The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 351: 351

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Before going home this time, Li Jingya specially contacted director Liu. Director Liu has confirmed that there is nothing for Li Jingya to stay next, and Li Jingya also got the gynecologist's mobile phone number.

"Jingya, Liu Ran is my personal doctor. She is proficient in not only orthopedics, but also gynecology. I hope she can help you! The attending doctor in the hospital is far less powerful than Liu ran Lai!"

It can be seen that director Liu really valued Li Jingya and directly lent his personal doctor to Li Jingya. Li Jingya also remembered director Liu's kindness to herself.

She just mentioned it casually before. Unexpectedly, director Liu really wanted to remember it and lent out her personal doctors so generously.

"Director Liu, don't worry! With this matter today, I will never leave Tianying film and television company in my life, and I will always maintain my current state!" Li Jingya was moved.

After hearing this, director Liu was also filled with emotion and sighed deeply: "Jingya, in fact, sometimes I can easily treat you as my sister or even my daughter! I hope you can go higher and higher!"

At this time, Li Jingya already has her own special car and driver, so she needs to let Liu ran come and take the same car home with herself. In this way, there is not much ostentation to avoid a sensation.

In this way, Li Jingya took Liu ran and the driver directly to her home. The road is far and near. The speed of 4G is still not slow. We are almost home in about three hours.

When passing by the former middle school, Li Jingya also looked inside with great interest. Now the students have a holiday, so the junior middle school is empty.

The car suddenly stopped. Li Jingya was shaken and looked up and asked, "brother Chen, why did you stop suddenly?" After asking this sentence, Li Jingya was directly stunned.

A man was lying on the side of the road at this time, and there was a crashed bike next to him. I don't know what happened. This person li Jingya knows. It's Miss Wei, a chemistry teacher in junior high school!

Li Jingya recovered from her stupor, immediately opened the door and ran down: "Miss Wei, wake up!" What the hell is going on? Why is Miss Wei lying here? Aren't the students on holiday?

Liu ran hurried over and pinched Miss Wei's people. After a while, Mr. Wei slowly opened his eyes, looked at some strange faces in front of him, and slowly sat up.

"Who are you? Why did I faint here... Oh, my bike was damaged!" Obviously, Mr. Wei is still confused.

When Li Jingya saw that Mr. Wei had nothing to do, she put down some in her heart and introduced herself with a smile: "Mr. Wei, you must not remember me. My name is Li Jingya. You taught me on the third day of junior high school!"

"Li Jingya?" Mr. Wei obviously remembered the name. After looking at Li Jingya for a while, he smiled happily, "how can I not remember you? You did so well before!"

With the help of Li Jingya, he slowly stood up: "I didn't expect you to grow into a big girl in a twinkling of an eye. I can't recognize it at a glance! Now you've become a big star!"

When Li Jingya heard the last sentence, red clouds floated on her face. She shook her head and said kindly, "don't praise me, Miss Wei. No matter how far I go or how high I am, I will always be your student!"

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After saying this, Li Jingya directly changed the topic: "teacher Wei, what are you doing? How can you suddenly faint here? What's the matter? Are you feeling sick?"

"Hey, before that, the headmaster arranged for our teachers who are close to us to come and have a look if they have nothing to do, so as not to lose things in the school! I didn't expect to faint when I walked back."

After listening to Mr. Wei's words, Liu ran looked at Mr. Wei's face once, and then shook his head: "Jingya, you don't have to worry, Mr. Wei is just a short period of hypoglycemia!"

Li Jingya was relieved to see that Mr. Wei's bike had been damaged, so she said, "Mr. Wei, I can't take the bike anymore. Let me take you back and show you the way!"

"Why don't you call me back in time for the new year? Let's call her back later!" Teacher Wei quickly refused.

Li Jingya couldn't help but say, and directly dragged Mr. Wei into the car: "Oh, teacher! I said that no matter how far I go, you are my teacher. What's the point of students taking teachers for a while!"

Mr. Wei's eyes were a little red, and his eyes were full of joy: "to be honest, I haven't taken such a good car for so many years! I'm really bothering you this time!"

"Teacher, don't always be so polite to me. I'm a little uncomfortable! I'm your student. On the other hand, I'm your child!" Li Jingya sighed.

Then Li Jingya patted the seat again: "brother Chen, pass me the bottle of fruit candy in front." After taking the fruit candy handed over by the driver, Li Jingya directly stuffed the bottles into the teacher's hand.

"Teacher, the sugar score is quite high. You can take one when you feel uncomfortable, so as not to faint again because of hypoglycemia. It's dangerous to faint on the road alone!"

Mr. Wei looked at the exquisite packaging of the sugar and stuffed the bottle back without saying anything: "your sugar is worth a lot of money. Don't waste it for me! I can eat anything!"

"Teacher! Now that I've met the new year, I can't just give you a bottle of sugar without giving you any new year goods! Don't you accept such a small gift?" Li Jingya smiled.

Mr. Wei had no choice but to take the bottle in his hand again and put a sugar in his mouth. He felt much better.

"This road goes straight to the front and turns right. It's my house. It's because it's too close to the school, so I want to come and have a look. In fact, there's nothing good in our school!" Teacher Wei said with a smile.

"The thief doesn't care whether it's worth money or not, even if he can sell a waste product and earn a few dollars! Didn't there be a saying before that that thieves don't leave empty?" Liu ran sat beside him and suddenly said something.

"Isn't it? In fact, sometimes I feel quite heartbroken! We lost money when we were in high school. We lost tens of thousands of yuan in both grades!" When Li Jingya heard about the loss of things, she couldn't help remembering when she was in high school.

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