The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 120: 120 117 Ten years old Tommy & Julia

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Mid February.

Around the time Valentine's Day passed without any connection in this world.

Lisa's been doing Isaac a favor.

"Hey, Isaac. My friend wants to talk to Isaac, why don't you meet him once?

"Hopefully we'll see each other."

I have faith that Lisa's friends would not be strangers.

And Lisa's fifteen years old, too.

I understand very well that if I introduce Isaac to the stranger, he will be angry.

Besides, Isaac...

(After all, the sweet mask my parents gave way to is wonderful. I didn't expect you to attract even older sisters. Jesus Christ)

- I've been thinking sweetly.

It's just a time of misadventure before, and I'm relieved to say, "You can have a little something good going on."

"Well, I'll call you about three days from now, okay?

"It's okay, I'll leave my plans open."

Even without getting along with my older sister, I've rarely asked for a favor from Lisa.

There is no reason to say no.

Isaac took the favor pleasantly.

I regretted it three days later.

It was when Lisa's friends visited.


A couple who seemed friendly to see sat in front of Isaac.

Isaac also reflects that it was a sweet idea.

"Uh, first this girl is my friend Julia"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Julia, daughter of Baron Berkeley's Cyrus."


With all due respect, Isaac groaned like a crushed frog when he heard her name and the name of the house.

Peel off both eyes and shift your gaze toward the man present.

"... Mr. Tommy?

"Yes, this is Tommy, son of Baron Orcott's Gordon."

You must have immediately understood that you were not welcome to see Isaac's reaction.

He named himself after looking sorry.

"I knew."

Lisa seems sorry, too.

Exactly, I couldn't seem to be happy that I saved myself the trouble of telling you what was going on.

"Last year, when I was acting as lord. I'm sure you two are out of love, so I should have ruled to discuss it in both houses..."

This is a decision Hans was making in the early days.

The petitions of the two families were what they were trying to separate the two people they loved, no matter what they saw.

Some things are convenient at home, so it's hard to even tell them to marry you.

The decision to "discuss it peacefully in both houses" had been taken.

The fact that the two of them are here means that it was not obvious to discuss it.

Through Lisa, I immediately understood that Isaac was thinking of doing something about it.

"Actually, I also asked Lord Welrod to help convince me to admit that we were friends. But I was told that there have been years of intransigence between houses and that it is not easy to admit them. Master Randolph is still sick and cannot distract you. So I hope I can borrow your wisdom Isaac...... Please, help me."

"Please help me"

As Tommy bowed his head, Julia also continued to bow her head.


Enough to rely on a kid who just finished his ten-year ceremony.

I know you're both desperate.

But if good wisdom comes to mind, I'm working it out within the last year.

Too badly unscrupulous, Isaac didn't get the word out.

"Please, give him some good ideas"

Ask Isaac to worship Lisa as well.

I would like to do something about it, but I wonder how the hell to do it.

"Uh, I wonder if it's okay if you two are the same age as your sister Lisa."

The action taken by Isaac in trouble is pending.

In the meantime, I'll just listen to you.

In time, I was going to say no if you can't.

"Yes, I will be a student from April"

"Well, then, maybe you'll find someone really good for you after school, and I guess I'll see how it goes up to three years"


Tommy and Julia give a look of despair.

"You can't leave such adorable Julia alone in a herd of beasts!

"No other woman could have missed Tommy so successful. I'm sure you're going to have a hard time trying to make it ours with those hands!

"Oh, yes..."

(If you love each other that much, don't run off anymore)

I think about that, but there's just a difference between not saying it.

Lisa is crying when she sees the two of them.

"It's nice to have a deep love, but was it that touching?," Isaac thought.

"Right, erm... I don't know what to do..."

I have trouble reacting because the three of them look at Isaac with a glimmer in their eyes.

There was one thing I wanted to make sure of first, so I decided to ask.

"Lisa, sister."


He didn't seem to think he'd talk to himself in this situation.

Lisa is a little surprised.

"Can you tell me what position you brought this story from? As my sister? As a friend? Or is it in the form of a complaint? I want to keep it clear."


Lisa turns to Julia.

I want to help a friend.

But I don't want to take advantage of Isaac's relationship.

I closed my eyes and thought about it for a while.

The answer she gave...

"As friends."

- It was something that didn't use the position of a dairy brother.

It could be a halfway decision.

But she has a line that she can't give way to.

I wish I had built a relationship, but I didn't want to be the kind of person who would use that position just because my mother was Isaac's nanny.

This was the gift of Adela's education.

Even though education to Isaac was ineffective, it seemed to have worked properly for Lisa, who was a normal child.

"Okay. Okay, Mr. Julia. Mr. Tommy, Lisa, it's your sister's favor, so if there's anything I can do, I can help."

"Thank you"

Two heads down at the same time.


Hearing Isaac's words, the two looked up.

"You'll both pay for something,"

"Consideration……, is it"

Julia looks anxious.

If Lisa had brought up her relationship as a brother-in-law, she would have done it for free.

Lisa would have understood that, too.

But she refused to do so.

Then Isaac must do the same.

- Not just give it unilaterally, but make it pay the price right.

By doing so, I'm going to show you both that you shouldn't just rely on Lisa's friendship.

I'm not going to make you think, "If you ask Lisa, Isaac will help you for free," etc.

It was Tommy who reacted to this.

"I'm a three boy, so I have to leave the house someday. So I was aiming for a knight. I am confident in handling swords and spears. I give this life to Master Isaac! So how about that?

"Are you sure? If you die for me, you will die with Julia."

Isaac gave a slightly mean return.

But Tommy's eyes looked to Isaac without getting lost.

"I don't mind. The hurdle to marry Julia is not that you just have to get over it a little bit. That's all I'm ready for!

"But once you marry Julia, your life will be wasted..."

"There isn't. Then I will bring it to faith. I will first give my thanks and loyalty to Lord Isaac more priority than I need to give this life to marry Julia. I will risk my life for Julia after Isaac."

Losing Tommy's enthusiasm, Isaac decided to trust him.

I originally wanted a man I could trust.

Still young, but enthusiastic and motivated young people were welcome to be subordinates.

"Okay. Now, I'll train you as a knight after college, and then you'll be my escort. We'll work with you as much as we can."

"Thank you! Julia!"


The two hold each other tight.

(Yabby, what do I do? I asked you a mean question and you're going to push me gooey...... I took it on...)

But Isaac's smile, seeing the two of them hugging each other, had some pitiful look on his face.

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Enthusiastic men are welcome.

However, it was difficult not to come up with a solution to this problem.


Even though I lost momentum, it doesn't change what I took on.

I summoned Barons Olcott and Berkeley.

Of course, Tommy and Julia are with us.

The desperate way to persuade him is also with Morgan's permission.

The question is whether the two parents will admit it.

I thought the two barons at heart would even start arguing, but they just seem to be patient because they are in front of Isaac.

But the one-touch, immediate air is not hidden.

Before anything went wrong, I decided to cut to the chase.

"Baron Olcott and Baron Berkeley, you both came here often. What can I do for you…, even if I don't tell you"

Isaac spoke out in a calm voice.

"Naturally. They will bring judgment to the unjust who say to our daughter."

"Oh my God! I thought I was punishing whores."

But he didn't care what it was about.

Each other begins to speak ill.

"Wait. I need to talk to you about that. Listen to me first!

"Ha, excuse me"

"I showed you the ugly part."

Again, Isaac's words are heavy.

Barons Olcott and Berkeley became adults in a word by Isaac.

They're just ex-Nathanists, and they feel a loss to Isaac.

Still, he can't get rid of his grievances from his expression.

I guess that's all there is deep-rooted remorse.

"First of all, you know Tommy and Julia are close."

Isaac looks at Baron Olcott and Baron Berkeley with a slightly tighter eye.

Don't tell me you don't know.



I didn't answer "I know" with clarity.

It would be their slight disobedience.

Nor did Isaac even say, "Answer me clearly".

I didn't mean to cause unnecessary irritation.

"Then we talk fast. Here's a suggestion, why don't you two be officially recognized as friends"

In Isaac's words, the two faces turn to a "outrageous" look.

"You want me to give my daughter to the beast of the Baron Orcott family!?

"Are you going to be told to accept unmanned dirty blood like the Baron Berkeley house!?

"Oh, my God, you!

"I don't know what. Speaking of which, you guys are!

"Yes, stop!

We grab each other's chest barns and Isaac stops that we were about to start beating each other up again.

I couldn't even feel the shards of aristocracy in them right now.

(I guess there was a lot going on after my ancestors problems and I got thoroughly screwed...)

To be honest, I'm not sure about Isaac either.

But I have no choice but to take it on.

No, but I just had to make a suggestion.

"I want you to listen to me until the end first. Hey."

"I'm sorry"

The two let go of their hands, which were grabbing the chest barn, and sit back in the chair.

"First, it's about Mr. Tommy. I'm going to ask Tommy to become my knight after college and training."

"Oh, come on."

Baron Olcott pounds and praises his son on the shoulder.

It's a big difference between being just a knight and being Isaac's exclusive knight.

After all, the position of proximity to succession is fascinating.

Not only because of honor, but also because of preferential treatment in terms of birth.

It was like Tommy's future was promised.

"On that condition, allow her to marry Julia"


Don't talk any more, Isaac raises one hand to stop it.

"Think of it this way. I can have my own knight who is loyal. [M] Tommy and Julia can get married. Baron Olcott and Baron Berkeley can make my heart better. Isn't that a good thing to do?


Barons Olcott and Berkeley turn to each other once they see each other in the face before turning that way.

And then I came up with it.

- Certification of certainty and Isaac's heart. Which is heavier.

Normally, priority was given to intransigence between houses without getting lost.

Except Isaac.

Instead of being a normal successor, he's a well-regarded successor to Jude.

It doesn't hurt to keep a good heart certificate.

It's not like I'm succeeding the house, so I think I can admit it.

But it was also because Isaac is believed to be Jude's successor that they did not summarily execute here.

"Does it make sense that we, who were originally Nathan factions, somewhat improved our hearts and minds? He had the anxiety."

The matter had blunted their decision.

"... I'd like you to tell me why you wanted to marry my daughters"

Baron Berkeley asks Isaac a question.

"Sure. I just want you to tell me why Isaac was involved in this problem."

This was also in tune with the unfriendly Baron Olcott.

A question that can be considered inevitable.

Isaac answered their questions.

"Julia brought it in. My daughter-in-law, via Lisa Burton. So you may consider this issue to be taken seriously. I don't mind making Mr. Tommy my my knight. I'm also getting permission from your grandfather and father. Nothing. I'm not asking the two families to make up. I just want you to admit that you two are close. That's all."

Silently into Isaac's words, they came up with it again.

There are two big ones here.

That I had Morgan's permission and Lisa's name on it.

With Morgan's permission, Tommy became Isaac's exclusive owner.

Exactly, if you have Morgan's permission, the two of you thought that Isaac might really take it into account, too.

And that I gave Lisa's name.

This makes Isaac wonder, "Isn't it different from Jude, who even used humans in his body for disposable pawns?," he made both of us think.

I recognize Lisa properly as a "person in my body" rather than a "person I grew up with who wasn't even blood."

So I asked for that favor.

"Unlike Jude, there's a little bit of humanity, so can you expect the effect of improving your heart certificate?," he made them both think

Nevertheless, it is not exactly an instant answer.

Years of stubbornness were all that big.

"Give me a moment. I won't make it worse."

Baron Berkeley answered first.

From him, we already have a successor son.

My daughter was going to put it out in a political marriage somewhere.

If you think "I'll give it to my daughter-in-law to the son of the Baron Orcott family," it's a frustrating but boiling thought, but if you think "I'll give it to my daughter-in-law to Isaac's direct minister," you can't stand it either.

Because it's better than giving it to my wife in a bad house.

"I would like to discuss it with my family once. You really don't have to settle between houses, do you?

"I won't ask for that much. Take the time to have a conversation between the two houses about their commitment."

Baron Olcott also seemed to think positively for once.

Tommy is three men.

It is a position such as a reserve for the eldest son, and the future is only as far as becoming a knight or a bureaucrat.

Then it would be better to have the Baron Orcott family in a profitable position as well.

You don't have to worry if you're leaving the house and living with Julia out of sight.

If we didn't have to settle between houses, I was beginning to think we could close our eyes for a little while.

"Well, thank you. I hope it's a good decision for all of us."

Isaac wraps up the story.



Tommy and Julia rose out of the chair as if waiting for it, hugging each other and mouthing each other.

"Thank you. Dear Isaac!"

"Thank you!

"We haven't officially decided to talk about it yet. Besides, when Tommy started training as a knight, he could be less than the level of ability required. It's all coming up."

Isaac will also tell you the possibility of not being happy.

"We will do our best to meet your expectations! Hang on this life!

Tommy answered forcefully.

Holding Julia tight.

Two figures hugging each other through a time of hardship.

Isaac didn't even realize that he was overlapping Pamela with himself when he grew there.

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