The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 42: The Act

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Pandora's POV


The moment I entered the moving vehicle, my smile disappeared and was replaced by a ace of indifference. I rested my head on my hand while looking outside at the amazing scenery outside making me curse the world for not having cameras.

"In these two weeks I'm going to make you a real women. You might not like me right now but you will thank me in the future after all my techniques make all the men fall for you. Right now you are too young to understand." said Elaina while looking at me with a warm smile and making her daughter scoff

"Good luck!" I said with an even wider yet colder smile than hers while giving her the thumbs up. I wiped everything on my face as fast as it had come before looking outside again and appreciating the beauty of nature.

Nature wasn't really something I cared about in my old life and not even this life, yet, i had grown and appreciation for it. In my past life I had access to gardens or even holidays to beautiful locations yet I didn't go. Now however, I wasn't allowed to go outside Until I was 5 years old and even when I was, it was limited by what my mother let me see.

When the carriage finally stopped in front of a huge mountain, we came out of the carriage to be greeted by a few butlers and what I'm guessing is the head chef of the entire cooking section.

"What would you like us to make for you and your guest today Mrs Starnight and Miss Starnight?" The women in all white and scarlet eyes asked while also taking a few glances at me.

"Make us the best of your foods for us and our guest, Pandora Raven, please. Please take her luggage and get her a room for that can last her until her birthday in the autumn." Elaina commanded the butlers and chef who had started to move the moment she stopped talking

"Oh, also get her some appropriate clothes and give her a dimensional storage ring too" She resumed making me narrow my eyes.

All the servants seemed to have just allowed what they heard sink before one of them asked "but isn't she just child?"

Before Elaina could say anything, I interrupted by telling her exactly what I thought of her generosity.

"If you think bribing me with materialistic good will help you control me, I don't want it" I replied with a stem cold voice making all the butlers flinch in reaction.

"I'm not bribing you nor am I expecting you to follow my orders after I give you something as small as a dimensional amulet. Now stop acting childish and get your self ready for the lessons I'm going to make you do" She said with a grin.

"What? Why would I need lessons? I didn't go through all those etiquette classes just to be shoved into more! Sorry, but hard pass" I said while moving moving my hand horizontally with only my wrist, non-verbally telling her to cut it out.

"Your parents gave me the responsibility to take care of you because those classes clearly didn't work! Now get moving before I force you, and don't even think of running from the house. Between our staff and protectio-"

Too bad for her, I had already started running at inhuman speeds out of the mansion gates, dodging every single guard with the grace of a ballerina yet the precision of a sniper. Due to my small size and nimble body, I hadn't even gotten close to being touched, yet alone actually being caught.

I passed 15 guards before they could even realise what had happened until there was only one line of defence left and I could see the freedom on the other side. My legs were put into a squat position while i aimed my body towards the gate before using all the power in my body to propel my lefts and move me at the speed of a bullet.

When my feet left the ground it cracked, causing multiple large pieces of the floor to be launched into the air above just of all down a few seconds later. I tucked my legs in mid air while moving them forwards and allowing myself to drop leg first, until I felt it.

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"You are quite fast little one." Said a bearded man followed by a chuckle. He was holding me by the hood of my coat, stopping me from running away as long as I didn't abandon the coat, which i thought about until i realised how fast the man behind me was. A few moments earlier, he was right in front of me yet he movements turned blurry the moment he stepped forward, allowing the focused me to not even realise he was behind me before it was too late.

I immediately gave up knowing that the man was much stronger than me, and if everyone in the last line of defence was that strong, it meant that I literally had no chance of escaping if I were to be alone. The girl that I keep forgetting the name of was chuckling at my demise while her mother looked at me like I was some kind of monster, yet I don't blame her.

Elaina cleared her throat after realising what she had done for the last 15 seconds of silence, making her turn red before moving towards her home trying to walk as fast as possible.

"Nice one" Said the girl who was Aroura's friend.

"Thanks?" I said while raising a brow.

We both walked into the mansion after the huge white and read doors had opened. Right in the entrance of the mansion we were greeted with a huge stairway, carpeted in red and white going all the way upstairs. On either side stood butlers who either took our jackets in normal circumstances, or would give me the dimensional amulets in this kind of situation.

I looked at the ring in my hand with scepticism before realising it had a gravity particle, so dense in mana that rather than circulating all the elemental energies, it absorbed all of them within a certain area. This meant, with enough training, even I can create a dimensional storage without the need of being helped by an amulet or a rune. The only tricky part was to find out if the storage would open into it's own pocket dimension or if it would warp the things you put inside it, into another room which is closed to all but the person who made the ring.

When I got to the hallway on the way to my room, I could see how much money these idiots had spent on their home alone. It was dull of gold, silver and platinum. They all made statues of different people who looked down at you when you walked passed them, making the normal person feel unconsciously intimidated when walking through the hall. When I finally got to my room, it was around the same size as my parent's bedroom if not a little bigger. There were golden patterned engravings on the deep brown wood furniture within the room while the bed had black sheets, golden blankets and golden pillows.

Clearly, this room had been made for me, meaning she knew that I would be forced to come or that I would have said yes whenever I got the invitation. This slightly pissed me off, making me vow once again that I would never allow her to boss me around as if I was one of her other servants. I finally went downstairs to the dining room where there were 6 people sat there. Elaina was a women in her forties with brown hair that ended in blonde. Her daughter that I still don't remember the name of is an exact replica, just that she is a lot younger and much hotter than her mother.

Elaina's daughter just had this cool and collected hot look on her face that were emphasized by her luscious curves that would trump any women that I knew, not that I had many in the first place. Nevertheless, I kept my eyes on her for a second too long, making everyone raise eyebrows and inwardly puzzled them. The girl chuckled and told me to take a seat in front of her, right next to her brother who started to turn red, yet I didn't give him a second glance. This seemed to have disappointed everyone once again as I seemed to care more about the body of grand/daughter than to give attention to the boy right next to me.

"Welcome to the Starnight household, Pandora. It's an honour to have you you here." Said Elaina while standing up and sitting down immediately after.

I wish I could say the same...

"I'll try to make your stay enjoyable" Whispered to me the girl in front me, yet it was audible enough for everyone to hear.

"Argenta! Her stay here is not to be enjoyable but rather, it shall be a time where she looks at her foundations of being a women and strive for brilliance!" Said Elaina while holding her fist a little higher than her head in determination.

"Aren't I kind of young for these kinds of things? You do realise you are asking a 5 year old child to become more adult by the second, right?" I asked with a raised eye brow, wondering if the women in front of me was actually sane.

"If your old enough to hold a sword then you are old enough to become a women!" Replied Elaina with the same gesture as before.

"I Agree with my daughter" Said the two elders of the table while taking a glance at me

'wise' my golden a*s. They are just as stupid as you.

"Ugh.. I should have seen this coming form a mile away. I'm starting to regret my decision of allowing my parents to do what they think is best for me" I said while slapping the palm of my hand on the top of my forehead

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