The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 281: 281 269 Request from Damien, fifteen

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Regarding Dwarves and Elves, it is for the first time a view of how things are going.

The rest will be after the ambassador arrives.

If there's a problem, Pamela wants to see them, too.

When Lucas told him, "I met Dwarf and Elf," she was pretty interested, too.

But I can't let Pamela see me yet.

After the welcoming party, priority was given to checking for inconvenience before the ambassador arrived.

He meets and talks with the nobles who live in the Wang capital, and checks to see if there is anything that is received lawlessly in the fine operations in real life.

It was not yet at the stage where young people could meet with interest.

Isaac, but you can't let him see you at ease.

If the ambassador arrived, I would have liked to have him meet around Bridget, where he was free.

That way, Isaac can also create an opportunity to meet with Pamela.

But I can't do it now.

Now Isaac is acting for the future.

Still ahead opaque, but one step at a time, but progress has been made.

This state of affairs was also "three more years" and was still tolerable.

- What I can do now.

We just have to do that one tunnel at a time.

For that reason, Isaac intended to use the study group.

One day after school.

I made one suggestion at the study group.

"Gentlemen, I have a favor to ask you today. Can you write on paper what I've been pissed off about in my life?

I don't understand the words Isaac said, in everyone's head? Mark floats up.

Everyone has annoying experiences, so writing on paper is easy.

It's not difficult.

I didn't know why I needed that.

"I'm sure you all know that the advance party is here before the Elves and Dwarves ambassadors arrive. Now, in living with humans, they are washing out dissatisfaction due to lifestyle differences. Even humans have had fights because of little grievances like" I don't like that trick of his "?

When Isaac spoke so far, he perceived what the general public wanted to say.

"There was a time when interaction had been interrupted for two hundred years. Naturally, it can be common sense for humans or insane behavior for elves and dwarves. Adults are working together to cross factions and crush problems that may arise in the future. Kids may also come up with things that adults don't think of. Why don't we put together what we were uncomfortable with on paper and submit it to the adults in order to know in advance what touches the scales? The form will be handed directly to the Marquis Welrod, Minister of Foreign Affairs"

"Do it!"

I received an immediate reply from the third grade I was attending.

He was more reacting to the "hand it to Morgan" part than he was impressed by what Isaac said.

The content is modest, but you are most welcome to have your name in the eyes of the incumbent minister.

It won't work as soon as I graduate, but I don't know when or where what will happen.

In the meantime, I decided there was nothing wrong with selling my name as a collaborator.

Following him, two, three and more endorsers.

Seeing that, Isaac was in a gutsy pose in his heart.

(I knew it. I thought this would happen)

If this is "what kind of treaty should I make with an elf or a dwarf? If it was something like," Everyone's movements would have been dull.

But write the annoying things that have happened before.

That's all I can do to help Isaac and give the minister a chance to know his name.

It seems boring at first sight, but you can expect enough in return just to hang out a little bit.

There was no one to say no.

No, one.

You have a question, he raised his hand.

- It was Michael who raised his hand.

He just kept an eye on me until now. He moved on to action.

Isaac, who knows his nature, also becomes just as alert, as he wears an atmosphere that is not just one.

"Will Isaac read what we wrote? I'm just embarrassed..."

"Oh, that's the thing."

Isaac is relieved that Michael's behavior was just a question.

I would have been in trouble if I had done unexpected words and deeds, but this much is within my assumptions.

"I don't care about names or bearers. Considering the presence of those who are ashamed to read it to me, I am also thinking of a way for Raymond to collect it and give it directly to Marquis Welrod. Of course, some of you may be anxious when I order Raymond to see it. But I swear that will not hang on to your honor as Duke of Enfield."

Even as Isaac, I care what other people's anger points are.

But there was also a feeling that I didn't care more than that.

Exactly, it's too much to pry at ignoring the reluctant.

Rather than satisfying my personal curiosity, I wanted to use this opportunity as an exercise to bring everyone together.

The attendees these days are starting to sit with themselves and those with close opinions.

There are no hedges for the school year or my parents' faction.

There was a new faction called "I'm close to how I think right now".

- Not friends, gatherings across existing factions.

During the study group, a new faction could be said to have been created.

I'm going to try and see how far I can grow this.

It will be a good practice for the future.

Instead of asking the study group for direct cooperation, they intended to let me use it to improve my skills.

"If that's the case, I believe Isaac."

Michael believed Isaac, who had sworn by the name of the Duke.

Seeing him like that, the others nod and agree.

Nevertheless, all the others think Isaac can see them.

It was significant that there was no reason to dislike it.

"Now, I'll hand out the paper. I don't care if it's boring, so keep writing down the experiences I thought you didn't like. Today I am going to dissolve sequentially from those who have finished writing, so please feel free to leave soon or not."

When Isaac says so, Raymond and Lucas start handing out paper.

All you have to do is watch.

- Those who desperately take writing.

- He who remembers each and every thing that has happened before and writes it carefully.

- One who writes the memories of two or three and exits immediately.

- Those who return and add that they still have something to write after they have finished writing and left.

People had their own reactions.

But he basically thinks, "If it might help the state to this extent," and he looks cooperative.

There are no universities, etc., and after graduating from Royal College, he is employed immediately.

Because it's such a world, they're going to take a positive approach to things that are likely to involve living in the world.

Raymond and Lucas had also begun to write about unpleasant things they had experienced in the past.

Isaac also tries to write something, but realizes he has nothing to write about.

(Writing about the governor's inheritance is just... The content is too heavy and it has nothing to do with the friendship between Elf and Dwarf...)

Even with great dissatisfaction, there is no fine dissatisfaction.

The dissatisfaction with wanting a washlet toilet is also a dissatisfaction with things and has nothing to do with the elves.

When it came to relationships, I could hardly think of anything called trivial dissatisfaction.

(Ah, every time I let Lord Wallick see me in the face, he said, "Would you like to be engaged to my daughter?" It was a shame to be asked directly or indirectly. Okay?)

I think it seems quite possible that the elf opponent's proposal for marriage.

Naturally, the adults would assume it, but I decided to write it down because I don't think it would be a problem for me to write it down for once.

After a while, everyone finishes writing.

Watching them exit, Isaac speaks to Raymond.

"I'm tired, I'm sorry, but give it to Grandpa"

"I'll give it to you tomorrow morning before Marquis Welrod goes to work."

Raymond says he won't necessarily have Morgan on his way home from school, so he'll take the paperwork first thing in the morning.

At times like this, it is useful to be the son of a nobleman under the umbrella of the Marquis of Wellrod.

Lucas is far from home because he lives in a section on the Marquis Windsor side of the house.

Thanks to this, I was able to get the good fortune that Raymond, close to home, would be entrusted with the role of submitting documents to Morgan.

Even trivial things, it was still a difficult opportunity for the children to get a chance to remember their faces in the present day.

"What do we do? Do you want to stop somewhere and go home?

Isaac spoke to both of them, stretching his back.

I finished early today, so you can go for a treat and then have a preview or a review.

At times like this, I'm glad I opened a store near the school.

"Do you even do your homework at the usual store?

"That might be good, too. We'd all be done sooner."

"Well, shall we?"

The three of them leave the classroom in an effort to go to the store.

Then there was a boy standing in the hallway.

"Isaac. I need to talk to you for a second, okay?

- It was Damien waiting.

They're usually the ones who don't have contact.

I heard he wanted to talk to me, and Isaac thought, "That's unusual."

"Fine. I'm going to go to the confectionery store, and how about you join me?

Isaac invites him to tea time, but Damien shakes his neck to the side.

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

"It's hard to talk about in public. And I'll be right there..."

"Okay. Well, how about in this classroom? I'll have you both wait outside."

"I wonder if that would help."

"They'll be done in a minute, sorry, but wait a minute"

Hearing Damian's reply, Isaac asks the two of us to wait.

Of course, there's no difference between the two of us.

If it's enough to wait, say, "What did you write? I just need to talk."

The two of them agreed, so Isaac enters the classroom with Damian.

"It's unusual for me to talk to you. What errands?"

Sitting back in the chair, Isaac asked Damian what he was up to.

Rather than "I just want it to end," I said, "What's it about? 'Cause I was curious.

"I need a favor."


(What is it? You want to go to a study group or something? You're not exactly asking me to lend you money from one of my students)

In the first place, we're not close enough to ask for a favor.

I wondered why you came to ask for me.

"Isaac and I had a chance to be friends when we were kids. But I'm Dear Nathan - I became Nathan's friend and Fred's friend. I couldn't be friends with you...... No, it didn't. I don't think I can ask for that. [M] But there's something I really need you to do."

Surely there was a complicated past between them.

Each other's mother was in a friendship, and Damien was sometimes brought as Isaac's friend candidate.

But the Viscount Fosbury family belongs to the King's Party.

Damien was taken as Nathan's friend because Melinda turned her hand.

From there, Fred liked me, started playing as his friend, and I could only have a face-to-face relationship with Isaac.

- Relationships are rare.

- I want to ask you something, knowing that.

Isaac was wondering what Damian was going to say.

"I don't want you to bind her because you like Mr. Nicole."


- Bomb statements that are going to blow my interest and so on.

But on the contrary, it had attracted Isaac's interest.

"Hey, why are you doing that..."

"Mr. Nicole said so. Isaac said he was jealous and had less chance to talk to Charles."

(That woman! You said something terrible!

Isaac distorts the less angry face.

When I saw that look, Damien said, "I knew it was true. He's angry at me for being careful," he received.

"I don't know what Mr. Nicole was talking about, but I didn't do anything to make me unable to talk to Charles. That's what Uncle Adams decided."

Isaac desperately calms his mind because there's no point in yelling around here.

And insisted that I had nothing to do with it.

"Right, that's what Uncle Adams decided. But Isaac was there when we discussed it, wasn't he?

Damian turns his suspicious eyes to Isaac.

Isaac said, "I didn't do anything. Because I thought Uncle Adams had taken the story in his own direction."

At a time like this, the title of Jude's successor (...) was significantly undermining Isaac's credibility.

"I was there. But I didn't force you. I mean, why did Damien come here to tell you that?

"Beh, nothing...... I just couldn't abandon someone in need."

Damien dyes her cheeks.

I saw that reaction and said, "What if this guy goes to strip Nicole too!?" Isaac had enough room to get bogged down.

But at the same time, I was aware that I had failed.

(Shit...... It's outrageous how Damien can be targeted. I was alarmed because Michael was safe. Did you get in contact with him on club activities?

Different classes, Michael, didn't seem to have Nicole's poison teeth yet.

So I thought Damien would still be okay, too.

But now that you think about it, Fred's hipster wipes, he should be in the battle moves department too.

I just didn't see him, maybe he was somewhere.

It is inevitable that Damien will also come into contact with Nicole more than Nicole is near Fred.

So I guess they contacted me.

(It's a hell of an infectious force to just make contact to make sure it gets infected! If time is time, it's a level where you can find out in quarantine at the lab!

Isaac realizes once again the horror of Nicole.

Maybe the only characters that are effective are those that can be attacked, but their infectious and influential power is immense.

Remember the fear of the unknowns of the specialty called "protagonist correction of the game".

However, it also appears that it has not yet been fully attacked.

If you were attacked, you'd be saying you like it as clear as Charles.

I guess we're still halfway there.

That's why I worry.

- Damien was going to be my friend.

- Janet's a good kid, but she's not as deeply related as Tiffany.

Because there was no reason to actively stop Damien, like when Charles was.

It's bad for Janet, but we can abandon Damien to keep Nicole out of her way.

But the aftertaste was bad when Charles.

It is surprisingly painful to know and abandon.

Nevertheless, there is only so much reason for mothers to help each other that they are friends.

Ambition was much heavier if applied to ambition and balance.

"Right. You're an amazing man."


Isaac said "wow," and Damien wondered.

"There's no one to give me an opinion right now. I really think about the title Duke of Enfield. But this is how you've been paying attention for Nicole. He has courage and manhood. I think you've become a fine person to move for people."

"Oh, yeah?

Suddenly, Damian was bewildered by Isaac's praise.

But you don't seem to feel bad.

Isaac keeps folding like this.

"I do like Mr. Nicole. But that's not as one woman. As a friend. Huh. Huh."

Isaac laughs inclusively, grinning annoyingly.

"Charles couldn't. There's something I don't rely on about him. So I turned my hand around in the back thinking I wasn't the man who deserved to leave Mr. Nicole to me."

Rerouted from earlier, Isaac tells us that he "pulled Charles and Nicole apart".

Because I thought these things should be easier for Damien to accept the story, too.

"But you're not. If you mean it, you'll be a much better man than I am. That's what I feel. If you care about Mr. Nicole, I won't do anything. If you want to be a man who can entrust Mr. Nicole, let me be there for you."

And I said I was acknowledging Damian's power.

He said, "If I'm serious, I can be a better man. I know you're the man who thinks you're holding back Fred's power with care."

Isaac poked there and decided to push Damian's back.

"I'm glad you told Isaac that. But you really don't love Mr. Nicole as a woman?

"I don't love you. Sometimes she's my mentor's granddaughter, but one way or another she's like my sister. I don't love my sister."

That's how Isaac answered.

If they knew he was drowning Kendra, he'd be unconvinced, but Damian doesn't know Isaac's attitude toward Kendra.

Give Charles a reassuring look when he hears that he's acting worried about someone like his family.

"Never tell Nicole what you just told me. I don't know what you think, but it might come as a shock to me that they're not attracted to me as a woman."

"Yeah, I'll never tell you what I told you today.... well, I'm not interested in Nicole."

I saw the color of hope in Damian's face.

- A mighty rival was not a rival.

So I thought there was no obstacle between Nicole and me.

"All of a sudden, I'm sorry I talked to you like this"

"You don't have to care enough to listen to me. Don't be in a hurry, just slowly get to know each other."

"Thank you. Thank you so much!

Damien left the classroom as soon as he thanked Isaac.

I guess I'll even go see Nicole.

(Uh, no. He's pretty attacked, too. After all, I didn't even mention Janet.)

So did Charles.

If you noticed, he was also starting to ignore Tiffany's presence.

Damien is also on offense to the point where he doesn't touch Janet.

Now you couldn't have tried to keep him in mind.

Make sure you made the right decision when you were glad to push your back.

(And Nicole sucks. Attacks are going on and on. I have to work hard without losing, too)

If you think you've taken a step forward, Nicole is two or three steps ahead.

If you do poorly, they could attack Jason before graduation.

When that happens, Isaac's plan will be completely broken.

I can't afford to lose her offensive speed.

"We have to work harder," Isaac vows in his heart for further efforts.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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