The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 3: 3

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Yang Lina always has a big heart and doesn't care what's wrong between them. She continues to talk and laugh with Li Jingya and goes home.

Chang Xiaoyu, who turned the corner ahead of time, hummed coldly: "cut, what! It's not my business here. I don't want to be retaliated!"

I have to say that a ten-year-old child has too many minds.

The day passed quickly. When school was over, Chang Xiaoyu caught up with her. Li Jingya thought it had never happened before. But strangely, Li Pengtao's parents didn't come to school, and Li Pengtao didn't stop Li Jingya.

Of course, Li Pengtao didn't dare to fool around again. After returning home at noon, he cried to his father about being beaten by Li Jingya. As a result, after his father asked the reason, he chased around the yard with a fire stick: "you smelly boy, Jingya is still your sister in terms of seniority. Do you have a brother like..."

Li Pengtao, who was beaten up, naturally died down in a short time. Children are always afraid of being beaten, not to mention he is guilty and unjustifiable!

The day is like this. I live quietly day by day. The final exam will be held soon. The atmosphere in the class is very tense. Li Jingya is also reading carefully every day, but she doesn't feel nervous at all. After all, it's not the first time I've done these questions.

In the examination room, the invigilator looked at the little girl sitting in the front in surprise and found that she answered the questions very quickly. She almost browsed the questions and wrote the answers.

Tut... The invigilator looked at Li Jingya's answer speed and then at the correct rate. He couldn't help but be surprised. Is there such a capable person in this small village? I don't know whose child it is. The future is unlimited!

When the children who finished the exam went out of the examination room, they really had different gestures. Li jinglie could not help but look at them and sighed happily or cheerfully!

If you say this, I'm afraid people will laugh to death. She's a head shorter than others!

On the way home, Yang Lina asked Li Jingya nervously, "Jingya, what do you think of your test? I think I must have failed the test again, as if I had made a lot of mistakes! The result must be beaten!"

Li Jingya smiled. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Chang Xiaoyu nearby laughing and saying, "yes, Jingya, what do you think of your test? I think I did well!"

"It's so powerful. Congratulations, Xiaoyu! I think I did just average in the exam." Li Jingya smiled as usual, but a faint light flashed from the bottom of her eyes. Chang Xiaoyu, don't you love acting? I'll accompany you!

Chang Xiaoyu looked at Li Jingya and smiled proudly at the corners of her mouth. Li Jingya, you are always inferior to me! It's impossible to surpass me!

Back home, Wang Ying asked Li Jingya, "how was the exam?"

Li Jingya smiled: "it's not safe. I feel OK." Then he took a mouthful of fried vegetables, "Mom, don't be busy. Sit down and eat together quickly!" She's sitting and eating, but her parents haven't come to the table yet. Why is she so uncomfortable?

"Hey, OK, you eat first. I asked your father to apply pesticides. Now he's taking a bath. He's full of medicine." Wang Ying said that Li Xin just came in and didn't ask about Li Jingya's exam. She sat down to chat, eat and say something else.

Just after class the next day, Li Jingya saw the head teacher coming in happily with a pile of test papers. Looking at the state of the head teacher, Li Jingya knew that she must have done well in the class this time.

Mr. Liu stood on the podium and said to the students happily: "children, your test results are very good this time. The teachers are very satisfied. Moreover, our class has a dark horse this time. The students' scores are basically full marks!"

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Almost all the students in the class looked at Liang Jiayi. In their eyes, only the monitor's academic performance will be so good. However, the full score of three subjects is really amazing.

Teacher Liu smiled and watched the group of children look at the monitor one after another, with a touch of cunning in the bottom of her eyes. Then she announced loudly, "this person is Li Jingya of our class!"

"What? Li Jingya? How is this possible!"

"How could Li Jingya do so well in the exam? She can't have cheated, can she?"

The students in the class were stunned. They looked deeply at Li Jingya, who looked as usual. They couldn't believe that she had achieved such good results.

As for Liang Jiayi, who had just been noticed by the public, his proud smile was frozen in the corners of his mouth. Li Jingya, how could it be Li Jingya?

Mr. Liu allowed the class to mess for a while before announcing Li Jingya's results with a smile: "Li Jingya, 100 points in mathematics, 100 points in English, 99 points in Chinese, and only one point lost in composition!" This child is really a rising star!

"Impossible, she must have cheated, she must have copied!" Liang Jiayi, who was stimulated, cried out almost without thinking.

Teacher Liu's face suddenly fell down and looked at Liang Jiayi discontentedly: "before your exam, this set of papers has been placed with me. Liang Jiayi, do you mean I opened a small stove for Li Jingya? But I tell you, I didn't even think of the answer to her additional questions this time!"

Liang Jiayi didn't expect that teacher Liu, who has always been kind, would suddenly get angry and subconsciously dare not speak again, but her eyes glared at Li Jingya sitting in the front row. Li Jingya felt the gloomy eyes behind her and smiled bitterly in her heart: teacher, you are just calling me black.

Anyway, after class, the group of children still surrounded Li Jingya and exclaimed, "Li Jingya, you did really well in the exam this time. Do you have any tricks in your study? Can you tell us?"

"Yes, yes, Jingya, you can't be stingy!" There were also people shouting on one side for fear that Li Jingya hid her privacy.

Before Li Jingya could speak, she heard a faint voice behind her: "Oh, is it interesting for you to ask these questions? If you're not a cheater, what's the so-called trick?"

Other students looked in the direction of the speaker, but Li Jingya didn't even lift her head. Even if she didn't look, she knew it was Liang Jiayi. This person, who has always been arrogant, seems to be very stimulated!

Liang Jiayi didn't look at other students, and said to herself, "if I got this score in this way, I wouldn't be interested in talking. If I were me, I would have found a seam and stuck in it. What are you doing alive? I really don't know what kind of parents can raise such a child..."

Li Jingya frowned deeply. Obviously, Liang Jiayi's sentence was said by an adult. Such a young child can't think of such a sentence with deep malice and humiliation. However, I can't bear to humiliate myself and insult my parents.

"I know whether I cheated or not. Didn't they say that they don't do anything bad during the day, aren't afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night, and don't know if anyone who speaks ill of others will meet ghosts on the road!" Li Jingya went back mercilessly.

Liang Jiayi is not a wronged character. She came to Li Jingya three steps and two steps, stared and asked, "Li Jingya, what do you mean? Who are you talking about? Dare you say it again!"

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