she might call the whole thing off if he pushed her too much. He reached into the satchel that Santi had handed him before he left and whipped out the map. It was incredibly detailed and included a lot of recognizable landmarks, which made it easy to figure out where they needed to go. They found themselves moving farther away from the trash heap area and into a part of town that looked nice, relatively speaking. 

The houses in this area were still made from recycled materials but they were a lot larger and seemed to incorporate the trash into their architecture in more stylish ways. People walked past them wearing clothes that barely had any holes in them. And it might have just been wishful thinking on Lucas’ part, but he could’ve sworn that the pungent garbage aroma was less intense in this part of town.

After walking for a few more minutes, Lucas looked up from the map. He and Gia were by the edge of the town in front of an impressive-looking three-story building. Whoever had built it had turned worn old materials into a decent imitation of classic gothic architecture. After looking up at the building and back down at the map a couple of times, he was sure that they were in the right place.

He grinned at Gia. “We’re here. The job is practically done already. That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

Before she could reply, a young boy cut the strap off of the satchel on Lucas’ shoulder with a pocket knife and took off running.

Lucas groaned. “God dammit.”

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