The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 444: 444

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Ma yanru didn't expect Li Hui to burst out like this. She didn't dare to mess around for a while, and other students also had a sense of fear of Li Hui, which is called bullying soft and afraid of hard.

Of course, this thing doesn't end here, because although Ma yanru has a arrogant and domineering temper, she is very beautiful, so many boys in the class still have a mind that they shouldn't have for Ma yanru.

When Li Hui entered the classroom that afternoon, she found her schoolbag thrown on the ground. Her face immediately became gloomy and ugly. My schoolbag never falls to the ground for no reason, that is to say, someone is against me.

But Li Hui doesn't have to look for it, because Chen Wei has stood up at this time: "Li Hui, I heard Ma yanru say you bullied her today, didn't you? Didn't you just use your shampoo and conditioner? How can you react so much!"

At this time, Li Hui was unhappy because her schoolbag fell on the ground. At a glance, she knew that it must be Chen Wei's good deed, so she smiled sarcastically and said, "Chen Wei, are you going to save the beauty with a hero!"

"I just don't like you bullying other students. So what? If you have the ability, you'll kill me!" Chen Wei didn't take Li Hui to heart at all. After all, the little girl's favorite thing to do is to fight with other students.

"I'll give you a chance to repeat what you just said. I'm very upset now. I need to tidy up my schoolbag." Li Hui is much happier now. She doesn't feel the need to fight with others.

Chen Wei thought Li Hui was deliberately pretending to be fierce, so he stepped on Li Hui's schoolbag with one leg: "didn't I just say it again? Are you deaf? I said I can't stand you bullying other students!"

Li Hui's neck was crooked and her eyes looked at Chen Wei's legs coldly: "of course I know you don't like it. Aren't you going to save the United States by heroes! Try not to operate on me at this time, and I didn't provoke you!"

"Don't pretend that you can do anything. What if I annoy you? What can you do to me!" As Chen Wei spoke, he stretched out his feet and rubbed badly on Li's schoolbag.

Li Hui's eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and her eyes looked coldly at Ma yanru, who was watching the excitement. Then she picked up the stool and smashed it at Chen Wei: "then you can try!"

"Am I too good tempered in this class? Do all of you want to bully me? I don't want to quarrel with you because we are classmates. I hope I can live a happy life in high school!"

"But now it doesn't seem to be the case at all. Chen Wei, you deserve this time. I'm not happy at all. You still fly over to find trouble. You're looking for all this by yourself!" Li Hui looked at Chen Wei who was almost hit by a stool.

At this time, Chen Wei only felt that the cold sweat on his back was flowing down. He had never seen such a deadly play like Li Hui. He smashed a stool at himself, but fortunately he hid quickly.

As for how hard Li Hui used to hit the stool this time, you only need to look at the stool with a broken leg. If the force is not enough, the leg of the stool cannot be broken. Anyway, it is also solid wood.

The other students in the class were also stupid, and their appearance was similar to that of other students in Li Huitong's dormitory. Chen Wei immediately calmed down in the eyes of the whole class, obediently returned to his seat and picked up Li Hui's schoolbag.

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Li Hui slowly carried her schoolbag back to her seat and stuffed it into the table bit by bit. Some people are really like this. They look disgusting with a bullying attitude.

In the evening, you will take your mobile phone and sneak into the toilet to call Li Jingya. Li Jingya did not sleep at this time, but she received a call from Li Hui again, so that she didn't know what had happened.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, there's nothing wrong! I just want to tell you that I made a big fuss at school and beat the eldest sister in our dormitory and the boy who stood up for her!" There was joy in Li Hui's voice.

Li Jingya's face was not particularly good-looking, but worried about whether Li Hui would be found by the school: "are you all right now? No one will tell the teacher? Don't take any punishment for this!"

Li Hui shook her head gently, then remembered that she was on the phone, smiled and said, "don't worry, sister-in-law! No one really told the teacher about it, and I don't know why! But the teacher didn't come to me!"

Li Jingya smiled and nodded: "I think this truth is also quite simple. That is, your behavior has aroused the fear of other students. They don't want to tell the teacher, otherwise they are afraid of you retaliating them! You can be quiet for a long time!"

"In fact, I don't mean to hurt others. I just don't like them doing so! Always find someone who can bully casually to provoke, and then try every means to bully others!" Li Hui said.

"This is called that there is resistance when there is oppression. When the oppressor is oppressed crazy, he will naturally resist. However, the person who oppresses others may not have so strong ability, but habitually wants to look like an oppressor."

"In other words, it's called a paper tiger. You can burn it to ashes by taking the ignition handle casually! The premise is to see if you can light the fire and dare to take it! As long as you have courage, you will succeed!"

"Yes!" Li Huishen nodded with joy in his voice: "I'm not afraid to get along with my classmates anymore, and I won't hide my temper anymore. I'll be angry if anyone provokes me!"

"The necessary convergence is OK, otherwise it will keep the students away from you. Anyway, you just need to do yourself quietly, and the college entrance examination results will explain all the problems in the future. That's the time for you to boast!"

After hearing Li Jingya's words, Li Hui scratched her head, smiled and said, "I'm not in the habit of boasting! I just want to make my life easier! Laugh when I'm happy, cry when I'm not happy, and I'll be angry when I'm offended!"

Li Jingya couldn't help laughing. After persuading Li Hui for a few words, she hung up the phone. She knew that Li Hui had to return to the dormitory at this time. According to the present time, the light will be out soon.

"Sister-in-law, thank you for what you said to me anyway. Without your guidance, I wouldn't be who I am now. I don't have to be afraid to get along with others in the crowd anymore!" Li Hui glanced at the moon and smiled.

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