The Remake Of The True Sovereign Spirit King’s Life

Chapter 5: Arriving in Belfast (Again) Pt.2

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The faces of those black-hearted rascals, who caused the two to become an adventurers where we easily get along in the previous timeline, no matter what, I don’t give a damn to their names, my impression towards them remain the same – black-hearted asshole as Count Balsa, the Sandoran King and his dynasty, the wanna-be ‘emperors’ of Yulong, the Yulongese agents, the current Yulongese Emperor, the Yulongese government officials, some annoying bunch of morons, that I don’t need to use my new gift to see who they were.

Their looks alone, those mofos there, in the words of Tobirama to the captured Yulongese agents after interrogation and extraction, “a steaming pile of shit” followed by his nonchalant execution of those persons with a 1911-pattern pistol, a prototype at that time, chambered in a .50 BMG magical bullet, to their head.

“Like we said,” raised the voice of a mohawk-haired mob villain, probably a leader or something. His face basically screamed a “Hey! I’m a generic bad guy mob who will be used as a fodder to progress the story” which I would say yes because he and his circus was one in personality and their nature beneath. “Give us 5 silvers.”

Yada, yada, yada, there’s Adventurer Guild for good reason. The Guild itself always serve as the trustworthy middle-man party such as having their own networks that had checking the background of the requestee first as always. They’re like job employment center, a damn trusty and proven one. The Guild’s punishment towards the undisciplined guild members, like what I remember, was a bit befitting for it with a fact that Tobirama and Naruto had collected the bounties of the former adventurers in the previous timeline. They could have took action against the Poison Snakes and Steel Fangs, the joke of a ‘higher-ranked’ but weak parties who were bunch of troublemakers in a bad way. Those guys here, the one who was with mohawk hairstyle that reminded of one of those jokesters? I’m gonna collect their bounties.

‘Let’s dance.’ Putting a friendly façade on, to contain myself towards one of future wives, while walking with my combat gloves-covered hands, you know for paralyzing, in my pocket and applied an illusion and a silencing spell on the surrounding areas, I revealed my presence to them with my voice minimal loud enough for them to hear. “Pardon my intrusion. The actual price for that crystal deer antler in that condition which I call it a bull because that’s the actual appearance, was indeed 1 gold coin. You and your group scammers are the wrong here. This’ll be the last time because I’m here to collect your bounties.”

When I said that, the villains turned their attention towards me, hatred and surprise present while my two lovely future wives looked at me shocked and surprised.

Yes, I knew the bastards had a bounty on their heads but I only learned it after I discovered the Namikaze in the previous timeline. This opportunity, time to play a cowboy and earn some money.


Their expressions, which I only smiled at, for them to get angry, oh boy, I ‘like’ it very much. It would have been fun to see them fall with my unlimited slip bullet. It may be a bluff but Tobirama really told me about these guys having a bounty on their heads, around 3-5 silvers each head which I find it ironic.

My two future wives, I could see them both delighted from what I said.

Yes, Linze, too. I like that smile of her’s. It never gets old. I like to burn that image into my mind.

These two, it would have been better if they have their memories back so that I could enjoy Elze’s shy, bashful, and adorable look.

Smiling mockingly, I continued provoking them, the villainous morons of miscreants. “What’s wrong? Got caught with a fact or a person who knows how he got that real info? If you want to get me, fine. I can take you and your group here all-day blindfold, with no blindfold, or right arm tied.”

“You are asking for it then!”

‘Didn’t expect they’ll say that line similar to wuxia or so but oh well.’ Letting one of them have it, I waited for one of the miscreants to come at it with one of them holding a dagger(?)

‘How boring.’ Since I have ‘buffs’, I could see the direction of Mr. Evil Mob 1 going and where the dagger landing at that caused me to do the right thing and a distraction.

That was by sidestepping and ----



“Oh dear.” said Linze, shocked and surprised at what I had done to the poor bastard.

“That’s gonna hurt…did your shoes have a metal?” asked Elsie, slightly surprised, a bit unexpected for a girl like her.

“Yep.” I replied. “A friend gave it to me. Thing’s pretty light.”


Since my shoes had [Elementalium], a real-life equivalent of Marvel’s vibranium but a real-deal max-stats actual jack of all trades literally godly divine alloy exclusively found in Elementalia, a gift gifted by my adoptive grandfather to them for compensation because of truck-kun, in it with tons of enhancements planted that made the product a product of magic craftsmanship, the look of the man holding his…’sword’ because of ballbuster, had me do another combo --- a mana-reserve eating move that earned Naruto’s moniker, Yellow Flash, that was by combining [Accel], some supportive buffing time magic spell whose name I forgot but knew the effects, and for this case, since I don’t have my sword with me, my martial arts skills.

I may be a kenjutsu practitioner, a swordsman, but Tobirama’s level swordplay was way too scary for my taste. Naruto too. The cousins were way out of my league. They’re like real-life equivalent of Lancelot and Tristan from King Arthur story with Tobirama himself also keen on politics and exchanging notes and talking politics with Minato-jii, and other Elementalian figures including Orochimaru, the dedicated scientist and researcher, way different than Bowman and some creeps.

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Combine the properties of Elementalium, being a literal god, pure skill, and magic, you could say it’s overpowered, highly likely effective in taking out any wicked gods or so. Unlike Tobirama-san, I only need an actual combat experience.

Going at it, smiling inwardly at the priceless looks of those goons who were looking at me with small weariness and surprise that said, “where did I go?”, with a single strike particularly aimed at jejunum each bastard, with a nice view of my two would-be wives in front around 8 meters away, I looked back at the goons I had taken out with an unconventional method.

Those mobs whose names I don’t give a jack, I knew they deserved it. I mean scammers deserve a worst fate for scamming people, right?

That’s what I did to those pieces of shit. Like that American comedy movie, , except I really punched their jejunum to immobilize them, these idiots, they were about to th-


‘Oh boy, that’s some nasty one. The paralyze and stun spells applied on my gloves sure made it handy in their states.’ Not feeling sorry towards those mobs because they messed with me and my twin girls, both timelines, putting my attention on the twins, I smiled at the two as if nothing’s wrong and offered the coin. “Dear ladies, 1 gold for that antler. Even with my help here in taking out the trash, I am staying true to my offer and market price.”

“Thank you.” said Elze, taking the gold coin, that had Linze smile and shyly nodded which was adorable. “Also a big thanks for helping us in dealing with these scammers. To be honest, we didn’t expect them to have bounties on them.”

“That’s true.” Added Linze in agreement as she looked at Elsie and put on the worried look. “Also, Elsie, I told you we should go with Adventurer Guild for reliable credible sources and more secured than listening to the rumors of a crystal deer antler buyer. I was right. We should have gone to the Guild than this way.”

“Sorry, Elze.” said Elze. “We’ll register at the Guild as adventurers to avoid this episode next time.”

“That we should.” firmly remarked Linze, but I find it cute, as she looked at me with her thankful look. “Ehem, sorry about that.”

I chuckled a bit. Linzie had a side like that. Didn’t see that coming when I first met her in this same pace and days after meeting with my lovely Yumina.

“No problem.” I said, ignoring the groans of the still-puking paralyzed bastards. “I only did what I had to do, be it I heard of their bounties or not. Talking of collecting bounties, I’ll be going to the Adventurer Guild to register. Wanna come together?”

The two for a moment looked at each and nodded.

With Linze smiling, Elze gave a reply as she introduces herself. “Sure. I’m Linze Silhoueska. And my companion is my older twin sister, Elze.”

“Nice to meet you, Linze, Elze.” I said back. “I’m Mochizuki Touya, Touya’s my given name, Mochizuki is my surname.”

“Well met, Touya! You must be from Ishen then!”

‘Sigh, how I wished I could have used that spell in having them remember in me.’ I thought, sweatdropping, having thoughts about using a spell created by Tobirama and those gods on them, before giving them a scripted ‘explanation’. “Somewhere along those parts. How ‘bout we book at Silver Moon first before we go?”

“Yes. We know that place. Off to Silver Moon!”

Using two spells that had the still-puking bastards imprisoned and bounded, wordlessly, I grabbed one of the extra rings I made under the guidance of one of the gods, a real deal and real-life spatial ring found in fictional stories, to store the jail within the ring. The spatial ring, depending on the craftsmanship and made, basically was a ring that has [Storage] null spell. For the case of that ring and the rings I planned to give to my future wives, it’s configured to the wearer, making it 100% secured from [Apport] null spell, pickpocketing, imitations, any actions that may result the ring replaced or stolen.

“I didn’t know there’s this kind of ring…”

“Me too. I haven’t thought of the endless possibilities. I’m very sure it must be expensive.”

When the twins saw that, they were a bit surprised at first since when I used it on the troublemaker miscreants here, the prison hosting the rowdy group literally got stored in the ring.

‘Oh, if only you knew our rings had those, my dear twin wives, you and my girls will-’ Holding those thoughts, I smiled at them and led the way to Silver Moon.

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