The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap

Chapter 88: CH 86

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Chapter 86: Former knight’s heart

Felnote POV

Argento vampear is my benefactor. 

A benefactor who bring back my lost sight of both eyes by a curse.

If Arge weren’t there, I would still be living in a peaceful but boring area at a port city Arlesha.

When she is gone, even I can still see but my world already lost its light because I can’t see her anymore. I keep chasing her, the light of my life.

… I got here on time, I made it in time!  (Maniatta, maniatta wa)

I was relieved that Arge was safe and I smiled.

It was just a coincidence that I came here. It’s all thanks to Zeno, a peddler who traveled together with me. 

After Zeno return to the commercial guild earlier than planned, and he ask about Arge. Arge knew Zeno, she seems to have left a message to him.

“We are in Rencia”, after we knew about it, we soon ran the carriage and came here. 

After arriving at the village there was a sign of battle, Arge was pushed down, so I rush in to help her in a hurry.

“… Arge, it’s been a long time ago”  (Felnote)

“Felnote-san …”  (Arge)

Arge is now bound on the bed.

It seems that her clothes are torn, and her skin is almost exposed. There were kiss marks around her body. There seems to be a bit of scratches on her neck which seems like a bite mark. And there is a bit of bloodshed from there.

“N, ha~a…”  (Arge)

Her breathing is short and heavy just like she has a fever and when I look up at her eyes. They are moistened. Her red iris peculiar to the vampire is fluttering but it is different from the usual sleepy atmosphere, It seems like she feel uneasy somewhere. Her pure white chest is half exposed are full of sweat, is it from her fever. Aligned herself, Arge turned her face away from me.

Her ears become bright red, and Arge tells me with a shivering voice.

“Ano … Felnote-san …” (Arge)

“What is it?”  (Felnote)

“Please, don’t look at it too much … in such a place …” (Arge)

“Ha~ …, I’m sorry!”  (Felnote)

I only plan to see if Arge is fine but look like I’m stare at her. While reflecting on what I’m just doing, I turned away from her.

Arge who is always cool and sleepy is quite mature.

More than that, she’s always forgotten about my existence. (TN: like sleep without even care that her body is exposed or change clothes before Felnote)

If you look at it in a sideways eye, right now Arge is considerably embarrassed, she turn her eyes away from me and talking with a shivering voice, not the usual sleepy voice.

… She is way too cute!

I caught myself crying, I need to calm down and regulated myself.

If I keep watching, I would most likely try to touch her. That’s cute girl. I want to give her a lap pillow, no no … wait, calm down.

I want to do something, but what Arge is feeling right now is different from a curse. The effect of blood sucking on the body can not be cure with recovery magic.

Fortunately, Arge has quite high magic and curse tolerance skills, so if she calm down she can escape from restraint by herself.

Now, it seems better to let her concentrate on that. So I concluded, I turned the blade to golden hair vampire.

“Such a … you do such an envious thing, I will not let you do it for free! (TN = you will pay, I guess)“  (こんな……こんな羨ましいことしておいて、タダではすまさないわよ!)  (Felnote)

Even if I gaze strongly, my opponent has a cool face like toyinh with me.

A girl with golden colored twin tail with a bat-like hair ornament, she have a beautiful appearance.

But, it is an apparent story. This girl isn’t a small girl like she look and of course she isn’t cute (personality).

Blood Princess Elsee. Long ago, she is the vampire spreading disasters all over the world since the time even before I was born.

There were a number of serious crime that she had been doing, and sometimes she even destroyed a small country overnight.

Many bounties are hanging in the Kingdom, and in the kingdom she is designated as the top target of the subjugation. It will be so in other countries as well.

The Mercenaries Association Landsknecht also pays a large prize money, to the extent that for us to live for the rest of our whole life.

In other words, if I defeat that girl, I will get a lot of money enough for me to take care of Arge for life and inevitably we will stay together … no no no. That’s not it. It is my purpose to properly rehabilitate Arge on the right path. To that end, we must eliminate that girl (Elsee) first.

“Huh … Are you planning to fight me?”  (Elsee)

“Well, is that natural?”  (Felnote)

I only have a sword right now. This equipment isn’t a good one like when I serve the Kingdom.

To be honest, my winning chance are thin. It is better to think that girl (Elsee) as a “living disaster” before fighting.

Still, it isn’t impossible win with this sword.

This sword I got from Xeno isn’t bad. I swang it several times and dismissed the threat. Both length and weight are close to those I used in active days in the Kingdom.

“From your clothes, you are the knight of the kingdom, why are you here in the Republic?”  (Elsee)

“I’m not a knight, just a former knight, I am here for my personal reasons”  (Felnote)

“… You are unreasonable, the world is so unexpected and unreasonable, I never heard that there is a supporter like you”  (Elsee)

“Like you are the one to talk”  (Felnote)

“Well, yeah yeah … And the crime that robbed my enjoyment is heavy?”  (Elsee)

Signs swell up make my skin tingle.

Not only her battle aura but also magical power aura are enormous, they stab my skin, a bad sweat appeared on my back.

Rather than living beings, I feel like confronting the raging storm. My feets that seemed to shiver unconsciously but I can still stand firm with my will.

“You seem to be acquainted with Argento, so I will not kill you, even so … I need to make you be quiet.”  (Elsee)

“If you can do it, try it.”  (Felnote)

She break into a smile just like a scythe moon, and she moved.

She made her dress flutter like a wing of a bat and flew.

“I don’t like battle unprepared, I dislike unexpected elements. Curse Maker,「Will o wisp」”  (Elsee)

While spinning in the air, she spoke the magic words. By the time we landed on the roof of a private house, there was a black wing on the other side.

It is the appearance of a curse that shakes like a swaying flame. It looks like a bird or a bat. And It flew towards me.

I can’t slash a magical power body without entities with a sword. I abandon the choice of interception and choose avoidance.

“He~e, I guess you are quite talent.”  (Elsee)

“I won’t be pleased even you praise me.”  (Felnote)

With minimal movement, I avoid the curse without touch it.

However, even I avoid it, it doesn’t end there. The wings of the curse turn direction and rush to me again as if having a will. It also change direction many times.

…I don’t understand!

Continuing to avoid will consume physical strength as it is. That would only make me disadvantageous.

But if I receive a curse from the front, it is probably impossible to prevent with my tolerance.

If it is not clear, I will avoid until I have a chance.

“Fu~u …!!” (Felnote)

At the moment when I exercised avoidance several times, I strongly take one step.

I start rushing to her after an evasive action.

“Bloodcraft,「Chain」”  (Elsee)

“Tch! Don’t get in my way!”  (Felnote)

I swing the sword on the crimson chains that have stretched from the ground.

I hooked them rather than slashing, and I throw the bundle away.

I also accelerate further and leaving the curse behind.

“Too bad, your tricks aren’t worked”  (Elsee)

Apologizing to the owner of an unknown house, I swung the sword.

A blow with assistance of swordsmanship skill also makes the sword pressure sharp. A slashing more than the length of the blade occurred, and the house was cut at an angle.

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“You wrecked thing a lot … You, are you really human being? As far as I can tell, it’s likely that you nearly reach the limits that people can reach.”  (Elsee)

“I said that I am not happy even if I am praised.”  (Felnote)

While listening to the sound of collapse, I aim for my opponent. Push yourself against the distance that your attacks reach.

Before the house collapsed, the vampire was detached from it. Chase the blonde vampire after she steps down and kick the ground while avoiding the wings of the curse that flew from behind.

“Fu fu, did you have eyes on your back?”  (Elsee)

“I can avoid it even if I don’t see it …!!”  (Felnote)

It isn’t a skill. The experiences of the fighting at night until now give warning to me. It is a so-called intuition. The trick is simple, use minimal movement to avoid the curse without even looking and when it change direction, I rush to attack the vampire.

In order to break down the harmful one, I further speeded up.

“Arara, you are quite passionate”

Fluttering her hair, the moving disaster laughs.

Looking at the situation, now I am pursuing my opponent. That is the distance the sword can reach in a little while.

Still, she doesn’t stop her composure smile. She step on steps as if she enjoy a dance.

Obviously, she played with me. Instead of angry, I will be happy if she feels that way because I will have more chance to win.

And I take the invitation.

“Fu fu … “Bloodcraft,「Chain」” (Elsee)

Three chains appear again so as to close the eyes.

I judged that the time, and I try to hook three of them together at a time and…

“… !?”

I felt something wrong with my response, because I wasn’t had my usual power and speed.

Even though I slashed all three together, the response was much lighter than before. It look like I got abnormal status debuff, I felt it from the way I attack. I try to avoid but it’s already too late.

“If she (Arge) were as skilled as you are, I maybe dead by now”  (Elsee)

“Eh!?”  (Felnote)

“Spellbinding Circle”  (Elsee)

As she speaks the magic words, my feets are affixed. No, It not just my feets, I can’t even my fingers and neck.

I feel like being bound into the space rather than the ground.

Looking at me who was caught, Elsee looks happy.

“Argento’s resistance was way higher than I thought, so I afraid that you might have resistance as well. Fu fu … but look like you aren’t.”  (Elsee)

“n … nn … !!”  (Felnote)

“A strong curse that seal movement, you can’t even move your mouth. It’s a bit difficulty to install it though?”  (Elsee)

Slowly, slowly, she comes near me.

She put her hands on my chest, ascertained the prey she capture.

“You’re pretty fleshed … Well, you are pretty lively, aren’t you? I guess you will be interested to play”

“n…!”  (Felnote)

As weigh the palm of her hand touch me, I felt unpleasant.

But it isn’t about being touch but unpleasant because instead of slashing down the opponent that came near me, I can’t even move my eyebrows.

“Hehe, you don’t have to worry, I will immediately release the curse, if you have no voice, it’s boring.”  (Elsee)

Elsee laughs and exposing his fangs as if she had seen my discontent.

The hand which pressing on my chest was turned to the neck, it became a posture to be embraced.

I can feel her breath on my neck. And her fangs are pressing on my skin

“Well then, I will unravel the curse … will you give me a good cry?”  (Elsee)

I feel a sense of my flesh are plucking.

“You are cocky, aren’t you?”  (Felnote)

I welcomed the opponent.

“Dzu~… gi~,aaaaaaaaaaaaa!?”  (Elsee)

She screamed, pulling out her fangs and take distance from me.

Unleashed from the curse of movement seal, I stretch out my body to check if there was any hinder left.

“Cure”  (Felnote)

The hole opened in the neck is a small scar. It can be cured with simple recovery magic.

Satisfied with my body which became normal again, I looked at the opponent.

“A… aaaaaaa! ? Uuuuuu… guuuu !!!”  (Elsee)

She is obviously suffering while suppressing her mouth. It seems that she can’t keep the bird-shaped curse.

Unlike before, she can no-longer smile because her mouth is melting, she stared at me with the eyes like burning with angry.

Contrary to before, this time I decided to make fun of her to pay back.

“That was pretty good cry, want some more?”  (Felnote)

“Aaah…, you… are … Holy… Knight … !?”  (Elsee)

“As I said, I’m a「Former knight」. Don’t make me say it over and over”  (Felnote)

Among the knights, there’s an existence of people was good at holy magic. That is the Holy Knight. But if people only have 「Holy attribute」, they can only become a priest. Only the knight who has achieved a certain level of both Sacred magic and Sword skill is called so.It is a past story, so I do not want to talk about it.

What I did is a very simple thing.

It’s a Sacred magic, a magic that fill the Sacred Attributes inside the body.I just cast it inside of myself before we fight.

The vampire is the magical beings of the dark attribute, they are a mass of magical power that gained consciousness. They are weak with the sacred attribute. 

As long as they are vampires, Holy attribute is their natural enemy even to touch.

By not casting Holy attribute on the outside my body but inside instead, I injected high concentration of magical power of holy attribute at the moment she’s biting.

… It was worth it.

From the begining if I using sacred magic even a little, she will be on her guard.

Thanks to that, I decided to fight completely different from my original battle style, but the result was a huge success.

Burnt by the holy powers, Elsee looks at here so as to hide her mouth.

Although I success, I do not know how much damage was done to her.Still, there is no choice to change the plan, because she won’t be tricked again.

Now is the time I threw away the sword. To do my original fighting way.

“A holy sword that opens the way to the light”  (Felnote)

The magic words are spoken, it take my magic power and produce light from within me.

The holy light strongly bearing the magical power of the sacred attribute gathers in my hand and eventually forms an obvious entity.

It’s a Proof of power. A favorite sword that I shook several times.

My real weapon.

“Gather in my body, manifest! Materialization !!!”  (Felnote)

The holy become a sword of light in my hand.

The weight is as light as a feather, but the blade is sharper than any sword.

A sword that cuts down obstacles and opens the way. The power born by such prayers.

“「Sacred Weapon」, whether you are a fog or a shadow, you won’t be able to escape”  (Felnote) (Sacred Weapon is katakana)

“Nn … Two coloured eyes, Holy knight … You are … Felnote Lyria … !”  (Elsee)

“You remembered well the name of an antique that retired and cover in dust.”  (Felnote)

I mean, I am also quite famous. There are some things I can think of, but it is not something I care now.

Exposing magical powers that no longer have a meaning to hide.

From here on, it is a real game.

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