The Ranger: Curse of the Wise

Chapter 31: Chapter 30- End of Arc one

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In the shadow of a castle, overlooking a city on the coast, a patch of black sand rose. With many versions of itself across both this world and Earth, this version of Etrius looked at the castle. Once more, dressed as a wraith, Etrius moved from the private garden into the familiar stone halls. Unlike how one might think in a castle, there were no guards. After all, the private garden was near the center of the castle and it was impossible for anyone to reach it without alerting the guards beforehand.

Passing through the halls, Etrius saw many servants doing their daily tasks. Those that saw it, looked annoyed, and for good reason. Something, possibly something bad, was going to happen. Nearing the king’s room, Etrius saw a familiar, yet somewhat unfortunate sight. A single poor knight was attempting to stop a witch hunter from entering his majesty's chambers. The witch hunter, one of the few not to immediately resort to violence, looked troubled. Looking about for something to solve his dilemma, he saw Etrius and smiled.


“Ranger Washington!” The witch hunter called out.

“Keith.” Etrius replied. “What are you doing here? What did they do this time?”

“Oh, its you.” The guard said.

“Why do you sound so disappointed?” Etrius asked.

“I know it's rude, right?” Keith added.

“Please, just go home. I don’t want any trouble.” He said.

“Well too bad, I need you two to witness something.” Etrius said.

“Oh, sounds fun.” Keith said, rubbing his hands together.

“Please…” The guard said.

“Too bad Soren.” Etrius said, pushing the doors open. “We’re seeing the king.”

“Just what daddy wanted!” Keith said.

“Please never say that again.” Soren said.

“Yeah, I’m with him on this one.” Etrius said.

“Bastards. Both of you.” He said.


On the other side of the door, two knights reached for their swords, however upon seeing a ranger, a witch hunter, and an elite knight, they stood at ease. Furthermore, it was the specific ranger, witch hunter, and their keeper that put them at ease. After all when they fought, let alone when they worked together, two elite knights wouldn’t be enough.


“Keep it short.” One of the knights said instead of the usual warning.

“Got it.” Etrius said.

“Sorry about this.” Soren sighed.

“Keep up the good work!” Keith said.


With the doors closing by themselves behind the trio, they headed deeper into the building. Up a set of stairs with even more elite knights, they arrived at a set of heavy, red painted, oak doors. As for tradition for Etrius, it knocked in an obnoxious way. Stepping back, the door was shortly opened to an annoyed looking minister and healer that the three all knew well.


“Oh it’s you three.” Benjamin said. “What did you do this time?”

“I bring news of the movement of a dragon.” Keith said.

“I need to speak with the king about his condition.” Etrius said.

“Wait, a dragon?” Soren asked. “Why didn’t you say that before? I would have let you in.”

“It has nothing to do with our world, so it is a potentially unnecessary worry.” Keith explained.

“And what about the king’s condition?” Benjamin asked, ignoring the other two.

“I came across an artifact that can cure him.” Etrius said.

“““WHAT!?””” The three shouted.


Not only them, but the nearby knights turned to it in surprise. Anyone, everyone, who knew of the king’s condition was sure that he would die without any hope of a cure. And now, a ranger came here claiming to have a cure. If it had been any normal ranger, this would be seen as some sort of sick joke, but for better or worse, that ranger was ranger Washington.


“Show me.” Benjamin said.


Wordlessly, Etrius pulled out a box of smaller boxes that shone in different flashing colors of white, yellow, red, blue, orange, and green. It was small enough to fit in the palm of its hand. Hesitantly, Benjamin reached out for it, but stopped. Something like this had to be handled with care, and since Etrius was the one to hold it, surely it was best in its hands.


“Are you sure this will work?” Benjamin asked.

“I wouldn’t be here if I had doubts.” Etrius said.

“When can we do this?” He asked. “Are there any precautions we need to take?”

“Only to have doctors to look him over when this is done.” Etrius said.

“You!” Benjamin commanded one of the knights. “Bring the royal doctors! I don't care who they're treating, have them here at once!”


Without even bothering to reply, the knight grabbed his scabbard to keep it from swinging around and ran at full speed down the hall.


“Come.” Benjamin said, guiding Etrius in.


With Soren and Keith close behind, they entered the king’s chambers. The room was dim and smelled heavily of herbs. Not only that, but the few precious magic artifacts were regulating the temperature. Ignoring the bloodied bandages on the floor and buckets of some sort of organic waste, they moved to the king’s side. What they saw was not a king. What was in that bed was a moving corpse, however even then most corpses were in far better condition.

With what little of the king was exposed to the air, there was little to be seen. His family was known for their blond hair, yet not a single strand could be seen on his wrinkled and spot filled head. His eyes were covered, and they weren't even sure if they were there at all. His nose had collapsed and was being kept open with thin metal pins. As for what remained of his upper jaw, only a single rotting tooth could be seen. His throat, which was being kept open with metal supports, was also falling apart. It was no small miracle that he was still alive at all. He looked as if he may die at any moment. And it wasn’t only Etrius who thought that.


“Use the item.” Benjamin said.

“Right.” Etrius said.


Once more pulling out the cube, Etrius activated it. However, that was a lie. What Etrius held was nothing more than a child’s toy from Earth. The single battery that it ran off of couldn't save anyone, let alone someone in the king's condition. But they didn't need to know that.

Making the toy float in the air, Etrius made the lights blink faster and raised what was left of the king into the air as well. As the blankets fell from him, the blinking stopped and each side of the toy became one solid color. To hide what it was about to do, Etrius made the king’s body glow brightly. Once everyone was blinded or turned away, Etrius burned the king’s body minus his nervous system.

The reason for doing so was simple. When it was on earth, Etrius found someone with remarkable genetic similarities to the king, minus all the incest related defections. So, right before the dragon appeared, Etrius took this person, as they were going to die anyway, and decided to use him to save the king.

Etrius, now that it had most of a nervous system without a body, and a body without most of a nervous system, combined the two into one. The king’s brain was a little small, understandably, but aside from that, everything managed to line up as it should. Though the king was missing several nerve endings, it was easy enough to splice them together. By the way, the king was conscious during this, because if he was not, he likely would be unable to wake up. Luckily for him however, the pain of having one’s body incinerated was absent for him as most of his pain receptors were already destroyed. So whatever pain he was already feeling is what this process felt like to him.

As soon as most of his nerves were connected, Etrius prevented him from yelling out in pain, as that would give the knights outside the wrong idea. Luckily, Etrius didn’t feel the king resist. With his mind now in his new body, Etrius decided that this show was over and shattered the floating toy. With the light fading, the king gently floated onto his bed. Releasing its hold on his body, the king went limp. In silence, with their eyes still averted, they awaited some sign.


“Did it work?” Keith asked, not daring to look.

“I don’t know, you tell me.” Soren said, also not looking.

“Sire…?” Benjamin called out, slowly looking towards him.

“Ahhh…” A voice came from the bed.


Only now feeling brave enough, Soren and Keith looked to the king. At this time, the royal doctor, or rather doctors as seven of them arrived. Before they could get a clear look at the king, their view was obstructed by the doctors. It wasn't only the doctors who came. Several of the acting ministers, though Etrius didn’t know them well enough to approach them. Despite having been the one who healed the king, Etrius, along with it's two friends were pushed to the edge of the room. Being unable to see from the crowd surrounding the king, Keith turned to Etrius.


“Is he alive?” Keith asked. “Did you kill him?”

“I would have ran if I did.” Etrius said.

“Do you still want to?” Soren asked.

“Where did you even get that artifact?” Keith asked.

“That's what I want to know as well.” Soren said.

“I wish I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me if I did.” Etrius said.

“Try me.” Keith said.

“A lesser dragon gave it to me.” It lied.

“You’re right, I don’t.” Keith said.

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“Keep that person safe.” Soren said. “If people find out who gave it to you, it would be a bloodbath.”

“I couldn’t get another one even if I tried.” It said. “It was one of a kind.”

“Even if they could never have it, men will seek for it.” Soren said.

“A tool beyond the creation of even the witches we hunt.” Keith said. “Makes me excited.”

“Unless you can fight a dragon, I wouldn’t even try.” It said.

“Right. It’s from that so-called dragon.” He said. “Worry not, even we do not fight battles we can’t win.”

“For the world’s sake, I hope so.” Soren muttered.

“He speaks!” Benjamin cried out in joy.

“It’s a miracle!” One of the ministers said in agreement.

“… em…” The king’s faint voice called out.

“You three, the king calls for you!” Benjamin said.


Clearing a path, Etrius, Keith, and Soren, made their way to the king's side. The three saw him. He had blond hair, shoulder length and sun kissed skin. His eyes were bright green like his ancestors, and though tired, had strength hidden in them. Slowly, his eyes turned towards the three. For a moment, all they could do was look at one another. Taking his time looking at them, the king closed his eyes and laughed.


“So it’s you three.” He said. “I finally have faces for you all. You who caused so many headaches, yet brought me from the curse of my ancestors' actions.”

“Yeah, we did do that…” Keith muttered. "The headaches, not the other bit."

“Healing you was not by our doing, but by the actions by ranger Washington.” Soren said.

“So it was.” He smiled weakly.

“I was only doing my job.” Etrius said.

“Even so, from the bottom of my heart I thank you.” He said. “You will be rewarded handsomely. What is it you wish for?”

“A safe kingdom for my daughter to live in.” Etrius said.

“A safe kingdom is the wish for every citizen.” He said. “I will see to it that you are not disappointed.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” It said.

“I suspect that you will.” He nodded. “Though that leaves only one question.”

“And that is?” It asked.

“Is that the uniform of the rangers?” He asked.

“No.” It said.

“Then why aren’t you wearing it?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“The next time you appear before me without your uniform, I will cut your pay by a third.”

“That’s pathetic, make it half.”

“Do rangers get paid a lot?” The king asked.

“No sir, they are one of the lower paid positions in the civilian sector.” Benjamin said.

“I thought we worked with the military.” Etrius said.

“Technically by contract yes, but you are still considered a civilian.” Benjamin explained.

“And you just let us buy military equipment?” It asked.

“You buy military equipment?” Benjamin asked.

“Yeah, every blacksmith here says that it’s paid for by the crown.” It said.

“Are we paying for it?” The king asked.

“Not to my knowledge.” Benjamin said.

“And yet another headache.” The king sighed. “Please leave me be. I’m sure the doctors have plenty to worry about for me without you adding a headache to it.”

“As you wish.” Etrius bowed.


Following it’s example, Keith and Soren both bowed and stepped away. Though the king asked to be left alone, the ministers couldn’t help but stay as their main concern was that of the health of the king. Leaving the room, Soren closed the door behind them, as they headed down the hall.


“That…” Keith took a breath. “Did you just get away with threatening the king?”

“I did.” Etrius chuckled.
“You are a piece of work.” Soren shook his head.

“We witch hunters are immortal, what is your excuse?” Keith asked.

“I suppose he thinks I’m valuable.” It said.

“You did just save his life and save the kingdom from a crisis.” Soren said.


Laughing about the situation, the three left the hall and into the open courtyard.


“Another thing, since when did you have a daughter?” Keith asked. “As far as I know, you aren’t married.”

“Yeah that’s right.” Soren said. “Do you have a secret family or something?”

“I’m not married, and as for my daughter, I found her in the forest around a month ago.” Etrius said.

“Adopted huh? Who is taking care of her now since you’re here?” Soren asked.

“She’s in good hands, though I am worried about her.” Etrius said.

“Starting to sound like a proper dad.” Keith said.

“No it’s not that.” It said. “Well it is also that, but I’m sure the spirits brought her from another world.”

“How so?” Keith asked.

“She has four arms for starters.” It said.

“Is she a demon?” Soren asked quietly.

“Impossible, she’s acting just like a baby. Not long ago she even started calling me ‘dada’.” It said. “She’s so talented.”

“You really are sounding like a dad.” Soren sighed.

“Well, if you say that she’s safe then I’ll keep the others from trying anything should they see her.” Keith said.

“Thanks for that.” It said.

“Also didn’t you leave not long ago to that backwater territory?” Keith asked. “How are you back here already?”

“Don’t remind me.” It sighed. “I’m going to have to make a third trip. I doubt I can beat the snow. I only hope that it doesn’t get too bad.”

“Leaving so soon?” Soren asked. “Well you do have a daughter to take care of now, so I suppose you have no choice.”

“I better hurry to try to beat the snow.” Etrius said.

“Of course.” Keith said.

“We’ll drink to the king's health on your behalf, and congrats on the daughter.” Soren said.

“What’s her name anyway?” Keith asked.

“Abigail Washington.” Etrius said proudly.

“A lovely name for a lovely daughter.” Keith said. “Take good care of her.”

“I plan to.” Etius said.


Quickly separating with them, Etrius headed towards the gate of the castle grounds. However upon turning the corner, its form turned to black sand and fell between the cracks in the stone floor. It’s job in the capital, for now, was done.

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