The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 323: 323 310

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Only a very limited number of people were gathered at the meeting.

- Isaac and Morgan were deeply involved in this disturbance.

- Seth and Hans, the parties.

- Marquis of Windsor, headed by the aristocrats, and Count Cooper, headed by the neutrals.

- And Elias.

All that is left is each secretary and a few Kingsguard knights just in case.

I guess their mouths are tougher than they are on this occasion.

The concern here is that no representative has come from the Wang Party, but there was a reason for that.

- Marquis Wilmente and Marquis Wallick, led by the Wang Party, are not in the Wang Capital.

Because of that, no one could get out of here.

He who belongs to the Wang Party, and there are those who are in quite a position.

This meeting, however, was originally attended by representatives of the respective factions: the Marquis of Windsor and the Earl of Cooper.

He even comes further to a church representative named Seth and Hans.

There's really not enough piercing to be present with them at a meeting that has nothing to do with the Wang party.

If I were as powerful as the Marquis Wilmente, I would have been able to participate by saying "I would have loved to hear it".

Given his position, Marshal Fitzgerald would have been able to attend.

But given his position, he is not a member of any faction.

In the King's capital, you have the authority to move the army freely.

Even if it belongs to some faction, the spearhead may become dull when a disturbance occurs between factions.

He is well aware of the need for the presence of a third party to arbitrate rubbing between factions.

- Secure a position that can be arbitrated, while sometimes using force to contain it.

To do his part, he acted as an unaffiliated man who did not belong to the faction since becoming Marshal.

For that reason, I did not intend to attend this occasion either as a representative of the Wang Party.

Elias is supposed to inform you only if you touch what you need to move as an army.

"Well, I've already heard the general circumstances. Let me start by saying how sorry I am for what happened."

Elias spoke looking at Seth and the others.

Seth and Hans shrink.

This is not because I bought Elias's unhappiness.

They were sorry that they were about to kill the Virgin with their own hands.

"Do you have any idea how Lord Enfield, who helped Judith Lancaster, would respond to Michael Brander?

"No, I don't"

"... you sure you don't have one?

"There isn't. So far, I have no personal thoughts, although I would like to resolve them in the same direction as the Earls of Lancaster thought."


Isaac's decision to leave it to Count Lancaster's thought was reported yesterday by Morgan.

But that was before the building, and Elias didn't think it was true.

"I know Marquis Welrod and Uncle Lancaster. We have a relationship between houses, and Judith and I are close, aren't we? Isn't that why you led the soldiers to help?

- I went to the church and ready to rub things together to help.

It's something you can't do without having so much to do with it.

Elias thought that Isaac was also a relationship he could call Judith and his best friend, and that he went to help because he also had a good relationship.

"That's not true. I talked to Miss Judith about it every few years. You've rarely spoken since school. Either that or it was an act for Uncle Lancaster. Uncle Lancaster offered to help me when I was awarded the Duke. But you can't put someone with ministerial experience under the influence of a young man like me. So, I decided to ask you to help me when I was in trouble as an outside advisor - I have a history. For Uncle Lancaster, who offered to cooperate with me, this time it will take the form of help from me."


Those who listened felt that the fate of the Count Brander family had been exhausted.

Isaac owes a debt to the Earl of Lancaster.

Then I can easily imagine that you would put quite a bit of shoulder on it.

It was thought that Count Lancaster's demands would take a form in keeping with hope.

There is a reason Isaac revealed here that he made Count Lancaster an external consultant.

Because I didn't want them to think I was very close to Judith in front of the Marquis of Windsor.

One day I had the desire not to make an unnecessary misunderstanding of who I would be my stepgrandfather.

It's also a fact that I haven't actually spoken to Judith many times, so I can't say we're close.

It shouldn't be a lie.

"Then the response to Count Brander's house is to await the appeal of Count Lancaster's house."

"So far, all you have to do is notify the Count Brander's house if you ban your hand on Judith"

I will supplement what Count Cooper needs now.

Elias also nods to this opinion and agrees.

"Then all we can talk about now is the church."

The Marquis of Windsor sees Seth and Hans.

If anything about Count Brander's house awaits Count Lancaster's arrival, we have to talk about the church.

"I hear Judith performed a miracle as the Virgin. You think Archbishop Seth delivered a prayer to God? Lord Enfield seems to have joined the miracle scene. Envy. I wanted to see it too."

When we talked about the church, Elias was so cowardly that he could see it.

It was not only the resumption of interaction with elves and dwarves that occurred, but also the extraordinary event of the birth of the Virgin in the King's capital.

It's not even in the history of the Reid kingdom that there are so many events so far.

Comparable would be about the period of the country, which was a lot of confusion.

"Oh, yeah. I'd like to see a knife. Did you bring it to me?

"Yes, we have it"

As Elias wanted, the knife was bringing.

Exactly. Instead of Isaac giving it directly, the Kingsguard knight who kept the knife in advance gives it to Elias.


Seeing Elias with the look of Seth's envy.

I couldn't be shown myself until I finished talking to Count Lancaster.

I try to burn the artifact to the eye at all on this occasion.

"I see this is the knife that did the miracle!... a little plain."

Everyone agrees with Elias' words in their hearts.

Guys, I imagined a more divine knife.

But this knife was cheap like a mass produced product.

It didn't look like anything you could call an artifact.

"I was going to make it a gift for my sister..."

"My sister's present? Then why don't we have more decorations?

"No, that's not true. If it was a decorated knife, Kendra would think it was a gift from me and take care of it. But that shouldn't happen. You may not be able to use it when you encounter an opportunity to have to use a knife, or you may be reluctant to dispose of the knife. Then you'll be late for escape. As a disposable tool to protect yourself, we have a cheap knife that can be disposed of."

"Oh well..."

Elias was - No, whoever was on this scene was donning.

We all know that Kendra is not even ten years old.

It is not sane shabbat, such as trying to give my younger sister a knife based in action.

If she is the daughter of the Marquis of Wellrod, she also has the necessary adequate escort.

Just in case, it's normal to give a knife with decorations that your child might be happy with.

Though I honestly know the circumstances that I can't tell you were a toy knife, I also pulled Morgan on Isaac's excuse.

I couldn't help but think, "No matter how much, there would have been other better excuses".

"Why did they take the knife, a gift for my sister, to church?

The Marquis of Windsor makes tough points.

Isaac said, "Is that what matters? I think," but I have to answer more than I was asked.

Because I don't know where to raise unwanted suspicions.

"If you mean truncating without question, you should have taken a sword or a spear. But I didn't take a stand out weapon because I was going to do a solution through dialogue first. But I won't forgive you with my bare hands. So I decided to take the knife I just had at hand. A knife is for protection, so it shouldn't have looked like a threat."

"I did have a knife on my back in my school uniform, so I wasn't in a hurry to discuss it,"

Seth affirms Isaac's words.

I'd really like to say, "I was scared to bring a strong knight to Zorozolo," but you don't have to say that to undermine Isaac's mood.

I'm not just bringing Hans here because he's someone who knows what's going on.

It was to make good use of Isaac's position as a relative to ease his pursuit of the Church.

Not so long ago, he wanted a knife as an artifact.

"But Lord Enfield is also a bad person. I can't believe I showed His Majesty the artifact..."

I've seen a knife, and it points to the meanness of Chickley and Isaac.

"Because I am under His Majesty's command. I'll show you if your majesty wants."

"Regardless of handing it over, can I show you enough?

Elias, who had heard from Morgan about the circumstances under which Isaac would not show the knife, put out a helpboat to Seth here.

I've been worried about Seth, who sees herself watching the knife in an enviable shape.

"If His Majesty says so, I have nothing to say."


Elias is satisfied that Isaac has obeyed him honestly.

The Church's courage is separate from that of the royal family.

- Do not even teeth Seth, who is in the position of archbishop, and obey his own words.

This was an easy attitude to see who Isaac weighed in on.

Seth delivers prayer to God, the one in the presence of a miracle but without change of heart.

Loyalty remains loyal and has not become a blind believer.

Whether Isaac hasn't changed his mind for Elias was the most important thing in this meeting than helping Judith or doing a miracle.

We were able to confirm that, so this meeting was satisfactory.

I give Seth a knife that doesn't look like anything weird.

He finally receives and looks at the knife like a lick.

Hans was also staring at the knife to eat in next to Seth.

"By the way, I'm not going to demand anything from the Count Brander family, but I do have a demand regarding the church"

Isaac decided to touch on an important topic with church officials delighted on his ass.

Count Cooper and his secretary turn their hopeful eyes to Isaac.

"This incident occurred because of two laws within the Reid kingdom. Perhaps you acknowledge in past practice that heretical interrogation by the Church should not be reconsidered? At the very least, I think it's better to suspend the execution of sentences arbitrarily."

"I think so too"

Count Cooper agreed without intermittent hair.

It is disrespectful to Isaac for asking for help to see how things are going and then endorse them after the situation improves.

Besides, my immediate endorsement may improve the flow.

I wanted to set the flow here at once.


For Elias, it could have been either continuous or obsolete.

If Isaac, who has tremendous trust, calls it obsolete, it can be done away with.

But the influence of the Church cannot be ignored.

Elias was afraid of being poorly handed and turned that way by the people.

We have to be cautious here.

Not instantly, watch Seth and wait for his reaction.

But here Isaac moves first.

"There's nothing hard about it. Solving problems is easy."


Elias is surprised by this.

I don't think this is an easy problem to solve.

I couldn't believe Isaac's attitude about trying to clean it up lightly before lunch.

"That's right. Even though Lord Enfield's proposal cannot be abruptly abolished. Even if I agree."

Seth was just in Isaac's mood and couldn't admit it unconditionally.

Hans also said, "Are you okay with making that stepping in remark?" He had worried eyes.

"If it does suddenly become obsolete, there will be strong opposition. So I said stop."

That's why Isaac dares make an extra grin.

If you freak out here, you lose.

I was trying to show them an attitude as if my thoughts were the right thing to do and make them believe.

"This is also for the Archbishop."


Isaac is confused when he says things he doesn't understand.

It is worse to try to sharpen the rights of the Church than to interrogate heresy itself.

Even the Kingsguard knew that.

No one can understand why that would be good for Seth.

"Under the Archbishop has accomplished the great task of delivering a voice to God. So what about the others? Can you deliver your voice to God? The question arises as to whether it is okay for those who cannot deliver their voices to God to carry out their sentences on their own behalf. And this is not limited to bishops, priests, etc. You will also be asked under the Archbishop if he is qualified to punish people on behalf of God. What do you think of that?

"I think I..., deserve"

Although slightly troubled, Seth replied that she was qualified.

I delivered my voice to God, and I did a miracle.

I thought I was qualified to represent God.

No, I wanted to think.

"That would be just fine. Stab that knife in your hand. I prayed to God, 'If you deserve to punish people, protect them'."

Isaac said something mean.

This is a real knife.

Stab him in the hand and he gets hurt.

If I was injured, I would say, "Look, you won't be qualified," and if I couldn't stab you, I would say, "Doubting God means you know you don't qualify."

Morgan and Norman, who know the truth, guessed how Isaac would stop the heretical interrogation.

But they didn't try to stop either.

I stopped Isaac if he tried to force me to stop, but it doesn't matter if Seth wants to stop from himself.

If I don't rub it with the church, I'm glad.

"Fine. God, if you are qualified to question me heretically, protect me from injury."

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

"Why don't you just stab your fingertips a little bit?"

For some reason Seth was confident in herself.

Isaac is anxious about it and advises you to leave it alone for a moment.

But when he shrugged his prayers, he thrust a knife into his palm with momentum.


Seth looks at the pain.

Then Isaac also donned and glanced at him, "Wow..."

The others also look at Seth with the "really fucked up" eye.

Tears were spilling out of Seth's eyes.

"No, no..."

It's not because of the pain in the wound that he's crying.

It was due to heartache caused by the fact that God did not protect me.

- I don't deserve to judge people.

The fact indicates that it was a mistake to allow Judith to be executed.

The fact that my actions were against God's will was harder than anything else.

When he pulls out the knife, he stares at the wound for a while.

"Chi, shouldn't you be treated?

Earl Cooper urges Seth to heal the wound.

Kingsguard knights can also use magic, but the best user of therapeutic magic is Seth.

It is faster for the person to heal.

Seth also nods and magically treats her own hands.

But I couldn't even heal my heartache.

"I didn't seem to deserve to judge people..."

"That would be it"

Isaac agrees with Seth's whining.

"Miss Judith's fortune is not the only thing special. From my point of view, who can't use magic, people who can use magic also look like people who have been given special powers by God. Doesn't the Archbishop give you the power to heal a man's wounds? I believe it is the mission of the Archbishop to preach God's teachings and heal people. Don't you expect me to punish people?"


"Besides, God is a generous man. Don't you even want things like executions because there's something a little different about you than the others?

"It's..., it might be"

To Isaac's manoeuvres, Seth was beginning to be flushed.

"I was able to deliver my voice to God once. So I should have gotten my voice again this time. Yet God did not protect me '

The fact was causing deep wounds to his heart.

An act that has ever been done for God.

Because I was feeling like all of that was denied.

Some of the burdens of listening to Graham's opinions keep getting weaker and weaker.

"The key thing is not to repeat the same mistakes. The Archbishop could have noticed a mistake here and now. You should be happy about that. From now on, we should focus on healing as God wishes."

Seth couldn't get back to me right away.

Hans asks Isaac instead.

"Apart from abolishing heretical interrogation, is there a way to prevent mistakes?


Isaac answered confidently.

Seth was also interested in this and listened to what Isaac had to say.

"In the future, those who conduct heretical interrogations are to test whether they qualify by stabbing a knife in their hands in front of the audience. At that time, you should also do something together, such as get your hands on the holy fire. You just have to make him prove that he deserves to judge people as God's agent. That way, you won't get the wrong verdict."

"... then you won't have a problem. A miracle has already happened. If you're qualified, there's no problem.... I think it would be a good idea to try and see if a virgin like Lady Judith might have been mixed up among those who have ever been guilty of heretical interrogation by unqualified people"

Hans took Isaac's opinion in full agreement.

As for him, I'm more afraid to repeat the same mistake.

The church protected me from my horrible father.

For the good of the Church, too, I do not choose the means if they go in a better direction.

Heterogeneous Inquisition I thought we just had to increase people's comfort in other respects rather than stick to one.

"Well, is that why you stopped?"

The Marquis of Windsor also understood what Isaac had said.

supposedly interfered with the Church if it was abolished (...).

However, it is the same as de facto abolition if it can be suspended (...) by questioning the qualifications of those who hold heretical inquisitions.

Not looking at the scene, not thinking that Isaac had stuck a knife out of hand, etc., he suspected that he was trying to stop the heretical interrogation by letting the heretic interrogator do the unscrupulous method.

"I didn't even qualify under the Archbishop. Is there someone else qualified..."

By sending Seth out here to meet, I insist that no one else will be able to.

Hopefully, you will find it unavoidable even if you can no longer hold heresy.

"Speaking of which, I hear that only those who can be bishops and others can use therapeutic magic. But aren't some people able to use other magic?

"Some of them can use fire magic, water magic, etc. I can use a little wind magic, too."

"Really, that's troubling..."

Hearing Seth's answer, Isaac pretends to be in trouble.

But this answer was also within the scope of the assumption.

"If you can use fire magic, can you use magic that prevents burns even if you put your hands on fire?

Isaac asked the Kingsguard knight in the room as an escort for Elias.

They are only those who can use magic.

You should know better than Isaac.

The Kingsguard asks Elias if he can answer.

Elias nods "Answer".

"It is possible to prevent burns with magic. This is not only possible with the magic of fire attributes, but also with the magic of water attributes. With all due respect, if you have to try someone who can use magic, I suggest you have more than one way."

"Thank you. You're absolutely right. I can't use magic, so you can tell me."

Isaac didn't say, "Don't say anything unnecessary," but honestly listened to him.

That was also because it was a statement to my mind.

"Then you have to think of other means. What about, for example, wrapping chains around them, disabling them and throwing them into the river?


I'm amazed at Isaac, who says something terrible lightly, and Morgan, who was just drinking tea, erupts.

He coughs and holds his mouth down with a handkerchief.

"Isn't that a little too much? Whatever it takes, it'll be dead."

Elias was also surprised, but not as disturbed as Morgan.

Maybe it's just the difference that the tea didn't get into the trachea.

"No, that's not true. If you mean to die, even if you get stabbed with a knife, you die. If you admit that God is qualified to carry out heretical interrogations, you will rise out of the water. When it comes to conducting heretical interrogations, we should be prepared to ask God what qualifies us to punish people. Besides, because you have a special power to help people, you won't have to get that hand dirty. Shouldn't we leave it to the laws of the Reid kingdom to judge people? What do you think, Archbishop?

Here Isaac insists that we leave it to the laws of the Reid kingdom to judge people.

Only in words that make Seth and the others compassionate.

Questioned Seth was in trouble.

Isaac seems to be right.

But it was also difficult to accept here.

He looked at Hans for his opinion.

"It seems difficult to answer instantly in this setting. But it is true that I almost executed a Virgin like Lady Judith. To avoid repeating the same mistake, we should take this case back and consider it."

To confused Seth, Hans makes a commonsense point.

"That's right. You should refrain from being paranoid. Nevertheless, Lord Enfield's opinion is worth listening to. I promise to work hard to make it happen."

Seth, whose mind calmed a little after hearing his commonsense opinion, uttered a cautious opinion.

I'm positive about accepting Isaac's suggestion, but I need time to think calmly.

I just couldn't get an instant answer.

"I'll take care of it, then. But you should stop trying to ask God for answers one prayer at a time. Because you may not be able to respond when you really need it."

"Exactly. This is a problem that we must think about and come up with answers to. You shouldn't rely on God for everything. We're going to talk a lot and convince everyone that those who judge people need to prove their credentials."

Seth was overheard by Isaac.

Because now everything Isaac said sounded right.

It's like you're representing the word of God.

But Isaac's heart was filled with the thought of "trying to hear God's will and finding out it was a lie if he was tried again and again".

As Seth thinks, I am not speaking for the Word of God.

I'm just arranging things like that so they don't even find out.

There is no will of God there.

It was Seth's mistake that made me completely weak.

"Well, then, for one thing, the church has always been something like that."

Elias tries to cut this topic off.

"Yes. And then there will be things like whether Uncle Lancaster makes any claims against the church. But Graham is also dead, so I think the main claim against the Count Brander family will be"

Count Cooper was horrified because the heretical inquisition was about to become famous innocent.

If there were to be in the future, I thought Count Lancaster would be enough to demand an apology from the Church for attempting to execute Judith.

After all, the main thing is about the Count Brander family.

But you can't talk until Count Lancaster arrives.

All you have to do is ask Isaac to pull out his testimony.

He thought this meeting would remain dissolved.

- But here Elias unleashed an unexpected word.

"Then all you have to do is extract your testimony from the knights of the Count Brander family. Uncle Cooper, did you ask Lord Enfield to lend you his wisdom?

"Why, do that!

Count Cooper was surprised.

That's what I asked for in confidence.

We didn't even have time for Isaac to report to Elias.

I wonder if the maid or someone let me know.

I don't know if I saw through his thoughts like that, but I got a look that Elias seemed sorry for.

"To protect the credibility of the testimony, the investigation is a difficult one: no torture, no acquisitions. So I just thought you'd ask the best wise man in the kingdom of Reed for help"

"also, sorry"

Count Cooper was pale.

Because Elias has made me aware of my incompetence.

"I have nothing to apologize for. If that were all the conditions, I would have done it. But the problem is that the opponent is the knight of the Count Brander family. He won't talk to a political opponent who's contending for a seat headed by a neutralist about something that would put his home at a disadvantage. On the contrary, it was a difficult order, arguably impossible. I'm sorry."

"Your Majesty..."

Count Cooper thanked Elias from the bottom of his heart for his generosity.

That's where I saw a man called King Xian.

Others also admire the size of Elias' vessels, which acknowledge their lack.

The only difference was Isaac.

(Oh, speaking of which, this guy was Jason's father...)

- Give unscrupulous orders to your men to make themselves look big by forgiving them if they fail.

He wrote on the offensive site that this is something Jason does well to other offensive characters.

Isaac was thought to be a parent and child after seeing Elias perform similar acts with his son.

But there are things Isaac doesn't know.

That 's--

Elias wanted to see Isaac's intellect up close.

- That's right.

Elias had read that if the Count Brander family waved unscrupulous to Count Cooper on the issues involved, he would surely consult Isaac.

For that reason, after knowing that the knights of the Count Brander family would not say anything to Count Cooper, who contested the seat of the delegate in the faction, he entrusted Count Cooper with hearing the testimony.

Areas also seems strangely wise to turn to places like this.

"Lord Enfield, do you have a stomach proposal?

Elias questions Isaac with grandeur.

But the inside of it was a wolf, "you can see up close what Isaac does".

"There is. I got it ready, so all I have to do is run it."

Isaac answered with a serious face because he didn't know what was inside Elias.

Not because he answers the king's inquiry, but only because his face was stretched out of anxiety that he didn't know it would work.

"Then let me show you too. 'Cause I'm wondering what kind of method you're going to take."

Elias' tension rises to Max.

The day after your favorite minister performs a miracle, you do it again.

That's not impossible either.

"Archbishop Seth and the others should come and visit. Without torture or acquisition, he draws testimony from those who hold their mouths for his master. Now I hope you will see the miracles Lord Enfield does, not the miracles of God."

Elias gets in a good mood. Not really, Seth and the others invited him.

(Hey, what are you talking about!

Isaac resents Elias for saying something he doesn't say.

I felt like Elias' target had moved on to me.

"If I'm not interrupting, I'd like to give you a tour."

"Knowing the power of Lord Enfield will be good for the Archbishop and for the future of the Church. Best regards,"

Seth was just interested in what Isaac would do, but Hans wasn't.

I meant it for Seth and the Church.

Let Seth know the true horrors of her nephew, and there is no harm in inspiring her to think about her future standing around.

"So may I, too? I'd like to take a tour for the rest of school."

"Of course, I don't mind. Wouldn't you?

"... Yes"

Even the Marquis of Windsor would like to take part in the tour.

Isaac couldn't refuse because Elias gave him permission.

(What will you do if this fails...)

No, I was going to do it from scratch, but it turned out to be a project I could never fail.

Before the hurdle that went up too far, Isaac said, "Sorry, I still can't! I said," I was in the mood to escape.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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