The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 15: CH 15

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“My Lord, our scouts report the two tribes have amassed troops, around two hundred, and are marching towards us.” Zhong Yu listened to the panicking soldier scrambling to him.

Zhong Yu ignored the soldier’s state, his smile ever present as he shouted, “Let them come. I’ve waited for so long, I thought they’d never show.”

“Tell Wang Daniu to assemble the army and prepare for war. War is on our doorstep and we must win. After, we will be the uncontested rulers for 10 km around. We need to cross this step allowing months of peace and growth to follow. Then there will be nothing that can stand in our way.” Zhong Yu proclaimed in a heavy tone to his guards.

Once the men were ready, Zhong Yu led the armed, armored and thrilled troops out of the city towards the incoming savage army. 

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The two enemies met on a wide plain, without much fanfare, having known this day would come.

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Across this expansive and endless plain, barely anyone would pass through it from the scarceness of prey and how barren and cracked the earth was. Its only good point was that it was flat, with short grass and no cover.

Yet today on this plain, devoid of any sign of life, two armies assembled.

Each side scrutinized the other in this deafening silence, as if they were mortal enemies. Alas, that was natural, as they were about to fight each other to the death. 

At the shout of the leaders, both sides formed disciplined teams. 

Zhong Yu, in a black warrior uniform, who was  accompanied by Wang Daniu, walked in front of the formation. He looked yonder to see the savages sport fear, anger, excitement and pressure.

In this instant, all emotions lay bare.

The morale of Zhong Yu’s troops was a notch higher thanks to their superior weapons. Also, the enemy had just gone through a civil war, meaning many of their pillars were culled. Their hearts were filled with unrest and now they found themselves pulled into a war. What morale could one expect from them?

The only thing keeping them from breaking ranks and fleeing for their lives was the ingrained savagery in their bloods, their desire for war feeding their plummeting morale.

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While they were like this, Zhong Yu’s army was complex. First were the Yellow Turban Army, who bore him the most loyalty because of Zhong Yu’s generous reward. He fed them, gave them clothing, even giving them a wife and home,this was beyond their wildest dreams. They would lay their lives for Zhong Yu. 

Then came the captive savages having been absolved from slavery, forming the service army. Thanks to their contributions, Zhong Yu made them citizens. The savages in turn would not end up as slaves again and keep their way of life, giving their all in working for him. 

Savages had a custom, the loser became the winner’s slaves, even a sacrificial offering sometimes. 

With such a custom, the released slaves would never flee. They were not about to abandon their newfound freedom just to end up as worthless slaves. None wanted that. 

Some captives had not gained enough merits to free themselves, thus the slave corps still existed. They had the lowest loyalty and morale, but their families were in the lord’s hands. Their safety rested solely on their individual behavior. 

All that mattered was that they lived on, but if they lost here, the fate of their familiars was clearer to them than most.

As savages were so boorish, only knowing how to be cruel, no one would want to entrust one’s safety into their hands. 

These three teams made up a mixed army with different morales, but their spirits were higher than the average army. Their thirst for battle was the only reason Zhong Yu brought these mere 129 men to fight an army one half over theirs. 

Numbers weren’t everything while power counted most. What help would numbers give when the people’s hearts weren’t in it? How much effort would they put into fighting? When things come to a head, they would only cause confusion and disrupt the others.

The savage army feared the discipline of their enemies. That order to stand straight had the savages in chaos and even the chieftains had to intervene to bring back order.

Ancient China had a saying, ‘chaos breeds catastrophe’. When Jin army moved as one body, executing orders to the letter, the enemy cowered at their discipline, paving Jin Kingdom’s path of conquest. 

It only went to show how crucial discipline was in an army. What happened now between Zhong Yu and the enemy was the same thing with the Jin army.

“You two-legged, cowardly, useless, honorless, unredeemable filthy savages! You dare invade my lands? Letting you leave this place alive will be a stain on my leadership, on my right as ruler!” Zhong Yu roared, throwing out insults.

Before he got a response, he turned to his men, “Soldiers, you who do it for yourselves, for your families, you who worked hard in finding a peaceful home, you who want only to fill your stomach, I order you to cut down those savages! Bring me the chieftain’s head and you shall have a shi of food! Charge!”

Note: the moment Zhong Yu gained 100 savages, he obtained their language. The same will happen for other groups.

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