The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 315: 315

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"Xuejun, you have to believe me! I really dare not do this again in the future. I still have children. Can I live with you safely in the future..." Zhang Chunmei begged, but only she knew how sincere she was in her tone.

"Zhang Chunmei, don't blame me for not saving face for you. I don't know what we should do next. I listen to my elders! I'm so old and haven't lost such a big person!" Li XueDa.

"Don't say anything. Call the couple in law. We must make it clear, otherwise we won't be able to live!" Li Rongmin has never been a person who can suppress his temper.

Wang Ying listened and nodded: "it's really time to call your in laws over. It's not a small matter. You have to shout over and make it clear! Let's talk about it later!"

Zhang Chunmei didn't refuse the proposal. She knew in her heart that if she did such a thing, she would face divorce, but he didn't want to leave Li Xuejun.

"Then I'll call my in laws now. I don't know what their old couple will think. Zhang Chunmei, have you never thought about your parents when you do such a thing? Don't your parents feel ashamed!"

Fu Yunhua is really angry this time. You know, Fu Yanhua has always been acting as a good man before. Even if his son quarrels with his daughter-in-law, he will always face his daughter-in-law.

Li Xuejun turned and looked at Li Jingya solemnly. Suddenly he asked, "aunt, I don't know what you think about this. Can you tell me? Although you are younger than me, you are also an elder!"

To be honest, Li Jingya hasn't heard Li Xuejun call her little aunt for so many years. It's really that the age gap between the two is too big. He can't shout out, and Li Jingya is embarrassed to agree.

Li Jingya was stunned for a moment, and then she bent her mouth and smiled: "Xuejun, I don't know what you think, but if it was me, I wouldn't be able to live this day!"

"But now the more important thing is whether Zhang Chunmei wants to repent or not. If she can repent, it's easy to say anything. Moreover, you are not alone. You have to take care of the child's mood!"

Li Xuejun nodded as he listened. "It's true. If it wasn't for Xiao Nuo, I would divorce directly! Now wait for my father-in-law and mother-in-law to come over!"

Li Jingya nodded slightly and said to Li Rongmin, "if the eldest brother-in-law comes at that time, don't make your words too ugly. Save face for both sides. After all, you haven't known each other for a day or two!"

Li Rongmin was obviously still angry at this time, but he smiled at his sister-in-law: "don't worry, I still know this truth, and I'll try to control it at that time!"

"Sister Jingya, should Miao Miao and I avoid it? After all, it has involved housework." Zhou Mengjia sat next to him, still feeling a little embarrassed, thinking whether he should avoid it.

Li Jingya shook her head and patted Zhou Mengjia's hand: "you are my assistant and now you are my bodyguard. You have to protect me! Look at this posture, it is likely to fight in a while!"

When she said this, Li Jingya didn't avoid Zhang Chunmei at all. To put it bluntly, Li Jingya said these words to Zhang Chunmei. If Zhang Chunmei goes crazy, ordinary people can't hold her back!

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Zhang Chunmei was stunned at first, and then frowned. No matter what politeness or impoliteness, the elder didn't ask the elder: "Li Jingya, what do you mean? Does anyone else want to hit you?"

"Of course no one is going to hit me now, but maybe next, I just want to protect myself. Is there anything wrong with this?" Li Jingya coldly hooked her lips.

In her previous life, Li Jingya had never seen Zhang Chunmei's parents, so she didn't know what kind of temper the old couple were. If they were both violent, they would fight today.

"What are you qualified to yell at my little aunt? If my sister didn't find out that you still kept me in the dark, would people like you still be qualified to speak now!" Li Xuejun roared.

At this time, Li Jingya's cell phone suddenly rang. She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was director Liu who called, so she quickly pressed the answer button: "director Liu, what can I do for you?"

Director Liu smiled and said, "I just called Jiajia and couldn't get through, so I called you. Where are you two now? I have good news to say!"

Li Jingya smiled and said, "director Liu, I'm sorry. Maybe Jiajia's mobile phone is dead. We're in my hometown now. I'll come back if something happens at home! Do you want to talk to Jiajia?"

"Is there an accident at home? Shall we go there? Can you handle it yourself?" Director Liu now doesn't care about his own news, but cares about Li Jingya.

Hearing this, Li Jingya felt warm in her heart, and her voice was full of emotion: "it's all right, director. In fact, it's not a big deal, but after all, it's already related to the reputation of the family, so I'll come back and deal with it!"

As soon as Li Jingya's voice fell, she heard Zhang Chunmei yelling, "is a woman like you interesting? She even hooked up with her nephew! Thank you for being a star!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone's face changed directly. You know, Li Jingya is on the phone now, but Li Jingya's immediate boss. If the boss has any dissatisfaction with Li Jingya, she will

Director Liu was opposite and listened to Zhang Chunmei's words clearly. He subconsciously frowned. Although he didn't know who the woman was, he subconsciously felt very disliked.

"Jingya, who is the person who just spoke? Turn on the hands-free. I want to talk to her!" Director Liu's voice became low and obviously unhappy.

Li Jingya frowned and looked at Zhang Chunmei coldly. She still turned on the hands-free and put her mobile phone on the table: "director Liu's hands-free has been turned on. If you have anything to say!"

"I don't know who you are or what relationship you have with Jingya. I want to tell you that what you just said has broken the law! It's actually an artist of our company. I can sue you for slander at any time!" Director Liu snorted coldly.

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