The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 55: The Power Of A Divine Body III

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The moment I took off my mask, every hooded person except the two at the back too off their hoods.

"Pandora?!" My grandma said after snapping out of her gaze

Everyone knew who I was the moment I took the mask off, but for some reason they felt their disbelief increase further when they heard my granny's words. Before I awakened I was about 4ft8. Now I stood at 4ft 10 tall and barley a few months passed for most of them since the last time they had seen me.

"uhm, Hey Xela. Are you sure your Granddaughter is 6 years of age? She looked more like 11 or something. Plus, you said she hadn't awakened yet..." Asked the goblin slaughterer

"Is that you really you, Pandora?" My grandmother asked with a sceptical look

"Did I really change that much?" I questioned while looking at my own body to find any major difference from the last time they had seen me

'It must be the height! I hope I stop at 5ft 10 or something. I'd rather not be a giant!' I stressed inwardly

"Wow!" remarked a voice from behind me "Pandora really grew a few spines huh? To think that she would be able to push me back haha" Throid got up while patting his clothes to get the dust off.

"Wait... You awakened?! Aren't you still 5 years old?" Inquired Alan while raising a single brow

"Why are your eyes closed?" asked Elaina from behind

"I'll answer all those later, for now, we can just relax for a bit." I stated while looking back at the wolves who looked at me with a confused expression

"Don't worry" I said walking toward them "they are friends. They wont hurt you if you don't hurt them. They were just a bit scared first so they attacked you" I patted one of the wolves on the head.

Instantly, envy filled the rest of the wolves as they lunged onto me demanding to be patted too.

"HEY! One at a time! Or no one gets pats!" I asserted, making them all fall back and sit down while whimpering slightly.

The audience around me couldn't help but look at me in disbelief for the umptieth time today.

The two brothers at the back were the only ones looking at me with envy, as if I had just gotten the Christmas present they wanted. 'First she gets most of the attention, then she gets all the glory, then she gets to be privately trained with dad and now this!? This is so unfair!? Why cant I be as talented as magic a her even though I work so hard?!' Both brothers grumbled inwardly in unison.

After taking care of the wolves, I looked towards granny and said "So granny, you finally decided to visit me huh?" with a chuckle

"Visit?" She asked with an aloof expression

"Don't play dumb" I voiced with a smile "there is no way this is a coincidence. Please in the future, refrain from hurting any of the wolves"

I looked towards the healer before looking at the limping wolf and the unconscious one. She seemed to have understood what I was saying and immediately got to healing one while I gave a tonic to the other from one of the dimensional amulets that I had stolen from the obese man that had tried to invade us.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Are you both idiots! Why are you healing them!?" shouted in disbelief the more outgoing brother

"I agree" said my grandma. "you never know when they will betray you. Come back home Pany, we will take you in with open arms. I still don't understand why you stay here but you should come back. Staying with beasts for too long isn't good for anyone"

"First off, they wouldn't do that. Believe it or not, they are more loyal than half of you humans. And for your second point, don't worry, I'll return one week before my birthday. That is when my training ends anyway so there shouldn't be a problem" I replied with a warm smile.

For reasons unknown to me, they all had tensed up at those words, while looking at me with wavering eyes.

"Oh yeah grandma, I'm pretty sure Juilam would allow you in, but not any of the oth-" seconds before I could finish my sentence, a fist flew towards my liver as spells were being cast behind me. The first that had been thrown was Elaina's. It was covered with stone yet made non lethal, indicating they didn't want to hurt me too much.

I sent a sign to the wolves to move away immediately, and since now they were all fine, they all ran away at full speeds not questioning my judgement.

"Look at them! They are abandoning it! This is what beasts tru-" My fist moved like a cannon ball, moving so fast it was just a blur, yet smashing into Elaina's face with so much power that when her head reached the ground, her feet were where her head once was.

I intentionally made sure to cover my fist with a blunt air sphere so my fist doesn't accidently blow a hole within Elaina's head, yet it was enough to knock her out cold.

"What the f*ck are you guys doing?" I inquired with a monotone voice, staring at my grandmother with sealed eye lids

"This is for your own good. Come with us and we don't have to fight." Said my grandmother

For the third time in this life, I had felt betrayed. I didn't know if my grandmother was doing this because she was just ignorant or that she didn't trust me, but it still boiled something deep within me. I felt seething anger fill my body and my fists clenched tightly before asking-


Even though Alan and Throid were staring at the unconscious Elaina with agape mouths, they regained their cools instantly before going into a fighting position and surrounding me with the rest of the group. Even my brothers had joined in with the fray, even though they probably didn't even understand what was happening.

The words of my soul flame echoed within my mind with the words "trust" and "again" being the most prominent.

"I'm doing this for you. We all are. We know how dangerous beasts are and I'm not willing to take the risk of letting my granddaughter stay with one of them. I'm sorry you had to fi-"

"Selfish bitch...." I whispered to my self with a monotone voice

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The eerie quite of the forest filled our ears. Nothing by the rustling of leaves by the wind. Nothing but the wind itself, whistling while moving in between trees.

"Pany, One day you will unde-"

As she saw a smile come onto my face, she relaxed just to tense up once again to when she felt the bloodlust slightly leaking out. I didn't really know why, but even when I was angry at my grandmother, the anger was blown away like a candle flame as adrenaline had started to flow within my veins. My heart started to pound loudly in excitement, forcing me to put the mask back on to conceal my excitement, yet the small amounts of bloodlust leaking betrayed the warm smile that I put on before.

No one other than my grandma seemed to feel the bloodlust coming from me, as they all were extremely relaxed.

I lunged towards Xela with incredible speeds, reaching her side in an instant while extending my right hand towards her face and changing my soul catcher cloves into claws, moments way from clawing out her face.

Due to Xela having years of experience, It was almost a reflex to create a vacuum chamber in front of her and my extended hand while using air magic to push it back make the attack lose all momentum. Just before I could retract my hand, It was grabbed by a huge one, before being thrown directly towards a nearby tree.]

Seemingly enough, everyone else except Throid and Xela were in a daze, giving me a chance to take their moment of shock and change it to my advantage

I had enough space in between both Throid and the tree to flip and land on the tree with my feet. Without being able to catch my breath, a shadowy figure appeared from behind me, attacking me from a possible blind spot if I didn't have 360 degree vision. I dodged the sneak attack with ease while avoiding the ice spears from the extra that I had never seen before. Just then, I was attacked by multiple water cannons that I also dodged, barely this time.

The continuous attacks from every side became painstakingly annoying, not allowing me to focus my attention on even one of the attackers. I finally decided to focus on only the plus one that I had never seen before, while also injuring the healer to stop her from carrying out the spell that boosts the fighting prowess of their teammates.

Unbeknownst to me, On the other side of the forest stood a very large wolf in between his tribe and the attackers. Since his tribe chief was away for the moment, it would be him to protect the tribe. A fierce battle between human mercenaries and a single wolf were taking place, as huge amounts of magma would crystalize many minerals in a short amount of time, to create blades made out of the hardest minerals.

Obsidian blades, metamorphosed olivine and many more blades were conjured out of the lava. Every single one of them with a hardness and sharpness the rival the best of the unenchanted steel weapons, yet it mowed through the enemies




Those were the only words resounding within the forest, as the entire battalion tried to flee the scene, yet every human in the area was being slaughtered left right and center without any remorse.

Back at the fighting my area of the forest, Xela and the others were trying to talk some "sense" into me.


I had fought with the group for over 10 minutes now and my clothes were left with cuts, yet there wasn't a single scratch on my body. I could barley contain my blue flames that moved uncontrollably according to my instincts. My wind spells could barley take form while water and earth become the only feasible elements for me to use. Water currents might have been erratic yet they were strong and barley controlled together. Earth had become easier for me to use since i had started learning from Juilam, making it the best weapon I could use.

Stone spikes were protruding from the ground while a huge wall had surrounded them without a hint of realization passing through their minds since they were too focused on not hurting me too much while fighting.

As I landed on a branch near the top, I replied "Nah, I'm doing this on my own accord. That is the difference between this place and the human settlement. Here, I have choice, while in the human settlements, I have to follow your crappy systems. "get ready for marriage", "Girls aren't supposed to fight physically", "If you keep growing such a strong body, no man will want to marry you"... That is why I choose to extend my vacation. Now be good guests and leave when your invitation en-"

My little speech had been cut short due to a violent wave of mana coming from Keaurin's post. The mana wave was way beyond anything Keaurin himself could use. It was something way beyond anything that I had every seen, making me speculate that it might be Juilam since I haven't ever seen his aura.

I instinctually turned my head towards the direction of the mana explosion even though I didn't have to, before mumbling under my breath "A fight? sh*t... Did they bring other humans too? This is bad!"

"Pandora, come down right now with your hands up, or ill be forced to take you without choice. I'm giving you no choice because I know what is good for you! Now come!" shouted Xela while glancing at the waking up, healed and healthy looking Elaina. Before I could even look back at my grandmother, an ocean blue aura erupted from her, going straight towards me and putting enough pressure on me to constrict a grown man with a physique close to my fathers.

Feeling the pressure on me, my Divinity reacted to pulse with a golden aura while covering me with the same pulse. A golden hue enveloped me in the blink of an eye, completely nullifying the pressure that had been put on my body due to my grandmother's aura. The ocean blue aura that had once enveloped me was being slowly chipped away and eaten by the golden hue.

A feeling of shock overcame my grandmother when looking at the golden hue. My divinity had used the aura that once enveloped me as a setting stone to copy. The divinity that had erupted from my mana heart ate away at the aura around me, increasing the power of the aura linearly to the increase of pressure to those around me.

The audience had turned pale at the first had experience of divine pressure, making them either have their knees buckle under their weight, or like Throid, the plus one and my grandma, grit their teeth and grip around their respective weapons unconsciously.

I didn't spare them a second glace before shooting towards the direction of the mana explosion. Surprisingly enough, my grandmother, Throid, the plus one and Alan had decided to follow after me. Using a mixture of Gravity magic and air magic, I moved at aircraft speeds towards the location before halting 300 meters away from the location.

My eyes subconsciously opened, allowing all the information from the scene in front of me ravage my mind. Two words were the most prominent within my ravaging mind, and those were "Death" and "Run!". After closing my eyes and allowing my mind to recover a little, my attention was directed towards a man with an athletes body. The mana stood on solid air as his frail yet defined arms and hands were moving, creating hand seals one after the other.

In front of him stood Keaurin with multiple wounds and hundreds of corpses surrounding him. This wounds were shallow, yet for some reason, they did not stop bleeding. His yellow fur had been coated in a dark red colour from both his blood and the humans around him.

The man in the air started to descend towards the corpses with the grace of a butterfly. He had white hair with streaks of bright blue hairs going down to his eyes. His blue cloak fluttered in the air while his eyes shone with a mystical white and blue. His aura had a white, red and blue colour, yet none of those colours combined to create anything.

The moment his feet touched the ground however, every corpse around the man within a 100 meter vicinity was vaporised with the crackling of lightning reverberating from the ashes.

'LIGHTNING!' I inwardly shouted as my mouth turned agape. The man stood there motionlessly, looking at the huge wolf with unwavering eyes. Lightning started to crackle around the man's body as he kicked the ground under him and appeared in front of Keaurin within the blink of an eye. I could barley even follow his movement, as he left nothing but a mere afterimage before appearing in front of his enemy.

Keaurin was more prepared for this however, as a roar left his mouth and made everyone, included the man in in front of him, be blown back.

Before the man could land on the floor, Multiple glass blades shot straight towards him. The man used a mixture of air and lightning magic to move while being in mid air before shooting a thunderbolt towards the wolf from the tip of his finger.

The ground quaked before the blue robed man could send a single thunderbolt directly towards his enemy, as a huge wall made of of earth erupted from the ground and multiple steal blades, that once belonged to the corpses, were being sent straight towards the human.

"Thunder clap!" Roared the blue robed man while clapping his hands together, causing a huge lighting bolt to descend from the sky, hitting Keaurin in the dead centre of his back

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