The rational way

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The normal days

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Today is the day. I, Vox Ross, am finally going to start studying at the international combat and magitech academy.

My dream is to become a top magic engineer and this school is the best in that department and all it took for entering it is to win the random scholarship they give. Fuck. I studied hard, and gave it my all as I wasn't some genius that would normally frequent this school, and in the end, when I was accepted, I thought my effort was rewarded until I read the first line

^Congratulation! You have been randomly chosen as a scholarship^ student!

This is part of the effort of the academy to diversify the population of students and spread knowledge to the poor and unqualified one

Please reply to this email if you wish to accept or refuse.

Lack of response within 48hr of this email will be taken as a refusal
^ ^

Yeah, what benevolence. They fucking called me poor and unqualified. The worse is that they are probably correct, not that I'm poor. I was in the top 3 of my previous school but this one is a school for the elite who are blessed intellectually and physically. Since I never amounted to much in sports I surely will be close to last

Anyway, it is still a great opportunity that I don't plan on squandering.

I finished packing my box and exited my house. Today is the inauguration and moving day. Since it's a boarding school I had to say goodbye to my parents since I won't be seeing them for quite some time but since they were both working today I did it yesterday.

I made my way the station box in hand. It wasn't very far and the box was light so I walk the way there. I lived in an old district where most of the houses were pre-miracle but it was well maintained and had a charm that the most recent and magical district didn't have.

I always have been fascinated with the pre-miracle days. it was nearly a century ago but I thought it was fascinating how people lived without magic

What we now call as the miracle was then called a calamity. In the 2020s, while the world was recovering from a worldwide pandemic, magic began to flow into the world. This caused the sudden apparition of monsters, dungeon, rift, and various magical events which caused millions of death.

But after a few years, humanity started adapting and fighting back, and now, in 2115, we started calling the calamity as a miracle that brought forth a new era for humanity.

Nowadays, pure technology is a relic from the past, and everything has magic in it. If something doesn't have magic then it's an antique.

Talking of antiques, I stopped on my way and entered the antique shop that I regularly visited

¨Hey Joe, any new arrival?¨

¨Hey! Vox! How are you! I heard you got into I.C.M academy.¨

¨Yeah well, it was only because I won a raffle¨

¨Dont undermines yourself like that, anyway yeah we found books at least 95 years old yet practically intact!¨

¨Really!? And no it really was a raffle I'm not joking.¨

Joe is the old guy who introduce me to the pre-miracle era, his grand-parent were engineers and they pass their passion onto him. Since the world did not need a normal engineer, he decided to open a shop to collect and resell old electronics. He tried passing this knowledge to his son and grand-son but both never saw the interest so he was pretty lonely until I came along

Truth be told, I prefer old engineering then the magic one but I can't have a career in the old one.

¨Ok... Anyway, here they are¨

I took the three books he gave me. They were old fantasy novels. I always found fascinating the idea people had of magic before it actually came along.

¨Urg, this one an isekai¨

Isekai was a theme pretty popular at the time that consisted of someone going to another world. I never liked the concept and I can't understand how people liked them

¨Yeah, yeah. Just give it back if you don't want it¨

I gave them back

¨I wasn't here for books anyway, do you have any new electronics?¨

¨No, they are rarer and rarer to come across by. Especially since you keep taking them apart¨


¨Dont be, I couldn't make a living if it wasn't for you, Hahaha¨

I looked at him worriedly

¨What are you gonna do once I'm gone?¨

¨Dont worry about me, I got other income source and I know that if I tell you we got a new arrival of TVs you'll come to buy them where ever you are¨

I cough awkwardly

¨....yeah. Well, see you around Joe!¨

¨You too Vox¨

I quickly cleared the rest of the way toward the station. The station was an old one like everything around the district but the train was not. It resembled one of those old bullet trains but was floating in the air and had various runes covering part of the exterior.

I quickly got inside before it left and the train then started going toward the next station. Those trains operated with a mix of air and spatial magic. Air for levitation and spatial for space distortion. Teleportation is possible but it's very expensive, so only the rich use it for anything other than traveling to another continent. Since it was much cheaper, we put distortion magic on a train so that 5-kilometer travel becomes a 2.5 km one.

after around 30 min of waiting, I arrived at the portal station. This time it was truly a marvel of magic with floatings announcing board, patrolling golem, a floating fountain defying physics with its water loop and moving stream forming various words, and finally the portal. The portals were like blue rings with white mist inside, at the edge of the ring was the generator that made all the circumference with various runes and wires.

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The international combat and magitech academy, or I.C.M for short, was located where England was previously. Wich is a country that fell during the miracle.

Before the miracle, the world was divided into 190, nowadays there are around 30 of them since a lot of lands have become inhabitable and smaller countries got absorbed into the bigger one

Anyway, England became an island where scientists, alchemists, and magicians gather to discuss various subjects and so the logical course of action was to build a school over there.

I quickly found the portal leading towards Magetopia and showed them my ticket. Yeah, the place is named Magetopia, the dude who decided the name was too strong for anyone to disagree.

After vomiting my breakfast in a trash can after my first time teleporting, I made my way toward the other teleporter that leads directly to the academy.

Being an island made for rich snobs with busy life and magician, the main mode of transport here was teleporters, Wich means I need to quickly grow accustomed to the feeling of teleporting or I'll vomit every time.

Luckily, the second time was way less rough since the distance was smaller so I only felt dizzy for a short time

I got out of the station and marveled at the academy.

It was a 10 stories behemoth of a building with tons of different auxiliary. Heck, some parts of the building were literally floating in the air connected to the building with only a bridge. I guessed that even with 4 years of studying, I wouldn't be able to explore all of it.

I looked around and found a map. I quickly found my dorm and made my way over there. After 30 min, I had to ask for help from a staff member because I was lost.

The dorm was closer to a five-star hotel than a dorm so I was really excited to see what my room was like until I found out that random scholarship students like me had a room in the basement.

I opened my door and found a tiny room with a couch, a TV and a little window close to the ceiling there was also a door leading to a bathroom and another with the bedroom which consisted of a small single bed with a desk, a chair, and a cupboard.

I didn't even have a shower since those were at the end of the floor for every scholarship student to share.

I expected some favoritism but not at this level, shit would they even let me study in a regular class, or do they have a dummy class for the random scholarship student

Anyway, I unpacked my thing and waited for the start of the year ceremony to start.

After a couple of hours, I made my way toward the auditorium and since I managed to not get lost, I was 30 min early.

I found myself a good seat and waited.

Finally, the ceremony started and the director started his speech which was as boring as any other. He then called to the stage the 5 higher scores in the entrance exam

Rank 1 - Vincent Portem

He's a handsome and muscular 6-foot guy with a face that evokes confidence and benevolence. He had soft features with short brown hair and equally brown eye.

From what I heard, the guy's a saint. He is an orphan but he got in after saving a school from a monster attack. While he doesn't have the best score in the theory, his combat score was so high that it got him rank 1

Rank 2 - Richard Cromwell

An equally handsome but distinctly different to Vincent. He is 5 foot 9, has piercing eyes that seem to kill, sharp features, and a face that seems perpetually stuck into an arrogant smile. He had near shoulder-length blonde hair and bright blue eye. All-in-all, he was the opposite of vincent

This guy is the heir to the Cromwell and he's exactly what you expect of someone like him, smart, talented, proud, arrogant, and egotistical.

Rank 3 - Shion Requia

She is a small 5 foot 4 girl with long black hair that went all the way down her back. She's Japanese with clear skin and black eyes and is easily one of the most beautiful women in the world.

She's the princess of Japan. After the miracle, japan managed to survive and went back to monarchy and she is the only daughter of the current king. The only thing I know about her personality is that she's called the ice queen.

Rank 4 - Emma Dupuy

She's as tall as Vincent with a ponytail of auburn hair, black eyes, and a charming smile

Emma is the daughter of probably the strongest hero of his generation, Francis Dupuy. I heard that she has been training her whole life and because of her father's minimalist lifestyle, she's known to be kind and generous while lacking some common sense

Rank 5 - Ivan Smirnish

He's a 6 foot 5 Russian with the body of a bear and a scarred face. if I didn't know that it was a school for 16 to 20, I would've never guessed he was 16.

To be honest I have no idea who that guy is.

Currently, Richard was glaring at Vincent like he wanted to kill him, surely because Vincent got the top spot. Meanwhile, Shion was coldly looking at the crow and Emma yawned. Ivan was looking around as if he was looking for something

They were all impressive people but I surely would have nothing to do with them for the rest of my school years.

After some congratulatory words, the ceremony ended and I made my way back to my room. A letter was waiting for me inside.

^You have been assigned the class ¨TRUTH¨^

Please make your way to the second floor of the main building tomorrow at 9h a.m for your first class
^ ^

Well, at least they didn't put me in a random building far from everything

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