The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 17: CH 17

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He was an unseen force, perhaps even Denel’s ancestral spirit, moved at his plea.This ancestral spirit was similar to the totems worshiped in ancient China.

The wilderness was filled with fear and the unknown, because of this, it could take one’s life in a blink of an eye.

The people ended up revering everything. If a beast killed many of their tribe, its totem would be born in morbid worship.

In other cases, the tribe had a truly amazing warrior that would further expand the tribe, providing plenty of kills. They would thus revere this warrior, and some truly ignorant tribes would even worship him.

“Denel, the great Tiger God heard your plea. I see the death of my descendants growing near and having understood your situation, I shall grant you far greater power. Go, kill that man on that stand, he is the enemy leader. Kill him and you have won,” The Tiger God’s sacred voice echoed in Denel’s heart.

‘Tiger God is my idol. I grew up hearing His legendary feats, His songs. That’s what made me the warrior I am today. He is my goal.’ Denel thought with veneration.

His tribe wasn’t named Monla at first as it was barely known to anyone around, because it just had a couple dozen people. Its rise as the strongest tribe in 10 km was because of His hard work.

He had great bravery from a small age, killing a second rank magic beast that needed a couple dozen men, working together to achieve. Returning with it had shocked the entire tribe, bowing and kissing His very feet.  

The old chieftain, under the ancestral spirit’s guidance, gave his position to Him and the warrior, from then on gave the tribe the name Monla. It heralded a golden age that followed under their new rule as He also brought them food and gave them safety. 

Then His ambitious self spread his glory to the other tribes around, using His bravery to gather the small ones and give them safety, helping them with hunting. Such generous conditions were too good to pass up so the small tribes joined what now became a mid tribe of hundreds. Its name rang for 50 km. 

Although He passed away, he was acclaimed as Tiger God, worshiped as the ancestral spirit for hundreds of years, making the story of His tribe’s birth pass on.

Hearing his adored ancestor,  Denel was overwhelmed with joy, recalling His advice.

Denel turned to that platform, standing face to face with the cold leader, Zhong Yu. 

He was the soul of these elite troops, the central piece. ‘He’s the only one that can turn this war around.’ Denel realized.

Outside of himself and Anderson being just as much drive for unity, Denel has a lot of respect for him. But when it came to the survival of his tribe, the orders of his ancestral spirit came first. 

So with a battle cry, Denel left his opponent and charged for the platform. The rows of soldiers barring his way, never once managed to strike him.

Using the ancestor’s gift, Denel was on the cusp of reaching second rank before but now he entered it fully. Denel never felt so good and strong in his life.

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The power was intoxicating, beyond his wildest dreams. ‘I wonder if I’ll get to experience this power again after the ancestor’s gift passes.’

Denel closed in on the platform step by step. He was almost upon Zhong Yu, who had a measly four unassuming guards. How could they stop him? ‘His head is mine!’ Denel yelled with conviction inside.

“You dare, savage? Cease this hostility at once!” Contrary to Wang Daniu’s belief, the soldiers were useless in stopping Denel, even shirking away in fear and clearing a path for the platform.

Wang Daniu roared, ignoring his opponent and letting his men go after the warriors whose’ morale was uplifted by the mighty Denel, who was infused with divine power. He then rushed at Denel seeing him targeting his commander. 

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Denel had to stop seeing the enemy’s brave warrior coming for him as he needed to remove this danger, before facing the soldiers surrounding him.

Wang Daniu saw the chieftain was coming for him now and eased, taking a breath. He was sure having soldiers surround Denel would’ve finished him, but being careless was still a no go.

Zhong Yu’s safety was on the line here, includingLuoyang and its thousands of residents. There was no way he’d risk it. His and his men’s families were back in Luoyang, meaning the death of Zhong Yu would spell defeat for the soldier and doom for their families.

Coming at Denel, he watched this dangerous enemy who almost had his men collapse. Wang Daniu skipped monologuing and slashed, while Denel answered, with a strike of his own.

The bang from the impact of the blade and  shield, had Wang Daniu feel that it was about to slip off so he gripped onto it tighter, not letting go as he felt the danger from making one mistake. 

As his hands were in pain, Wang Daniu’s face took a solemn tone, now on guard at the other’s might. His intuition honed over many years of battle told him that there was a high chance of dying.

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Denel was flabbergasted that the enemy could take his hit as he now had attained second rank and had greater power. Even his battle aura wasn’t unleashed at random like before. 

Denel grew excited at the prospect, as he found out that there was a good match for him, to get used to his new and sudden power gain. Such a feat wasn’t easy in this narrow battlefield, secretly hoping the enemy would give him a thrill and last longer. 

‘With enough pressure and borrowed power I can finally step into second rank.’

Denel was filled with expectation.

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