The Reborn Campus Movie Queen

Chapter 499: 499

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Zhou Daming's request is really special. If you were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to agree. However, Zhou Daming's family situation is very special. There is only one mother left in the family, so the boss agreed after thinking about it.

Zhang Tao was relieved because of this. As long as the leader agreed, the old lady could see her son and their task was completed. Whether the old lady could use her own actions to influence her son is the matter of their mother and son.

Next, of course, I will take Zhou Daming to meet the old lady. Then Zhou Daming will have to serve his sentence. Before rejuvenation, I have to go to the crime scene again. At this time, the crime scene is still under protection and must be identified.

"Comrade policeman, I want to ask how my mother is now? Is he not angry after he knows about me? Oh, I should ask him, is he okay after he knows about me?" Zhou Daming has a little conscience.

After listening to Zhou Daming's words, Zhang Tao felt a little bitter and patted Zhou Daming on the back: "do you know how the old lady came over so many days? When we went, she didn't even have food. Why are you so heartless!"

Almost immediately after hearing this sentence, Zhou Daming burst into tears. Tears rolled down like crazy: "I didn't expect that I would kill someone in a hurry. Later, I was afraid! I'm really sorry for my mother!"

Zhang Tao didn't speak any more and let Zhou Daming cry next to him, while other policemen sighed silently. In fact, Zhou Daming is not a bad person. Although he is a little harsh to the old lady, he is not filial.

A policewoman nearby suddenly reached out and handed Zhou Daming a piece of paper towel: "stop crying and cry in front of your mother! The old lady didn't know how long her heart had been broken for you. She even decided to kill her relatives and let us catch you back!"

Zhou Daming was stunned at first, and then his heart became more uncomfortable. At this time, he suddenly remembered what his mother taught him when his father was still alive. In this life, he must study hard and be a useful person to the society.

But the final result was that he didn't do it at all. Not only that, he also became a murderer despised by everyone. Is mother still willing to admit herself? Zhou Daming even felt a little timid at this time. Does he... Have no home in the future?

Please tell old lady Jingya not to call her when she's busy

Li Jingya knew that someone had been caught at this time, so she was not too surprised: "OK, I'll go to the old lady and have a look. If there's anything wrong, you can call me quickly!" I have to say, the speed of catching people is very fast.

In fact, this era is different from the past. If you could have such technology at the beginning, your mouth would not become a learning plan, and so many things would not happen today. Li Jingya still couldn't help sighing and went with something in her hand.

Li Jingya of the Zhou Daming family knows each other, but she hasn't been there before. On the one hand, Zhou Daming has never been married. On the other hand, she didn't really have much contact with the family before, but now the situation is special.

The old lady was still like before the criminal police left, holding the half piece of bread tightly in her hand, but the muddy tears in her eyes were always flowing. Li Jingya looked at her and felt really uncomfortable. She quickly walked in: "grandma, I'll come and see you!"

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"Oh." When the old lady heard someone's voice, she came back. She thought her son had come back, but she turned around and saw a beautiful little girl. The light in her eyes suddenly dimmed: "are you?"

"My father is Li Xin and my second uncle is Li Zeng." Li Jingya briefly introduced herself. The old lady nodded and pulled a smile on her face: "it's the fourth child of the Li family. The one who became a star out of the village?"

"Grandma, don't always call me by the stars. I can't hang on to my face! I think you've been here for a long time. Why don't I help you up and sit in the house for a while? I happen to have something to say!" Li Jingya smiled.

The old lady has indeed been sitting here for a long time. Even that half of the bread has dried up. She stood up slowly and even stumbled. Li Jingya quickly held her hand and slowly helped the old lady to the house.

"Girl, I don't know what you're here for. Just say what you have to say. What else can't my old woman carry now? You should have heard about my son!" The old lady said with a wry smile.

Li Jingya also pulled out a bad smile on her face: "grandma, I really heard about Uncle Zhou. Although I don't know how to deal with it in the end, I want to tell you that uncle Zhou and the police are already going back!"

"Back? And caught by the police? I knew the boy must have done something wrong!" At this time, the old lady's face hated iron and steel, but with heartache. It never occurred to her in her life that her son could kill.

Li Jingya nodded: "my identity is quite special. I once participated in several major cases before, so I participated in this case with the permission of the police. Grandma, I don't know what you think in your heart?"

"Girl, you can rest assured. Although my old woman is old, she is not confused. I have bad eyes, but my heart is not blind! My son has killed someone. Even if he is shot, I have no opinion!" Said the old lady.

But after listening to the old lady, Li Jingya was even more distressed. The old lady is an absolutely reasonable person and can kill her relatives for such a thing. I don't know how ashamed Zhou Daming was after hearing these words!

"Grandma, don't worry. If Uncle Zhou really goes to prison, his husband will never ignore you! If Uncle Zhou can sincerely repent and ask for the other party's forgiveness, maybe he can commute his sentence or live for a period of time."

Although it is not appropriate to say these words at this time, Li Jingya feels it is necessary to let the old lady know the seriousness of the matter. She would never have done such a thing if she had to lie.

"Girl, I also know how big a mistake my son has made, so no matter what the police can decide, I have no opinion. I just hope my son can sincerely repent at this time!"

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