The Ranger: Curse of the Wise

Chapter 39: Chapter 38

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Laying on her bed with a little clay figure in hand, Adriana tried to distract herself from the situation she found herself in. Not only was she apart from Etrius, but now Abby was out of her grasp. Even worse still, the servants were far too protective for their own good. Never before has she felt more like a prisoner in her own house. Part of her wanted to simply drop the façade and return to Etrius' side, but that would be complicated. Hearing a set of familiar footsteps, Adriana sat up in her bed. Not long after, there was an expected knocking.


"Lady Haywood, it is me." Zen called out.

"Come in." Adriana said.


With the door opening, Zen entered, the familiar clacking of her shoes dampened as she walked onto the carpet. Luckily Zen was one of the few servants that treated her mostly the same. Though she did so, she was unable to stop Abby's treatment. Not only that but Abby's personal maid, Samantha, has vampirism and was on medical leave.

Because of Abby's true form being revealed no one felt comfortable being around her, nor did they want Adriana to be near her. Simply thinking about this made her furious.


"Excuse me." She said, closing the door behind her.


Zen's arrival wasn't odd as she often came to Adriana's room at this time to speak to her on matters of the territory. Today was no exception.


"Any disturbances with the end of the dark age?" Adriana asked.

"Aside from the sudden appearance of vampires, there have been few reports worth noting." Zen said. "Hunters and patrolling militias haven't reported any monsters as of yet, but we aren't sure how much longer this will last."

"That gives us some more time to prepare." Adriana said. "Has the request for magic tools and weapons been sent to the capital yet?"

"I don't believe it has. I believe that they are awaiting news of monsters before they risk sending a carriage to the capital." She said.

"I see." Adriana nodded. "Place an order for more armaments in the meantime. I'm not sure what monsters may appear, but normal weapons should be able to work for now."

"Understood." She said. "What of the hunters? Should we renew old standards?"

"That may be for the best. I'll leave the specific number to you, but make sure that the arrows are good quality steel. I don't want to hear any more complaints about them." Adriana said.

"Understood." She said.

"On another note, is there anything we can do about the blood supply?" Adriana asked.

"Clinics are making requests for donations, but unfortunately there's not much we can do." She said.

"Is that so…" Adriana muttered.

"Yes." She said.

"Well, is that all?"

"For our most urgent concerns, that is it."

"If that's the case, you are dismissed."



Forgetting about governance, Adriana turned her attention to the clay figure in her hands. It was of course the one that Abby made for her. Having it for a while, it was dried but not yet crumbling. There were a few cracks, but they were shallow. If Abby saw it, she would certainly be upset with her hard work falling apart. As she was thinking this, she heard Zen clear her throat. Had she not left?


"Is there something else?" Adriana asked.

"No, it's just…" She hesitated. "Forgive me for Abigail's treatment."

"Oh." Adriana said.


Obviously Zen herself didn't mistreat Abby, however her role as the head maid made her responsible for the failing of the other servants. Regardless of how herself and Abby look, their job is to take care of them no matter what. Knowing that, Adriana wondered how she was going to talk her way out of this.


"When the dark age ended, my immediate concern was you and I had assumed that Samantha would take care of her. However the effects with her transition by vampirism were unexpected." She said.


Even with that, she should have seen to it. Admittedly there was a sudden increase of work, but as the person who the Lord and Lady Haywood chose to run the territory in their absence, she should have handled it.


"I trusted her care to Ethan and Reindl however Reindl was called to the guilds and by the time I realized it things were already how they were." She said.


"So it was those two…" Adriana thought to herself. "Or rather Ethan… No, it wasn't only him. It was all their fault. They, who were employed here, were at fault."


"Though I hate to admit it, it was a blessing in disguise that Ranger Washington arrived when he did." She said.

"Yes it was, wasn't it?" Adriana asked. "I miss her, but it is for the best that she is away from here."

"I may have failed her, but I promise you that I'll see to the attitude of the others." She said.

"Ah- yes." Adriana said. "I'll leave it to you."

“Thank you.” She said.


Hearing the movement of her clothing, Adriana assumed that she was bowing. After a bit of movement, the door closed, and her familiar footsteps grew distant. She is a good maid, perhaps too good for herself. Regardless, that didn't matter. Waiting till the warmth of the sun left her room and the sounds of the town turned quiet, Adriana stood in front of her window. Facing the general direction of Etrius’ house, she felt a sudden pressure, and then the cold night breeze upon her. Given the feeling under her feet, she was on the rooftops of the town.

Moving silently with her form a blur against the moon, she made her way across to the edge of town. Leaping off the rooftops, she landed with a heavy thud, her tail helping her keep balance. Not slowing in the slightest, she soon neared Etrius’ cottage. Picking up it and Abby’s scent, her stride became quicker.

Upon reaching the porch, she touched the door and then suddenly found herself inside the warm cottage. From that and the crackling of the wood, the fire was still burning strong. Though, given the lack of noise, both of them appeared to be sleeping. While not ideal, it was acceptable.

Heading into Abby’s room first, she heard her steady breath and smiled. Warming her hands, she moved to her side and brought her face close.


“Hello Abby dear.” Adriana whispered.

“Mu…” Abby stirred ever so slightly.

“I hope you’re having a good dream.” She said, brushing her hair out of her face.

“Mom…” Abby smiled.

“Don’t you worry darling.” Adriana smiled. “They won’t lock you away anymore. Not now, not ever…”


Though she smiled, Adriana’s smile was not one of love. It was not one that anyone sound of mind would have. But then again, she wasn’t alone in that. There was not one sane mind in this house. Not her, not Abby. For better or worse, they were the same.

Careful not to wake her, Adriana left the room for her next destination. As usual, Etrius’ door was locked, but that was a non issue. Approaching it’s bed, her smile deepened. Etrius slept close to the wall, leaving plenty of room for Adriana. Taking this invitation, she lay down beside it, on top of the blanket. Moving her face close, she took in a deep breath.

Filling herself with it’s scent, she couldn’t help but laugh. It was a quite laugh, but a laugh nonetheless.


“My darling, my darling. My one and only…” Adriana smiled, rubbing her hand across it’s body.


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Pulling herself close, laied her tail across its legs to take in it’s warmth. Moving carefully to memorize its already familiar body, she couldn’t help but feel pleasure rising inside of her. Being close to it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t nearly enough. Her excitement rose as she struggled to restrain herself. Raising herself she brought her face close to it. Taking deep slow gulps of it’s scent, she opened her mouth and stuck out her long tongue to taste it. However before she could, a single finger struck her forehead and pushed her away.


“Adriana, please stop making this weird…” Etrius whispered.

“…” Sighing, she pulled herself back. “Darling, you tease…”


She was almost there, and she was sure that Etrius knew it. Missing her moment, she removed herself from it’s bed and tucked her hair behind her ear.


“I’ll return.” Adriana said.

“Go home and go to bed.” Etrius said, not moving from bed.

“You expect me to leave like this?” She asked. “Not even a kiss?”

“We suppose not…” It sighed, rising from bed.

“!?” Caught unaware, she barely managed to cover her mouth.


Etrius’ hands moved fast as she felt the built up pleasure reach a breaking point. With Adriana’s whole body quivering, she was supported by Etrius as her legs failed her. Blushing fiercely and breathing heavily, for a moment, her mind was blank. Feeling weak and wanting this moment to last forever, she had trouble keeping her voice in. After who knows how long, she eventually got her breathing in check.


“That… that was not fair…” Adriana said, not daring to face it.

“All is fair in love and war.” Etrius said.

“Why only a moment?” She asked.

“We could do more, but Abby’s in the room over.” It said.

“Right…” She said, taking another deep breath.


Taking a moment to collect herself and then a bit more to simply be with it, Adriana eventually stood on her own, though continued to embrace Etrius. Wanting to stay like this, she wrapped her tail around their legs, locking them together.


“We’re afraid that you can’t stay here forever.” Etrius said.

“Darling.” Adriana scolded. “You are using ‘We’ again.”

“Right, sorry.” It apologized.


A bad habit that it had, and another bad influence that it was under. One day, one day she dreamed to rid it of that influence.


“We could always stay like this.” She suggested. “Just us…”

“Perhaps some other time.” It said.

“And what if I didn’t let you go?” She asked, arms and tail tightening around it.

“I would leave.” It flatly rejected her.

“I would chase you.” She said.

“I know.” It said.

“…” She hugged it tighter, not giving up. “I love you.”

“I know.” It said.

“D- do you love me?” She asked, almost afraid.

“Yes.” It said.

“Say it please.” She pleaded.

“I love you.” It said.


“I love you.”


“I love you.”


“Adriana.” It said, raising her face. “I love you. I love you more than anything else.”


The two exchanged a deep kiss. Once more, Adriana’s mind went blank but this time it was different from pleasure. Slowly the two pulled away and Etrius’ hand lingered on her cheek. Adriana tried to speak but was interrupted by a tear that fell from under her blindfold.


“I love you.” Etrius said. “For now and forever.”

“Darling…” Adriana smiled.


Her smile however was not deep, or happy, or frightening. It was lonely. Despite how sincerely Etrius said those words, words that she longed for and brought her so much joy, hurt her. She knew that they were not in the least bit true. Separating herself, she held back tears.


“Of course…” Adriana smiled.

“I love you.” It said sweetly, so sweetly that she wanted to believe them.

“We’ll meet again soon.” She said, holding onto its hand.

“I’ll be waiting.” It said.


Taking a step back, and then another, Adriana left the room and soon the cottage. Starting out walking, she soon gained speed. Smiling desperately and laughing, she cried. Not a single word it said was true, and she desperately wanted to be wrong. Finding herself leaping between rooftops, she soon stopped at the edge and held one of Etrius’ shirts close to her chest. The cold night air suddenly changed and she felt the familiar carpet under her feet. Back in her room, she collapsed onto her bed.


“I love you.” Those words echoed in her head. “For now and forever.”


One day. One day she wished for those words to be true. She would make them true. That was her hope at least. However, reality was cruel.


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