The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In Progress

Chapter 1: 1

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Ch1 - This dog blood is too bloody!

[The last time Shen Yan saw Shao Qinhan was at the hospital. He stood in the hallway, looking through the window. And discovered that the man who once covered Z City with his hands was sitting in the coldest corner of the floor, with hands on his knees, motionless.

Shao Qinhan was not dead, nor was he mentally impaired… he was just crazy… 

He had already gone mad many years ago, only to go completely insane to get Shen Yan.

But Shao Qinhan’s unscrupulousness only made Shen Yan more afraid of him, avoiding and fleeing from him.



Shen Yan left. The man locked in the room seemed to realize something and raised his head, but he could only see a distant back. His eyes were mad and chaotic, and in the end, they glittered with a hint of confusion as he slowly lowered his head, writing over and over again on the floor with his fingertips.

Shen… Yan… 

The movements were clumsy but slowly became deft, one stroke at a time, tirelessly writing those two words.


Shen Yan…]

Shen Liang was a low-level online author famous for dog blood novels. With a cigarette in his mouth, he was sitting in front of his computer crackling to conclude his recent serialized work, “The Wrong Way of Love,” by making up the ending of the novel’s villain, Shao Qinhan.

The chapter had just been published, yet Shen Liang was scolded again as expected, and readers couldn’t wait to crawl over to him to strangle him to death.


The dog blood is just too bloody!


Other authors wrote to entertain the public, but Shen Liang tortured society. He abused whoever the reader liked, and the dog drama was one wave after another, full of ups and downs. 

“The Wrong Way of Love” was about a poor student, Shen Yan, who struggled to get by in the big city and fell in love with Su Qingyan, a rich man returning after studying abroad with whom he had a series of amorous-abusive affairs.

Of course, none of that mattered, but the important thing was that Shen Yan was saddled with the most popular and passionate villain in the book, Shao Qinhan!

Shao Qinhan was rich and powerful, handsome and cool. Although his personality was a bit gloomy and a bit paranoid due to childhood trauma, this did not stop readers from loving him.

In the book, Shao Qinhan, a well-known businessman, did charity work to help Shen Yan, a poor student at that time, to go to college. After spending a lot of time together, he gradually fell in love with Shen Yan, but since he could not get him, he resorted to a series of crazy methods. 

Kidnapping and captivity. Only the reader can’t think of anything that Shen Liang can’t write. But since villains usually had no good ending, in the end, Shao Qinhan was hospitalized by a psychiatrist for his mental disorder, while the protagonist Shen Yan took over his company and got together with Su Qingyan.

Readers got angry with cold sweat running down their backs. Is this a plot that people can write? Shen Liang grew up drinking dog blood, right?

#What kind of evil did he commit in his last life to fall into this author’s pit of dog blood?#

The comments section was bubbling. Readers scolded Shen Liang for not being human, demanding to change the ending, but the mentioned didn’t care and even took it for granted. 

Shen Liang puffed out the cigarette in his fingers and blew out a cloud of smoke; this is what happens in a dog blood story, if you change the ending, how would it be dog blood?

He turned off the computer and went to bed. It is said that the living should not pay for the dead.


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Shen Liang hadn’t slept much for months, as he had been working on the draft all night and was unable to relax easily, so he fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.

Pc tlr vgfjwr, tf obecv tlwrfio lc j gbbw fzdelrlafis vfmbgjafv klat ygluta jcv yfjealoei mgsraji ilutar bnfgtfjv, ktlmt wjvf tlw j ilaaif vlhhs joafg ibbxlcu ja la obg j ibcu alwf. Dfrlvf tlw, bc j ijguf yfv, ijlv j tjcvrbwf ecmbcrmlber wjc, ygfjatlcu tfjnlis jcv afjglcu ja tlr mibatfr lwqjalfcais, tlr ojmf oiertfv klat jc eccjaegji yiert. 

Soon the clothes fell to the floor, leaving only a white shirt hanging loosely from his body.


Shen Liang lay silently on the bed, watching the whole process, thinking; what kind of ghost dream was this?

He took a step back and tried to leave the room, but the man on the bed grabbed him by the neck weakly, and he stumbled, falling on the bed. 

Shen Liang was forced to lean over and catch his sliding body, and then, he realized that the other man’s body was hot.

The man had been delirious for a long time, the ends of his eyes were gradually turning a thin red, destroying the cool feeling in his body. He was like a fish dying of thirst, desperately seeking water, pressing himself against Shen Liang’s body.

Warm lips stumbled and fell on Shen Liang’s neck, then up his Adam’s apple, mixed with delirious murmurs.

Shen Liang was born gay, how can he stand this kind of stimulation? He looked at the man in his arms who kissed him awkwardly and discovered that he looked quite attractive. He thought it was a dream anyway and no one would suffer, so he simply picked him up and pushed him onto the bed. 

The bright lights overhead, witnessed a night of passion.

Shen Liang hadn’t had such a complete dream in a long time, so complete that he had already finished rolling around in bed with someone else and had slept so soundly that even when the sun had risen, he still hadn’t left the room.


Shen Liang finally realized that something was wrong, opened his eyes, and immediately got out of bed. He pinched himself so hard that he ended up wanting to punch the wall from the pain. 

Shit, it wasn’t a dream, it’s real!

So the person he was rolling around with yesterday…

Shen Liang turned his head slowly and looked at the man lying next to him. The person was tired after the previous night’s exercise and had fallen into a deep sleep, his body was covered with hickeys, and his thick eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes, like butterflies in flight, making his features look even more appealing.

But he had a frown on his face while asleep. 

All right, I don’t know him and I’ve never seen him before.

It’s over, it’s over! Shen Liang’s brain was immediately swept by these words into a frenzy. He didn’t know which virtuous man he had slept with, so he rushed out of bed and put on his clothes, and prepared to dash out.


At that moment, however, a loud voice suddenly rang out in the originally silent room.

[Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully linked the Villain Rescue System, booting…] 

[Successful startup]

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As soon as the voice dropped, a translucent light screen appeared in front of Shen Liang filled with dense data. The mechanical voice seemed to be reading a research report about him.

[Author’s name: Shen Liang]

[Cause of death: Sudden death in a dream] 

[Works: “The Wife Hired by Tsundere President”, “The Sweet Baby Runs with the Ball”, “The Superb Prince”, “The Wrong Way of Love”, etc]

[The goal of this mission: Save the villain of “The Wrong Way of Love”, Shao Qinhan]

[Reward for mission success: Get the chance to be reborn once]

Shen Liang froze when he heard the words, raising his head to look around, who the hell is talking? 

As if answering his question, a fist-sized ball of light suddenly appeared in the air, emitting a blinding light around him.

The ball of light said some human words: [Dear Host, congratulations. You have succeeded in binding with the Villain Rescue System, I am happy to serve you!]

Shen Liang, “… ?”

In a way, being a writer was also a high-risk occupation. At least, Shen Liang never thought that one day he would suddenly die from staying up late. 

Now he had not only died abruptly, but he had also transmigrated into the work that he had just finished. What was this, was it his turn to drink the dog’s blood that he had spilled with his own hands back then?

Shen Liang stared at the suspicious ball of light for a while in silence, still unable to accept reality, “… Why do I have to save the villain?”

The ball of light replied thoughtfully: [Because I am the Villain Rescue System]

Shen Liang was incredulous, “Then why do I have to save him?” 

The ball of light: [You are the author]

Shen Liang smiled and a sense of ominous foreboding arose in his heart, he didn’t know what to think and pointed to the man still sleeping on the bed, “Then who is he?”


The ball of light: [Oh, Shao Qinhan]


These faint words were like a bolt of lightning to Shen Liang, and he almost fell to his knees as his legs went weak. Shao Qinhan, isn’t he the number one villain in “The Wrong Way of Love” that he had written?

Remembering that he had slept with Shao Qinhan yesterday, Shen Liang barely managed to hold onto the wall to steady himself and asked with the last glimmer of hope, “What about me, who am I?”

The ball of light did not answer but reminded him in a subtle tone: [You wrote the novel yourself, remember it well]

Shen Liang looked around and vaguely remembered that in the book there seemed to be a very dog plot. 

The novel states that Shen Yan was from a rural background and his family had no money, but due to his excellent grades, he was admitted to a university in the capital, and later lived a life of luxury with Shao Qinhan’s financial support.

When Shen Yan’s younger brother heard the news, he shamelessly pursued him to beg for help and finally managed to live in the Shao Family’s mansion.

The younger brother took the villain’s script. After living with the Shao Family for a while, he gradually saw the prosperity of the big city and also Shao Qinhan’s preference for Shen Yan, and became jealous. So while Shen Yan stayed on campus, he drugged Shao Qinhan, wanting XXOO with him to cook cooked rice with raw rice.

In the original story, the younger brother’s plan was unsuccessful, but it still enraged Shao Qinhan and he ended up being tortured to the point where he could neither live nor die. 

The memory ended here, and the room fell into a tomb-like silence.

After all, it was Shen Liang’s fault for not holding back the night before.

The ball of light asked Shen Liang: [Do you know who you are now?]

“Yes.” Shen Liang said, “I am the younger brother…” 

He didn’t know if it counted as a bad fate, but when Shen Liang first wrote the book, he didn’t bother to think of a name, so he put the protagonist’s younger brother to be called “Shen Liang”, like himself.

And now, he was in a cold sweat.

The ball of light comforted him: [Host, go ahead and save the villain.]

Shen Liang thought if I save him, who will save me? 

“Shao Qinhan is the villain, so what am I?”

The ball of light said honestly: [You are cannon fodder]


Shen Liang cursed in his heart, “What if I don’t save him?”

The ball of light: [Then you will die] 

Shen Liang had already died suddenly because he had stayed up too late, and if he returned to the original world, he could only lie on a coffin slab.

As they talked, the morning light was dim, and before you knew it, it was dawn. The man sleeping in the bed suddenly fluttered his eyelashes and let out a painful groan from his throat, as if he was going to wake up.

Shen Liang was still trying to talk to the System, but seeing this, he immediately turned around and ran away, opening the door and running down the stairs at once, as if he was running for his life.

The ball of light flew to catch up with him: [Why are you running?] 

Shen Liang thought if he didn’t run, he was waiting for death! If God gives him another chance, he won’t write those disgusting dog blood plots again!

Save Shao Qinhan? Yes, but only if he can save his own life first!

Soon after Shen Liang left, Shao Qinhan, who was lying on the bed, woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and felt a severe headache, forcing himself to sit up in bed despite the discomfort, only to find clothes lying all over the floor. And his body suddenly froze.

The hickeys on his shoulders, the messy sheets, and the pain of that place reminded him of last night. 

Memories of the previous night came one after another, and Shao Qinhan’s face turned blue and white, white and blue, becoming extremely ugly. He remembered that yesterday he was knocked unconscious after drinking a glass of water Shen Liang had handed him. His gaze turned grim, sweeping the cups and decorations on the bedside table with a clatter, splashing shards of glass everywhere!


His voice was icy with hidden rage, like an ice-cold knife cutting through bone and blood centimeter by centimeter, making people shiver in fear.

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