The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 30: Gravity Field

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There was one day left for me to get out of being grounded and I had finally found a way to use gravity magic on myself and objects around me within a 1 meter radius. When a gravity particle of whatever size is made it is usually 3 or 4 times larger than the particles surrounding it. This is irrelevant to the point I'm about to make but I think it was a really cool thing to happen. It reminds me of earths gravitational pull as half the particles would be attracted to the the particle it would create something akin to the poles of the earth when moving in and out of the particle in an almost circular motion.

The other two particles would be attracted to the particles moving toward the super gravity particle on every limb but the would be repelled the moment they get too close. This would create something like an influx of both co-ordinate movements of the elemental particles within the air and my body. I would have to make sure the particles would not get too far. The further away they are the less effective the Super gravity particle would become.

Increasing the flow speed of the semi co-ordinate flow of elemental particles would increase the weight of my body, slowing down the flow would make my body return to its original weight. Reversing the flow would make me lighter, or even make me completely weightless.

Eventually, after testing the waters with reverse flow, I decided to go all out and see if I can change the direction of the gravity. On paper it seems possible but practically it is a nightmare to do. Not to be the one to say the obvious but I failed so many times that I just decided to leave this problem for a future version of me with more intelligence and skill than the one that currently inhabits this body.

Eventually the day came to an end and I slept for the first time in months due to the mental strain I had to go through in the last 2 weeks. I slept like a baby for the rest of the night until a knock on door woke me up.

"who?" I said in a drowsy tone

"you're still sleeping? You're not grounded anymore you know? Mom said that you should have learnt your lesson by now so you can come out now" Aroura said

"You guys better have some food ready for me because I'm starving" I said while slowly getting up

"yeah yeah, stop complaining and get up already. Let me give you a big morning hug from big sis to lil' sis" Aroura said with fake annoyance that didn't match what she was saying

I opened the door to give my sister the biggest hug in the world before getting changed and moving downstairs while keeping all the gravity particles active with a good flow of Elemental energies around me and within me to make myself lighter.

I could technically do the same thing to anything I hold by infusing it with the elemental energies seeping from my skin in a process of diffusion while also using the surrounding energies to create a temporary gravity particle as long as I'm holding the object. This way I could throw heavy objects at people without losing out in the momentum of throwing a heavy object

"I hope you learnt your lesson now Pandora. Don't try being a smarta*s for no reason" my mom said with a fake angry voice while hugging me.

My dad and grandma just hugged me even though they visited me every now and then while my brothers did whatever they do best. They were 13 years old so in one year they would go to the academy to learn magic to become what they want to become in the future. They have quite a large variation. My sister decided she would like to start her forge mastering and runesmithing carrier by summer to follow in some of dad's footsteps and become a royal forgemaster.

As we all started to eat the magnificent food Aroura and my mother had created before I had woken up, only one question that I wanted to desperately ask circulated within my mind. I opened and closed my mouth several times before dispelling all the the gravity particles within my body and asking

"so, can I go back to the village with granny? She is going to leave soon and i'd rather go wih her rather than alone." i said


"Well, your grandma wont be taking you to the village anymore you little troublemaker. Instead, your mother will take you" my dad said with a smile

"eh? why can't granny or at least Aroura take me" I blurted out without thinking. Clearly, my mom felt the hit of those words and interpreted them as 'I'd rather go with anyone but mom'

"why? I can do everything they can do maybe even better than them. So you should be fine witk

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"Y-yes mom. I was just curious why you and not granny like you had suggested before" I said with a hurried voice

"is it wrong for me to want to spend time and bond with my daughter?" she asked with a fake crescent fallen face

I sighed and just took the hit head on. There was no getting around it. I don't think the bonding thing will work unless we find something we both enjoy. My mother seems to not have a single of the same interests as me. She is more... 'womanly' than me since I'm not even a women, well not mentally anyway.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing with everyone. By relaxing, I spent it reading books about Advanced math equations while trying to keep, what I now call the 'gravity Fielding' or the 'gravity fielding spell', active. using the spell while doing my dad to day activities made it almost second nature to me but would falter whenever I would focus on something too hard. That is what I'm trying to train and fix before I get into any battles.

Anyway, now my mother is insisting on coming with me to the village which I was forced to accept since rights do not apply to children.

The next day I had gotten an amazing idea. How about shopping for clothes? Women love shopping for reasons I do not know, but one thing is clear, when it comes to clothes there are no better people to ask on fashion than women. Here is the thing, I just want to get some good clothing similar to earth's and comfortable enough to sleep in yet good enough to go out with and not be ashamed.

When we left our home I asked my mom about clothes which made her go on this whole lecture about fashion that I didn't really care about so I needed every now and then whenever I thought it was right.

When we got to the shops I quickly ran and looked around a little to find something I would like. The thing was that I was growing by the months and most clothes would last a year at best.

"Excuse me sir, do you mind if I ask but do you happen to have a few clothes that can change size over time?" i asked the clerk in a black and white suit

"yes young miss, over this way we have a few clothes, you can also design your own clothes"

at those words I looked at my mom with eyes sparkling for the first time since I had come here.

"yeah sure, just make sure it looks good. I'll take a few clothes myself for you too while you get to keep whatever you design." My mom said while walking away

"woo!" I said while following the clerk.

He took me to a place called the mind projector where it would project what kind of clothes you wanted to be designed. There was a crystal in the middle that I hesitate to put my hand on for a second before being reassured by the clerk that they cannot read my mind, just what I allow it to read and project.

I put my hand on the crystal just for it to turn from a bright blue to a golden colour before projecting the clothes I wanted on a paper.

"are you sure this is what you want young miss? Isn't this a bit too, how do I say this, masculine? Are you sure you don't want a dress?" the clerk asked

"I'm sure!" I said

"well it will take a few days to deliver to your home, so you have to pay in advance" the clerk said

"sure" I said while calling for my mom and paid for advance.. We went around the village a bit before we returned back home.

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