The Revenge of the Soul Eater

Chapter 36: 36

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Lunamaria ③


On an early morning, Lunamaria went out of the gates of Ishka towards a nearby forest.


The scent of the grass wet with morning dew on the side of the road drifted in the air.


The season has already gone past spring into early summer.


Even though it was early in the morning, the heat was hot enough to make Lunamaria sweat while standing still. She was feeling concerned about the coming hot summer season.




…However, Lunamaria wasn’t sweating only because of the strong sun.






As Lunamaria walked on the road, she gently touched the chest area of the sage’s robe that she was wearing.




That blueish-purple robe is the proof of identity as a graduate of the sage academy. Not only is that robe a piece of armor only those with the qualifications of a sage could wear, it is also enchanted with “defense up”, “stamina up”, and “mana up” enchantments.




The mithril threads that make up the fabric of the robe are resistant to both hot and cold weather, yet the academy still designed a summer version and a winter version of the robe.




That was because a female principal from several generations ago called the robe “lame”, so this is what ended up happening after they incorporated “fashion sense” into its design. 




Right now, Lunamaria was wearing the winter version that covered up most of her skin. Of course she would be hot wearing that. However, she had no other choice.




Why? Because if she didn’t wear that, her lewd outfit that she had on underneath that robe would be showing. 




Right now, what she had on under was the outfit that Sora gave to her on the day she became his slave.




An outfit that leaves her shoulders and thighs exposed, with minimal clothing covering her breasts and hips. To an elf who has a high sense of shame, it was the same as being nude.




Since her legs, shoulders, and chest would all be boldly exposed if she wore the summer version of the robe in combination with that outfit, she had no other choice but to go with the winter version.




But even so, it was still a fact that she was walking around being pretty much naked underneath. She could not help but feel ashamed.






Lunamaria is an elf in the first place. Adding on to the fact that she is also a sage, she was often the center of attention.


If she has already been an adventurer for five years, of course she would be used to other people’s curious gaze, but combined with the different types of tension coming from being forced to dress like this, she couldn’t not feel self-conscious.


And, there was the way her master grinned when he saw how embarrassed she was.


When she thought of that, her entire body started to sweat again.








After a while, Lunamaria arrived at the forest of her destination.




This forest was nothing like the Titis forest where monsters roamed. Squirrels were running around on the ground, birds were tweeting on treetops; it was a place of relaxation for Lunamaria.




There, she took her robe off and sighed deeply.




…Back then, it didn’t matter if there was someone watching her or not, she would never take her robe off outdoors. However, recently she has started to think that it might be okay to do so if nobody was watching. She had become accustomed to a lot of things. 




Whether she was dressed like this or when they were doing their night activities, Sora was constantly making her feel ashamed. If one were to go through that for almost a month, even the fairy of the forest would start to get used to feeling embarrassed.




As for Sora, after he would stir up Lunamaria’s shame and push her to her limit, he would start “sucking” her.


What the heck is that about? She has yet to find the answer to that question.


She felt like she was having her stamina, mana, or something more than that sucked out of her.


When she was reminded of that feeling, Lunamaria’s body trembled on its own. It was like she was afraid. It was as if she was in love.


That feeling was unforgettable. Similar to sexual pleasure, it was a numbing sweetness. A sense of security that makes her want to entrust her body and heart–and even her soul to this powerful existence.


Every time she was held in Sora’s arms, that feeling was imprinted onto her.




She will accept whatever Sora wants to do. That’s what she decided on when she made up her mind about becoming his slave.


No, not just accepting. If she only had to endure, then it can’t be called atonement. Other than accepting what the other party does, she herself has to do everything she can as well to make up to him on her end.


Everything for her master. That’s what Lunamaria thinks being a slave means. 




…That was how it was supposed to be. But recently, not only did she not feel like she was enduring anything, she was genuinely enjoying what was done to her. If anything, part of her even started to want it…


Thinking up to there, Lunamaria shook her head greatly.




Her blonde hair swayed in the air with force. 




She became a slave for atonement. Even if they slept together almost every night, she shouldn’t develop any special feelings for him in less than a month.

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After calming down with a deep breath, Lunamaria jumped and grabbed onto a nearby tree branch after doing a light stretch.


Today, when Sora left for Titis forest because of an emergency quest, he ordered Lunamaria and Ciel to rest. He was probably thinking about the two of them who had been actively working to raise the reputation of their clan recently.




Then, Lunamaria came to this forest. There was something she wanted to confirm.




For her, this forest was a training area she uses to keep her body from going dull. As a sage, a spirit user, and a hunter, Lunamaria comes here whenever she’s free to keep her body in shape and strive for improvement.




She did a backflip and flung herself up using the tree branch she was holding onto as leverage. Then, she focused her eyes and leaped off. Branch to branch, tree to tree. Occasionally swinging like a pendulum using ivy like a monkey as she coursed through the forest. Rather than using magic or relying on spirits, she moved with only her own strength. 




Even though the place was called a forest, its size is incomparable to the Titis forest. After making a lap around it in less than an hour, her breathing was not even disrupted. 


From that, Lunamaria was sure of it. Even though she’s a nimble elf, there’s no way she could run through a forest at full speed without even needing to catch her breath. 




「I knew it, my physical abilities have gone up. No, not just my physical abilities, my mana too, and even my spirit senses」




She noticed it back when she was in the city, but after running around in the forest, she was totally convinced now. She felt that her spirit powers were stronger than ever. If she were to use spirit magic now, it would probably be the strongest spirit magic she has ever unleashed. 




A sudden increase in power. The natural suspicion for what caused it would be that she leveled up, but her level was still the same. 


Despite that, all of her powers had suddenly risen.


She started to take notice around a month ago. Since then, she could not come up with a reasoning other than Sora.


Truthfully speaking, after she became his slave, Lunamaria felt like she had been full of energy every day. In other words, she was in top condition constantly. 


The first few days she thought that she was in a temporary shock due to her environment changing, but when it continued for the next 3 days, 5 days, 10 days and so on with no inconsistency, it couldn’t be called “temporary” anymore. 


There must be a reason for that, she thought.




And then, the sage, Lunamaria, had a rough idea why.




「As they say, nothing of a dragon goes to waste, huh…」




A dragon’s scales are armor, blood is medicine, claws are weapons. Their eyeballs and bones, and even a strand of their hair are valuable materials. That is a dragon.


Unlike sub-dragon species like wyverns who come from eggs, a true dragon has no such thing as an egg-laying period. They have no parents in the first place.


Like thunder. Like a tornado. Like an earthquake. Or like a volcanic eruption. 


A phenomenon that happens when the world’s conditions are met. A fantasy disaster born in blood and flesh. 


That’s what dragons are.


Therefore, their bodies are made of high density chunks of mana. It’s no surprise that you don’t throw away even a piece of their bone or a strand of their hair.


Drinking a dragon’s blood cures all diseases, consuming a dragon’s meat can make an old body turn young again—Even such rumors should be true.




If so…


Suppose a dragon somehow got a human form.


And a person has intercourse with that dragon and takes in their essence.


What would happen to that person’s body after they take in such a great force?




「It would be fine if I’m thinking too much into it, but…」




However, the chance of this just being her overthinking things is low, was what Lunamaria had concluded.


Why? Because there is another case other than herself.


The beastkin, Ciel. 


That girl’s powers also began to visibly rise after Sora started to call for her at night.


Lunamaria was entrusted with Ciel’s education, so she could tell the difference before and after Ciel started to be called on by Sora. Ciel herself probably felt the change as well. 


If the value of Sora’s flesh and blood becomes known, things would become serious.


To avoid that situation…




「I should have a talk with him」




Up until now, Lunamaria had avoided talking to Sora about the dragon inside of him.


She became his slave to atone for her sins, not to find out about his secrets. Moreover, she knew that Sora would not like it if she asked him about that.


However, if the symptoms are displayed so clearly, it would be a problem to remain silent.


In order for Sora to be able to make judgements on his special characteristics and decide how to make use of them, he has to be aware of them first. It would be terrible if he goes to a brothel on a whim and then the secret gets leaked out from a prostitute there. 






After thinking about it like that, Lunamaria decided to talk to Sora when he returns from the Titis forest.


She patted her cheeks lightly and flung herself onto a tree again. Since she’s here, she’ll take this opportunity to find out what her endurance limit is and keep track of it in the meantime, she thought. 




*Tap* *tap* *tap*, the elf disappeared into the forest while leaving those faint sounds behind.


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