The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 243: 243

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Xiaoyue is younger and relatively greedy. The whole person squats in front of the stove like a kitten and is reluctant to leave.

"Beautiful sister, when can I eat today's food? I'm a little hungry! It tastes so delicious." The little girl's voice was full of waxy and soft.

Li Jingya reached out and touched Xiaoyue's head: "be obedient. Stay away from the stove. Don't burn it. You can eat in a minute, you know?"

Xiaoyue moved the small stool under her ass and rubbed back. She moved a total distance of less than half a foot, symbolically farther from the stove.

"Xiaoyue, you girl is so unpromising. You're going to get into the pot before the meal is served!" The old village head blushed with shame.

"It's all right, sir. The child is very fun. I like her very much. Let her sit here. You don't have to feel embarrassed, child!"

After listening to Li Jingya's words, Xiaoyue threw a very proud little look at her grandfather, which immediately made everyone laugh again. This little girl is really a pistachio.

Estimated that the time was almost up, Li Jingya stopped the fire, raised her hand and lifted the pot. A pot of fragrant potato stewed eggplant came out of the pot. Xiaoyue jumped up.

This meal is basically the worst meal that director Liu and Zhang Xinglan and others have eaten, but it is the best meal for the three people living in the mountain village.

After dinner, Li Jingya brushed the pots and pans very quickly. Xiaochun stared at her sister who was several times faster than herself.

"Beautiful sister, you're too fast! I've only painted three bowls. You've finished all these pots and pans!" Xiaochun was very surprised.

"As long as you are skilled, the speed will be faster. Xiaochun, you are still young. Just practice slowly in the future." Zhang Xinlan helped Li Jingya and stuffed all these pots and pans into the cupboard.

After dinner, Li Jingya turned on her mobile phone and found that the signal was weak. She immediately sent a text message to Zhang Jingmo: "I'm in the mountains. The signal is bad. Don't call!"

Soon Zhang Jingmo returned a text message: "I see. You must be careful and pay attention to safety. If you have something to do, send me a message in time! Go to see you when you are free!"

When Li Jingya saw the front, she felt very warm. When she saw the last sentence, she couldn't help laughing. I also want to see myself. I guess he doesn't know where he is.

"What's the matter with Jingya? Come on, we have something else to do!" Jiang Tianyu shouted at the top of his voice. Zhang Xinlan came to Li Jingya: "why? Are you in love?"

Li Jingya was startled and quickly put away her mobile phone. She smiled awkwardly and said, "aunt LAN, who is in love but not in love, let's go. It was just a message from my classmate!"

"Then why are you hiding from me so fast? In fact, it's nothing to fall in love. After all, they are college students and adults. It's really normal to fall in love."

Li Jingya rolled her eyes heavily and said she didn't want to continue the topic. She ran directly to the front. Zhang Xinlan smiled helplessly in the back.

The party continued to walk on the mountain road, but as they walked, Li Jingya smelled a very strange smell. She stopped again and began to look for it everywhere.

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Li Jingya's nose is always very sensitive. She can smell even a little peculiar smell. This special nose really makes Li Jingya love and hate.

If there is anything delicious, of course I can find it at the first time, but if there are other unpleasant and strange smells, I must smell it at the first time.

"What's the matter? Jingya, why did you stop again?" Director Liu turned to look at Li Jingya. Seeing what she seemed to be looking for, he casually asked, "did you lose something?"

"No, no, I haven't lost anything. I just smell a very strange smell, especially a strange smell." Li Jingya is still sniffing seriously.

"Why didn't I smell any strange smell? Did it come along the wind?" Jiang Tianyu sucked his nose hard, but found that he didn't smell anything.

"My nose is special and highly sensitive, so I can smell something you can't smell, because I don't suffer less." Li Jingya explained in passing.

"Can you determine the general location of this strange smell? If you feel uneasy, you can go and have a look." Director Liu is also very serious.

"I can only smell this smell, with a fishy smell. It seems to be right in front... Like... Blood?" Li Jingya ran frantically to the front.

Director Liu and the others followed him and ran forward with Li Jingya. Li Jingya soon stopped in front of a small mountain bag and began to climb up hand and foot.

"Jingya, stop climbing. There is a path beside you. If you want to go to the other end of the mountain, you can walk through this path." Director Liu smiled while introducing the terrain to Li Jingya.

Li Jing's face was red when he was in Arden, but he turned over the path according to Liu Dao's speech. I really don't know when I can get rid of my crazy problem!

"Why didn't I find Jingya so interesting before? She doesn't know the way! And she's so focused on doing one thing!" Jiang Tianyu exclaimed.

"If she can't do things with her feet, she shouldn't climb to the top of the mountain. If she can't do things with her hands and feet, she won't do it for so long."

Zhang Xinlan made fun of her words. Everyone laughed one after another. Halfway through the laughter, they found that Li Jingya appeared again and seemed to hold something in their arms.

"Jingya, what are you holding in your arms?" Before Li Jingya came down from the mountain, Zhang Xinlan couldn't help being curious and shouted at the top of her voice.

"It's a litter of newborn puppies with some blood on them, otherwise I wouldn't smell the fishy smell! It's at the foot of the opposite mountain, very close to us!"

Li Jingya said, holding the litter of puppies in her hands, quickly walked down the path and put her clothes on the ground with the puppies.

Zhang Xinlan immediately opened Li Jingya's schoolbag and took out a dress from it and handed it to her: "put it on quickly! You did your best to take off your coat for this litter of puppies!"

Yes, when Li Jingya found the litter of puppies, she immediately took off her clothes and wrapped all the remaining dogs back. Although she didn't know how many there were, none of them fell.

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