The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 10: CH 10

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Zhong Yu had Wang Daniu pick fifty men, while he went outside the official residence to place the refugee camp.

He wanted some guards around just in case the refugees got testy and went for him.

While also quelling the refugees into listening and obeying his arrangement. ‘Who knows what starved refugees are capable of?’

He walked half a kilometer from the official residence, to a flat spot, offering an unobstructed view to the official residence’s entrance.

Zhong Yu surveyed the land, ‘With the low grass, it will be easy to tell if any refugees have thoughts of leaving the camp.’

By raising two sentry towers on the high hills on the sides, he’d have the camp on full surveillance. 

It was a strategic location. ‘This is a good spot.’ 

Then said, “System, build the Refugee Camp.”

In a white light, the shape of a building started taking shape and soon revealed the crude camp of the refugees. 

Wang Daniu’s fifty men were split into five teams. One stayed with him for protection while the others surrounded the camp to quell any chaos or random runner. 

As the light faded, judging by the sounds, people were already inside and growing in number. It soon turned into a racket. 

The noises got louder and a few sturdy people came out of the camp. The first man was built like a brick house with a cruel look on his face. He had six followers. 

The one on his left was lanky, like a monkey, with shifty eyes and wretched; a worthless man knowing only the life of crime.

On the right was a tough man with a dumb look. He was the muscle of this band, all brawn and no brains. 

The four behind were just some common peasants, though crueler, they made up the rest of the gang of bandits. 

The leader strutted out and paused at Zhong Yu’s sight and the ten soldiers behind. 

They showed discipline, standing in line, with firm gazes and brimming with bloodthirst. They were veterans of many bloody battles.

Watching his surroundings on high alert, he noticed the other four teams circling the camp.

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Fear creeped in, ‘Who are they? When did we get surrounded? Are they the reason why I’m in this strange place?’

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Keeping the fear hidden and putting up a tough front, he began, “Who the hell are you and why are you surrounding us? You may be more but we aren’t pushovers! Show some courtesy and make way. I was once called a Hundred-man Killer.”

He stared Zhong Yu dead in the eye, singling out the leader from a look with how the soldiers guarded Zhong Yu.  

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Zhong Yu grinned and replied at his weak tone, “You have two choices, either lay down your arms and kneel, or die!”

He signaled and the soldiers around him brandished their sword, on the verge of attacking.

At Zhong Yu’s pitiless tone and the aggressive action of the soldiers, the man frowned, considering his next course of action. 

In less than ten seconds, the leader kneeled with hands behind his back, shouting, “Forgive my blind eyes for not seeing how great lord is. I wish to surrender. Please overlook my crimes!”

He followed by hitting his head on the ground a few times until blood flowed. His men saw their leader kowtow and followed his example, begging for their lives.

Their pleas echoed around, making Zhong Yu pleased at the attention, so he said, “Rise. I recognize your sincerity and in my infinite capacity for goodness, shall overlook your transgressions.”

Zhong Yu gestured to his soldiers to seize them. 

The men followed without delay by getting up and bending their waists to let the soldier tie their arms behind.

Soon, more people came out of the refugee camp, calmingly waiting at the entrance upon seeing the surrounding soldiers.

Zhong Yu signaled for half the other teams to search the inside of the camp and flush out anyone in hiding. 

Any that tried to flee on the way out would be given a trashing. Thus, in just fifteen minutes, all the refugees were gathered just outside the camp.

The refugees who were kicked out, looked around in panic as they saw the hungry soldiers looming over them. Since they were meek, the fear for their future gnawed at their minds.

This was the fear of the unknown, making them ask themselves questions. Why were soldiers here? Why were they taking them out?

Children started crying, clutching their father or mother as they did the same, in hope the embrace would provide even the slightest security. 

Zhong Yu frowned at the rabble, not at all pleased and shouted, “Silence! One more peep out of you and I’ll have you all enslaved, never to know rest!”

At Zhong Yu’s pitiless tone, the refugees restrained their ever mounting fear and covered the mouths of their children.

The children took Zhong Yu for a demon, not budging an inch in their parent’s embrace. The scene quieted down and a pregnant silence soon ensued, broken by faint breathing.

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