The Rebellion Burns Bright

Chapter 115: Chapter 111 (1793-1794)

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January 1st-14th: The French Republic pushes southwards during the New Years Assault (French Civil War), which results in the capture of Montpellier. This splits the Monarchist controlled territory in two and begins the final death knell of the Monarchists. King Louis XVI stubbornly refuses to reform the country (mainly due to the fact that some of his strongest supporters are nobles and anti-republicans), but receives extensive aid in terms of troops and supplies from his Coalition allies. However, by the end of the month, the king would only hold the southernmost part of France (from Bordeaux to Beziers and from Saint-Tropez) even with the backing of foreign powers. Even so, the French Republic is battered from the south and the east as the Coalition forces are mobilized and ready to "punish" the upstart liberal republic.

January 12th: The Republican France envoy to the United States, Francois Buzot, arrives in Columbia and personally greets President Jefferson in the Oval Office. He attempts to persuade the American president to take a part in the all-out war in Europe and intervene to help the French Republic. The president rejects him firmly, but presents a counteroffer. President Jefferson offers the French minister a way to acquire weapons and ammunition, along with various industrial goods, in exchange for upfront payment and a favorable trading status for American traders. While all the major political parties are wary of a potential war, they all desire to stay neutral and trade with both sides (as trade with Europe is lucrative and vital to the growing American economy). With the French Republic offering to pay more than the competitors for supplies, there is a noticeable interest that arises from the different political parties. No official deal is ironed out, but it begins negotiations between the United States and the French Republic.

Meanwhile, President Jefferson publicly announces C.E. Order #18: The Agricultural Export Order. The Consent Executive Order details an outline for increased agricultural trade between the French Republic and the United States and an even principal payment for any agricultural products (that would be paid over a course of ten years) that the French Republic purchases from the United States. Since France is suffering from the effects of conscription and war, agricultural production is down, which has led to some discontent among the population (despite the relative popularity of the ruling Lafayette government). Congress is now tasked debating and voting on C.E. #18 within the next sixty days.

At the same time, the United States begins to keep a close eye on Caribbean, as the French Republic is fighting the Spanish in the region. Spanish Hispaniola is being massed with thousands of Spanish troops as Spain prepares for an invasion of Saint Domingue. With news of the war spreading through the French Caribbean colony, thousands of refugees flee the island and a slave owner conspiracy threatens to bring back slavery on the island...

January 23rd: The Second Partition of the Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth occurs between Prussia, Russia, and the PLC. The size of the PLC is greatly reduced and the independence of the nation is hanging on by mere threads. Due to their humiliating defeat during the Polish-Russian War of 1792, the PLC is in great disarray and on the verge of losing its independence. Tadeusz Kosciuskzko, a Polish engineer that obtained American citizenship after fighting in the Revolutionary War as a brigadier general and designing Columbia, is sent to the PLC as a diplomatic envoy of the United States in hopes of preventing the nation's collapse. Kosciuskzko brings an offer of military aid (in forms of arms and materials) to the besieged nation. King Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski accepts and the PLC begins to arm itself with American made weapons from future Prussian and Russian aggressions.

January 25th: Hearing about the French Republic's pleas for aid, Samuel Kim (owner of multiple companies and factories) gives a secret loan of $1 million to the French government, along with a 5% cut from his weapons and industrial factories (which the French Republic is expected to pay off twenty years after France ends its war with the Coalition and the Monarchists). While Samuel knows this is a serious gamble (as the French Republicans may fall apart due to the pressure), he knows that the Republicans need aid in order to beat back other foreign powers and avoid radicalization. As a result, Kim would (secretly) become one of the biggest supporters of the French Republic.

January 27th: Samuel Kim convenes the Watchmen Society in Columbia and the Society discusses the recent turn of events in France. Nearly all of them agree to help supply the French Republicans (as Lafayette requests for more and more support). By the end of 1794, the French Republic would receive millions of dollars in secret from the "treasury" of the Watchmen Society, along with weapons and other goods to ensure a republican victory in France.

At the same time, other matters are discussed among the members. The most important being the next potential candidate for the presidency. John Jay, who faced Jefferson once and lost, proclaims that he will run for the 1796 presidency. There are no objections from the Society members and they all wish him the best of luck.

This meeting is also the first time that the new members of the Society from Kentucky (Daniel Boone), Hisigi, and Florida (James Martin, a former slave from Jamaica who was elected as the governor of the new state). Future prospects are also discussed and the Society agrees to hold meetings more regularly (nearly all of them are involved in the government, the military, and business, which makes a meeting of all members difficult).

January 30th-February 17th: The French Caribbean colonies of Guadeloupe and Martinique are captured by Spanish forces, as the defenses in the two colonies are severely lacking (due to the crisis the French Republicans are facing at home).

February 1st: The MLB is expanded to include the Boston Patriots and the Rhode Island Colonials, creating a total of six teams. The schedule is rearranged to fit the travel time between the states and each team will now play 42 games. The MLS also sees an expansion, as the Boston Terriers and the New Haven S.C. join its ranks.

February 3rd: The Seventh United States Congress is officially sworn in. 32 Senate seats were up for re-election, with all House seats up for re-election as well.

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