The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

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"I'd like to ask you a few questions... Where did you find out what I was trying to do?

Ask Baron Cunningham what concerns him first.

"Where," Isaac realized after asking the question.

(Hey, when I met you at the confectionery store the other day!

At that time, Baron Cunningham had also seen Pamela.

I guess they figured out what they were trying to do there.

"I wish this guy was a real fool," Isaac despairs.

"In the meantime, it's when we met. You've met with the Marquis Windsor family."

(I knew it...)

I was too alarmed because it was a private room.

When I went to refill drinks in karaoke boxes, I said, "Oh, you were here, too," and I had the experience of meeting different friends in the aisle in my previous life.

I should have been prepared for something similar to happen in this world.

I regret that my vigilance was sweet, but it's too late.

After it's already been known.

"That's when I realized. What Lord Enfield is thinking. It was also a good tip to know that we were having a gathering across factions as a study group at the college. Lord Enfield is thinking about making a big difference to the Reid kingdom. And you're going to execute that plan within a few years of graduation, aren't you?

Isaac almost answers yes unexpectedly.

(Was the study group overstated...... I didn't know you could tie multiple elements together to get to the answer, even if one by one wasn't suspicious. Because Elias isn't suspicious, it doesn't necessarily mean the others won't notice anything...)

Regrettably, I had to admit that Baron Cunningham was a very good man.

I just gave him one hint, and I immediately derived the answer.

My chest is full of anxiety about what will happen to me from now on.

"When I reported the matter to Lord Wilmente, I was ordered to 'tell him I will cooperate fully'. So this is what happened today."

Baron Cunningham is not proud, but tries to play a role pale.

Isaac was just a little jealous, feeling like he was being shown off as a man who could.

But the content was shocking enough to smear jealousy.

"I see...... Why has the Lord Wilmente, the head of the Wang party, offered to cooperate? Given Marquis Wilmente's position, I think it's normal to try to stop... Are you serious about cooperating?

The fact that there was an offer to "cooperate" kept Isaac in spirit, although he would have been insane to say that he had "seen through the plan" originally.

But I still can't feel safe.

Because I may just be pretending to be on my side and trying to gather evidence.

If you don't ask me why properly, I'm anxious and I can't sleep at night.

"Changing times is something that is easy to accept. Still, Marquis Wilmente decided that it was better to leave it to the flow than to defy the current. That's all Marquis Wilmente buys about Lord Enfield."

Baron Cunningham didn't tell the truth.

I said something like that and was trying to sell the Marquis Wilmente's cooperation a little higher.

That was because, telling the facts, the Marquis Wilmente would be insulted.

'You know, hanging out with him and all that stupid stuff... It's smarter to be one of them and encourage oneself to weigh in from the inside, even if you get punched in the pussy with a hipster around you. "

With that in mind, Baron Cunningham has been informed in a letter that the Marquis Wilmente has decided to cooperate.

If you tell Isaac that fact honestly, he'll see you "feeling weak" at your feet.

So he was telling in the form of "I offered to cooperate because I appreciate Isaac".

That's not all the Marquis Wilmente thought about working with.

Not because Isaac thinks of rebellion (...), but because he thinks he's trying to create a (...) political bloc that has crossed an existing faction.

If I knew what Isaac was really after, I wouldn't have offered to cooperate, and I would have informed Elias and the others immediately.

Since Baron Cunningham's report was "Isaac's attempt to create a gathering across existing factions", it is the answer that I came up with based on it.

I believed Baron Cunningham's report as proof that that's all the Marquis Wilmente has in him.

The problem was that the answer was wrong.

This is largely due to Baron Cunningham's common sense.

When Lucas and Sharon brokered, Pamela was only present as a representative of the Marquis Windsor family.

The two are from the Marquis Windsor family, so it's no strange thing for her to be present.

And above all, I didn't even think about it, like I was thinking about rebellion.

Isaac is a loyal minister and Elias' favorite.

I would be Prime Minister, but I would be Minister, but I would be free if I wanted a position.

Even the marshal's status as a marshal or general would come true if he wished.

Because it was impossible for those in such a position to think in common sense, such as peeling their fangs into the kingdom.

It was Baron Cunningham's excellence that kept the impossible choices out of nature and thought.

That Isaac, when he heard Baron Cunningham, was even more confused.

Because the Marquis Wilmente, headed by the Wang party, says things like betraying the royal family.

(Is that it? Wang partisan lead... Oh, well. Just because you're a king partisan doesn't mean you have loyalty to the royal family. only difference in the idea of which political form would be good for the country)

Thinking about it, I was a little convinced.

Originally, the Marquis Wilmente was a man who was good enough to preserve himself even by killing his father and trying to protect his home.

I guess I made a good calculation and decided that "Isaac is better off" and attached it to my side.

Then I can also understand that I have offered to cooperate at such a time.

Rather, I am so glad to find myself in a favorable situation.

Isaac gradually regained his composure.

"I see, you've made a good decision. It would have been a difficult decision for Marquis Wilmente to offer his cooperation to a young man like me. I will never forget the fact that you offered me the earliest possible cooperation in the Marquis."

Hearing that word, Baron Cunningham's cheek loosened for the first time today.

Because Isaac has taken the feelings of the Marquis Wilmente.

- An offer of cooperation earlier than anyone else.

It was worth it where it was earlier (...) than anyone else.

"It seems advantageous over there, so let's stick with it over there" is not worthless either, but it is less valuable than those who were taking the initiative and cooperating.

It is important to determine the flag color before the situation is decided.

Besides, if a big guy like the Marquis Wilmente put it on his side, the rest of us should start to stick to Isaac's side like they're gonna hit an avalanche.

The offer at this point is a real thank you to Isaac.

I was willing to reward it.

Of course, the Marquis Wilmente is not acting solely with the interests in mind.

The Marquis Wilmente thinks that there is still resentment in one of Melinda's cases.

"I was still wary of young Roland during the Cultural Festival," so I thought it was certain that Isaac's resentment remained.

So he tried to ease his mind by supporting Isaac's political activities before anyone else.

Only a martial officer understands the danger of turning to the rear.

It was also for that reason that Baron Cunningham was sent as a messenger before he himself went to the King's capital.

"Thank you. I'm sure Marquis Wilmente will be pleased."

Baron Cunningham relieves himself of being able to do his part.

He was wondering what he would do if he refused "I don't need the help of the Marquis Wilmente".

The refusal to cooperate is in itself a disgrace, and the refusal itself is proof that it is hostile to the Marquis Wilmente family.

But this is the first stage.

Like Jude, I can also think of "reassuring him and then ending him".

I had to be careful in the future.

"This one is very helpful. Perhaps the nobles under your umbrella can speak up, but please be modest. We can't be out-of-town yet."

"I know. Especially since Marquis Welrod and Marquis Windsor will be opposed."

My grandfather would originally disagree because the Marquis of Windsor doesn't think Pamela will be sentenced to death either.

Upon hearing Baron Cunningham's reply, Isaac was convinced that "I knew I'd find out everything".

But he knows nothing of the truth.

Morgan and the Marquis of Windsor are the types who want stability.

Even now that the aristocrats have an overwhelming advantage, they take into account the position of their opponents without taking the Wang Party or the Neutralists lightly.

Because overdoing it can be a source of disruption to the country.

The new faction formation Isaac is trying to do is the source of confusion, no matter what you think.

It is only an extra act for those satisfied with existing factions.

So I just said you two would disagree.

I didn't say, "Because you will rebel, you will be opposed to both of us".

"Fortunately, I and Marquis Wilmente are younger than the Marquis Welrod. We also have the flexibility to try new things."

"I see..."

Isaac sees Norman and Tommy once.

They had listened to incomprehensible conversations of content and their bodies were stiff.

(I need an explanation over here too...)

- Cooperation between Isaac and the Marquis Wilmente.

They don't know what that means.

"Baron Cunningham. Tell me how you saw my thoughts."

I'd like to explain it to you with my own mouth, but my voice will probably tremble along the way.

What he saw through was a shocking event not so long ago.

If my voice was trembling in this situation, they'd think, "This guy, he's got a small liver balls".

For that reason, I decided to make Norman and the others explain to Baron Cunningham how I saw through it.

Baron Cunningham nodded with a bitter laugh at Isaac's request.

Because when I was capable, I thought I was still going to let you prove it.

But I also thought there was no choice.

Evaluations so far.

Norman and the others also said, "Baron Cunningham has been acting up to now," which should be incredible.

If explained properly and in an orderly manner, the minimum ability can be proven.

Baron Cunningham did not find it cumbersome, but took Isaac's prudence in trying to be complete for granted.

"First, I thought about why Lord Enfield was meeting with the Marquis Windsor family. Why mediate the engagement of those who serve other houses? For a friend? No, there's no need for the person to move if that's all. Lord Enfield is after more than brokering a friend's engagement. That's what I figured out when I thought. Why talk to other house problems? Why are we gathering students across factions at Royal College? That's because it's a prep exercise for the future."

This is my first time outside of my friends, such as not pretending to be an idiot and talking.

Nature and Baron Cunningham's words come into force.

(That's right. Not at all......)

Lucas and Sharon were not going to meet with Pamela, but the study group was practicing their faction.

Strongly speaking, it was an exercise in being able to bring people together when they became kings.

When I was seen through like this, I got angry with myself for having a dodgy plan.

"Marquis Welrod and Marquis Windsor are both elderly. It's not strange whenever they leave the line. So who's going to succeed you two? Marquis Wilmente and Marquis Wallick will be appointed to positions related to the military. So Viscount Saunders or Master Theodore will inherit?

Baron Cunningham looks into the eyes of the Normans.

We both reacted that it was different, even if we didn't put it into words.

"Viscount Saunders is the one who showed more talent in military terms than in political terms, and Master Theodore is better suited for home affairs than for the posts of Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs. I won't be able to replace you two. So who will be succeeded? Ability, experience and track record. There are enough of them in everything. You might even think of the age issue as a final one."

Three gazes gather at Isaac.

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

"Maybe he's already provisionally going to be a prime minister or minister after graduation. What Lord Enfield is doing now is preliminary exercises for that time. Not only is Mr. Norman helping the Minister of Foreign Affairs under Lord Welrod, but he's also helping the Chancellor under Lord Windsor, which is highly probable."


Norman shouts surprises unexpectedly.

Because I thought Isaac was being made to help the Morgans with the idea that it would be a shame not to do anything while he was a student.

I never thought I'd be working as a real prime minister or secretary to a minister in a few years.

Tommy is also surprised and looks at Isaac and Norman alternately.

In the meantime, only Isaac was surprised in a different way.

(What, am I talking about a prime minister or a minister or something? Didn't you see what I was up to?

After all, I thought Baron Cunningham had found out that he was planning a rebellion, but he's heading in the wrong direction.

A stronger confusion runs through Isaac's head than reassuring him about it.

"Having considered the various elements, I have come to the conclusion that Lord Enfield, after becoming Prime Minister or Minister, intends to make a significant difference to the Kingdom of Lead. That's big enough to strongly disagree, if Lord Welrod is active. So I guess people are sneaking up on me right now to keep me from noticing."

In Baron Cunningham's explanation, Norman and the others had shown understanding.

Isaac hasn't explained himself because it has something to do with the Prime Minister's insistence.

If Elias is stopping me, it's not like I can tell anyone.

I'm a little lonely that I wasn't told, but I was convinced.

"I made some hypotheses about that major transformation, but the powerful one is to create a parliament. Like Neuizen and the Republic of Farragut."

"Well, why did you think that?

Isaac was recovering from the mess.

Now that I know Baron Cunningham's hypothesis is wrong, I'm smiling sparingly.

The grin seemed to answer Baron Cunningham, "You got it".

"Because we cross factions and grades and bring students together to argue. A new gathering, not focused on existing factions. I thought that was like a parliamentary discussion. Lord Enfield was thinking about the entire Reid kingdom (...), including asking Elves to improve streets throughout the country. If it was Marquis Welrod who made the decision, he would have asked for the development of his own territory, or he would have just asked for the development of the aristocratic territory. If you are an ordinary aristocrat, you only think about those who have an interest in you. But you weren't. We have a broad perspective, including requesting street development throughout the country."

"Why does that lead to the answer: Congress?

"Politics today is driven by the thoughts of some leading players. You must all know that."

Some powerful people like the Marquis family called 4W move politics, and the powerless can only complain when they meet at a party, etc.

The sight Isaac has seen before.

But that's normal in this country.

I did not know what Parliament had to do with it.

"Not if you're a congressman gathering nobles. Since a large number of people exchange views, the idea of territorial units by lords will lead to political opinions of national units being spoken. That must make a huge difference in the politics of this country. Those who hate change will be disturbed, but with Lord Enfield and the Marquis Wilmente working together, it will surely be accomplished."

Baron Cunningham only knows something called Congress by knowledge.

So I was thinking like an ideal "place to discuss for a better future, beyond interests and up and down relationships".

It has been rejected in the past after expressing an opinion that "the baron's house looks great".

It was a welcome development for him himself that anyone could have a place to express an opinion (...) rather than a complaint (...).

You can try these kinds of attempts in the nobility under the Marquis of Wellrod.

But parliament will be something that cuts the voice of the high nobility.

Perhaps Morgan would disagree.

So I thought what Isaac was calling a study group and letting students debate was what he was sneaking up on to practice advancing Congress.

Of course, we also know in Parliament that the voice will dictate the course of the debate.

Isaac doesn't express his opinions in the study group, and that's probably why he's letting them discuss it freely.

It is for this reason that I have advanced my offer of cooperation to the Marquis Wilmente in order to enhance his voice in Parliament.

- He told me not to defy the course of the times, so that I could swim well in the stream.

But that was a mistake.

Isaac doesn't think about establishing a parliament or anything like that.

Because I'm thinking of making a bigger difference in the Reid Kingdom.

"I see, I didn't know you were that discerning... That's Baron Cunningham."

Isaac let him surrender.

Because it's easier to affirm the story he imagined than to say, "I'm planning a rebellion".

"There are limits to thinking about the direction of the country in small numbers. I was wondering if we could take the whole country in the right direction by creating a place where more opinions could be heard. I was just looking into something called a council of dwarves and wondering if I could successfully introduce it. You were just trying it out in a student because you risk undermining the royal authority.... I am grateful to Lord Wilmente for his help in knowing everything. Norman, give me an oral note."


Don, it was a big story and a rigid Norman, but Isaac orders me to move out.

First, Isaac made me write a letter for the Marquis of Wilmente.

The content reads: "Thank you for your offer of cooperation. In the dawn when things have been accomplished, we will prepare a corresponding position".

I also checked with Baron Cunningham to see if this content was okay, and he also gave me an OK.

- Isaac intended to give him key positions such as minister when he became king.

- Baron Cunningham thought he would get an important position in Parliament.

Isaac is not lying.

Baron Cunningham just assumes it on his own.

And Isaac made Baron Cunningham prepare a single letter as well.

The contents were the same as the letter to be sent to the Marquis of Wilmente.

"To me, too? Are you sure?

"I don't mind. You'll always be tired of pretending to be an idiot, even though it's for your best friend. It would be easy to understand around you as a trigger that if you were given any role, you would have used your powers. It's time to show your true power."

Isaac's promise of office to Baron Cunningham as well was like a kind of Wylo.

Better to be flexible than to underestimate and dissatisfy those who know your secrets.

Plus, there are things you can do after this.

"Thank you. This is the first time Lord Enfield has appreciated me so much besides Lord Wilmente."

(I was a confectionery advisor...)

Seeing the touching Baron Cunningham, Isaac feels just a little backward.

But we have to do what we do.

Have Norman prepare the third document.

The content reads: "Marquis Wilmente offered to cooperate with Isaac in understanding everything he was going to do. I won't talk about this until the time has come."

"Now, please sign here as well"

Isaac had signed a letter to send to both of them.

Naturally, Baron Cunningham is also asked to sign a series of "Baron Jack Cunningham, deputy Marquis Wilmente".

And the third document is for Isaac to keep.

If it comes down to it, it's to take them on the road as accomplices.

It was not just Isaac's intention to unilaterally guarantee profits, but to have them also guarantee Isaac's actions.


If Morgan finds out, Isaac will surely be stopped.

Because parliament undermines the authority of high nobility, even if it is for the good of the country.

There is no need for Morgan or the Marquis of Windsor to be prepared for some sacrifice to get along with Isaac like the Marquis of Wilmente.

I know exactly what it's like to ask for a halt.

Baron Cunningham also signed the third document.

Seeing it, Isaac grinned satisfactorily.

This will take you on the road to Shura.

This signature is not what Baron Cunningham thinks.

If Isaac took action, everyone would have agreed to the revolt (...).

And the Marquis Wilmente realizes it too, leaving only the way to cooperate with Isaac.

I don't care what he thinks, he just has to join the rebellion.

A little mistake has made me into a hell of a situation.

But it's not all bad.

Because if things go well, it pays off a lot for that.

"I'd like to speak directly with Lord Wilmente."

"Yes, that's what Marquis Wilmente wants, too. If you move now, you'll be suspicious, so you'll have to wait until around winter."

"Speaking of which, Baron Cunningham isn't back in Wilmente, is he? Did you see him at the store to keep an eye on me?

Upon hearing Baron Cunningham's reply, Isaac had one question.

That's why he's staying in the King's Capital.

There is no other reason to remain in the King's Capital, especially since he does not have a position.

But he still laughs bitterly again.

"No, it's a coincidence that we met at that store. When I go out, I like to eat and take a dose of chocolate before I leave. It's also good for buying souvenirs for your family. Of course, when there was a major move in the Wang capital, he was told to report it."

It seemed like a real coincidence that we met at the confectionery shop.

(What bad luck.... No, you're lucky you're doing well? If I can, I want my luck to stay the same.)

I thought you were unlucky to find out about Pamela, but all human beings, Cylon Horse.

It's not what I found out what would happen.

In the meantime, Isaac wanted to keep his relationship with Baron Cunningham, who had brought him luck.

"Baron Cunningham likes chocolate too, doesn't he? If so, will you be Mr. Claude's talker?

"Lord Claude's? Why is that?

"Though Mr. Claude knows a lot, he doesn't have an adult in a relationship that's easy enough to call a friend."

That said, Isaac begins explaining to Baron Cunningham.

Until the official ambassador took office, Claude was the representative of the Elves.

Unlike Bridget, who behaves freely, he had a moderate response as an ambassador, but because of that he was unable to have a relationship with anyone to step deep into.

So I explain to Baron Cunningham that chocolate lovers might talk to each other.

"Mr. Claude is so full of challenge spirit that he eats chocolate with soy sauce - salted water with a taste of soy. You will also be interested in the story of a steak sauce made with Baron Cunningham's chocolate. I think it would be good for Mr. Claude if we had someone to talk to about the future of chocolate."

Isaac says it for himself, but he also thought it would be good for Claude (...).

But Baron Cunningham isn't.

"To Lord Claude (...) Are you very (...)"

It sounded like Isaac was saying that he (...) had good things to do as well.

"You're certainly right. Some would suspect seeing Lord Enfield in this way or sending a letter to the Marquis Wilmente. But it's not unnatural to talk to Lord Claude about chocolate. It is an important project for me, and it is not strange to consult with Lord Wilmente to visit Lord Enfield. As a liaison with Lord Wilmente, it's natural to meet Lord Enfield."

Normally, Baron Cunningham would not be surprised to say that being Claude's talker is an important project.

It's not unnatural to talk to the Marquis Wilmente about all that, so you can exchange letters frequently.

Even if someone looks into Baron Cunningham's behavior suspiciously, "You mean chocolate? Nonsense," you should think.

Baron Cunningham thought it was a good idea for Camouflage.

"I don't know unless we actually talk about it and see if the horse fits. Next time I'll have a place to discuss it, meet Mr. Claude."

"Okay. You're welcome to be able to connect with the elves even with me. Have some ideas."

"Thank you"

Baron Cunningham accepts it lightly and Isaac appreciates it.

Claude, too, should be tired of relationships being all about work.

I have someone I can talk to easily, and Isaac can make natural contact with Baron Cunningham.

Later, he would cry from the kitchen, "Stop those two from making something disgusting," but it was a great idea for Isaac to have two birds with one stone.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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