The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me"

Chapter 489: 489 472

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What is an apology?

(Nice, Grandpa!)

Morgan was in the royal palace when Marquis Wilmente and Baron Caningham visited the Mansion.

A man who did not know the words of the Marquis of Wilmente, who guaranteed Count Brander, tried to hear the reason from Baron Caningham.

To do so, Isaac takes a guzzle pose in his mind.

Asked by Morgan, Baron Cunningham, unlike the breathtaking Isaac, made him strong.

I wonder how serious this is.

"Well, actually... when Lord Wilmente assured me that Uncle Brander could be trusted."

"Guarantee... Ah, Randolph told me about it."

Baron Cunningham felt his eyes tightened when he looked at himself.

I assured you that I could trust Count Brander.

Now that he has betrayed, it is only natural that he should be held accountable.

If it wasn't for this situation, it would have been strange if it had been truncated as "verbal abuse such as sending a proxy".

(Oh, that's right.)

Unlike the tight atmosphere around him, Isaac had plenty of room.

Despite the betrayal of Count Brander, the Marquises of Warwick Wilmente have already acted to fill the hole.

I didn't feel the need to pursue it rigorously now.

Instead, he wanted to pursue his responsibilities and not even pretend to be betrayed by the Marquis Wilmente.

(I didn't expect you to send an explanatory messenger so soon.It seems that the Emperor Wilmainte is not only thoughtful but also able to act.Perhaps you should consider this situation an opportunity rather)

Isaac has nothing to do with this.

― ― As a person who stands above people, Isaac is also responsible for listening to suggestions.

Isaac didn't care about the eyes, he said, "Because you promised him!If you can reopen it, your responsibility can be reduced.

But listening (…) is like Isaac giving approval as Chief Executive Officer.

The Chief Executive and the Ultimate Director do not need to be equal.

No, but "I'm not bad.You're the only one who's going to get away with it. "

I can assure you that Isaac will not follow.

I'm so sorry to be under a boss who makes myself and my people responsible.

It is possible to take responsibility for the Marquis Wilmente and take it in a direction that is convenient to me.

But somebody...

"Who accepted the advice of the Emperor Wilmente?"

---Just one word and Isaac's superiority collapses.

Rather than imposing responsibility, it is better to take responsibility and choose a way to obtain more returns.

I've been thinking about that for a long time.

So Isaac decides to move in the direction of selling his gratitude to the Marquis Wilmente.

"I regret that the Emperor Wilmente has failed.In order to return the stigma, we are prepared to fight with decisiveness.In the aftermath of the war, the Marquis of Welrod will not be the only one supporting the damaged Count Ulrich family. "

It doesn't work for Isaac, like a bad explanation.

Whatever it was, Baron Cunningham could only come up with an excuse to say, "I will do my best for what I failed."

Then all I could think of was telling the truth.

But it must have worked.

Isaac got off the horse and put his hand on Baron Cunningham's shoulder.

"A suggestion that we can make Uncle Brander an ally.Do you remember who accepted it? "

"That's... Lord Enfield."

"Yes, it's me. It was the Emperor Wilmente who made the recommendation, but it was me who accepted it.It's not the fault of one of them. "

Baron Cunningham looks up.

Because I was surprised to have the rare experience of being able to reach out for salvation in a desperate plight.

Immediately in my heart, I offer a prayer of gratitude to God.

"The fact that the emperor of Wilmente was Kendra's stepfather did not frustrate his mind.But that's not all I'm covering for this time.That was before Michael became Minister of Foreign Affairs.As the situation has changed dramatically, it would be terrible to pursue the responsibility of the Emperor Wilmente. "

"Lord Enfield...."

Given the balance of power between the nobles, it is better to cut power here than to become a relative in the future.

And yet Isaac has tried to share the blame.

The Baron of Cunningham was about to cry, reminded of the difference between the vessel and his best friend, who fled to the front line.

"No wonder Michael became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Was that the scope of Wilmente's expectations?"

"That's not true!It was completely unexpected! "

"Of course, I didn't expect that either.And I think that triggered Uncle Brander's betrayal.But a riot like making Michael minister is unpredictable to anyone. Predict it and speak up.Take responsibility if it comes off "is too rude.I can't hold you responsible. "

Isaac knew he couldn't protect himself.

So I turned to Morgan for a harsh opinion.

"What do you think of Lord Welrod?"

All of a sudden, Morgan was confused.

But I won't show it to the public.

I thought about the meaning of what Isaac was talking about in this situation and came up with the answers Isaac would be looking for.

"Lord Enfield's thoughts are worth considering.I'd like to agree, but that's not going to happen.If anything were to happen to His Majesty Elias, someone would have to take responsibility.It is inevitable that responsibility will be pursued against the Emperor Wilmainte.Uncle Ulrich, who has been attacked by Uncle Brander, won't be able to stop in just one word.It's not up to you. "

--If Isaac is candy, Morgan is whipped.

I thought such a division of roles was necessary, and I dared to say something harsh.

My cheeks are going to loosen up when I work with my grandson, but I can't stand it anymore.

"Yes, it all depends on whether you can save His Majesty Elias safely.This was not what I could say at this stage.And it wasn't like talking right away in front of Arthur.I'm sorry for my insensitive remarks. "

The second half of Isaac's words were directed against Arthur.

"No, don't worry. I don't know how I invited Uncle Brander on my side, so it's not a problem I can talk about...."

Arthur had to say this.

I am now in a position to be protected by the Marquis of Welrod.

It is difficult to criticize openly.

"Is this flow calculated?I doubt it, but I can't ask anyone.

He remembers remorse to himself, who can only answer that he wants to discuss it with his father at a later date.

"The pursuit of responsibility against Baron Caningham, Marquis Wilmente may be inevitable.But I will not hold you solely responsible.It is more troublesome to be in a hurry and to be killed.I have to think about the aftermath of the war.Please tell the Emperor Wilmainte not to force it. "

"Lord Enfield... That's enough words.The Emperor Wilmente will be very pleased.I will definitely tell you that! "

Morgan said something tough, but that's not a problem.

It was important that Isaac tried to shelter the Marquis Wilmente.

Because the Marquis Wilmente was most afraid of buying Isaac's discomfort.

I was able to extract the word from Isaac that he would take part of the responsibility.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it a big deal.

The more Baron Cunningham clapped, the lighter the conversation progressed.

He returned to the Marquis of Wilmente with his escort before being told, "After all, not now."

(If you sell your thanks here, it will help later. What a pathetic fool!I don't think it's a type of betrayal...Pride as a nobleman shouldn't let that happen.)

Even though Isaac took cover, if Elias dies, the Marquis of Wilmente will feel guilty.

It is possible to use that guilt to take you to a situation that is advantageous to you.

Considering that, I have enough change, even if it seems a little sweet.

"Arthur, I'm sorry for believing in Uncle Brander, and the Emperor Wilmente, but the worst part is Uncle Brander.It would be helpful if you could keep that in mind. "

"... I see. If His Majesty Elias is safe, perhaps Uncle Ulrich will not be pursuing his responsibilities.I will help convince you. "

"Thank you, Uncle Ulrich, I'm sure Lord Warwick and Lord Wilmenthe will help you.The approaching Royal Army must have been attacked by Admiral Fitzgerald.It's not good to be optimistic, but it's not good to be too pessimistic. "

Isaac tells Arthur not to think pessimistically.

But it was also a word to tell myself.

(It's okay, I'm sure it'll work. My plan, in the first place, is that Jason will get away with it.It's a little too much work, but it should succeed.Don't think you might fail.)

- The betrayal of Count Brander.

That was enough to make Isaac feel anxious.


You are reading story The reborn aristocrat is ambitious! "You've got pretty good status, give em to me" at

Meanwhile, around that time.

There was a great deal of confusion in the Blander Earls, who were attacked by the Royal Cavalry.

"Many casualties! Commander's safety cannot be confirmed yet!"

"Count Ulrich is pushing us back!"

"The front line is collapsing because there is no one to direct it!"

The First Knight's assault had claimed the lives of many of the nobles who were leading the front lines.

It inflicts more damage than the number of casualties on Count Brander's army, expanding the damage.

"Why! Why attack us!If we strike Ulrich, we can break the siege net!It's a winnable situation! "

"My lord, it doesn't matter whether you win or not.They are fighting for His Majesty Elias.We are the only ones who can stand by His Majesty Jason. "

"That can't be right! What happened to the Knights of the Guards?I'm sure the Commander is keeping an eye out for betrayal! "

"We've already been attacked.Even if they were watching, they're already disabled. "

"That can't be right! I can't believe it....."

Count Brander drops his shoulders with shreds.

I deny it, but I just can't accept the reality of the secretary's story.

He knows that too.

--It's over.

Seeing him like that, the secretary looks around.

My lord, the time has come.


Count Brander replied, gathering the secretaries and knights around him.

Then they dragged Count Brander off the horse and began to strip him of his armor.

"What are you going to do! Hey, somebody stop!"

Of course, Count Brander condemns such an outrage.

But nobody moved to help.

I'm just watching the situation.

Count Brander said, "Betrayed!"comes to mind first.

I was about to cry with regret betrayed by my subordinates, but I endured it with the meaning of "Shame on you".

At this time, the secretary also got off the horse and began to take off his armor.

He calls out to see Count Brander's armor removed.

"My lord, it's over. As it stands, the Count Brander family will be destroyed.I want to be rewarded for all the work I've done. "

- Hand him over to Lord Enfield.

Count Brander sounded like he was saying that.

I only thought so.

But the secretary thought differently.

The opposite is true.

"Your armor and horses will be given in return for your service.You may wear my armor and fall to the realm or King's Land, and be free. "

"... what are you going to do?"

Same words as before.

However, the emotions contained therein were also the opposite.

"Nothing in particular. I'm just here."

The Count Brander, who had blood on his head, understood what the secretary meant.

― ― Stay here as a Shadow Warrior.

If Count Brander escapes, the army will collapse at once.

But if only the Commander had remained in shape, Count Brander would have earned enough time to flee.

Earlier, "the time has come" would have meant "the time to escape".

I pushed ahead because I knew Count Brander wouldn't admit it.

"Why did you go so far..."

In this situation, we will have to hand over Count Brander.

Count Brander himself, in a similar situation, would surely try to hand over those responsible.

But they weren't.

I've been working behind the scenes before, but I'm working to help you.

The reason was unimaginable to Count Brander.

The secretary chuckles.

"Thank you for your help.The same goes for the others.I decided to obey you even if I was wrong.The same goes for the aristocrats. "

"But I must be hated."

Regardless of his subordinates, the nobles under his umbrella resent him.

Because he suddenly demanded the repayment of the money he had lent to the Count Lancaster family to pay the compensation.

They should know that too.

(But somehow they follow me.....)

Now they are following Count Brander's orders and attacking Count Ulrich's army.

If you have a grudge, it's no wonder you're attacking us.

Yet the nobles under my umbrella didn't seem to betray me.

The secretary who felt such doubt about him explains.

"The nobles under my umbrella were dissatisfied with your actions.Initially, I was persuaded to cooperate as a matter of course.But only once did you reconsider helping me. "


"Yes, I agreed to cooperate only once, in accordance with my past obligations."

The secretary explained why the nobles were willing to cooperate.

They certainly resented being forced to pay off their debts.

But I didn't forget my duty.

For example, when I began to develop the mine, Count Brander felt nothing but that he had given money to celebrate.

In addition, I behaved generously every time something happened.

That was before income from the mine came in.

Count Brander is a greedy man.

That's why I gave it to people.

"Everyone else should want what they want."

Because I believed that the more I sold my gratitude to my surroundings, the more invisible it would be.

But I thought I'd been forgotten.

--I thought that I had a chance to win this betrayal.

I thought so, but it seems different.

A tear spills out of Count Brander's eyes.

"You followed me, not my lust...."

It is not a tear of gratitude.

It was a tear of remorse that was not aware of their actions.

"When the Marquis of Warwick fell into chaos, you did not miss a chance to develop the mine.If you take a wrong step, you risk turning the Marquis of Warwick against you.We were delighted that we were able to serve our good people with such judgment and determination.The opponent was just too bad this time.... My lord, please stay back. I hope that instead of saving my life and living miserably for a long time, I want you to fall down positively in order to regenerate. "

Count Brander stood up to the secretary's words.

"Nevertheless, I'm not going to fall down yet.I don't suppose they'll be able to defeat His Majesty Jason.If we go to King's Landing, there is still the rest of the Knights of the Kinsai.Use them to gather up the Royal Army and buy time.After that, we may be able to use His Majesty the Former King to bring him to peace negotiations.There's still work to be done. "

"Yes, sir, I'm sure I can do it.We should be in time now. Please run away. "

"I'm sorry... I promise I'll take care of your family."

The Count Brander rode his horse in the secretary's armor and took a small escort.

Though he thought he would pull back his hair, he didn't look back.

It is more irresponsible to leave it to emotion to stop.

I'm not giving up yet.

I knew it would not be too late to give up even after the fight had completely disappeared.

So let them run their horses desperately toward King's Landing, so as not to waste everyone's preparations.

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