The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 347: 347

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The next day's wedding went smoothly. When Fu Yunhua watched his son holding the beautiful girl's hand and entering the marriage hall again, he couldn't help crying.

"When it comes to the wedding scene, you'll cry a little. Do you really want to see me cry?" Zhang Jingmo asked in a low voice.

"I think I will definitely cry, and our parents will certainly cry at that time, but these are happy tears. Even if I cry, no one will laugh." Li Jingya also has some red eyes.

Although Li Xuejun and Chen Hui are married today, Li Jingya is also the focus of attention in this wedding because of her special identity.

In the evening, Li Xuejun's brothers were making a fuss and had to ask Li Jingya to sing a song to the new couple. Li Jingya did not refuse to sing a very old song called "hand in hand".

"Maybe if you hold your hand, it may not be easy to go in your previous life. Maybe if you have a companion, you will be more busy in this life. So if you hold your hand, you will have to go together in the next life, so if you have a companion, there will be no years to turn back..."

After a song, the room was completely quiet. Both Li Xuejun and Chen Hui had tears on their faces. Li Jingya smiled at the two people: "bless you!"

Chen Hui was the first to wipe away her tears and said, "aunt, I know what you mean by singing this song. Don't worry, I will take good care of Xuejun and my mother!"

"What's more important is that you two are living a good life and taking good care of Xiao Nuo. Meeting and knowing each other is fate. It's not easy for people all their life. We must cherish it when we meet." Li Jingya also sighed.

When everyone was almost gone, the new room was quiet. Li Jingya stepped into the room again from the outside: "Chen Hui, don't worry about your physical problems. I'll secretly contact the doctor to check you later."

"Aunt, it doesn't matter whether I can have a baby or not. Although I have some regrets, I already have xiaonuo. If I have another child, it will make people think I may be bad to xiaonuo."

Speaking of her body, Chen Hui's heart is actually quite unwilling. Why doesn't she want a child of her own? Even a heart rending battle is worth it!

"Don't worry, do you see people's hearts for a long time? Some people just owe their mouths! If they want to say, just let them say it! They don't plant the land after listening to the call of grasshoppers?" Li Jingya smiled.

At this time, Xiao Nuo had also been picked up. He entered the door and shouted to Chen Hui, "Mom!" After this cry, Xiao Nuo cried and Chen Hui cried.

Chen Hui stretched out her hand and hugged Xiao Nuo in her arms. Looking at Xiao Nuo's face turning yellow, she couldn't help but feel distressed: "Xiao Nuo, my mother will be nice to you in the future! My mother will cook delicious food for you another day!"

"Mom, my former mother always said that she was very sleepy. She couldn't cook for Xiao Nuo in the morning. Will my mother be very sleepy in the morning? Can Xiao Nuo have breakfast?" At this time, Xiao Nuo was still a little cautious.

"Yes, my mother will cook every meal for Xiao Nuo and buy new clothes for Xiao Nuo. As long as Xiao Nuo wants to go, my mother will take Xiao Nuo with her when she has time!" Chen Hui is more distressed.

Li Jingya looked at the scene of loving mother and filial piety, and went out silently. The nephew finally got happiness, and Xiao Nuo didn't go the way before. She finally understood the meaning of her rebirth.

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Fu Yunhua was sitting at the bottom of the wall with his back to the room where Chen Hui was, weeping silently. She never thought that her son would find such a daughter-in-law.

It can be seen that although Chen Hui was born in an ordinary family, she was well educated and very modest. She can't do laundry and cooking. She is also very good to Xiao Nuo.

Fu Yunhua never thought that Chen Hui would marry her son. In other words, he didn't think his son was worthy of other girls at all, but it happened.

Li Jingya stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears for Fu Yunhua and put a happy smile on her face: "elder sister, the child is also married. You can rest assured in the future. Chen Hui should be a good daughter-in-law!"

Before returning home, Li Jingya specially found Li Rongmin. Li Rongmin was drinking at the wine table at this time. Seeing Li Jingya coming, he invited her to sit down with him and have a meal.

"No, brother-in-law, I should go home. I came to you because I wanted to talk to you." Li Jingya smiled and put down a red envelope: "I gave this to Chen Hui!"

"You're still in school. Take it back quickly. The eldest brother-in-law knows you can make money, but the money you should give has been given. The rules can't be broken!" Li Rongmin shook his head and refused to answer.

"Eldest brother-in-law," Li Jingya didn't take back the red envelope, but then said, "after all these years, it's not easy for you and my eldest sister. Now you've experienced such great changes..."

"Brother in law, what I want to say is that in the future, your temper should be restrained, and your daughter-in-law has married home. My eldest sister has suffered a lot with you. She is always a companion. You two are good!"

After saying this, Li Jingya left directly. Zhang Jingmo was waiting for her outside the door at this time. Li Jingya refused to waste time because she knew that Zhang Jingmo must be waiting for her.

Li Rongmin looked at Li Jingya's back, and then looked back at the figure sitting at the root of the wall. Suddenly, there was a sense of bitterness and guilt in his heart. He owes Yunhua a lot!

Zhang Jingmo held Li Jingya's hand tightly. They walked on a cool night. The street lights pulled their shadows very long and unknowingly intersected. There was a lot of difference between high and low, but there was unlimited harmony.

"Jing Mo, I just left a red envelope to my eldest sister. I don't know if it's right, but I always think I should leave something for them, even if it's for Xiao Nuo!"

Li Jingya was also very emotional at this time. It's not easy for her in her life. So far, she has been able to keep the clouds open and see the moon. Xuejun also began to be sensible, and then she can be more relaxed.

"How much you leave depends on what you mean. Anyway, it's your money. I don't care about it!" Zhang Jingmo smiled. "We have to go back and have a rest. We have to go back in two days."

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. When you go back, you must find some more suitable doctors to see what's going on with Chen Hui's body. If there's no problem, adjust it. How sad it is that a woman can't be a mother." Li Jingya sighed.

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