The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 396: 396 380

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When the summer vacation came to an end.

The Gray Chamber of Commerce reports that the power section has been completed, while the Braak Chamber of Commerce reports that the hang glider has been completed.

In response to this report, Isaac decided to invite his friends on a tour.

Not just them, including their fiancée.

Just right for the student's last summer memories.

Besides, this time we are going to take Claude and Bridget as well.

You can't take them and leave Lisa behind.

But I buy ambient objections with my fiancée alone.

So in the name of "making memories of summer vacations," we decided to call everyone's fiancée as well.

I don't know if it's funny to look at, but you can see something new, so you shouldn't be disappointed.

Asked for a convenient day soon and decided to schedule an appointment.

Nevertheless, it is the secretaries' job to actually do it.

When Isaac gave the instructions, he invited Lisa, Bridget and Claude himself.


The first one on his way was the Gray Chamber of Commerce workshop.

There, once secretly, what Isaac had painted the blueprint was made.

For the time being, it does not even monitor the personal lives of artisans and examine those who come into contact with them.

Because I'm just trying not to be seen from the outside to be imitated by other chambers of commerce.

Sometimes Isaac has friends this time, and future secrecy will be shaped.

But that's not a problem.

At the time I showed it to Claude and Bridget, the possibility of passing it on to Dwarf via the elves is well considered.

Besides, it's important to finish it first.

To a certain extent, it is not a problem now that it has taken shape.

If there is a chamber of commerce from here to follow and try to imitate it, then it will either smash it using its title as Duke of Enfield, or it will only take away the fruits after the development has progressed.

The Wang Du Branch Manager of the Grey Chamber of Commerce welcomes Isaac.

Unlike my first visit, I'm not nervous about bees.

I visit every now and then, so I guess I'm getting used to it.

Take Isaac and the others to the warehouse with a spare attitude.

At this time, there was a temperature difference between men and women.

The women, though silent, were dissatisfied.

- The sound of processing metal heard from all over it.

- A building that, although cleaned, looks thin and dirty somewhere.

- Craftsmen dirty with oil.

Isaac's expectations of inviting me were coupled with great disappointment in this situation.

Although there was a designation of clothing that could be dirty, I am still worried about my surrounding eyes.

It wasn't a place I liked to come.

In that regard, the men are different.

I purely expect them to see what they are.

I enjoyed an interesting look at the unfamiliar tools around me, etc.

It was a small warehouse that was guided, but inside was what Isaac asked for.

None of them look good, so some disappointing sighs leak out of them.

But some were excited.

"Lord Enfield, I've been waiting for you!

These are the artisans around Scott who made the distillers.

Isaac was distracted by something he asked for.

"As far as I can tell, you've done a good job this time. Thank you very much."

"Thank you"

First, Isaac triumphs over them.

And get close to what you were asking for.

There were two things Isaac was asking the Gray Chamber of Commerce to do.

- Combined chain and gear, with wheels and pedals.

- And it's a bike that uses it.

First get close to the wheel that is fixed on the desk.

Isaac turns the pedal by hand and checks the movement of the chain.

It worked surprisingly smoother than I thought.

"At first we used the same size of gear as you instructed. But then the chain doesn't engage well and it comes off. We have taken the liberty of adjusting the size of the gear and the number of teeth"

Start explaining that the branch manager has different specifications than the blueprint.

I'm trying to be sorry somewhere, but Isaac wasn't dissatisfied with the consideration.

"You did a great job. I'm not an expert in making things. You can adjust those places in the field. If you don't want me to change it, I'll tell you so."

The key is whether it moves or not.

I'm not more dissatisfied with Isaac than I am with moving.

"You disobeyed my instructions!" I wasn't skilled enough to be angry, so I didn't want to be angry or anything.

"So is mass production of the chain possible?

"You can make parts out of casting. Assembly is so easy that even apprenticeships can make numbers. However, since it is not the same as traditional chains, new tools for assembly and disassembly need to be created. I wonder if it will take some time to complete the trial and error."

"I don't have a problem with that. You don't have to hurry, so do it carefully."

(If mass production of the chain is possible, I can afford to turn it on my bike as well)

Bicycles are a by-product that I came up with when creating power to turn propellers manually.

The movement of rowing the pedal and turning the gear can be converted to a bicycle as it is.

It wasn't important, but it was a tool that reminded me of my previous life, so I asked for it.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?

Bridget, who looked bored at the sight of the wheel just turning, asks Isaac.

This word says, "Why don't we all go somewhere more fun?" It also includes the thought.

This was what Lisa and the other girls were feeling.

But Isaac, unaware of the feeling, received it as an ordinary question.

"My legs are said to be three times more powerful than my arms. So use the power of your feet, use it as a power. It's for that."

"Heh, that's not it"

Explain, Bridget's reaction is not absurd.

(Well, isn't it impossible? Doesn't look good. Let's just say I show you where to ride a bike)

Isaac thinks that her reaction, which is not bad, is impossible either.

The key is not motivation.

That's the way to use it.

"This is the first step to flying. Besides, by using the power of foot rowing, we can create a society that is easier to live in. So is this bike."

Isaac heads to his bike, which is falling beside his desk, and tries to demonstrate and show it.

When I tried to wake him up, I noticed something unusual.

"Heavy! What is this..., really made of iron pipe?

"Yes, I made it exactly as you instructed. I thought it would be lighter to some extent, and I even shredded it to the point where it was as strong as people could ride...... That's the limit."

Well, I guess I'll have no choice.

(Shit -! You didn't even think about iron quality. It could be heavier than Kendra)

Iron making levels in this world are low.

There is no iron lighter and more sturdy than in previous life.

Heavy in five installments compared to bicycles in previous life.

Isaac is anxious to see if he can ride well.

But we have to.

Isaac spans his bike and begins rowing his pedals.


The second "heavy" is relative to the weight of the pedal.

Even though it was a flat floor, it weighed as if it was loaded with luggage and going up the ramp.

Besides, the wheels don't have rubber tires or anything.

It seemed easier to walk faster.

Isaac got off his bike.

"It'll be a leg that can be used all over the city instead of a horse... it was supposed to be. There's still room for improvement."

"Sounds kind of funny, can I ride too?

"Fine. I just might need some support at first. Give them all a little support."

Paul has said he wants to ride with a look like intrigue, so ask other friends for support.

They seem interested, too, so they'll probably take turns riding.

Give them the bike and Isaac speaks to the branch manager.

"Perhaps the frame should be made of wood. Also, the wheel may be harder to slip if coated with skin"

"Right. If you're about a frame, you don't even have to talk to the Braak Chamber of Commerce, so let's do it here. That chain will become popular among artisans as a new type of chain. Because it's fascinating to be able to transmit power with high efficiency."

"Well, well, I wish I had other uses"

Isaac can only come up with a way of transferring the power of a pedal rowed like a bicycle.

If the craftsmen are going to think of other ways to use it, that's a welcome place.

Unexpected by-products are popular, and Isaac looks at his friends when he nods satisfactorily.

(That sounds like a severe temperature difference...)

Here I finally realize that the women are having a bad reaction.

(Right. Guys are wierd on their bikes, but girls are bored because they can't ride their bikes because they're skirts. This was a mistake......)

I just want to say, "Skirt is fine, get in," but I can't say it because long skirts can get you involved in wheels.

Reflect that only friends should have brought them to the Gray Chamber of Commerce and that the women should have taken them only to the Braak Chamber of Commerce.

"So now shall we head to the Braak Chamber of Commerce? I think you'll enjoy it visually there."


Lisa told me that the bike was repugnant to the women on the move in the carriage.

I wasn't surprised because it was exactly what I was feeling, but Isaac finds herself in a sense of impatience.

You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

But I wasn't more in a hurry than I had to.

The Braak Chamber of Commerce has been asked to produce a hang glider.

The challenge to the unknown world of "sky" is sure to be enjoyed.

A pile had been struck near the warehouse of the Braak Chamber of Commerce.

This is Isaac's instruction.

When Isaac and the others arrive, the hang glider prototype is brought out of the warehouse.

There are only wings and solids made of bamboo or wood attached.

"I think we've got what Lord Enfield asked for. The frame is made of bamboo purchased from the village of Maulanu and the fabric is made of canvas from the Farragut Republic, so we can combine lightness and durability"

"Hump...... Oh, the canvas we use for sails on ships. It does seem that canvas is better than regular fabrics to take the wind. You used to have canvas."

"Canvas is what I was purchasing for balloons. We purchased fabrics, leather, paper and more from all over the world. This canvas is one of them. The Braak Chamber of Commerce is always ready to meet Lord Enfield's request."

"I see, it's a good heart"

The Braak Chamber of Commerce is buying Isaac's disapproval when he was the previous chairman.

Naturally, you'll be desperate to be in a good mood.

It is also the role of those who stand above you to buy that intention.

Remember, after everything goes well, you'll have to do it in return.

"Then I guess I'll have something just for the wings bracketed in the pile first. And put it on an affordable table."

"Yes, sir."

The Branch Manager of the Braak Chamber of Commerce immediately gives instructions to his subordinates.

The tip of the hang glider is hooked and brackets the rope there.

This was necessary for an upcoming experiment.

"Mr. Claude. It's magic. Can you let the wind blow towards that? At first, it feels like it gradually gets stronger from the light wind, from the front. Without blowing up from the bottom up."

"I don't mind... Don't do anything unusual."

Claude also knew that what he called wings (...) would make them float.

Yet he says no wind can make him blow from bottom to top.

Isaac seems to know the answer, but Claude doesn't.

But I only knew I was trying to do something.

"Oh, wait."

Where he tried to use his magic, Bridget cracks and goes in.

"Let me do it because it looks funny."

"Well, I don't mind. Can I let Bridget do this?

"Fine. I just don't want you to do anything to make me suddenly blow a strong wind. And I'd like you to have as much linear wind as possible."

"He said it was okay."

As for Isaac, you can use magic either way.

Somehow, I just asked Claude, who seemed to be relieved to leave it to me.

If you'd be careful, it could have been Bridget.

Isaac turns to the others.

"When I tried balloons, it was just my boyfriend. That's why I called everyone this time. The plane flies through the sky. To let you see that first step. I want you to see this precious moment with your fiancée. If it's a failure... you didn't see it."

Out of the way, I asked you to "forget it," which makes me laugh and laugh.

He smiled, making Isaac feel a little light-hearted, too.

"Well, I'll go."

Bridget casts her magic and points her right hand at the hang glider.

At first, the fabric fluttered, but gradually moved backwards from body to body.

And after the rope stretched pins, the wings floated after a while.

"Whoa, I really flew!

The first surprise was Isaac.

The same was true during balloons, but this was a surprise for the skill of the craftsmen who created it symmetrically from left to right.

I thought I'd lean towards either left or right, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

All we have to do is solve the problem of whether or not to be frozen and in a straight line to the ground when we actually fly.

"This is the first step in flying the sky...... But we have to use magic, right?

Lisa hits Isaac with a question.

This was of concern to the others.

"No, you can fly without magic. All you have to do is build momentum from the top of the hill and let it fly. Now they're using magic to replicate what happened when they flew the sky."

This experiment is a wind tunnel experiment.

What is different from the wind tunnel experiment is that the blower is magical.

The wind is also linear, in that you don't have to worry about spreading up, down, left, or right, and you don't have to bother making wind tunnels.

Isaac is about to laugh at the odd phenomenon of something unscientific called magic going a long way in the development of science.

But now I laughed to explain it to everyone.

"For example, if you run when there's no wind, you feel the wind, right? If we move forward, we'll be in the same condition as the wind is blowing from the front. This is magically getting a recreation of what it was like when it flew through the sky. By doing this, you can see if it leans or breaks when you fly."

"Oh, yeah."

Even if it was explained, Lisa had no idea.

That's not impossible either.

Isaac also understands the general principles, but he doesn't know enough to explain them theoretically.

I just knew I could read it in a book and "check it out with these experiments".

As a result, even if Lisa felt she didn't understand it, she couldn't explain it any further.

"Mr. Bridget, that's enough. Let's move on."

You just have to prove it with results rather than explanations.

Isaac decided to move on to the next phase.

Now it is a hang glider with solids.

I have the center of gravity centered and the front and rear slightly shifted ones made.

Try everything to find the right balance.

This has to be done several times.

Since it is an experiment, each is loaded with 30 kg of earthen sac to replace humans.

I bracketed this in the pile and let the wind blow again and again to try it.

At the end of this experiment, Bridget talks to Isaac.

"Hey, this. Let me ride the prettiest one."

She asks me to put her on what worked best.

I'm not going to say no to Isaac, but I was worried.

"Fine...... I think it hurts when you land. If you stop the wind, you'll fall with Dosun."

"You don't have to get hurt. Even if you do, you just have to cure it magically. The boys were riding their bikes earlier, so now it's girls' turn."

Bridget turns to the women.

Hang gliders probably drew more interest than bicycles.

They also had the look of "I want a ride".

Now it's hard to say "since the members of the business sacrificed it first".

"Okay. So, Mr. Bridget is going to get on first and do a human experiment. Mr. Claude, can I ask you for magic?

"Oh, sure."

Isaac managed to swallow the words "it looks lightest".

If you say that, you'll be pissed off from each side.

I grew up just a little bit.

When permission is given, Bridget sits on the hang glider's soli.

Sit with your legs stretched out and grab the railings.

In doing so, I didn't forget to pinch the hem of the piece tightly between my legs.

"Let's go."


"Please don't move poorly. Be aware to straighten your balance."

Unlike floating magically, it's an unknown experience of floating on a vehicle.

Strengthens the power to grab Bridget's railings.

Claude uses magic and strengthens the wind.

Eventually, a hang glider with Bridget on it came to life in the universe.

"Look, look. I'm flying."

Bridget waves to everyone.

I guess I was relaxed then.

The force of his leg, which was pinching the hem of the piece, loosened and the wind raised him all the way up to his chest.

Though his chest was guarded dead, he had a full view of his white limbs and white underwear.

The eyes of the men gathered in one place, old or young.

The same was true of Isaac's gaze.

But soon my vision will be in the dark.

"Don't look!

Lisa blocked Isaac's eyes.

My friends, I guess, are kept from looking at it the same way.

Some of them even screamed "painfully".

The vision opened only after Claude stopped the magic and Bridget fixed the hem.

She was blushing with shame and shaking her body.

- This one didn't just say she felt ashamed.

The by-products of what Isaac made are not all good things.

My fiancée was accompanied by a man whose gaze nailed Bridget's lower body.

There was only one person who raised the rating.

Naturally, it's not Isaac considering a bicycle or hang glider.

It was just Claude giving Bridget a frightened look of "what are you doing".

Because of the extraordinary events at the end, on the carriage back home, it was not about bicycles or hang gliders, but about the story against Bridget's gaze.

The men felt sorry for their fiancée before, but they were able to keep good memories as summer memories.

You can find story with these keywords: The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", Read The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me", The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" novel, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" book, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" story, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" full, The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" Latest Chapter

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