The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 208: 208 199, fourteen. I need your head.

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Leaving the prisoners and injured to Thornicroft's soldiers, Isaacs and the others head to attack the Rockwell Royal Army.

Defeat the troops that were east and north, and the liberation of Sonicroft will be over.

It's easy to do when you know "they're coming" at a time like this.

Even as he travels at a distance to avoid being shot in the bow from the city wall, the gaze of the watch passes far away.

The movement of the Rockwell Royal Army was rounded out of Sonicroft.

- Where the enemy is now.

It would be advantageous on the battlefield just to know about it.

It's easy to be alert so that you don't get ambushed, and even if you do ambush, it doesn't mean that you don't have enemies and end up empty.

Whereas the Rockwell Royal Army was using the time-lag of the means of information transmission called a decree (...) to advantage the war, Isaac was trying to gain information quickly to favor the fight.

Isaac and the others confront the Rockwell Royal Army southeast of the city of Sonicroft.

(... I wonder if this is okay)

Isaac became anxious when he saw the two armies forming and staring at each other.

Until now, it's just a small number of opponents, but this time it's about the same number.

If the western and southern remnants of the ousted had joined forces, there would have been more soldiers than the Marquis Welrod family.

"I should have acted with the army of the Count Lancaster family without proposing extra operations or anything," he now begins to regret.

(But normally if you fight from the front, you can't win... The formation of the army is too biased in the first place. Think more balance)

Isaac was dissatisfied with the distorted mechanism of the Reid kingdom.

Essentially, the army of local nobility is under the command of the nobility itself.

If the commander has a lot of civilian lineage and is weak as an army, you can replace it with a martial officer lineage.

That way, the Wilmente Marquis and the Wallick Marquis will also be helped by more civilians, and the Welrod and Windsor Marquises will be more resistant to battle.

But now even if you are unhappy with the matter, you are nothing but a jerk.

I just had to hope Count Lancaster, who entrusted me with another task force, would do well.

It starts with the archer shooting each other.

At first, they see each other.

But the Royal Rockwell Army set it up first to make a big move on the situation.

This is where we see it as a sanctuary, or we spare no effort to use the Wizard's attacks against the central part of the Reid Royal Army.

This attack disrupted the formation of the infantry in the front row.

Aiming there, an infantry unit of the Rockwell Royal Army has stormed.

One knight runs the lead and slashes him into the Reid Royal Army before anyone else.

(What, that guy? Aren't we in the wrong game to get out?

Instead of pacing with the soldiers, it's not a sane shack, such as slashing them first by themselves.

Besides, he slips brilliantly through the jaws, diving into the line and waving his sword.

Not in the world of maiden games, he was a knight who seemed to look good for games that were unrivalled on the battlefield.

"Dear Randolph, that's probably Tom the Ford Four Heavens. We have to deal with it before it opens."

Baron Kincaid advances to Randolph.

Hearing that, Isaac thought, "You're going to do a fancy job on a plain namesake."

"Can Baron Kincaid beat him?

"... I'm not sure. But if you tell me to go, I will."

Baron Kincaid shows a grievous determination.

Overall ability, including your ability as a commander, would win.

But unless it's just combat capability.

Tom is a man who has been named for his personal bravery alone.

Even though Baron Kincaid was also a guard captain at the Marquis' mansion, there is an incomparable difference in real life experience.

The last twenty years of peace had deprived the man of the Kingdom of Lead of something called combat experience (...).

- But some are experienced in combat.

"Matt, I need Baron Kincaid to assist my father. Will you go?

"I'll take care of it. I just wanted to try it out with Tom once."

When it comes to combat experience, Matt is pretty good too.

I haven't been on the battlefield for decades like Tom, but I'm winning with my youth.

If there's a slight difference, we should make it up to you.

"Father, can I let Matt go?

"Oh, it would help if you would"

Randolph also knows that "Matt wanted Marquis Wilmente and his men".

I thought if that was all, you could do something about it.

Baron Kincaid embarrasses himself for not being able to say "I will stop" and looks sorry.

"You don't have to fight like a knight because you're my escort knight. You can fight as a mercenary, so you can survive."


"You don't have to look good," Isaac told Matt.

Because I don't want Matt to die as much as he can.

"I don't want him to die," but I also wanted him to go because I didn't want him to die.

If they let the front line collapse like this, they will be in a state of defeat.

It is not to be hoped that they will take over there.

Instead of treating it as "important," it should be used when it should be used.

Isaac thought, "This is where I use it," and decided to put it in.

In my previous life, I was the "items that restore all HP and MP will be taken care of without even using them in the Battle of Las Bosses" type, but it seems a little more thought-provoking.


"Olaola, what's wrong! He said he was struggling with these mutts! Don't be silly!"

Tom appropriately cuts off the soldiers nearby.

My heart is filled with anger, but my body is moving to break the line.

From years of experience, he instinctively fought his way to victory.

(Crap, why are you doing this to these guys...)

I thought Marshal Ford's death was aging after losing the year.

Yet someone killed me lightly.

When I think, "If I fought normally, I would never have been killed by these people," I get angry again.

Another soldier who was hit with anger dies - it was supposed to.


But he was swept away by a mercenary-like man who suddenly appeared.

The targeted soldier hurries to take a few steps away.

"What, you?

"Matt Mosley, Master Isaac's escort knight, the one who took over Marshal Ford."

"Parents!? Right, I knew it. Isaac and I will send you to hell in no time. It starts with you!

Tom waves his sword wide at the hanging and tries to finish Matt all at once.

Naturally, Matt isn't just going to get hit either.

- I said I took over Marshal Ford to invite him to a big swing driven by passion.

I put my sword on it, and I stepped on Tom's knee as it was being flushed - I couldn't do it.

Tom avoids as if he had anticipated the move and tries to pay Matt's foot the other way around.

Matt breaks down trying to avoid Tom's foot payment and pokes one knee on the ground.

Tom tries not to miss the gap, but Matt puts his sword at Tom's feet to distance him.

Matt was confused by this series of moves.

The opponent is a man who has fought as a knight for many years.

Yet they fight the same battles as mercenaries.

Tom opens his mouth when he realizes the question.

"What's the matter, are you surprised by your bad foot habits? Hate, I didn't grow up well. You can't behave like a nobleman."

"I guess I just wasn't willing to learn"


On Matt's provocation, Tom cuts again.

Then, the battle between the two continued for a while.

Strength is a little above Tom's, but the difference is slight.

The battle is hard to decide.

Tom should have cut this fight off early.

His mission is to open a front line breakthrough.

It wasn't if they were stuck here.

While fighting Matt, the Reid Royal Army is gradually filling a hole in the formation.

Though Tom stopped moving forward because he had someone who had picked up Marshal Ford.

The momentum of the Rockwell Royal Army had been lost because Tom's legs had stopped.

See how it goes, Rockwell Royal Army rings the bell of withdrawal.

"Why!? You'll still be able to do it."

"Didn't something unforeseen happen?

Laughs niggly as Matt mocks.

I almost rode that provocation, but Tom intuitively felt, "Now is not the time to ride the invitation."

I'm not smart enough to think "there seems to be some reason to hold back".

- But the other guy is the one who killed Marshal Ford.

Even though my head knew I should pull, I couldn't quite move my legs.

"... remember that"

Tom decided to pull back after a tough decision.

If there has been a distortion in the rear, we have to deal with it.

Tom also somehow understood that he couldn't defeat his enemies just by coming forward.

"You're leaving the person who killed the marshal and running away?

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

I understand that it is likely to be upside down with the words, but it will not be a loco thing from past experience.

"I'll definitely make you regret it later," Tom backed off.

As Tom stepped down from the front line, he immediately noticed an anomaly.

I can hear the rear line of the Rockwell Royal Army fighting.

Hurry up to the main unit.

There was also Edward with a major abdominal wound.

"What's the matter with you!

"It's a separate unit of the Royal Lead Army. Apparently he came through the city and didn't notice until he came out of the East Gate"

Felix speaks remorsefully.

If you tried to circle from side to back in the plains, you could have responded adequately to a separate team.

But the Royal Reed Army emerged from behind by hiding itself through the city.

That seems to have delayed the response.

"Isn't this when the spare responds? What's Ed's injury?

"Oh, I led the reserve to respond. But where I thought Sonicroft's Fartile Royal Army was coming, I had nearly 10,000 troops meet with the Reid Royal Army. The high number prevented it. This wound is the wound of that time. Apparently, I was upset about your loss, too."

Though Thornicroft's soldiers would come, I thought they would be roughly three thousand.

So I left the same number of 3,000 on rear alert.

But I was attacked by more than three times as many soldiers as I expected.

Edward laughs at the sweetness of his outlook.

"Not if you're laughing. What are you gonna do?"

"As it is, it is sandwiched and besieged from front to back. We haven't got any enemies on the side yet, so we're going to have to retreat east and rendezvous with the main unit that's attacking Wang Du.... It's a nasty place to leave a way out on purpose"

If they are completely besieged, soldiers begin to fight madly in death to break through the siege.

But if the escape route remains, it is only natural for human psychology to have hope of escaping from it.

- Soldiers fighting at the stake of their lives and soldiers on the run.

I don't have to think which is easier to fight.

I'll give you an escape, and you'll be willing to argue from behind.

But now the Rockwell Royal Army has no choice but to flee.

If we keep fighting, some of it will damage the Reid Royal Army.

But the troops that were attacking Sonycroft will be wiped out.

The problem here is the value of the soldier.

The Royal Lead Army has nearly 100,000 soldiers alone fighting as an army.

more than double that of the Kingdom of Rockwell.

Given the future, we can't lose all the 30,000 soldiers set aside for the Sonycroft offense.

We should let some of them get away with it and fix a rematch.

If I can, I want to fight both the forward and the rear enemies here at the same time to reduce the number of the Reid Royal Army.

But I can't do that more than be a person.

(ii) Front operations really slow down judgment, and there will be confusion if we pull the troops fighting forward backwards.

That's why I can't show my strength as a unit even if I pull it off the front on a hundred or ten basis.

"You're just going to get hit without being able to give your original strength," Edward thought.

"It is my responsibility to mistakenly see that the only people coming after the blackmail from behind are the Royal Fatil Army. Tom, you take Master Felix and rendezvous with us."

"What are you gonna do?

"Stay and help the retreat. I'm sure this wound will help."

Edward was holding his belly. Let go of his hand.

Through holes in armor, there was blood all over it.

I wish there was someone on the battlefield who could use therapeutic magic, but unfortunately, those who could use therapeutic magic are supposed to go into church.

The Church does not participate in the war, so there is no one here who can use therapeutic magic.

As far as Edward's wounds are concerned, it certainly wasn't going to last long.

"Retreat or regret it...... I met the guy who killed your parents."

"Who is it, what is it?

Felix asks Tom.

I have to ask you that name.

"He's an escort named Isaac. You said your name was Matt."

"Again, Isaac Welrod......"

Felix grips his fist and looks in the direction in which Isaac would be.

My great-grandfather's revenge is right there.

Yet I have the teething feeling that I can't give a hand.

"I regret it, but I can't help it. Even my parents won when they could, and when they were about to lose, they pulled without being helpless."

Tom was the same person who was feeling toothpicked.

There was a vendetta in front of me, and if I had fought a little more, I might have picked it up.

"After all, I should have fought there until the settlement was reached," he regretted.

"So, the reason you stopped attacking is to retreat?

"That's right. You get out of here with Master Felix. Deliver Master Felix safely to the main unit."

Edward wanted to get Felix away for Marshal Ford as well.

But that was unacceptable to Felix.

"General Tesla, if you want to escape, the general must escape. The general is needed more by the Rockwell Kingdom than I am."

Felix is also in his mid-thirties.

Compared to Edward and the others, he may still be a young man.

But I didn't want to be so overprotective.

He has also been able to make as much of a decision as to "who should lead the soldiers out for the Kingdom of Rockwell".

I thought I'd stay here and Edward and the others should run away.

Edward smiles back at the words.

"I won't be able to help with this wound. Maybe you can surrender after Master Felix retreats and get treatment in the city church. It's best if I stay here."

"But General Edward was more helpful than me and others..."

Felix is still reluctant to talk about the wound.

This is due to his lack of confidence.

From childhood onwards all around us are talented people.

It was because I assumed "I have no talent".

"Dear Felix, feel confident in yourself. Surely you were compared to us. Indeed, the tactics were beaten by Master Charlene, and by Tom in the sword. But think the other way around. It's nothing. You don't have to fight the way they're good at it. If you're like Charlene, you can beat Tom with your head, with a sword. You can beat anyone if you choose how to fight."

Edward also knows that Felix is troubled.

Until now, I realized it myself and kept quiet because I wanted you to get over it.

But we don't have time for that anymore.

So this is how I told him that you thought it was clear.

Probably because this is the last time I can tell you.

"It's a waste of time talking like this. Felix Ford. Lead half the soldiers to open a breakthrough and retreat."


Edward told Felix in the form of an order from the general.

The remnants of the troops who were west and south are now combined to about 20,000.

10,000 if that's half of it.

It's a pretty important role.

"Help Felix retreat. But I'll stay here, too."

"I told you to go, too. Orders."

Tom said something strange here.

Edward tries to make me go in the form of an order.

But Tom just shook his head sideways.

"I've left something behind. Isaac is important to let a bastard bathe a machete. To do that, Ed, I need your head. You can't just pull here with Felix right now."

"You can't pull it off, what are we going to do in this situation?

"I have an idea."

Against a confident Tom, Edward and Felix have an uneasy look on their face.

I can count on Tom's intuition, but I don't trust him as far as his head is concerned.

I ask Edward what he thinks if he understands.

Edward looked stunned when he heard Tom's thoughts.

"As far as that face goes......, you sound surprised"

"That would be a street to look at! Damn, you're a real joke."

Edward laughs huffy.

"But it's not bad. Keeping Isaac Wellrod alive will surely do a lot of damage to the main unit as well. Let's get on with your proposal."

"Yeah, I'm gonna lose it."

When Tom slaps Edward on the shoulder, Edward distorts his face as to whether it sounds on the wound.

"Dear Felix, I entrust Tom with an important task here. Now run away. Not for myself, but for the soldiers. And for the future of the Kingdom of Rockwell."

"... ok. But surrender if you think the retreating troops have escaped to safety."

"Of course it is. I don't imitate fighting without a soldier."

Felix wondered what maneuver Tom had in mind, but left with the thought of getting his hair pulled back to let the soldiers get away.

The rest of Edward talks to Tom.

"Tom, I've always hated you. I'm an idiot, and I don't know how to be polite. He didn't give up his identity and didn't like the fact that he called me Ed. But I only admit it."

"I hated you, too. Every trivial trick was elegant, and I was reminded that" is this the difference between a civilian and an aristocrat "and that the difference between birth was huge. But I'm glad you didn't look down on me when you said I was stupid."

The two are ready to die.

So we hit each other for real at the end.

But there is no sadness in that face.

- I have a big job to do for Felix and also for the Kingdom of Rockwell.

Before the big job of "turning Isaac Welrod into a deceased," the two had a sunny smile on their faces by the time they were clear.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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