The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 319: 319 306

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Leaving the church, the knights of the Earl of Lancaster gather under Judith.

As soon as they rejoice in Judith's safety, they tell Isaac and Morgan how grateful they are.

It didn't have to be a full-scale battle, because it was a welcome thing for the Counts of Lancaster.

It's not just Judith who saved the Count Lancaster family itself.

But Morgan took control of them with one hand up.

"Now let's do what we have to do. Is there anyone out there who knows you?

Morgan points to the knights of the Count Brander family who were watching this one on the far roll.

"I know who I started. Michael from the house was our daughter's fiancée, so there was some interaction with the other knight..."

Whoever named him seemed to regret it.

"Let's protect Judith and Michael together," he said, interrupting the execution.

The thought of what the word had been had seeped into my expression.

"All right, then. Taking into account the opinions of this man, capture a couple of captains and take them to the royal palace. It would be proof that the Count Brander family was involved in this matter."

Morgan gives orders to the royal knight.

Originally, Morgan doesn't have the right to order them, but this time the situation is the one.

As much as he asked me to keep him in shape.

"... were you bringing them here for this?

Isaac asks Morgan.

Not good when they secure evidence that the Count Brander family was deeply involved.

"At the time of Graham's death, I wish you'd just left," I can't help but think.

Nevertheless, I didn't think Morgan was in this situation either.

He borrowed a knight from the royal family for a different reason.

"No, I borrowed it from His Majesty to increase my head count because I didn't know what the situation would be. That was helping me secure the evidence now, so you don't know what's going to help."

- They will not fight according to Morgan's orders.

The Royal Knight is just watching.

Even if you can rub it with the church, the only one who actually fights is the knight of the Marquis Welrod family that Morgan is taking as his escort.

If there is any danger to Morgan, he may lend a hand enough to let him, the minister, escape into the safe zone.

But that's all.

There's no reason to help Judith, even if it's good until he's used to intimidate you in numbers.

- Such are also helpful in securing evidence.

A knight from the Marquis of Welrod or the Earl of Lancaster family may be seen as a phony prepared to make him confess, "I am a knight from the Earl of Brander family," even if he captures the knight from the Earl of Brander family.

Unless, however, the Royal Knight secures it with an active criminal.

If they, the third party, secure the knights of the Count Brander family, they will prevail as witnesses.

Let's say Count Brander says, "Those were the ones who did work at our house, but fired them quite a while ago," but they're going to be denied when they were wearing armor with the seal of Count Brander's house to help execute Judith.

I couldn't rely on them as combat personnel, but they were the best people to be present.

Choosing a few knights from the Count Brander family left them to the royal knights.

I just checked to secure the witness, and Isaac puts Judith in the carriage.

They thought they would be scared to ride the church carriage, so they plan to take the carriage Morgan came on to the Count Lancaster mansion.

"... at times like this, it would be more picturesque to put a woman in front of or behind a horse"

Seeing that look, Morgan grunts in a potpourri.

Because I felt somewhere short of Isaac escorting Judith on board.

My grandfather's grunt goes into his ear, and Isaac answers with a glowing laugh.

"I wish I was dressed for horseback riding...... Because it's a little tight if you stay in uniform."

Isaac insisted that there was another pain of deviation.

Just a little, I really just wanted to try Judith in uniform for a little while.

- Because women's uniforms are knee-length skirts!

But if you want to tow the reins and walk, you can't see the key unknown realm if you ride with us.

I didn't even have the in-laws to serve strangers, so I decided to put them in the carriage for the most part - not just that.

For once, Isaac had an idea.

A little embarrassed, but the horse had someone tow it and Isaac was also a reason to get on the carriage.

But there was something to do before that.

"Matt, send a message to the Viscount Halifax house. I want Tiffany to come and stay with me this evening because Marquis Welrod has admitted to it. Tell the mansion to prepare the rooms, including the servants accompanying you, because the guests are coming to stay."

"Yes, sir."

Matt, ordered by Isaac, immediately instructs his men to proceed to the transmission.

This order also allowed Morgan.

He's the one who told me to call Tiffany for Judith.

I can't feel anything wrong.

"Stop at Count Lancaster's residence before returning to the Royal Palace. The knight of the Earl of Lancaster leads the way, so that the knights of the Duke of Enfield and the Marquis of Welrod will follow later. As the royal knights keep the knights of the Count Brander family with them. I asked for it."

At the end of the day, when Morgan gives instructions, he gets in the carriage.

At this time, Isaac also boarded.

Nevertheless, I don't sit next to Judith, I sit next to Morgan.

Blissful time is over.

I'm not my own fiancée, so I can't enjoy her touch forever.

The carriage begins to move.

The sway was considerably dampened, as Dwarf carriages were now paid for not only the royal family, but also the ministerial class.

Nevertheless, the sound of the wheels turning is rattling, making it possible to talk without worrying about being heard around.

"Actually, there's something important to talk about."

"I guess."

Morgan didn't think Isaac was on board because he wanted him to get in the carriage because his deviation hurt again.

For that reason, I was not surprised that Isaac cut out the story.

"Especially for Mr. Judith to know. Because I don't want you to step out of your life by mistake of being the Virgin."

Unlike Morgan, Judith didn't know what he was trying to say.

He put his neck over it and expressed a willingness not to know.

"Grandpa, try stabbing this knife in your own hand. Don't worry, I won't get hurt."

Isaac gives the knife to Morgan.

At first he was confused when he told me to "stab him in the hand," but I remembered a strange feeling when I received the knife.

"This... is not a normal knife"

Morgan is also used to handling knives.

If this knife had anything unusual, I would have found out.

- The pattern side is obviously light.

It was supposed to be heavy because there was an inherently fixed part to the filament pattern, and the pattern was well built to maintain sufficient strength to prevent it from breaking easily.

But this knife is like a tease in its contents, creepy and light.

It is doubtful whether there is even a minimum strength, as opposed to sufficient strength.

There were other questions.

"Nothing will cut with this blade"

Yes, the blade tip was the problem.

It might be closer to something like a blunt instrument in the form of a knife than a knife.

In fact, I can't even hurt my skin by pressing it against my palm.

With a little effort, nothing's changed.


- There it is.

But it wasn't the result everyone expected: cleave the skin, pierce the meat and stick it through the palm of the hand.

On the contrary, the knife had lost more to the skin and was pushed back towards the pattern.

Judith, surprised by this sight, was also staring at Morgan's hand.

"What's happening!

"The contents of the pattern are hollow and contain a spring. Because it's a springy toy I made for Kendra."


When Isaac played the story, Morgan tried to stab him deeper.

If it was meant to be, you would see the sashimi sticking through your hand, but the sashimi is buried more and more in the pattern.

I can't act as a knife with this.

Surely it would only be a toy.

"I see. I didn't think you really acted in the belief that God would help Judith... I didn't know you had this trick."

Morgan makes a powerless, dry laugh.

Isaac's faith is so thin that Hans tells him to "come to worship once in a while".

I didn't think he was going to try to help Judith at God's request like that, but I never thought he had props like this available.

Morgan gives Judith the knife.

She also looked at the knife with interest.

"I knew I was a fake, but Mr. Judith didn't know, so I would have been horrified to think I'd get stabbed. I'm sorry to scare you. But that's all I could think of as a way to make sure I was safe in the future."

If you were just going to help out, you should have used the Duke's title to help out forcefully.

But then they will continue to target my life.

If you treat the Virgin, from now on the contrary, the Church will keep you safe.

In terms of safety, I still think this was the best way to do it.

I don't see Judith's expression, but he must have understood because he nodded cocklessly.

"You shouldn't be able to give it to me as an artifact with this. But why didn't you reveal yourself to the Archbishop?

"It's a big deal that you couldn't figure out how church officials reacted." What is it about performing the miracle of God! I honestly couldn't talk about it, given the possibility that it would get too intense. "

"I also feel that Archbishop Hans would be fine... You can't even read how the others react. Given Judith's safety, it might have been the right thing to do to keep quiet. But..."

Nor did Morgan get the answer that this was a good idea.

I don't know right away how to respond more than I have created an idol called the Virgin.

I thought it was something I needed to think about over time.

"They want me to offer it as an artifact, but what are you going to do with it?

"I'm going to let you make the same form of knife and provide you with that as a real artifact. It will be in the form of deception, but it will be better than giving you a toy for children. So here's a suggestion: When I get back to the mansion, I'm going to send a messenger to the nobles belonging to the aristocracy calling for their cooperation with the Count Lancaster family. Is that okay?

"I don't mind. So?"

Morgan thought Isaac's idea wasn't all that.

So I urge you to continue.

"I'm going to send Norman to the Gray Chamber of Commerce, confused by the rustling of sending messengers. to make fakes and to stop at the craftsmen who made toy knives"

"Some would be suspicious to let Norman go without doing anything, but if you leave the mansion pretending to be one of the messengers, you will not be suspicious. Good hands, I think."

Morgan supported Isaac's proposal.

Then I can make Norman go from the front with dignity, without getting him out of the mansion.

But I felt that wasn't enough.

"Then you should be a messenger to the Marquis Windsor family. I'll speak directly with Lord Windsor when I get back to the royal palace, but you should still keep the messenger out. If Lord Enfield's lead secretary goes out as a messenger to the Marquis of Windsor, he is unsuspecting. It'll be an alibi that you left as a proper messenger."

"I will."

This does not make it problematic to say "what do you mean, such as using the Marquis Windsor family for alibi work," thanks to the situation where "Morgan is speaking directly to the Marquis of Windsor, so it is only an aside from the messenger".

The main explanation is Morgan, who is only the head of the Marquis of Wellrod family.

Norman is just an auxiliary liaison to the Marquis Windsor family.

It was Morgan's support for the cover-up that we could stop by somewhat if that was the case.

"Let's make sure Judith didn't listen to us now either. Of course, if Sam comes to King's Capital, I'll explain. But until then, keep it a secret. Don't make it worse."

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

"Ok, I see..."

I understand Judith has also heard important stories, so I wasn't going to tell anyone without being stopped.

My life is at stake.

You don't have to talk extra and imitate yourself strangling.

"By the way, how many of these knives did you make me make?

See what Morgan cares about.

Because if there is a lot, it is difficult to hide evidence for that matter.

"It's just one of the prototypes. I really wanted to give it to Kendra, but I thought it was educational bad to have the habit of stabbing people with a knife from one of my kids, so I stopped producing it."

"That's reasonable."

A toy knife would be nice, but a real knife might stab people thinking it's okay.

Given the possibilities, you shouldn't have toys like this.

"Then do your thing well. I ask His Majesty if he could be a member of the discussion between the Earls of Lancaster and Brander. But I didn't know a toy with a spring would save people..."

Morgan exhales a deep sigh.

Even though it depends on how you use anything, it's out of your imagination, such as doing God's miracles with toys.

And Isaac, who walked diagonally up the imaginary, had a feeling that he would continue to wipe his ass.


Upon arrival at the Count Lancaster house, Morgan took his own escort back to the Royal Palace.

Isaac is put through to the receptacle and served tea.

While Judith was preparing the sleepover set, the security captain at the mansion was dealing with me.

"Lord Enfield. We will never forget that you helped your daughter. Thank you very much!

The guard captain bows his head deeply.

"I really wanted to help you by cutting off the knights of the Earl of Brander family who stand in the way, but if we go into such action, the entire Earl of Lancaster family may be annoyed. Count Lancaster's house and lady on the scale."

"You don't have to say any more. Mr. Judith saved you, didn't he? I understand your position. [M] If I were in your shoes, it would have been difficult to move on."

I don't want to hear penance, and if I put it out in my mouth, I can't undo it.

"I was also thinking about the choice to abandon Judith for the Count Lancaster family," and so on, and I don't need to make the captain of the mansion say.

Isaac wouldn't let him talk to the end.

"I have the title Duke, and you don't. That's all. If I hadn't been the Duke, I wouldn't have done anything."

Isaac sips the tea served.

The attitude of not really caring will make the security captain deeply grateful.

But he said, "Even if it wasn't the Duke, wouldn't you have done something about it?," he necks with his heart at Isaac's words.

"By the way, it sounds like we were quick to gather in the square, but the Earl of Lancaster had a messenger coming from the church, too?

"There was a servant near the mansion who saw a lady being taken into a church carriage. So it's up to me to hurry up and gather people."

I see, that's what happened.

We arrived before we arrived and found out why we were rubbing with the knights of the Count Brander family.

One question is resolved and I feel refreshed just a little bit.

"When I return to the mansion, I intend to send out a messenger to the noblemen to support the Count Lancaster family. I want you to give Uncle Lancaster a message."

"We've already got three rides out. But this series of disturbances is very difficult to explain, so it would be helpful if Lord Enfield could explain it to you when Uncle Lancaster arrives in King's Capital."

Three rides out would have considered the possibility of jamming the Count Brander house.

"Of course, let me do it. As a party."

I have no objection to explaining Judith because I was the one who treated her as a Virgin.

Besides, I have to tell you the truth.

It's a good opportunity to meet with the Earl of Lancaster.

"By the way, I'm not sure I can explain it well either. Apart from the fact that God has done a miracle, I have no idea how to explain it."

Isaac shrugs his shoulders and tries to put them aside.

The guard captain laughs cously at that gap because he has been behaving like a duke until now.

"There's something Lord Enfield doesn't know."

"There are plenty of them. This time I'm just a party, I have no idea how it happened."

Isaac spoke in the direction of "It's strange that a miracle has happened" to appeal to the fact that he didn't use a magic knife.

This is the only thing I need you to do.

I'm sorry about the situation that has plagued me for so many years like the Battle of Hondo Temple.

I had to put my face up and do it while I held Seth's head down to keep her out of shape, so I also had to think about what to do about it.

(Weird. I solved the problem, why are there more problems?

It's not just about Judith, it's about more and more problems you have to do for yourself.

How do you think this happened?

I was about to delude myself in a chat with the security captain that I was going to be depressed.

After talking for a while, I heard knocking on the door.

I guess Judith's ready.

When the door was opened, Judith, dressed from uniform to private clothes, stood.

What she wears is still a black monochrome dress.

It reminds me of mourning, so I feel like I can't help being treated like a witch.

So Isaac realized one thing.

(Ha! Yay, yay... Worry about going to the bathroom early today)

I was losing Judith's chest charm, but it's basically no different in that he's "the person you're going to leak if you run into in the dark hallway at night".

Her coming to stay means she could run into each other in the hallway by chance.

Illuminated by dark candle lights, Judith would only come up with the feeling that she was more scared (...) than cute (...) or horny (...).

The advent of an inventor who will invent bright fluorescent lamps is awaited.

Isaac has gained the right to experience a world of horror films he doesn't want.

It's a world without television, so maybe I was still glad.

"Stay as long as you want until your family arrives. If anything goes wrong, Matt and the others will take care of it. Whatever means you use."

Of course, the knight of the escort accompanies him from the Count Lancaster family.

But they accompany you only to serve as a wall to protect Judith.

The knights of the Duke of Enfield, Isaac's subordinate, will be responsible for the physical elimination, as the problem may arise if you give them a hand.

"... thanks"

Judith is mojimoji.

(Were you ashamed to stay at a man's house after all?

She looks like it, but she's also an old girl.

There may have been some embarrassment in retrospect of what I said.

"The mansion has Mr. Bridget, who looks close to his age, and perhaps Tiffany will be here. You may think a lot about it, but if you discuss it with the near-age same-sex, you'll calm down. What, do you also call Mr. Judith's friends?

I asked Judith if she would call her friends in consideration, but she shook her neck to the side.

I guess this is the time for a brush talk, but that's fine even when we get to the Marquis Welrod mansion.

"Well, shall we go?"

I have to talk to my family, and I have to give Norman instructions.

When Isaac stands up, he bends his elbow subtly to escort.

Judith then put his hand on Isaac's arm.

- Yes, it was just accompanied.

(Once you've regained your composure, can't you do it anymore...)

She was only holding onto her arm because she was scared or upset.

I didn't like it and I was pressing my chest.

Isaac sincerely regretted the end of service time.


Meanwhile, there was confusion at the Viscount Halifax house.

"Isaac did that..."

"Yes, it was told that way by the decree"

- I also admit Marquis Welrod, so I really want Tiffany to come and stay tonight.

We all understood what that would mean if we were invited like this.

So is Tiffany.

"But I didn't show that bare gesture when I met him at school today..."

"Don't think of Lord Enfield as the same young man of his age. Something special must have happened. So I guess we're in a hurry."

Tiffany's question is answered by the Deacon shaking his head to the side.

In this world, prenuptial negotiations are basically forbidden.

This was mainly because it was a game of all ages, but it was so determined by religious views and so on.

Except under so many circumstances.

Even Isaac couldn't handle it well, and it was thought that something like that (...) had happened.

"Lady, let's sweat it"

A maid invites Tiffany to take a bath.

But Tiffany at heart doesn't try to move.

I couldn't move because I was nervous.

"But it could be a mistake."

She entrusted a great deal of hope that it was a mistake.

Sometimes I didn't think Isaac would ask for his body so forcefully.

But the maid didn't admit it.

"Either way, if you're visiting the Marquis of Wellrod, you should sweat it."

Tiffany smells her own arm.

Sometimes it's a sweaty season, but I had physical education today.

I am sure it smells like sweat because I am exercising.

"I refuse."

"I can't do that"

The Deacon immediately denies Tiffany, who spoke of the option of saying no.

"Lord Enfield has asked that Lord Welrod acknowledge it. Relatives, though, just can't refuse."

"Ugh...... I suddenly have a problem with this..."

Tiffany understood that, too.

Still, I felt like saying it.

I don't hate Isaac.

I like it one way or another, but not as a heterosexual, but as a family or friend.

(I wish you would have said it from your own mouth at school...)

Tiffany is dissatisfied with Isaac for not saying anything directly.

- This all happened because of Isaac's bad way of inviting me.

Morgan should have let him add the phrase "for Judith's sake" too.

But he is also one person.

I was excited by a series of streams and didn't notice that much.

Neither Isaac nor Morgan cared until what Tiffany thought, as the idea that inviting Tiffany was "for Judith's sake" was fundamental.

Also, the decree wouldn't have been the same if it had been the type of public discourse that said, "This happened in church."

But this preaching is a serious type.

When I conveyed the word I had been commanded, I left immediately.

The unfortunate mistakes that persisted led Tiffany to make a futile decision.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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