The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 147: 147 142 Twelve-year-old trap activated

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The next morning, during breakfast, Morgan spoke to Isaac.

"I hear you went to Uncle Bristol's yesterday. What did I tell you?"

"I wanted to hear directly from my family if they could entrust me with a deal with Dwarf. Mr. Conrad told me a lot about Uncle Bristol.... even a belly-brother can get along so well"

"Oh yeah..."

Morgan doesn't know that Isaac is looking into the Count of Bristol.

So I didn't even know that I was visiting after understanding the home environment.

"Glenn's got a report for you, didn't he know?

"I just wanted to hear it from him for once. I'm sorry."

I already knew about it in the report, but I didn't think Isaac was still sick about Nathan.

I don't really want to talk about the Earl of Bristol and imitate it like it chooses an ancient wound.

Exactly. Morgan couldn't go on with this story any longer.

Stay a little awkward air and finish your breakfast.

"What did you do?

Kendra feels and wonders about the family atmosphere surrounding the table.

"It's nothing. We had dinner, and we'll take a walk in the garden with Patrick."


Bridget invites Kendra for a post-meal walk.

Kendra is still too early to know about Nathan.

That's what he seemed to care about.

I would have asked Lisa to do it, but I spend time with my family while school is off at New Year's Eve.

While Lisa was away, Bridget was playing the role of sister.

"Well, so am I."

I beg your pardon.

Isaac was just about to follow him for a walk, too, and a few guys suddenly come into the dining room.

Behind them were the servants of the mansion.

I can see at a glance that I'm pretty confused.

"He said he was a Kingsguard knight! What the hell is going on!

Randolph shouts his surprise.

But ignoring that voice, one of the knights spreads the scroll and reads the text.

"Isaac Welrod. His Majesty wants to hear about the interference with the Count of Bristol's house, so he wants to appear immediately. As we accompany you, make yourself comfortable."


(Unsurprisingly, you act fast!

I didn't expect you to sue me the day after you trapped the Earl of Bristol house.

Isaac is pinched by a Kingsguard knight and taken to the carriage.

It's like a criminal company.

At first, he was taken into account, and he was not treated abusively, such as grabbing his arm.

Still, the very act of being taken had placed a tremendous psychological burden on Isaac.


In this country, politics moves after making the previous day's report to the King at the beginning of the day.

Isaac is kneeling in front of Elias as ministers and high-ranking bureaucrats line up.

Next to both of them, Morgan and Randolph were equally kneeling.

They followed Isaac worried.

Outside between the sights, Glenn and Benjamin are also waiting.

"Isaac, it was about the Earl of Bristol family that I called in today. You know why?

A staircase of height in the back between sights.

Elias, sitting on the throne there, speaks to Isaac.

"I don't know. Why was the knight taken..."

Isaac still looks anxious and about to cry.

I was going to make the best use of my weapon as a child.

But there are those that don't work that way.

"Don't be ridiculous! How dare you try to kill me!

- It's Count Roger Bristol.

Standing next to Elias, staring at Isaac.

Conrad's brother is the only one with a similar face.

But the kind face was ruined by anger.

"I can't believe I'm going to kill you. I'm not trying to do that."

"Things that have gone awry... I have proof too!

Roger takes out a piece of paper.

I gave it to Elias.

"Isaac, I was hoping for you... Now you're not going to get away with it."

Elias looks sorry.

He had checked what was written on this paper in advance.

The text was anointed with ink, but the sweet part of the erase can be read as thin.

There were disturbing words left over there.

"Ineligible as a Principal"

"The Future Lord"


Whatever you think, this is not friendly content.

Probably a covenant to kill Roger and hold Conrad back for the next term.

"Roger is ineligible as a winner. Betray Roger and give up your deal with Dwarf because you will make Conrad the future owner '

It is not difficult to imagine that such a content was written.

I never thought Isaac, who believed he was loyal, was aiming to replace the head of the Earl of Bristol family.

Elias was feeling more disappointed than he had ever felt in his life.

(That's it, you wanted to monopolize Dwarf's rights...)

Of course, I know how that feels.

To be honest, my deal with Dwarf was as much as I wanted to be royal and exclusive.

I thought Isaac was possessed by the charm.

Elias regretted that he should not have given permission to the Count of Bristol to make a trade route.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Conrad, the traitor, already executed him. Get the Marquis Wellrod family the reward they deserve!

Roger looked proud to win.

That should be it, too, my blind brother died.

And Isaac, the working of evil wisdom, is just not enough.

Furthermore, as a penalty, I was going to ask the Marquis Welrod family to step down from their dealings with Dwarves.

As much as he appreciates Isaac's shallow behavior in his heart.

"Huh! Did you kill him?

"That's right. If we keep him alive, the undead might think of something else. Looks like you were getting my information from Conrad, but you're running out of opportunities to use it. Do you want to get along with your brother? Fine, you should get along as well as you like in the afterlife."

- Conrad was telling Isaac about Roger.

- Besides, I dropped him off looking friendly.

The Deacon was reporting to Roger what he was talking about when he dropped Isaac off.

Upon his return home, he received the report and Roger thought Conrad had betrayed himself.

- The Earl of Bristol family is about to make a deal with Dwarf.

He also knows that this is not an interesting thing for the Marquis Welrod family.

So I knew something would come up.

I heard Isaac visited his home there and was in close contact with Conrad.

It's obvious what they were talking about.

"I will make Conrad the head of the Earl of Bristol family. Instead, give up your deal with Dwarf. '

That's what he was talking about, Roger immediately guessed.

So, to look for evidence of betrayal, I immediately had Conrad's room searched.

The evidence was not immediately found.

"Brother, I haven't betrayed you," when you started to get annoyed when they asked you for a clear excuse.

We found conclusive evidence.

- A piece of paper smeared in black.

Besides, disturbing words are hidden from view if you look closely.

Seeing that, Roger was convinced.

- Conrad was still betraying me.

There's no better reason to keep the traitor alive than there's evidence we can pursue.

If kept alive, one day it will be used again as a means of plotting.

So he immediately executed Conrad and his wife and cut off the worries of his hindsight.

He was going to pick up the seeds of chaos in the home and pursue Isaac's responsibility in a complete manner.

What Roger fears was the revenge of Isaac, who is believed to be Jude's successor.

Morgan and Randolph, commonsense men, know that if there is evidence of a conspiracy, they will not retaliate unreasonably or otherwise.

For this reason, he was aiming to "execute Isaac for interference in another house" or, worse yet, to "shut him down and do nothing".

Fortunately, the Marquis Welrod family has a daughter.

Even if we lose Isaac, the house will never be cut off.

Roger was thinking of crushing it thoroughly and making sure the Count of Bristol couldn't get his hands on it.

The idea might have gone by if they weren't thinking about countermeasures.

But Isaac was thinking of proper measures.

"Maybe that paper... I think Glenn waiting outside has the same note he gave Mr. Conrad yesterday. It's what I had prepared to show His Majesty. Can I have it brought to you?

"Show me? Well, fine. Hey, pick up the paper."

Elias orders the Kingsguard knight close to the door.

Glenn was bringing me a bag with proper paperwork and stuff.

The knight hurries to receive a note from Glenn waiting outside and delivers it to Elias.

Seeing that note, Elias was surprised.

"What's this content!? Look at that."

"What, this!

Roger is also shown a note and is out of line.

The content is content and there is a problem, but this time it is irrelevant.

The position of the letters written was a problem.

"Ineligible as a Principal"

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

"The Future Lord"


These three locations match the black-filled notes.

"Isaac, explain this note."

Elias commands Isaac.

Of course, I was going to give you an explanation even if you didn't ask.

"I asked Mr. Conrad yesterday about Uncle Bristol. She told me that she was eager to trust you because she admired her brother very much. So I thought I'd give you some information so the Earls of Bristol can do well with Dwarves."

This is where it matters.

Isaac breathes deeply once.

"But Mr. Conrad surprised me with the contents of the note"

"I guess.... He said he would betray Dwarf, but what's this all about? Are you going to start a war?

What the note says, this is a big problem.

Elias couldn't overlook it.

"No, that's not what I meant. Dwarves will not sell weapons to humans. But I felt like the guy would sneak up on me selling weapons and stuff if he stayed good. So that's what I wrote when I asked you to commit treachery against Dwarf."

"But it's a little tough to write."

"Yes, Mr. Conrad told me the same thing. So I erased all the letters once. And I just noticed you were trying to write a soft sentence. That the Dwarves the Earls of Bristol trade would be another Dwarf. Then I didn't think I needed to let Uncle Bristol have the extra preconceived notion, and I asked him to throw that note away."


Elias puts his hand on his chin and starts thinking.

If what Isaac says is true, this time it's just Roger's brave legs.

I feared I would dress the innocent in wet clothes.

It was the thought that "Isaac is loyal" that had a huge impact on Elias here.

For this reason, the brakes on my mind that I didn't want to do anything to incriminate Isaac were naturally applied.

"It's a lie! Your Majesty, the Marquis Wellrod family wants to monopolize their dealings with Dwarves, but they have set up a ploy! It's an ugly conspiracy for private personal greed! Don't let them fool you just because they are children. His opponent is Isaac Welrod. He's the one who's seen as Jude's successor!

Roger doesn't want to realize he made a mistake.

Isaac has an affair and insists strongly that this is a conspiracy.

But the word convinces Elias that it was "still a mistake".

"Uncle Bristol doesn't seem to know, but the Marquis Welrod family plans to turn profits out of dealings with Dwarves to military expansion"

"Oh my God!

"If we resume our exchanges, we will have more contact with the Dwarves, and there will be a risk of armed clashes. The Marquis of Wellrod offered to expand his army in preparation for it. He wants to prepare to work as a shield in the kingdom. From there, I can't feel the intention of making money on my own."

Elias' words were to be endorsed by all who were present here.

Especially for military and financial personnel.

An army is necessary for national defence.

But in normal times, they think I'm wasting my time eating rice.

If you're a lord, you'll want to keep your daily expenses as low as you can.

However, offering to expand private soldiers from me means that I am willing to use my interests in the national interest.

The great premise of what Roger claims to be "plotted against the Count of Bristol because of his private lust" breaks down.

"But I'm sure -"

"For what reason? Is there a reason to just assassinate the principals of other houses and replace them? You seem to be the one blinded by greed."


Roger gets stuck with words.

- There is no private personal greed in the Marquis of Wellrod.

- I was also trying to help the Count of Bristol make a good deal with the Dwarves.

- I also fear that the note that I thought was conclusive evidence was a mistake.

- The story the Deacon heard, too, was just trying to get along as the word goes.

We're out of material to pursue Isaac.

On the contrary, I began to wonder if I had made a terrible mistake.

"Uncle Bristol. I heard about you from Mr. Conrad. I was impressed that even my belly brothers could get along so well."

Isaac continues with a sad look, slightly shaking his body.

"Why didn't you believe Mr. Conrad?

"That's you..., come on..."

Roger shifts his gaze away from Isaac.

- Conrad met Isaac.

That alone made me think "I was definitely talking about something that wasn't good".

I was told that we were discussing a deal with Dwarf so that we could do well, but I thought, "That's not supposed to happen."

That's why I was convinced Conrad had betrayed me.

What Roger thought of was Isaac's prediction that this would happen.

Previously, Isaac realized he was being watched over Jude's shadow.

Using his great-grandfather's fear, he created a suspicious demon that "Isaac couldn't have done anything because he visited him suddenly".

It was once an imitation of the method used by Jude for the subordinate countries of the enemy countries.

"Jude can't just visit and talk to the public and go home. You must have really betrayed me on the story to make such a boring excuse!

As such, he doubted the country Jude had visited, and the enemy countries began to argue with each other.

This time it's an arrangement.

Isaac thought it was easy to just visit and left a black-smelled note.

I'm sure that would confuse the Count of Bristol family and make it no longer a deal with Dwarves.

Exactly, I didn't even think I was going to kill Conrad, so I can tell you that was a miscalculation there.

But in terms of accomplishing my goals, I did the best I could.

"Sire, I don't want to say this... Shouldn't we temporarily freeze the matter of the trade route we're going to make to Count Bristol territory? It's a bit like letting someone kill your brother, who was close by mistake, make a deal with Dwarf..."

"I'm sure it might be."

"Your Majesty! That's not much!

Roger protests when he sees Elias agree with Isaac.

But Elias raised one hand and stopped it.

"Wouldn't it have been nice not to kill my brother and just to capture him until I checked the facts? You were in too much of a hurry to execute me. Given Dwarf and what happened when the problem arose, I can't leave it to the short-handed. For the time being, you should be at the disposal of the Marquis Welrod."


Roger couldn't say anything back.

I can't deny the momentum that killed Conrad.

When they said, "Would you do the same to the Dwarf opponent?", it was a difficult situation to deny.

If Conrad really had betrayed him, nothing was wrong.

But now that I don't know if I was betraying him, the fact that I executed him was a strong headwind to Roger.

"Isaac, the suspicion of that cleared up. You may step back."

"I apologize for distracting Your Majesty because of me. Excuse me."

Isaac was taken by Randolph and Morgan and left between sights.

I knew it would work, but just exhale a sigh of relief.

"Were you okay?

When I went outside, Benjamin and Glenn ran over worried.

"Uncle Bristol just took it personally wrong. Nothing to blame."

When Morgan answers, they both exhale in a ho.

Glenn knew Isaac hadn't done anything, but still said, "Wasn't he actually doing something somewhere? I was also worried."

I'm relieved to hear that I don't blame you.

"Come on, let's go home"

In Randolph's words, we head to the carriage together.

And just as I started getting into the carriage, Benjamin stops Morgan.

"My lord, have you finished your morning report?

"... ah!

The Earl of Bristol also chose it as a place of repudiation because people were gathered to report to Elias.

But in a series of streams, Morgan forgot it was time to report to Elias, and he was just about to go home.

"It was! I'm going back. Just you guys go home."

"Okay. Grandpa, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Uncle Bristol just misunderstood on his own. You're not bad."

Gently hug Randolph to comfort Isaac.

But Morgan was staring at Isaac jizzily.

"... is that really Uncle Bristol's misconception?

"Of course! Glenn is the witness. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

"Yes. On the contrary, Master Conrad kept talking about the good things about Uncle Bristol so much that Isaac didn't have time to hang on to his unexpected plans. I assure you, we didn't have a dark story behind us."

Though he was suddenly told the story, Glenn testified that Isaac had firmly planted nothing.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I'll make sure Uncle Bristol protests."

"Were you thinking too much," Morgan reflects.

"No, that's okay. I said I wanted to be like Grandpa Soo, and I misled him."

Morgan stroked his head at Isaac, smiling without worrying about what he suspected.

"Then I will go to Your Majesty"

"Good luck with your work"


When we exchanged a gentle goodbye greeting, Isaac and the others went back to the mansion.

It's not a good idea to keep Elias waiting, so Morgan tries to make a quick look at it without dropping him off.

So I remembered what Isaac said earlier.

"I also said that I wanted to be like Grandpa Soo, and I misled him."

Morgan looked back at the carriage.

(Speaking of which, Father has also made two countries fight just because he went to talk...)

- What if it's not a misunderstanding?

- What if Isaac already had the equivalent of Jude's brain?

- What if we knew this was going to happen and we just talked normal?

That means that this case may have been deliberately set up.

Morgan realizes that, his spine gets cold.

(No, I have no reason to set up with the Earl of Bristol house. It's not nice to think of hypothetical stories on your own)

Morgan waves for the first time and tries to forget what just came to mind.

Isaac doesn't seem to want the money.

There is no more reason to trap the Count of Bristol than there is no purpose for wanting to monopolize profits.

I don't think Isaac did it on purpose.

(I don't know, I'm being suspicious of Isaac until I am)

"I'm glad my grandson is growing up fast, but it's also a thought that he's too early," Morgan sighed deeply into the sky.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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