The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 149: 149 144 Twelve-year-old stabbing nails at traders in Wangdu

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Morgan suppressed himself only to demand compensation in money for his allegations to Isaac.

Even though he treated Isaac as a sinner in front of a large number of senior government officials, he was hesitant to make any further demands.

Even for a moment, he said, "Didn't you know Isaac was going to be like this?" and what came to my mind was affecting me.

And it is significant that the Count of Bristol was not the first to say the opening of the trading route, but that the merchants of the King's Capital broke it down and took action.

Because of this, I was pathetic and unable to demand until such time as I made excessive demands or retired my host.

Instead, I asked you to give me the money you were planning to use to do business with Dwarf.

In order to make a deal, it's not like we just have to make a path.

We need to create relay sites on the border with Neuizen, gather people and carry supplies.

Naturally, there will also be merchants in the city from there to Wang Capital, so there is a need to increase accommodation and so on.

Expenditure will increase dramatically.

- Let the budget of the Earl of Bristol family, which we had secured for the transaction, be paid for the next ten years.

Morgan hit his hand with it.

The Marquis Wellrod family is helpful, and the Count of Bristol cannot start a deal with the Dwarves.

"Manuke who killed his brother by mistake and tried to sin a child"

Almost every senior government official among those who were in the midst of the sight should rumor about him that way.

Count Bristol made a fatal mistake.

Nobody trusts someone who acts out of touch.

His voice will be greatly reduced.

It should have a significant negative impact when working as a nobleman in the future.

Morgan didn't make excessive claims because he knew about it.

When humans hunt down too much, they reopen and don't know what they're going to do.

To some extent, it also had the aim of giving warmth and preventing resentment.

For one thing, the problems concerning the Earl of Bristol family are over.

The rest is a response to the merchants who had connections with the Earl of Bristol family.

I had them submit their list and named it Isaac would respond.


By Count Bristol, a week over Isaac's impeachment.

Isaac had gathered the chairman and vice chairman of the Chamber of Commerce from the Chamber of Commerce, which had sponsored the Earl of Bristol.

They are those who were the patrons of the Earl of Bristol family.

The aim was to explain a series of flows and persuade the Marquis Welrod not to harass them.

"- So the plan to create a trading route in Count Bristol territory has been frozen. If you understand and are satisfied with that, please sign the papers."

"Signature? To this? You can't, sign something like this, etc."

When one speaks up, the others mumble, "Yes, yes," too.

Because I have a complaint about the paperwork Isaac demanded of them.

'I swear I won't interfere with the Marquis Welrod family, whether tangible or intangible, just because I can't get involved in a deal with Dwarf. This is also true for the Chamber of Commerce that cooperates with us. If the Marquis Welrod family decides (...) that they have interfered, they acknowledge accepting any punishment without contesting it. I acknowledge that punishment is imposed without limiting the scope of physical, financial, social sanctions, etc.'

The contents were written by Glenn's hand in small, difficult words as a pledge.

The demand to accept any punishment, no matter how much, without disputing it, is overdone.

Even if we negotiate from here, our first demands are excessive and we are disinclined to negotiate.

No matter how many children, it was wrong to ask for such documents to be signed.

"You teach him right," accusatory gaze gathers at Glenn sitting next to Isaac.

Naturally, Glenn also explained to Isaac.

Nobody signs this, he said.

But Isaac didn't accept Glenn's opinion.

Because I was sure that many of them would sign.

"Oh, are you dissatisfied?

"Naturally! No matter how much His Majesty's trust demands from the thick, I can't drink this demand!

"Hmm, yeah"

Isaac looks around bored.

(You think you can stick to this demand because of the gathering of the great merchants of Wang Du?

I knew where their hearts were.

- It means that the Marquis Welrod family is not more toll-free if you give a hand to the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce and cause disruption to the logistics.

If they have clearly acted against the law, some form of retaliation is also allowed.

But all they did was speak up to the Count of Bristol family and try to create a new trading route.

Moreover, Elias, the king, gave permission "well, that would be good as one option," he said.

The justification lies with them.

It was thought that all the Marquis Welrod could do was ask me not to interrupt my dealings with Dwarves.

But here's one miscalculation for them.

- Isaac exists.

Isaac resents the fact that the traders in Wang Du were unable to open their trading routes and fears that they will begin to harass him behind them.

Then he decided to put a strong collar around their necks, "It's a good opportunity, so let's keep listening to them."

The method was to "cause the Marquis Welrod to deposit his right to life and death".

- Why take a radical way for a merchant when you took a moderate way for your Count of Bristol counterpart?

The reason is concise and clear.

I wanted to keep my influence on the merchants in preparation for the future.

Grab their reins with more fear, even if they resent you.

Given the magnitude of what had to be accomplished, this was necessary.

(Well, do it)

I thought so and tried to open my mouth, and one man stood up and submitted a pledge to Isaac.

"What is it?

"Is it not you who told me to write anything?"

"No, I do..."

Unexpectedly Isaac asked.

It is true that the affidavit bears a signature.

It's totally unexpected to write and bring it really spontaneously.

I never thought there would be such a man.

That's the same thing for the other attendees.

"Why is he signing a pledge?," he says, watching.

"Um, are you Kent Chairman of the Russett Chamber of Commerce? If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you why you were signed."

"We both deal in conditioning. Sometimes I even sprinkle gems, so I also had a relationship with the Carmine Chamber of Commerce...... I was advised to fly the white flag before it was damaged."

"Oh, I see."

Isaac understood in Kent's words.

(Did you give up the resistance early because you have a relationship with the Carmine Chamber of Commerce? If so, I don't think you should join us from the start...)

It is true that the Carmine Chamber of Commerce has not become a patron of the Earl of Bristol because Isaac has taken a terrible turn for it.

I guess I feared the possibility of hostility with the Marquis Welrod family.

(Right, are some guys like that? Some guys aren't prepared to do anything serious. Then you can change your way)

Isaac smiles at Kent for coming up with a different way of approaching him.

Seeing that look on his face, Kent thought it was an opportunity to appeal to himself.

"Besides, our Russet Chamber of Commerce has also bought products for the Marquis Wellrod family. I was wondering if I'd ever crossed it if I could make it easier."

"Heh, what kind of stuff did you deliver?

"The main dishes are condiments decorated with gold and silver. Mrs. Melinda bought it often… Ah!

Kent said, "Shit! face and block his mouth with his hands.

Melinda was killed by Isaac during a riot over the housekeeper.

If they found out that Melinda was a good customer, they could be the target of Isaac's hatred.

"Wrong way to appeal," Kent's leg starts to tremble.

But Isaac remained smiling.

"I see, to Mrs. Melinda."

Isaac nods a few times, yeah.

A casual, normal trick.

That was so horrible for Kent.

"The condiments used by Mrs. Melinda were flashy, but not nasty, were they? On the contrary, it was something that made me feel elegant. I think he had great taste."

"Oh, thank you"

Unlike what I expected, Isaac gave me high praise.

Kent was confused about the matter.

"Right...... If you don't mind, would you mind sending a few eye-catching people from the Russett Chamber of Commerce to the Gray Chamber of Commerce? That way, you can give priority to wholesale some items to the Russett Chamber of Commerce."

"Is that true?

Kent is skeptical.

I've been demanding that you sign such an indestructible affidavit.

It was also natural to be wary that this good story had a back.

Isaac knows that too, so he answers without making an unpleasant face.

"It's true. The Wellrod based chamber of commerce will be fine, but it would be helpful if you were familiar with the fashion in Wangdu to help you purchase it. Could you help me?

"Yeah, if that's the case, I'd be happy to work with you."

Kent gives a blatantly hobby look.

Because it had the effect of first showing a subordinate attitude.

- No one treats the first person who shows an attitude of obedience without permission.

It's not just about the Carmine Chamber of Commerce.

That's the kind of calculation that made him sign such a joke pledge.

It makes no sense in the second or third to show these attitudes.

It made sense because we act first.

In that regard, he was able to get the right results.

And Isaac accepted him, too, and it worked as intended.

Two more people have submitted their pledges.

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

By showing them the act of "forgiveness and acceptance," I was able to encourage them to make a decision.

I can count on your cooperation if you voluntarily submit a pledge rather than threaten me.

Kent unexpectedly signed it from himself and brought it to me, so it worked out that he had a quick escape route ready to do it.

But there were only three people, including Kent, who cling to the draped spider thread.

"Can anyone else sign for me?

"You can't possibly sign something like this"

They can afford it because they think they're safe.

If you strike many chambers of commerce for no good reason, it is Isaac who will be punished.

"If you can get your hands on it, give it a try," some are showing a challenging attitude.

But this was within the assumptions for Isaac.

"It's a shame. Then I wonder if you could bring me a fire and an ashtray"

Isaac, ask Glenn for what he needs.

He was reacting strangely, but he brought what he was so dearly asked for.

Sometimes I was interested in what I would do, and I acted quickly.

"Thank you for signing. I would like to return it to you in good faith."

Isaac sets the pledge on fire and puts it on the ashtray.

This means exactly what you say.

Isaac also shows sincerity towards those who accepted such unscrupulous demands and signed them.

- If you act for Isaac, you get a proper return.

It's an act to prove it.

Those who sign will be burned with pledges and will enjoy a share of the profits.

Whether it's an unreasonable request, I can think better if I follow Isaac.

I showed it to the attendees.

I'm going to tell you if I didn't obey next time.

"Now, you're all merchants, and you know what happens when you sign that pledge. Then naturally, you know what happens if you don't sign it, right?

Isaac's words change the faces of the unsigned.

The strong, the angry, the fearful.

Among them, many still seemed to feel rebellious.

As one, there was no one trying to give Isaac a pledge.

"If you give us a hand, you don't seem to understand what happens to you."

Those sitting in the front row smile coldly.

Isaac returned a gentle smile to him.

"I know. You can't let the Chamber of Commerce (...) become half uncomfortable."

"Bye -"

"You there. If the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce can no longer work due to illness, etc., can you do the job instead?

"Yeah, well, of course I can do it without delay. I'm the vice chairman for that."

Isaac spoke to a man who seemed to be a subordinate of a cold-smiling chairman of commerce.

The answer was satisfactory.

"Now, it's safe to say that all the chairmen of the Chamber of Commerce have accidentally fallen ill or died accidentally."


Now Isaac has a cold grin he doesn't think of as a child.

"I hope it doesn't affect the operation of the Chamber of Commerce, right?

Isaac says extraordinarily, "If there's a replacement, it won't affect you if you're gone."

The merchants thought Isaac would take "the way it struck the Chamber of Commerce, as it did during the Carmine Chamber of Commerce".

But unlike what they think, Isaac is only targeting the chairmen of the chambers of commerce at pinpoint.

I realize that, and now I paste my fear on my face.

"Oh, I can't do that..."

"Fine, then. If you think so, please go home. Yeah, of course I'm not gonna do anything."

Isaac didn't try to persuade him, and dared to take an unscrupulous attitude.

That attitude gave the merchants more fear that "Isaac really will".

No, Isaac might not really do anything.

But I could easily imagine who to let do it.

- If we find ourselves in the way of a deal, the Wallick Marquis will probably move.

The Marquis Wallick family benefits the most from his dealings with Dwarves.

Even though the territory has begun to calm down, without gold it could start to be as confusing as before.

If you harass the Marquis Welrod family in any way, the Marquis Wallick family will also have trouble earning instability.

You can't admit that.

Isaac makes an alibi so Elias doesn't suspect he did it.

And in the back, the Marquis Wallick family moves.

There are only martial artists, and many ministers are skilled in martial arts.

It should be easy to kill the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and his family.

After sweeping away the hostiles, push the vice chairman up to the chairman of the chamber of commerce and tell him not to defy them.

I was wary that you were going to do that.

It is known that Isaac has used violent means in the past that are not exclusive to the nobles.

The merchants said, "Aren't we really going to do it again?," I was beginning to think.

"Please wait a moment now for those who promised. If the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce takes his place, we'll be sure to get along."

Here, I smelled that there was already an inside man.

There's no such person, but in this situation, he said, "Didn't the vice chairman at my place betray you?" and should be a suspicious ghost.

Plant it in your mind that you could be stabbed from behind so that you can't try to do something in unison in the future.

The effect you get with one word would be enough.

"So, what do you do? Please decide quickly if you want to write or not. Of course, if you sign it, nothing will happen to you unless you do something extra."

If he noticed, Isaac was grinning as fiercely as he did when he hunted down his prey, without even noticing himself.


Eventually, the callers signed the pledge and returned.

We decided to keep the portion of those who submitted it after that.

"Gray Chamber of Commerce. Then I was originally planning to wholesale the goods to Wang Capital's Chamber of Commerce because the sales channels are weak to sell in Wang Capital."

Isaac speaks to Glenn in a frightened voice.

The role of the branch of the Gray Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu is dominated by the support of goods sold to the nobles of Wellrod.

I didn't have enough fine stores to sell Dwarf merchandise.

So the Grey Chamber of Commerce was going to buy the goods in bulk and have the Wang Du Chamber of Commerce and others wholesale the goods.

- Until the merchants of the King's Capital worked for the Earl of Bristol.

I went a little far because of what I did extra.

But maybe that was a good idea.

Sooner or later, Isaac will be forced to release funds and supplies in the proper name before he takes action.

We need money and food to fight the war, so this time it wasn't a bad thing.

"They won't have any stranger thoughts either than they signed. It's okay."

Glenn replied so, but he was feeling a sense of inner anxiety.

Not to the merchants of Wang Du.

Against Isaac.

(Dear Isaac, which is the nature...)

At the Count of Bristol's house, Conrad and I talked as if we were close.

Besides, I was even trying to cooperate on something related to Dwarf.

This time, however, merchants were using blackmail without hesitation.

Profit him that heareth, and fear him that hath not.

A variety of divisive ideas, but the very idea is understandable.

Jude was such a person, too.

But Isaac is very different from Jude.

- It's emotional ups and downs.

Jude was the type who rarely represented emotions and kept terrorizing his surroundings that he could not "fail" all the time.

But it was also easier in a way because I was prepared to work from the start.

But Isaac smiles, and forgives sin.

But one day I suddenly smiled and said, "I don't need you anymore," and I was afraid I might be executed.

You don't know what you're thinking because your feelings are hidden.

Unlike Jude, it's just horrible for the minute you get alarmed.

(I want to go back to Tilly Hill...)

Glenn would have thought he was "worthy of service" about Isaac now, about five years ago.

But the time spent with the simple people and elves in the countryside had wiped the hegemony away from him.

Now he didn't have enough energy to keep up with Isaac.

That doesn't mean Isaac doesn't deserve to serve, though.

When I swept away the Nathan, I just crushed Melinda and Nathan, and about five other houses.

Those who fell back on Isaac were not to blame.

There is no forgiveness for those who are hostile, but forgiveness was granted to those who properly apologized and turned their backs.

Earlier, generous treatment was given to those who submitted pledges at an early stage.

It's never just tough.

It's just that there's too much difference in response between the allies and those in a neutral position and the hostiles.

(From now on, it will be hard for those beside Isaac when he grows up)

Glenn thinks about the future.

This is all we do from among our children yet.

I'm sure that in the future, we will do more than friendship with elves and dwarves.

He thought about the people who would be swayed by Isaac, and in his heart he thought "good luck" like some other HR.

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