The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 271: 271

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After the debate, life returned to calm again. Li Jingya went to class as usual every day. She was not picked up by Zhang Jingmo until she finished her class on Friday afternoon and went to the Public Security Bureau.

Li Jingya knows she often asks for leave, so as long as there is nothing wrong, she will certainly stay at school. If you don't need to ask for leave and you're not at school, it's a little too much.

"Jingya, please sit here for a while. I have some documents to deal with. We have to wait a while to go home!" Zhang Jingmo smiled at Li Jingya and sat down to continue his work.

"OK, you're busy. I'll sit next to you for a while. This is not my first time. I happen to write a novel!" Li Jingya is in Zhang Jingmo's office and doesn't treat herself as an outsider.

They were quietly doing their own business. Gu Qing suddenly pushed the door and came in: "brother Zhang! Ouch, my sister-in-law is also here! Did I bother you?" Then he laughed.

"How can I find you so poor recently? Do you want me to arrange more work for you? If you have anything to do, hurry up!" Zhang Jingmo looked at Gu Qing in tears and laughter.

Gu Qing was not in the mood to joke more. He said calmly, "brother Zhang, we have received two murders recently! We haven't caught the murderer yet. If this continues..."

"Murder? What's going on? I didn't hear you tell me when I called." Li Jingya is now very excited when she hears a case. I don't know. I thought she was also a member of the Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Jingmo shook his head in some distress, rubbed his temples and replied, "what's the use of telling you about this kind of thing? You can't help, and it will make you feel worried!"

"Gu Qing, what's going on? Would you break the rules if you didn't tell me in detail?" Li Jingya is really curious about these things, but she should pay attention to them.

Gu Qing gently shook his head: "sister-in-law, even our leaders know your existence now, and you have helped when handling cases before. You are not an outsider!"

"Here's the thing. We've received two murders before. They were all young women who died at night! Before they died... These two cases haven't been closed yet, and we're very anxious."

"We did a lot of investigation work according to the traces on the scene. Finally, we locked a man, about 35 years old, but we haven't found the trace of this man."

Hearing this, Li Jingya nodded: "all the dead are young women, and they have been violated... I think this man is probably a pervert. Do these two young women have anything in common?"

"There is nothing in common between them. Except that they are young women, what we can find is that neither of them has been married. There is nothing else!"

The more he talks about details, the more Gu Qing feels that his work is really not in place. It's been so long. They didn't catch the suspect in both murders. It's a shame.

Li Jingya saw through Gu Qing's thoughts at a glance, smiled and comforted: "Gu Qing, don't worry, the fox always shows its original shape! As long as we take precautions, we can catch him one day!"

"We didn't find any superfluous traces at the scene, which can only prove that the criminal is also a smart man and has very strong anti reconnaissance ability!" Zhang Jingmo gently shook his head.

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"Not only that, this is definitely a deliberate murder, not a temporary intentional murder. It can be said that before that, the man had thought for a long time, thought for a long time, and finally started!"

Li Jingya couldn't help frowning. I've handled so many cases with them before, but this is the first time to handle a murder like this, and two people have died.

"By the way," Li Jingya suddenly remembered something, looked up at Gu Qing and asked, "you just said that these two young women were unmarried. Did they have... Had boyfriends before they died?"

After all, she was a girl. She blushed a little when talking about it. Li Jingya chose another way and expressed it vaguely, but her face was still flushed.

Gu Qing was stunned for a moment, then reacted and scratched his head: "we have checked this. They all had only one time before they died... Cough, that is, this time they were violated."

Li Jingya and Zhang Jingmo looked at each other, and then came to a conclusion: "I think this man probably has a very serious virgin plot! Is this his way of killing people in revenge?"

"Do these two women have anything to do with this man? Do you want to check his social network?" Gu Qing was a little distressed, "but we don't even know who he is. How can we check it?"

"This case is really too tricky. The other party is very smart and doesn't leave us too many clues! We haven't even extracted any DNA about him from the victim!"

"That's why I said he was taking revenge. He had a purpose. He knew what he was doing. Maybe he didn't know the two women at all. He was taking revenge on the society!" Li Jingya has a calm face.

A man like this is actually the most terrible. You don't know where he is hiding. Maybe he's just an ordinary mechanic, but the next second, he can pick up a knife and stab you in the chest.

"There are really a lot of such abnormal people. I've seen them before! People and gods are angry about doing that kind of animal thing, and they even kill people!" Gu Qing was also choked with anger.

Li Jingya smiled: "it's no surprise. The result he wants is just killing. Maybe what he did before killing is just incidental! This kind of person is disgusting!"

"Sister-in-law, I find that your thinking is sometimes more acute than us and can open a new door for us! In fact, you have really helped us a lot!" Gu Qing's eyes were filled with gratitude.

Zhang Jingmo immediately stopped him and said, "don't think I don't know what your boy is up to! Don't try to get your sister-in-law involved. She's still young. I don't want her to leave any shadow!"

Gu Qing was stunned and embarrassed. I have to say that the captain knew him very well. He really thought so just now! But yes, my sister-in-law is only in her twenties this year, isn't she?

Li Jingya shook her head indifferently: "it doesn't matter. I never care about this. If I can help you and catch this pervert, I think it's very worthwhile! It's my honor to help you!"

"Jingya... Now it's time to touch the body. I don't want you to touch those things. Can you stand it?" Zhang Jingmo hears Li Jingya's meaning.

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