The Rich Girl Will Not Be Poor

Chapter 1: 1

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The Mid-Summer hair styling salon is a place where many celebrities and socialites come to get their hair done. In the golden city of Yanjing, the Salon has several branches in convenient locations around the city center. It takes the people-friendly route, but ordinary washing costs several hundred Yuan at a time. Many people are complaining about this price every time, but customers still keep coming. The head office is different from the branches in that it does not take the people-friendly route. In addition to famous Stars, Celebrities and daughters of Yanjing’s wealthy circle often visit this salon.

Tong Yuwu was sitting in the VIP box. The owner of the hair salon had already made a lot of money. To maintain his worth, he basically only served a few fixed customers. Tong Yuwu was one of them.

“Mrs. Fu, are you satisfied with this length?” Wang Toni asked in an almost humble tone, standing behind Tong Yuwu.

Tong Yuwu glanced up at the mirror to see her appearance and said, “Well, it’s not bad.”

Her hair length is good, and she got her hair dyed a beautiful chestnut brown on a whim last month.
Now she regretted it since she really didn’t expect Fu Liheng to return home so early. If she knew this, she would dye her hair later when he would be gone.

Fu Liheng is her husband in name and in actuality.
He is six years older than her. Although he has never said it, she still knows that he has the same aesthetics as most steel straight men in China and he prefers long black straight hair. A few times after the making love when he was particularly satisfied, he would gently stroke her hair.
With his upbringing and deep thoughts, even if he finds that she has dyed her hair, he will not say anything, but… The corner of Tong Yuwu’s mouth twitched in a small mocking smile as she thought of Karma turning around.

When she was fifteen years old and both her parents were alive, she followed her mother to an engagement ceremony. She saw a female celebrity who quit the entertainment circle after marrying into a wealthy family. She was born beautiful and coquettish and still chose to be married to a fat indifferent man who was almost twice her age and looked old enough to be her father.

At the time the young and ignorant Tong Yuwu thought that women should love and respect themselves and not be blinded by the lure of wealth. In a complete turn of Feng Shui, she was now in the same situation as the female star back then. S
Twenty-five years old, she is married and just like the female celebrity back then she spent every day racking her brains to please her husband.

He likes black, long and straight so even if she likes dull blue dyed hair, she dares not try it easily.

He likes her white skin, so she ensured a complete skin care routine regularly and took care not to get tanned. He prefers her obedience and the little arrogance within his tolerance, so she shows a little coquettish temper sometimes.

Wang Toni is very well-connected in the entertainment circle, but he can’t reach to the edge of the Yanjing giant circle, but this does not prevent him from knowing the Yanjing business giants very well.
No matter which circle you are in, when discussing women, you cannot get around the matter of marrying.
Who gets married well, who doesn’t marry well…? There are people always talking about it.
In Yanjing, if Tong Yuwu is the second in terms of marrying well, and no one dares to be the first. People looked at her with envy and jealousy since she married the best partner in the city.
“You are naturally beautiful and have a delicate oval face. No matter what hairstyle you choose, it is suitable for you.” Wang Tony complimented sincerely.
After all this was the bare truth that Wang Toni who dealt with many famous celebrities and female stars on a daily basis did not think that many of the so-called beauties could compare with Mrs. Fu. Mrs. Fu might be blessed to marry Mr. Fu but she had the looks and temperament to be married to a person Mr. Fu.

The words “beautiful and pretty” are very common nowadays. With modern medical cosmetology technology, the average looking person could be converted into a very pleasant looking beauty, but the real beauty was in the bones and not the skin. Mrs. Fu though had the beauty in her bones and her skin. Not many in the Yanjing circle could claim to be as good looking as Tong Yuwu. She has white skin and no blemishes on her face when Tony looked closer. The figure was ideal of many men today with a thin waist, long legs, and an abundant chest.
Those eyes of hers were clear and bright, full of affection and emotions.
Tong Yuwu was a frequent visitor to Tony’s Salon. Once when she came for her routine hair care, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the red marks on her neck. The white of her skin and red marks were extremely dazzling with their contrast and he was a little bit distracted. Thinking about the person who dared to leave marks on this worldly beauty could be no one apart from her husband. How could any man be ignorant of her charm, Tony thought emotionally, still lost in his thoughts?
Tong Yuwu has heard many such compliments but no matter how much she has heard, her mood is still very good whenever she is praised for her looks. After all everyone liked to be complimented and Tong Yuwu admitted she was a little vain because of her good looks.
Because of Fu Liheng’s flight this afternoon, she didn’t want to waste too much time outside. After cutting her hair and getting it dyed back to black along with doing some hair care, she got up and got ready to leave. She saw a few acquaintances when she got out of the room.
“Yuwu, what a coincidence, you are here too. I would have made an appointment for afternoon tea if I knew it.” “It’s difficult to make an appointment with you once. Next month, for my birthday, you can’t give any more excuses. I will go to your house in person to send an invitation!” A chatter broke out among the young and beautiful young women of Yanjing’s upper circle.
She has only been married to Fu Liheng for two years, but Fu Liheng is rich and wealthy and raises his sweet wife with no little care, which has cultivated Tong Yuwu’s delicate and noble spirit. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, and now in Yanjing, who would think of her as the little poor orphan whose parents have died, and she lived on the mercy of her Uncle?
Tong Yuwu’s life is very luxurious. Even she herself can’t figure out where her love for material things and luxurious comforts came from. Maybe Fu Liheng condoned it and she became spoiled because of his indulgence. Maybe it was that for a long time before him she dared not wish for many things and now was getting fulfilled for all her previous desires.

In addition to buying all kinds of jewelry, Tong Yuwu’s favorite thing is to hear people who once looked down on, her flatter and sweet-talk her. People who have never experienced it can’t appreciate how sweet the feeling is.
When Tong Yuwu listened with satisfaction until these people had dry tongues and no further interesting compliment to flatter her and the turned around to leave happily.

After looking at Tong Yuwu’s departure the females retuned to their pervious condition and looked at each other with the same emotions in all their eyes. In this circle, no one is not good at doing things like this, flattering others and showering compliments while being derisive with their eyes. These people would never say bad things about others unless their brains were flooded and they went insane but if a barrage was allowed to broadcast their real thoughts then it would be something like,
– [When will Fu Liheng recover? Can my country’s ophthalmology industry be more competitive! 】
【Tong Yuwu, this little bitch, I’ll wait for her to keel over sb! 】

【Every day I want to crowdfund Fu Liheng for eye surgery, ah, ah, Tong Yuwu for Laozi to find a way! 】

【Bath to get rid of evils and burn incense every day to pray for recovery of Fu Liheng’s brain.]


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In rain and fog of the rainy Yanjing’s roads Tong Yuwu thought of many things.
The biggest difference between her and the female star at the time was not that Fu Liheng was more wealthy than the husband of the actress but that Fu Liheng was not only not a fat old man with big years and ugly features but had a figure comparable to a supermodel and features enough to shame any young star in comparison.

Calculating this way, she seems to have profited in this deal with herself. No wonder people said that she was the best married person in Yanjing.

She heard of his name when she was still in college. At that time, he was still the young man of Yanjing in the minds of many people. He had broad shoulders and narrow waist, with a cool temperament. He graduated from an Ivy League college and had a pair of gold-framed glasses covering his emotions all the year round. Completed an M&A case and led Fu industries to another peak. Whether it is appearance, background or personal ability, the title of Master of Yanjing is not an exaggeration for him.

The Fu family is powerful and influential. He is also in his prime. The most important thing is that he is generous and gives her the ultimate enjoyment in material and martial aspects

He gave her a secondary card with unlimited amount. She can spend however she wants. In addition, every birthday, Valentine’s Day and even Christmas, he will give Tong Yuwu her favorite gifts, sometimes a car other times it would be the sky-high expensive jewelry bought at an auction.

As for his private life, that was not something she can manage. In fact, whether Fu Liheng had a fixed or temporary lover in private, she did not know. The last time she was within touching distance of Fu Liheng was almost a month ago and he had been very impatient that time. She had almost been unable to leave the bed as an aftermath of his nightly efforts. She especially liked the gift Fu Liheng prepared that time for her.

Uh, okay, he probably didn’t prepare it, but the assistant Chen next to him. No matter who prepared it, it was a complete set of diamond jewelry, whoever didn’t like it was a fool!

A woman who had not been married for two years may not understand anything before marriage but would understand everything that should be understood after marriage. Comparing Fu Liheng’s strength and stamina with a newly- matured young man would be very different. Fu Liheng was passionate when it came to martial matters but only on the bed, so Tong Yuwu didn’t think there was a lover he had outside. He was mostly busy and mostly didn’t have proper time to sleep and if he had any time, he would come home to her relief. She didn’t think he was someone easily swayed by sex like a young immature man but was very self-disciplined and respected her and himself.
Fu Liheng is very self-restrained, and has some slight obsession with cleanliness, which is not serious.

Every time after making love, no matter how tired or late, he would get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. It was the same today. It was clearly shown on the phone that it was one o’clock in the morning. Tong Yuwu was very tired and was almost sleeping when she felt the person next to her get up. After Fu Liheng had gotten home tonight, he had had dinner and then ravished her until her was finally satisfied.
She opened her eyes and looked at the large chandelier on the ceiling, feeling unreal and tired.
This feeling of falling apart…It’s really uncomfortable!
For some reason, she remembered the hint in the words of her mother-in-law, the graceful and luxurious Madam Fu half a month ago.
“You are twenty-five years old this year, and Li Heng is thirty-two. You both are getting on is age and you both should now consider having children. Me and Liheng’s father are also getting older and now all that we regret is not seeing Liheng have any children of his own”
“The jade bracelet I gave you last year was named by the old lady to leave it to her granddaughter.”
“Yuwu, I have no other meaning, but there are some things you should think about.”



…… …

What’s the matter, isn’t it about giving birth to children?
Tong Yuwu moved her body, just lying on the side of the bed, and she could see the trash can.
There are two used up condoms in the trash can. She really wanted to wipe her tears, even if she wanted to have a baby, she had to get Fu Liheng to cooperate.
Madam Fu might not be ignorant of this fact, but she couldn’t find the courage to talk to her emotionless son for this topic, so she picked her weaker daughter in law to talk about this.

Tong Yuwu thought that now if she gets pregnant, there might be green on Fu Liheng’s head.
She didn’t know where Fu Liheng got the condoms, the quality was so good that the legendary few percent of the accidents has never had her name in them.
Tong Yuwu didn’t want her body to be sticky so even though her legs were soft, she got up and went to the bathroom of the next room to take a shower.
As soon as he turned on the switch while standing under the shower, Tong Yuwu staggered and slid down when the hot water came down.

She fell to the ground and leaned on the bathtub.
Except for the loud sound of her falling, she clearly heard a mechanical sound exploding in her mind- [Welcome to binding of the female second lead’s self-rescue system, I am your faithful customer service adviser! Online 24 hours a day, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 】

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